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Would you give a hug to the avatar above you?


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MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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[This post is hidden. No offense to anyone, but I am no longer part of the community and no longer wish to be an (active) part of the forums. I treasure the friendships I made along the way. Thank you!]

Edited by CadetGrey
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Most likely. I don't mind hugging mares.

Or stallions.


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Yes,he needs one!


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(No,I'm just trying to keep up on all topics.)


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Yeah,he needs one,and I might kiss him on the forehead,too.


(I'm just trying to keep up. It's like a game for me. To keep up.)


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[sad Beeping noises about not having arms]

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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