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Hello Everypony, Who is Playing Defiance on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. I am Inpressed because it is Really great, If you wanna help add me.

Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 4 months later...

Hello people, I was wondering if anyone plays defiance on Xbox and wanted to play it together and maybe make a clan together? If so please let me know your gamer tag.

Edited by Storm Flicker
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I watched the show, but after a while, it got boring and I forgot about it.


Is the game any good, at least half-decent? I might give it a shot.

Yeah the game is decent and its get lots of players in certant areas and tons of action going on in the world At once. I liked very much
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  • 5 months later...

Oh, I have a question for you actually. Do you play any games that I currently play? (WoW, MC, or RotMG)
I play on WoW Private-Servers (not retail), on MC I'm usually playing Tekkit, or screwing around in Creative xD

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sweet defiance post i love that game also a fan of minecraft ^ but i have the ps3 version of defiance not much different between pc and ps3 besides controls.

Edited by GamerGuy
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Well in my opinion Defiance is total crap, and I was more hyped for it than any game ever and I stopped playing it a week after I bought it. Theirs a reason Defiance is only 10 dollars! Sorry just needed to rant about my least favorite game. :P But seriously, a poniarcade Defiance server is fine with me except i will not partake.

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  • 4 months later...


I watched the show, but after a while, it got boring and I forgot about it.


Is the game any good, at least half-decent? I might give it a shot.

I think its a relly good game. its in third person.

Edited by Drew
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