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Apple      Bloom

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Then maybe somebody should stop spewing bull on how he is the victim.


Not good jJiXm.png


Leave it be.


And why is that? :c



You had better not have been in California; Burning tyres is illegal.

lol I'm nowhere near California.


I'd still do it, though. Fuck da police.


That was my intent. I mean the heartstrings thing, not the monster.


Here's some more depressing Cyanide and Happiness.








That's not depressing.

That was hilarious.

no one had any thoughts about what i posted earlier with the image? ok... i'll just go to bed then.

I have no experience with Photoshop nor image manipulation, so I couldn't say anything.

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Quick, someone think up an adventure plot for me. I want to start a roleplay.

 The great crystal hoof mystery!

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lol I'm nowhere near California.


I'd still do it, though. Fuck da police.

I know that it's a crime to burn tires in California, as mentioned on Mythbusters once, but I don't know if other states have passed similar laws on not what to burn...


inb4 strange laws that only apply to local areas and are either bizzare or oddly-worded.

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Quick, someone think up an adventure plot for me. I want to start a roleplay.
 The great crystal hoof mystery!
*Giggity* You said plot.

Of course,...


There was an old idea I had about the Mane Six being pathologically/biologically/immunologicaly incapacitated (out of commission due to disease), and it would take an ancient artifact to heal them, or else they would die...?


Ehh, too overbearing...

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Quick, someone think up an adventure plot for me. I want to start a roleplay.



>A seminar about rare ore in the south, need ponies to confirm that the mythical ore exists

>there is an ancient temple nearby, a treasure hunter hopped on the wagon

>on the way there is an accident, they lost the map and the wagon is destroyed, leaving the group stranded in the middle of nowhere


Maybe something like that

Edited by Starshine
  • Brohoof 3
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Ehh, too overbearing...

>A seminar about rare ore in the south, need ponies to confirm that the mythical ore exists
>there is an ancient temple nearby, a treasure hunter hopped on the wagon
>on the way there is an accident, they lost the map and the wagon is destroyed, leaving the group stranded in the middle of nowhere

Maybe something like that

Nah, that's totally the plot for our GCT RP. I need something new buddy. Something I can launch that people will be interested in.

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Still couldn't sleep well, I woke up screaming last night on 2 AM

Fucken xeno...

Damn. You need something to make you sleep all night and not cause nightmares.


Maybe a frying pan to the back of the head might do the trick? XYRix.png

I mean, you'll be knocked unconscious, so maybe you won't dream.

  • Brohoof 1
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Just give me an idea. Please. I really want to see what it's like to be a DM.

Trying to build upon the ancient artefact idea I suggested...


Maybe it's involved in some sort of ancient forge where some sort of ancient magics was used in the creation of... (I really don't know...)

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If I had an idea I either would not have made that post or would have had it added on to the idea.



So, no. I got nothing.

How lame.... Anyone else?

  • Brohoof 1
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Well buck, now I have to explain? 


Cursed magical crystal hoof, now the roleplay can go millions of directions.

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Trying to build upon the ancient artefact idea I suggested...


Maybe it's involved in some sort of ancient forge where some sort of ancient magics was used in the creation of... (I really don't know...)

I'm not getting inspired... Darn.


@, Are you ready with your character? I'll help you anyway I can. The faster it gets done, the quicker I can start the GCT RP.

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Nah, that's totally the plot for our GCT RP. I need something new buddy. Something I can launch that people will be interested in.

Wait wait. You actually want to make two different RPs? 59ybA.png


Hm... How about this


>A contest held by Manehattan's governor, whoever can go to the ruin of the old Town Hall, that was buried during a huge fire hundreds of years ago, and return with a prized artifact from the olden times will receive twenty million of bits and a dinner with Celestia

>Groups of spelunkers and scholars gathered, and entered the ruin from various entry points, all racing to the artifact

>little did they know that the ruin is VERY unstable and made home by lurking beasts and other shit

>There is also a mystery on what started the fire in the1st place, and whether it's still in the town hall or not


Fuck, I can write a fanfic with this prompt


Maybe a frying pan to the back of the head might do the trick? XYRix.png

I mean, you'll be knocked unconscious, so maybe you won't dream.

Unconscious does leave you without dream, but it is also won't give you any REM sleep. Even if my body is refreshed, my brain i not y0Qnc.png


Maybe I should try some sleeping pills

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Is there a set release date for it?


I remember watching a trailer for that and it looked awesome.

 The beta opens today for everyone.  :P

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Cursed magical crystal hoof, now the roleplay can go millions of directions.

I got nothing.


Wait wait. You actually want to make two different RPs?
I'm a tad impatient. I want to be a DM right now, but I have to wait on my students.
Hm... How about this
Ehhhh, I'll just wait for the others to learn or whatevers. My inspiration runs dry with this. I'll just take all the ideas for the GCT RP and store them for later. 
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I got nothing.


Hmm... maybe a group of fearless ponies happen upon the hoof or you are cursed and have to destroy the hoof by throwing it in the fires of MOUNT DOOM!!!!

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Hmm... maybe a group of fearless ponies happen upon the hoof or you are cursed and have to destroy the hoof by throwing it in the fires of MOUNT DOOM!!!!
That honestly sounds fun... Berry Pie shall consider it. 
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