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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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8:36 AM


Max awoke, not as refreshed as he had hoped, but enough to tackle today. He got up, and immediately went for the shower. Partly because he needed to wake up fully, and half because he needed to be at his best for today. This might seem like a small thing to some, but to Max this his big, and maybe last chance at redemption. He needed this. More than anypony knew. He just couldn't take another screw up. He pushed such negative thoughts from his mind, and finished his shower. After grooming his mane more than he would like to admit, he went and donned his fathers tuxedo. Maybe a little too formal, but he wanted to impress. He slipped the heart ruby necklace he greatly valued under his collar. He checked out and made his way to Neutrons home. He didn't fly, as he didn't want to mess up his mane or suit. On his way there, he had time to think, another fight in his mind.

"I got this, I got this in the bag." The positive part of his mind chirped.

"What if I don't? What if I'm rejected?" The much more negative part of his mind joined in.

"I wont, this  is going to work. Neutron knows what he is doing."

"You heard him, he said that these ponies are a tough sell."

"True, but the implications of this, and what it can lead to, is something anypony can see."

"I don't know, they may not buy it. They probably hear that a million times a day."

"With Neutron's experience, my knowledge of alchemy, and all the evidence in my journal, this will be approved in no time."

"I hope so. If I screw up and waste others time again, that might just be it for me."

"Don't think like that. It wont come to that." One thing nopony knew, was that the fight between the stallions two ways of thinking, and the fight they had, was at a crucial point. And sooner or later, one will overtake the other. His thoughts were interrupted when he found himself at Neutrons door. Max checked everything on him. Journal. Check. Necklace. Check. Suit. Check. Groomed mane. Check. He was ready.


"Neutron. You ready to go?" Max said, knocking on the door.


(I implemented the thought sequence to characterize the two ways Max's mind function. It also foreshadows the results of both outcomes. One leads to a much brighter, happier, and more confident Max. The other...well I am sure you can see where that's going.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Neutron had opened the door to see a properly groomed Max waiting at his door step. Not that Neutron didn't look the same way himself though his suit was tacky. Like most of the scientists in Canterlot, not many of them had a sense of style and he was one of them. "Yes, Let's get going. Our presentation starts in an hour and I would like to get there as soon as possible." The young colt said as he waved his personal carriage over. The design of it wasn't anything fancy by any means. Unlike most of the high class ponies here who would show off their riches, Neutron would prefer to have a simple one. It filled him with pride showing the other citizens of Canterlot that even an earth pony can climb the ladder.

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As they made their way to the center that the presentation is being held, Max felt his nerves building up. He needed to take his mind off it.

"Neutron, I wanted to thank you for the help. I know you don't know me well, but I appreciate this. I want this to happen. I need this to happen. I just feel...nervous." Max was fidgeting with his hooves, eyes looking around rather quickly. He was scared. But of what exactly, he wasn't sure. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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(OOC: yeah they are I believe but it could be used as another name for stallion)


"A house on gray clouds is quite uncommon then again i've seen more expensive real estate in my time so I can't really judge." Dogboots said as they began to approach the house. "Wait here." He instructed Storm Cloud. The stallion headed inside and grabbed his spare vest along with a pair of boots. After a while, Dogboots soon came back outside with the materials he had. "I want you to put these on and do 20 laps around the house." He said dropping the vest and the boots on the dirt ground. The impact of the vest hitting the ground was a clear indicator that there was a good deal of weight behind it. "Normally, most ponies would start out easy but we're not doing that. What I got here is a spare vest of mine which carries quite a lot of weight and the boots here are to make your running a little more difficult. By the way, I would appreciate it if you could avoid running over my garden." The earth pony stated bluntly to the pegasi. Dogboots knew that he would have to work him hard like an earth pony if he were to even have a chance at the race.

Storm Cloud put on the vest and the boots and said, "Woah what the hay? These things are HEAVY." Storm Cloud didn't question why but he just did what he was told. He ran as fast as he could and started to get tired after the 15th lap. His legs were starting to burn. But the thought of having a good reputation around Ponyville made him put more power into his strides which cut more time. Once he finished his 20 lap his face was full of sweat and he asked Dogboots, "So... How... Did... I ... Do?" He knew if he were flying he could've done this in less than 30 seconds.

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"It's normal to feel like that in this kind of situation." He said as they began to approach the board room. The doors leading to the boardroom seemed like giant gates to Neutron. Everytime he approached this room he would always feel uneasy. The young colt opened the door and already he could see the board reviewing some case about quickening growth time of plants. Judging how the board members looked they're faces were like stone. Completely emotionless. 




"Fourteen minutes and Fifty-Five seconds or Fifteen minutes if your rounding up. Which isn't surprising. You slowed down a little during the fifteenth lap but you put a little more effort into it during the seventeenth lap. Overall you did...meh." He said after putting the small book down. "Anyways, I want you to keep that gear on. I want your body to get used to the weight and you'll be helping me haul some fertilizer from Sweet Apple Acres while wearing that gear. Now c'mon inside and lets get some grub." He instructed the worn out pegasi.

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Entering the room, Max saw the board for the first time. There was 5 of them, one mare and four colts. two of them were pegasi, and three of them were unicorns. No earth ponies. That struck Max as curious. Maybe ponies like Neutron were rarer than he thought. The looks on their faces were cold and emotionless. That didn't help his nerves very well. Closing the door behind them, one of the unicorns spoke up.

"Max Allen?" He spoke in almost monotone. Max couldn't remember the last time somepony used his full name. Or how many knew it to start.

"Yes." He confirmed.

"Will your associate be giving the presentation?"

"Yes. I will answer any questions you may have." In almost perfect synchronization, the all jotted down Celestia-knows-what on the clipboards before returning their attention to the duo with expecting eyes. Max, with a pit in his stomach, nods at Neutron to start.

Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Neutron gave Max a reassuring smile even though it seemed like hopeless optimism. "Mares and Gentlecolts of the board, my colleague, Max has come upon a major breakthrough in alchemy that could possibly have an outstanding effect on modern medicine. As you are well aware of most alchemy potions are usually used for pain relief or other sort of minor aliments. Max here has come up with a theory that could possibly cure color blindness. I have looked extensively over his notes for the past few days and the formulas behind the theories. From what I was able to gather from Max's notes and solving the formulas, I have concluded that if we were to test this there would be at least a 97% chance of working. Of course color blindness isn't really a major problem in Equestria, but from what I can tell we could actually expand our research more from this. We could even quite possibly cure blindness itself! However in order for us to know that curing blindness is a possibility, we need to test whether or not the color blindness potion could possibly work. I'm more than positive that the potion itself will work. Now looking at it from a business standpoint. If testing turns out to be positive we would be able to sell the potions to medical facilities all over equestria. The amount of money we would receive would be more than enough to fund our cure for blindness. It will take years maybe even a decade but i'm more than positive that the return of investment will be well worth the cost. Not only that but to save the board money I am willing to invest half of what is needed to fund the research as well. That's how much I truly believe in this project. If you have any questions about any of the research feel free to ask my colleague, Max and thank you for your time."  The young colt said taking his seat. He poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher. Neutron's hoof was shaking only ever so slightly even he was nervous about this meeting with the board.   

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Max poured himself some water during the presentation, but only sipped it once. The whole time they were scribbling something on their clipboards, but didn't seem to ignore Neutron. They seemed quite intensive. He noticed more than one pair of ears perk up when Neutron offered to chip in half the research funds. When he concluded, they took a minute to finish writing whatever it was they were writing, before the Pegasus mare addressed Max.

"May we ask how you came across this discovery?" She asked plainly

"I actually found it studying the formula for the popular novelty potion Rainbow Sight. I saw that adjusting the mixture, removing certain ingredients, and even adding new ones could instead of creating vivid color for regular ponies, restore color to those without it." Max said, trying to remain calm.

"Why were studying that particular formula?" An older unicorn chimed in.

"I was interested in the effects of such novelty potions. I never took it myself though." He lied. Max wasn't usually great at lying, but when the need is great enough, he can summon a decent silver tongue. Seemingly satisfied with that answer, the questions continued. A dark red Pegasus was next to ask.

"How long do you predict you could come up with a cure for blindness?"

"Truthfully? I would estimate about 5-6 years. 7 years depending in the speed of approval." He jotted that down on his clipboard, with an unreadable facial expression. One last question came.

"If we were to approve of this proposal, how much involvement do you expect to have in the project?" Max answered without hesitation.

"I would devote my life to this research." He said plainly. The blue unicorn scribbled something down before addressing him again.

"Thank you. Please wait out in the hall, and we will call you in when we have made our final decision." Max took another drink from his glass before getting up and heading out into the hall with Neutron.

"You think there approve it?" He asked him out in the hall.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"I hope so and if not. Don't worry, i'll still fund your research. I truly do believe that it will be worth it in the end." He said reassuringly to Max. Neutron could tell that Max was determined to see this through to the end. In a way it reminded the young colt of himself back in school after his older brother left. 

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Before Max could open his mouth to speak, a mare with a snow white coat approached them.

"They will see you now." She said in a pleasant voice. They trotted back into the room, all five of them looking right at Max. Again, there faces were unreadable.

"After reviewing your presentation and considering the evidence brought to us, have reached a final verdict." He paused for a moment to review his clipboard. Max was holding his breath, butterflies in his stomach. This was it. Moment of truth. This could mean a chance to help millions and find redemption, or biting the dust.


(I am going to write an ending next. So don't post yet, but wait for my post in the OCC.)


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Buck it, they're gone", said Mr. G. "Guess I will have to teleport to where the action is."

He starts to teleport to random places, but still he finds nopony to mess with.

He could not take it any longer. Since he knows every last place in Equestria, he teleports to "where the action is." That place was the room where a certain pony presented his theory.

Seeing a few ponies, he immediately knew what to do next.



 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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"It's normal to feel like that in this kind of situation." He said as they began to approach the board room. The doors leading to the boardroom seemed like giant gates to Neutron. Everytime he approached this room he would always feel uneasy. The young colt opened the door and already he could see the board reviewing some case about quickening growth time of plants. Judging how the board members looked they're faces were like stone. Completely emotionless. 




"Fourteen minutes and Fifty-Five seconds or Fifteen minutes if your rounding up. Which isn't surprising. You slowed down a little during the fifteenth lap but you put a little more effort into it during the seventeenth lap. Overall you did...meh." He said after putting the small book down. "Anyways, I want you to keep that gear on. I want your body to get used to the weight and you'll be helping me haul some fertilizer from Sweet Apple Acres while wearing that gear. Now c'mon inside and lets get some grub." He instructed the worn out pegasi.

The only thing Storm Cloud heard was meh and grub. So he followed Dogboots into his home and asked, "So what are we gonna eat?" He wasn't picky, he just has favorites. "So I'm suppose to haul fertilizer at some place called the Sweet Apple Acres wearing these heavy gear? Well if it'll help me with running then I guess I'm up for it."


"Buck it, they're gone", said Mr. G. "Guess I will have to teleport to where the action is."

He starts to teleport to random places, but still he finds nopony to mess with.

He could not take it any longer. Since he knows every last place in Equestria, he teleports to "where the action is." That place was the room where a certain pony presented his theory.

Seeing a few ponies, he immediately knew what to do next.


Vinyl Scratch


"Woah dude! Somepony's gotta take a chill-pill ASAP, haha. Alrighty then stallion I've never seen before, what's got you begging for attention? Hahaha!" Vinyl Scratch raised an eyebrow and had that "super chill" grin on her face. She's never seen anypony come out of nowhere and just scream for people's attention.

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"What the-" "Hey, I know you! If I remember correctly, you're the DJ!" He said because he was at a loss for words.

It took him a few minutes to change his plan.

"OK, DJ PON-3," you got me there. But I will explain carefully why I am here later. I'm not here just to fish for attention, you know."

"Wait, where am I anyway?" The GPony wants to make sure that he is in the right place, where that pony is presenting his formula.

Edited by Mister G


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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"What the-" "Hey, I know you! If I remember correctly, you're the DJ!" He said because he was at a loss for words.

It took him a few minutes to change his plan.

"OK, DJ PON-3," you got me there. But I will explain carefully why I am here later. I'm not here just to fish for attention, you know."

"Yeah, I'm DJ Pon-3. My real name is Vinyl Scratch though"..."Ok then, so why are you here and what's your name? And where are you from?" Vinyl wondered why he didn't just say why he wanted attention from other ponies.


(Quote my posts so I'd know when you've responded)

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"Yeah, I'm DJ Pon-3. My real name is Vinyl Scratch though"..."Ok then, so why are you here and what's your name? And where are you from?" Vinyl wondered why he didn't just say why he wanted attention from other ponies.

(Quote my posts so I'd know when you've responded)

"Is this the place where, you know, the pony I heard that he is presenting the potion about color blindness? About my name, just call me G-Pony, And where I'm from, as crazy as it sounds to you, I walked here a thousand years ago."

Mr. G knew that his backstory sounds farfetched to modern society, but he said it anyway.


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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"To be more specific, we're going to be hauling a wagon full of fertilizer early in the morning." He said preparing the simple meal for himself and Storm Cloud. It was the usual meal that the stallion had in his travels. "It's nothing fancy" He said putting the sliced pieces of spam on Storm Cloud's plate. "Dig in." Dogboots said taking his seat across from the pegasi. The earth pony began eating his portion of the processed meat.

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"Is this the place where, you know, the pony I heard that he is presenting the potion about color blindness? About my name, just call me G-Pony, And where I'm from, as crazy as it sounds to you, I walked here a thousand years ago."

Mr. G knew that his backstory sounds farfetched to modern society, but he said it anyway.

"Uhhh actually I have no clue wherever that's going down. And a thousand years huh? What did you find some weird thing that makes you younger? And I don't even think Ponyville is that old dude." Vinyl wasn't believing a word G-Pony just said. She also wondered if G-Pony was some sort of nickname or if it was his actual name.




"To be more specific, we're going to be hauling a wagon full of fertilizer early in the morning." He said preparing the simple meal for himself and Storm Cloud. It was the usual meal that the stallion had in his travels. "It's nothing fancy" He said putting the sliced pieces of spam on Storm Cloud's plate. "Dig in." Dogboots said taking his seat across from the pegasi. The earth pony began eating his portion of the processed meat.

Once Storm Cloud finished his meal the one thing he tried to keep out of his mind came up. He couldn't resist and he asked Dogboots, "So do you know a pony named Vinyl Scratch?" He had a feeling he would regret it but he didn't care. He had to know if anypony else knew her. He really was in love with that mare, he didn't know exactly why but he was.

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"Can't say I have. Why?" He said cleaning off his plate. Dogboots could already guess that she was probably some famous mare but then again the earth pony wasn't for pop culture. In fact, the stallion didn't enjoy any type of things that ponies his age were into. He was into gardening and listening to classical music. 

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"We believe that this research could lead to major medical advancements, so your proposal is accepted. We now only need to inform the Princess for the details." The blue unicorn said in his ever present poker face. Max's eyes widened at what he just heard.

"Holy crap...I did it."

"Like I told you I would!"

The green stallion did his best to contain his joy, trying to appear calm and professional. Didn't stop a ear to ear grin though.

"T-Thank you" Max said, taking a slight bow.

"You will be notified on these details when they surfaced. You may take you leave now." The Pegasus mare joined in. He nodded his head and headed out. Max said his goodbyes to Neutron and headed back to Ponyville. The contrails he left are still faintly present, and it made Max chuckle at the memory. He returned his fathers tuxedo to his closet back home, and simply laid back in his bed. The rest of the day went by with nothing eventful happening, but he was stupidly happy, rather than bored. He helped approve research-research he began-that can help millions. Just as nightfall began to approach, Max heard a knock at the door. He answered it, only to see a grey mailmare at his door.

"Hi Derpy." Max said pleasantly.

"Hi Max. I got a letter for you." She said in an equally pleasant tone. 

"Really?" Max wasn't expecting mail.

"Yeah. Its super important. Its from Princess Celestia." Max was amazed by this. He thought that he would here from the board, not Celestia herself, and that a response would came days later. He receives the letter, a scroll with the royal seal, and sets it aside for the moment.

"Thanks Derpy."

"Your welcome. Gotta go, more letters to deliver." And with that, she took off in a swift-if not clumsy-manner. The green Pegasus opened up the scroll, and his face reflected the contents. First it was curiosity, then excitement, then surprised, and finally amazement. He dropped the note on the stand next to the door and immediately started packing. He packed up near the entire house, save for Dogboots quarters, leaving only the heavy stuff, like the couch and the bed. He set his luggage by the door, and quickly wrote down a note for Dogboots. As he finished, he heard a call from outside, and saw that his carriage had arrived. He loaded his things onto it, and headed for the train station. Boarding the first class compartment on the train, and his belongings secured in the back, the train departed into the night, straight for Canterlot. This is where Max would be spending the next 20 years of his life. He would visit and be visited by those in Ponyville in that time-it was his true home-but his time would be in the upper part of Canterlot, in a large, luxury home, like Neutrons. The note lay on Dogboots desk, and the thought made Max sad that he didn't say goodbye in person. But there wasn't enough time. As the train carried him to Canterlot, the ruby necklace under his concierge began to glow.

"Your doing so much good here. I am proud of you Max." A faint but familiar voice called out. Max let out a joyful tear as the train carried on.



          Your never going to believe this. That proposal went great. My research was accepted. You can thank your brother for that. I couldn't have done it without him. I came back home briefly, until I just got this letter from Celestia. She said that the research would be getting full funding, with Neutron making up any difference needed. But that's not all. She reviewed my notes and formula, and said she hasn't seen such a gifted alchemist in a long time. Considering her age, that's impressive. So she is setting me up in a home in upper Canterlot to oversee the research, and to lead the project. Not only will I be at the reigns of a crew of over 100 different scientists and researchers, but I will be leading the way to cures for blindness and other defects and medical conditions. This is more than I could have hoped for. I have a chance for redemption. I can make up for all my mistakes. And I can help millions of ponies across Equestria. It is like a dream come true. A carriage will be here soon, so I am sorry I have to say goodbye over a letter. The place is yours now. Take care of it. I have a lot of memories tied to the house. You and anypony else are welcome to visit me in Upper Canterlot, and I will be making visits of my own when I have the time. I may even move back in when my job is done. But that could be over 20 years. You have always done good by me, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Good luck in your future endeavors, as I begin a new life in Canterlot.


Your friend,

       Max Allen."



Edited by ActFast231
  • Brohoof 2


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

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"Can't say I have. Why?" He said cleaning off his plate. Dogboots could already guess that she was probably some famous mare but then again the earth pony wasn't for pop culture. In fact, the stallion didn't enjoy any type of things that ponies his age were into. He was into gardening and listening to classical music.


"Not too long ago I accidentally crashed into her when one of my tricks went wrong. Then I saw her eyes, it was like nothing I have ever seen. The day after that one I saw her again, asked her name, then I officially had a crush on her since then. I was hoping somepony would know her so I'd have some help but, I haven't met anypony who knew her. Oh well. So which room do I sleep in?" He felt a little bit tired, but he didn't want to sleep. He just wanted to know where he'd be sleeping.

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Fire Star

Fire wated for Corkscrew but he is still there Fire decided to walk to a bench and sit down on it. Siting on it for a bit Fire got sleepy and he look at the sky he full to sleep on the bench. 3 hours later he woke up and noticed it was late. He know Corkscrew left City Hall for looking for him Fire decided to go home. Fire tell himself " I well look for Corkscrew tomorrow and ask him about her." Fire walk home when he got home he open the door and enter his home. He made some dinner after that he walk to is bad " Well is late and I tired well time for bad" Fire got on the bad and off he go to sleep.


(OOC I know that was weird way to end the day but it wolk though)

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"Uhhh actually I have no clue wherever that's going down. And a thousand years huh? What did you find some weird thing that makes you younger? And I don't even think Ponyville is that old dude." Vinyl wasn't believing a word G-Pony just said. She also wondered if G-Pony was some sort of nickname or if it was his actual name.

"Oh, you don't know that?"  Change of plans, he thought. "I know it sounds crazy to you, but listen. Yeah. I am approximately a thousand years old. I just stumbled upon this weird artifact that gave me immortality.

If you're not interested in what I will say next, I can leave now."


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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"2nd floor, first room on the right. Anyways, I'm sorry if I haven't met this uh, "Vinyl Scratch". Though an acquaintance of mine might know her. I can introduce you to Corkscrew tomorrow morning and he can probably help you out. Then again, he's also dealing with a crush. Guess everypony has a crush on some pony. Anyways, I'm probably going to hit the hay myself. We have to get up incredibly early tomorrow morning so best to get some shut eye asap." Dogboots replied putting the dishes away and cleaning up the kitchen.




After putting some of the finishing touches on the kitchen the earth pony headed to his room. After entering the dull room, Dogboots noticed a letter on his desk. "It's from Max." He mumbled to himself unfolding the letter. His eyes slid from line to line as he read the letter. Dogboots eyes widened when his younger brother Neutron was involved with Max's success. The stallion sat on the mattress stunned by what he just read. A smile came across the stallions face and he was proud to see Max accomplish his goal. Dogboots opened up his scrapbook and tucked the letter under a clear piece of plastic in memory of Max. "Good to see you found redemption Max...I just wish I could." He said to himself looking at his reflection in the mirror.

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Wow said Darksun you doo. Then he paused and said jokingley maybe u can get Fluttershy with that armor on... she might go for you more he said laughing. Thats really cool armor he said. Ill thank my sister for sending you the armor he said. 


"I don't know if I want to announce to the world, hey look at that pony, he's a guard.....For now, I think I'll keep that little bit of information private from most of Ponyville."


Corkscrew looked in the mirror again and smirked.


"I do look good though, I don't know maybe...na.....but...na...The way I see it, the only ponies in this town that know of my employment are you, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Max, and DogBoots, and I'd like to keep it that way. Please tell me you didn't tell Rairity,,.I just don't know how to bring it up to Fluttershy."


Corkscrew was still looking in the mirror.


"You know what, tomorrow is going to be a busy day, Let's get some dinner, clean up, and get some sleep."


Corkscrew took off his armor and put it on a stand than proceed to the kitchen and began to cook dinner. He than brought it out to the table and began to eat with DarkSun.


"Sooo, you forgot to tell me how your day went with Rairity?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"2nd floor, first room on the right. Anyways, I'm sorry if I haven't met this uh, "Vinyl Scratch". Though an acquaintance of mine might know her. I can introduce you to Corkscrew tomorrow morning and he can probably help you out. Then again, he's also dealing with a crush. Guess everypony has a crush on some pony. Anyways, I'm probably going to hit the hay myself. We have to get up incredibly early tomorrow morning so best to get some shut eye asap." Dogboots replied putting the dishes away and cleaning up the kitchen.




After putting some of the finishing touches on the kitchen the earth pony headed to his room. After entering the dull room, Dogboots noticed a letter on his desk. "It's from Max." He mumbled to himself unfolding the letter. His eyes slid from line to line as he read the letter. Dogboots eyes widened when his younger brother Neutron was involved with Max's success. The stallion sat on the mattress stunned by what he just read. A smile came across the stallions face and he was proud to see Max accomplish his goal. Dogboots opened up his scrapbook and tucked the letter under a clear piece of plastic in memory of Max. "Good to see you found redemption Max...I just wish I could." He said to himself looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Storm Cloud wasn't exactly enthusiastic to the sound of waking up incredibly early, but he had no choice. So he went up to his temporary room and closed the door. Then he started thinking: what if Vinyl Scratch had a coltfriend already? What if he didn't win the race? Storm Cloud immediatley shut out he negative thoughts and went to sleep to get ready to oull an enormous amount of fertilizer.

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