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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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"I don't know if I want to announce to the world, hey look at that pony, he's a guard.....For now, I think I'll keep that little bit of information private from most of Ponyville."


Corkscrew looked in the mirror again and smirked.


"I do look good though, I don't know maybe...na.....but...na...The way I see it, the only ponies in this town that know of my employment are you, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Max, and DogBoots, and I'd like to keep it that way. Please tell me you didn't tell Rairity,,.I just don't know how to bring it up to Fluttershy."


Corkscrew was still looking in the mirror.


"You know what, tomorrow is going to be a busy day, Let's get some dinner, clean up, and get some sleep."


Corkscrew took off his armor and put it on a stand than proceed to the kitchen and began to cook dinner. He than brought it out to the table and began to eat with DarkSun.


"Sooo, you forgot to tell me how your day went with Rairity?"


No i didnt tell her. I wanst even thinking about telling her anyways said Darksun. By the way you might have to wear it when celestia comes but i dont know you can ask her or i can if you want me to said darksun. And the day went great we went for a walk and we also went to the pond too.


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No i didnt tell her. I wanst even thinking about telling her anyways said Darksun. By the way you might have to wear it when celestia comes but i dont know you can ask her or i can if you want me to said darksun. And the day went great we went for a walk and we also went to the pond too.



"That's nice to hear. Tomorrow, I'm going to have my chat with Fluttershy....I think....Anyhow, It's going to be a long day. I'm just going to head outside, clear my head and then catch some shuteye. Goodnight."


Corkscrew walked outside and looked in the direction of Canterlot. Just running though the thoughts of the day, trying to figure out what had happed. 

His emotions had run wild that day, what with Celestia's prank and the feelings for Fluttershy and than the stress of dealing with Max in his state. Corkscrew was looking forward to a long nights sleep.


(OoC Ready for the big race day. If your OC is planning on being in the race, Please post in the Discussion thread.)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"That's nice to hear. Tomorrow, I'm going to have my chat with Fluttershy....I think....Anyhow, It's going to be a long day. I'm just going to head outside, clear my head and then catch some shuteye. Goodnight."


Corkscrew walked outside and looked in the direction of Canterlot. Just running though the thoughts of the day, trying to figure out what had happed. 

His emotions had run wild that day, what with Celestia's prank and the feelings for Fluttershy and than the stress of dealing with Max in his state. Corkscrew was looking forward to a long nights sleep.


(OoC Ready for the big race day. If your OC is planning on being in the race, Please post in the Discussion thread.)


good night then said darksun and patted corkscrew on his back as he walked mast him to go to his room. Darksun went up stairs to go to sleep to he was also pretty tired and that he hoped to learn some more magic from corkscrew and maybe his niece tommorow.


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Fire Star

Morning has come for the new day and Fire is waking up. Fire got off the bad and start his morning routines. After he finished his breakfast he look at the day and said' Today is the race time for me to go and show up." Fire got is saddle bag and left his house. " I hope I see Corkscrew he my tell me what to do next" Fire said walking to City Hall.


(OOC sorry if my splling is bad today I got sick and I having a hard time for my splling and my grammar. :( )

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Dogboots was barely able to sleep at all last night. With Max leaving the home and chasing his dreams he couldn't be anymore happier for the pegasi. However, the stallion would practically be all by himself which wasn't unusual for Dogboots. In fact he relished being by himself. It was strange for a stallion to enjoy being by himself with no pony around. 


The earth pony soon got out of his cot. His mane was ruffled as usual and he had slept in his jumpsuit. However, the stallion didn't have time to wash up. There would be time for a shower once all the chores were taken care of. Dogboots checked the time and saw that it was a quarter after 5 a.m. Wasting no time, the earth pony soon rushed upstairs and bucked open the door. "Wake it, shake it! It's time to get moving." He said raising his voice a little to Storm Cloud.

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Corkscrew was tossing and turning all night. His excitement about the race kept him dreaming about it. Finally  he awoke with a loud thump. He had rolled out of bed and hit the floor.


"What the buck," Corkscrew said to himself as he looked at his messed up bed from the floor. "I got to stop eating....wait...what did I have for dinner?......"


Corkscrew drug himself to his window to the view of Canterlot Castle as the sun rose slowly over it. 


"Today is going to be a big day. First I win the race, than I confess my true feelings for Fluttershy, than.......eh...I'll cross that bridge when I get to it."


Corkscrew grabbed a few apples for breakfast and proceeded outside. As he closed his front door, he sees what appears to be a fox flagging him down. He than realizes that it's Fire Star and walks over to him.


"Hay there Fire Star. What are you up to?"

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Corkscrew grabbed a few apples for breakfast and proceeded outside. As he closed his front door, he sees what appears to be a fox flagging him down. He than realizes that it's Fire Star and walks over to him.


"Hay there Fire Star. What are you up to?"





Fire Star

Fire was walking to City Hall he saw a orange pegisai come up to him. At frist Fire didn't recognize him when he got closer it was Corkscrew. And Corksrew start to talk to Fire. Fire said " Hello Corkscrew how are you today. Well I up to is I was going to City Hall to join the Race. But I do not know I need to go to City Hall or go some where else. Hi do you know where is the race is being held" Fire smile hope Corkscrew know.He know Corkscrew ack nice to Fire but Fire all was waiting ponies start call him names. But maybe Corkscrew is not like the pones maybe he is a nice friend to have.

Edited by Fox801
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Fire Star Fire was walking to City Hall he saw a orange pegisai come up to him. At frist Fire didn't recognize him when he got closer it was Corkscrew. And Corksrew start to talk to Fire. Fire said " Hello Corkscrew how are you today. Well I up to is I was going to City Hall to join the Race. But I do not know I need to go to City Hall or go some where else. Hi do you know where is the race is being held" Fire smile hope Corkscrew know.He know Corkscrew ack nice to Fire but Fire all was waiting ponies start call him names. But maybe Corkscrew is not like the pones maybe he is a nice friend to have.


"Um....Actualy, I'm heading over to the starting point to help set up and than test the old legs myself. If you want, you can fallow me over. I'm sure Mayor Mare will be there and can use all the help she can get before the race. I think I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew by helping and racing the same day, but I won't find out until after the race. Keep in mind it is a race for fun. It's not like the Equestria Championship. It's about sportsmanship and exercise."


Corkscrew lets out a small yawn.


"I'm going to have something to do after the race, but if you want to help me and the mayor, your welcome to hang out."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Darksun woke up and went downstairs to find corkscrew gone. HE mustve gone to ready the race he thought. He got the pets and took them down to Raritys to see if she wanted to come too, he was gonna do the same with pinkie, fluttershy, and twilight.




Rarity heard a knock at her door and she opened it and saw Darksun standing there with pookie ormmar and jingles. Hi she said as she smiled at the pony the loved. Hi said darksun do you want to come to the race with me today i wan planning on asking your friends to come too, besides id like to spend some time with my niece he said with a smile.


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Dogboots was barely able to sleep at all last night. With Max leaving the home and chasing his dreams he couldn't be anymore happier for the pegasi. However, the stallion would practically be all by himself which wasn't unusual for Dogboots. In fact he relished being by himself. It was strange for a stallion to enjoy being by himself with no pony around. 


The earth pony soon got out of his cot. His mane was ruffled as usual and he had slept in his jumpsuit. However, the stallion didn't have time to wash up. There would be time for a shower once all the chores were taken care of. Dogboots checked the time and saw that it was a quarter after 5 a.m. Wasting no time, the earth pony soon rushed upstairs and bucked open the door. "Wake it, shake it! It's time to get moving." He said raising his voice a little to Storm Cloud.

"NO I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME!!!" Huh? Oh just a dream, OH BUCK THATS RIGHT, WE GOTTA GET TO SWEET APPLE ACRES!" He sprang up out of bed and rushed to put on the heavy equipment that Dogboots told him to wear. "Wait, where is Sweet Apple Acres anyways?" For the day or two that Storm Cloud has been roaming Ponyville and clearing the skies, he has never seen nor heard of a place called Sweet Apple Acres.

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"It's on the outskirts of Ponyville which is a few miles away from the town. Here's Breakfast." Dogboots said tossing a granola bar to the tired stallion. "Don't worry we still have time to get there and it's still early." The stallion added before heading outside and waiting for Storm Cloud.

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"It's on the outskirts of Ponyville which is a few miles away from the town. Here's Breakfast." Dogboots said tossing a granola bar to the tired stallion. "Don't worry we still have time to get there and it's still early." The stallion added before heading outside and waiting for Storm Cloud.

Storm Cloud started chomping down on the granola bar. In his opinion, it was a pretty good granola bar and he wished he had more but there was no time to think about getting more. When he finished his granola bar he got a quick drink and trotted outside. "Alrighty then Dogboots, lead the way to le Sweet Apple Acres! He noticed that the sky was still a little bit dark, just the way he liked it. The sight of the slightly dark sky put up his spirits.

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It was barely light outside when the two took off. A wagon was hitched to Dogboots as he began to lead the way to Sweet Apple Acres. It had been awhile since Dogboots had been at the barn but he needed his fertilizer for his garden if he was going to grow some more vegetables.


Fifteen minutes had already passed before the duo finally reached the farm. "Wait here." He ordered the pegasi as he made his way to the back of the barn. Big MacIntosh was standing near a tower of fertilizer bags. The bulky red stallion soon took notice of Dogboots and nodded at him. "Are we good to go?" He asked Big Mac pointing at the piles of fertilizer bags. "Eeyup" He replied to the Gray earth pony. "Alright, thanks." He stated back at Big Mac. Dogboots soon waved over to Storm Cloud signaling him over. "Alright, grab a bag and load it into the wagon." He said to Storm Cloud while hoisting a bag on his back. The bag wasn't heavy but it had some weight behind it.

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Mr. G sat alone and thought deeply. He didn't know Vinyl Scratch is, he didn't even know where in Ponyville he is. His plan to troll the certain pony failed, since he teleported to the wrong place. Taking matters in his own hands, he said to Vinyl, "Hey, where the hay are you?"


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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It was barely light outside when the two took off. A wagon was hitched to Dogboots as he began to lead the way to Sweet Apple Acres. It had been awhile since Dogboots had been at the barn but he needed his fertilizer for his garden if he was going to grow some more vegetables.


Fifteen minutes had already passed before the duo finally reached the farm. "Wait here." He ordered the pegasi as he made his way to the back of the barn. Big MacIntosh was standing near a tower of fertilizer bags. The bulky red stallion soon took notice of Dogboots and nodded at him. "Are we good to go?" He asked Big Mac pointing at the piles of fertilizer bags. "Eeyup" He replied to the Gray earth pony. "Alright, thanks." He stated back at Big Mac. Dogboots soon waved over to Storm Cloud signaling him over. "Alright, grab a bag and load it into the wagon." He said to Storm Cloud while hoisting a bag on his back. The bag wasn't heavy but it had some weight behind it.

Storm Cloud walked over with his heavy equipment on and said, "Woah these are heavier than I thought they'd be." He then continued to load the fertilizer bags onto the wagon. He saw the bulky red stallion and said, "Uhhh hey, I'm Storm Cloud. And you are?" He tried to get to know the stallion while he was loading the fertilizer bags onto the wagon.


Mr. G sat alone and thought deeply. He didn't know Vinyl Scratch is, he didn't even know where in Ponyville he is. His plan to troll the certain pony failed, since he teleported to the wrong place. Taking matters in his own hands, he said to Vinyl, "Hey, where the hay are you?"

Vinyl Scratch


"Uhhh dude, I'm right over here. Have you been partying in the last few years? To me it seems like it, haha!" Vinyl Scratch joked about it, but then she remembered that G-Pony probably wasn't the party type. She forgot to think about it, since most of her friends are party animals. She thought "Oh no, what if she's like 'Tavi?" Then she thought to herself in Octavia's voice, "Hey, that's not really funny Vinyl. It's good that you've probably met somepony with CLASS, Since you're a party animal." She chuckled a little bit and looked at G-Pony to hear what he had to say.

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"That's Big MacIntosh. He's Applejack's older brother and helps out with...most of the farm work." Dogboots replied to Storm Cloud loading another bag into the wagon. "He's a stallion of a few words so you won't get much of a conversation out of him." He continued hoisting another bag on his back.


Big MacIntosh


"Eeyup." He said agreeing with Dogboots. Big Mac remembered meeting the gray earth pony three weeks ago. He had come by to pick up some gardening materials and fertilizer. If it hadn't been for Braeburn in the past, The Apple Family might have denied him the supplies he needed for his garden and his stand. However, the two had made an agreement. In exchange for letting Dogboots borrow their supplies, Dogboots would pay a small portion of the profits he made to the Apple Family. It was a fair deal on both parties though Granny Smith still wasn't too keen on Dogboots.

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"That's Big MacIntosh. He's Applejack's older brother and helps out with...most of the farm work." Dogboots replied to Storm Cloud loading another bag into the wagon. "He's a stallion of a few words so you won't get much of a conversation out of him." He continued hoisting another bag on his back.


Big MacIntosh


"Eeyup." He said agreeing with Dogboots. Big Mac remembered meeting the gray earth pony three weeks ago. He had come by to pick up some gardening materials and fertilizer. If it hadn't been for Braeburn in the past, The Apple Family might have denied him the supplies he needed for his garden and his stand. However, the two had made an agreement. In exchange for letting Dogboots borrow their supplies, Dogboots would pay a small portion of the profits he made to the Apple Family. It was a fair deal on both parties though Granny Smith still wasn't too keen on Dogboots.

"Uhhh ok then." Storm Cloud carried another bag of fertilizer, this time he was starting to get a little tired. When he put the bag on the wagon he breathed out, "I really hope this helps me for the race coming up." He wiped away some sweat on his forehead and continued to work. Once they put the last bag of fertilizer on the wagon, Storm Cloud asked "So where are we taking all this to?"

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Storm Cloud walked over with his heavy equipment on and said, "Woah these are heavier than I thought they'd be." He then continued to load the fertilizer bags onto the wagon. He saw the bulky red stallion and said, "Uhhh hey, I'm Storm Cloud. And you are?" He tried to get to know the stallion while he was loading the fertilizer bags onto the wagon.

Vinyl Scratch

"Uhhh dude, I'm right over here. Have you been partying in the last few years? To me it seems like it, haha!" Vinyl Scratch joked about it, but then she remembered that G-Pony probably wasn't the party type. She forgot to think about it, since most of her friends are party animals. She thought "Oh no, what if she's like 'Tavi?" Then she thought to herself in Octavia's voice, "Hey, that's not really funny Vinyl. It's good that you've probably met somepony with CLASS, Since you're a party animal." She chuckled a little bit and looked at G-Pony to hear what he had to say.

"I've been involved in many parties, in fact, is there even one going on right now? I'd like to join in,"

Mr. G is extremely bored from wandering around Equestria for many years. It is really for him to kick back and unwind

"Besides, Vinyl, your EPs occupy most of my music player..."


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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"You're going to be pulling the wagon back to my place. I know this doesn't seem like it will help you but trust me it will. Doing some good old back breaking work will help you." The stallion said bluntly to Storm. He knew that the pegasi only did one day of training but this was the best he could do to help the pegasi.




"Well howdy there Dogboots, I reckon you came here this mornin to pick up your fertilizer?" Applejack asked exiting the house.


"Eeyup." Dogboots replied back to the southern earth pony. He hadn't realized that he basically repeated Big Mac's usual line


"By the way, Granny Smith is beginning to get mighty fussy about your payment." Applejack said to Dogboots trying to see when he'd deliever his next payment.


"She does realize that the payment's not due till tomorrow correct?" The stallion asked Applejack


"Yes, Yes, I know but you know how she is. Just because Braeburn trusts ya, doesn't mean she will." Applejack explained to the gray earth pony.


"Figures. Anyways, I'll pay her tomorrow. Speaking of which, we got to get going. Storm Cloud here is signed up for today's race and I have him here just to train him." He said introducing his pegasi companion


"Well i'll be. So am I and so's Rainbow Dash as well! So you're my competition eh? Hope you give me a good run for my money." The mare said in a friendly but competitive tone towards Storm Cloud.

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Corkscrew approches the starting point of the race where he sees Mayor Mare. She appears to be somewhat stressed.


"Excuse me Mayor," Corkscrew says with a slight yawn. Is there anything I can do to help you get...." Corkscrew yawns again, "For the race"


Corkscrew looks back to Fire Star.


"Fire Star, this is Mayor Mare, I believe  she is in charge of the race this year...." Corkscrew yawns for a third time. She should be able to get you signed up."


Corkscrew looks to Mayor Mare again.


"Ms. Mayor, I think I may just be volunteering this year. I haven't been able to sleep well the past few nights, and feel I may not be up to the task. I promises that I'll do the running of the leaves this fall, just no Ponyville marathon for me."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@, @@thor9356,




(OOC Sorry I didn't post last night I was sick all yesterday But to day I a litte bit biter Now he I go.)


Fire Star

When Corkscrew and Fire walk to the racing track. Corkscrew introduce him to Mayor Mare the Mayor of ponyville. Corkscrew said Mayoy Mare can help Fire to sign up to the race.


"OH you must be the Mayor of ponyville let me introduce my self I am Fire Star nice to meet you Mayor Mare" Fire said in a nice tone of voice.


Then Fire look at Corkscrew he was yawning a lots Fire ask Corkscrew " Corkscrew you need some coffee do you need some. I can buy you some in the store if you want me to I do not mane" Fire siad.


Then he look at the Mayor and ask " If you need some help I do not mane helping out be for the race but I still need help to enter the race Ms. Mayor" Fire asded ploitely to the Mayor.

Edited by Fox801
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Plagal opened his eyes and sighed.  After showing the two mares to where they needed to be to get their house all set, he had attempted to see if there were any new job openings.  As usual, there were none, or at least there were none that he hadn't already tried (and failed at) earlier in the month.  If this went on for much longer, he'd have to resort to begging as a profession...


Hey, isn't there some sort of race today? his consciousness asked.  We should go!  It sounds like it could be fun.


"Yes, there is a race, isn't there?" he mentioned.  Of course, he hadn't signed up for the race, since he was in no physical condition to do so, but just watching couldn't hurt.  It would be crowded though...


Despite the thoughts of crowded places, he found no reason not to attend.  It wasn't like he was doing anything else important that day.  Soon enough, he was out the door and heading towards the supposed starting line.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Darksun and Rarity went down to Fluttershys cottage first to see if she was home and wanted to come to the race and watch with them. The also asked if she wanted to bring angle bunny. I hope she does said Rarity as the pets passed around a ball of yarn, Darksun thought it was funny to watsh ormmar play with a ball of yarn


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"You're going to be pulling the wagon back to my place. I know this doesn't seem like it will help you but trust me it will. Doing some good old back breaking work will help you." The stallion said bluntly to Storm. He knew that the pegasi only did one day of training but this was the best he could do to help the pegasi.




"Well howdy there Dogboots, I reckon you came here this mornin to pick up your fertilizer?" Applejack asked exiting the house.


"Eeyup." Dogboots replied back to the southern earth pony. He hadn't realized that he basically repeated Big Mac's usual line


"By the way, Granny Smith is beginning to get mighty fussy about your payment." Applejack said to Dogboots trying to see when he'd deliever his next payment.


"She does realize that the payment's not due till tomorrow correct?" The stallion asked Applejack


"Yes, Yes, I know but you know how she is. Just because Braeburn trusts ya, doesn't mean she will." Applejack explained to the gray earth pony.


"Figures. Anyways, I'll pay her tomorrow. Speaking of which, we got to get going. Storm Cloud here is signed up for today's race and I have him here just to train him." He said introducing his pegasi companion


"Well i'll be. So am I and so's Rainbow Dash as well! So you're my competition eh? Hope you give me a good run for my money." The mare said in a friendly but competitive tone towards Storm Cloud.

"Rainbow Dash is running? She looks like the laziest pony I know! Anyways, don't worry. I'll be keeping you and everypony in that race." Storm Cloud said in a playful yet cocky tone. But what really caught him off guard was the fact that RAINBOW DASH was running. She always looked like a lazy pegasus to him, but he guessed that's why her name is Rainbow DASH.

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"Hmmm, well if you want you can help set up the banner for the race or you can make sure that the race trail is clear or any dangerous obstacles." The Mayor said addressing the exhausted orange pegasi.


"As for you Fire Star, if Corkscrew will be helping with the race and not participate in it. Then you can take his slot in the race. Will that work for you?" She asked Fire Star.

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