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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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"So you aren't going to race? Who are the racers here?"


"I think I might have to go with Rainbow Dash, besides, pulling a prank on an Element of Harmony looks glorious," he thought.


"So...... Where's Rainbow Dash? She's gonna like this potion that I cooked up for the fastest flyer in Equestria..."


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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Corkscrew was startled out of his nap by a telaporting pony. By now he had been sleeping a few hours, but still was not 100 precent awake. He yawns.


"Not this race," he yawns again. "I was planing to, but I wasn't able to sleep last night, so I'm sitting...or sleeping this one out. By the way, how the hay did you get up here anyhow? You don't have wings."


Pinkie Pie


"Hey Rarity! What's up Fluttershy? What's new Eclipse? Are you as excited about the race today as I am? I'm so pumped! This will be the first race that Dashie and AJ will be in since the Running of the Leaves a while back. So where are you guys going next? We have a some time to kill before the race starts?"

We were also going to get Twilight too said Rarity. We were gonning to see if you wanted to bring gummy too if you came said Darksun to Pinkie. Then were gonna go to the race and get good seats. I was planning on buying the tickets for all of us my treat said Darksun.


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Fire Star

"Thanks Apple Jack for that talk I well have faith in myself I know Twilight have faith with me" Fire said in a happy tone. He then went to the starting line and took his postion.




" Oh I see Fire ask the question to you " Twilight said. She start to think for a bit and said " Fire is a half Fox maybe he is curious" she start to giggle what she said. " You shold tell Fire what is your opinion of royalry. I know is weird for me to ask you to give your opinion of a pony you gust know. But Fire need some friend to know and trust" Twililght said and ask him to be friend with Fire. " If you do not answer is question he well ask the question again and again. He doesn't stop asking sometime" Twilight said to Dogboots.

After she finish talk to Dogboots she look at the racers and rated for the race to start.

Edited by Fox801
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@, @, @@Fox801,


Mayor Mare

"Fillies and Gentlecolts! It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Ponyville's Annual Race! Before we begin I would like to remind our racers that this is a friendly competition." She said eyeing both Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "And with that let the race BEGIN!" Mayor Mare exclaimed before blowing the whistle.



The mare slid her hat down in front of her, embarrassed from the Running of the Leaves incident. She couldn't believe that the Mayor remembered even after all this time. She pushed her hat back into it's original position though and as soon as she heard the whistle blow she dashed off from her starting position.

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@, @@thor9356,



Fire Star

After the Mayor give her speech the race begin Fire shots off the start line. Fire ran a bit before he slow down and saw he ran so fast even he was in shock. " Oh dare Celestia how I got here so fast in thired place" Fire was stilll in shock. But he start to run fast again to keep up with Rainbow Dash and AJ but they were to fast to keep up to them.


(OOC I well weight of Archiect_pon-3 to post and I well post torommer)

Edited by Fox801
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@, @, @@Fox801,


Mayor Mare

"Fillies and Gentlecolts! It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Ponyville's Annual Race! Before we begin I would like to remind our racers that this is a friendly competition." She said eyeing both Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "And with that let the race BEGIN!" Mayor Mare exclaimed before blowing the whistle.



The mare slid her hat down in front of her, embarrassed from the Running of the Leaves incident. She couldn't believe that the Mayor remembered even after all this time. She pushed her hat back into it's original position though and as soon as she heard the whistle blow she dashed off from her starting position.

Rainbow Dash


Rainbow Dash looks down at the ground in shame when thinking about the running of the leaves, however, she perks up at the chance she has to redeem herself and Apple Jack.


With the start of the race, Rainbow Dash is in a dead heat with AJ. The ponies are neck and neck with each other. Rainbow Dash was holding back some to save energy for a sprint to the finish. She suspected that Apple Jack may be doing the same.


"Hey AJ! You must have borrowed Twilight's book on running too? That or your chores slowed you down."

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Rainbow Dash


Rainbow Dash looks down at the ground in shame when thinking about the running of the leaves, however, she perks up at the chance she has to redeem herself and Apple Jack.


With the start of the race, Rainbow Dash is in a dead heat with AJ. The ponies are neck and neck with each other. Rainbow Dash was holding back some to save energy for a sprint to the finish. She suspected that Apple Jack may be doing the same.


"Hey AJ! You must have borrowed Twilight's book on running too? That or your chores slowed you down."

"Uhhhhh.... excuse me everypony, but I have to excuse Ms. Rainbow Dash for a second." Mr. G says as he mixes his slow-time potion on an ordinary glass of water.

"It's actually important, nopony can see this." "Besides, this will take a few seconds, and she'll be back before you know it."


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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Once Storm Cloud heard the whistle blow, he ran off. He saw Rainbow Dash and AppleJack get ahead. He thought to himself, "Wow, they're that fast? Hmmm, better step up my game." He then saw that there were two ponies ahead of him. He sprinted faster and managed to cut a few feet between the 3rd place pony. But it was still no good, he couldn't overtake the pony in 3rd.


(OOC: Sorry guys, I have school so I can't post until 4 pm NY time)

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"I wouldn't count on that. Though let's see if you can keep up!" She said before increasing her speed a little bit. "Eat my dust!" She shouted passing Rainbow Dash though the distance was a bit short. AJ knew quite well that it would take more than that to beat her rival.

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"I wouldn't count on that. Though let's see if you can keep up!" She said before increasing her speed a little bit. "Eat my dust!" She shouted passing Rainbow Dash though the distance was a bit short. AJ knew quite well that it would take more than that to beat her rival.

Rainbow Dash


"Just keep calm," Rainbow Dash said to herself. "You'll get your chance." 


Rainbow Dash was conserving energy, getting ready to make her move. 


"I'll make my move in the last mile," She said to herself. 


"Don't get too comfortable up there AJ," She shouted as she began


"Uhhhhh.... excuse me everypony, but I have to excuse Ms. Rainbow Dash for a second." Mr. G says as he mixes his slow-time potion on an ordinary glass of water. "It's actually important, nopony can see this." "Besides, this will take a few seconds, and she'll be back before you know it."
 to increase speed. 


"Sorry, Gotta run! I'll sign Autographs after the race!"

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@, @@thor9356, @,




Fire Star

Fire was keeping up with Rainbow and Apple Jack for a bit but Rainbow and AJ was so faster then him they pass that pony front if them. Fire saw them for a second and then they were miles away.Fire saw Storm Cloud behind him he thought to himself " How can I keep up with them they are soo fast. They left me in the dust."


Then he remembered what Apple Jack said to him to have some faith to himslef. Twilight has faithe with you  " Well Apple Jack is right she said Twilight has fithe with me and I do to. I Well do my best and pass this pony front of me." After that Fire put more stenght on his hoovies and ran fasther.


He try to pass that pony in fornt of him. But that pony was trying to keep is position Fire was trying to pass him. After a 2 minutes he saw a opportunity to pass the pony in front of him. And he did he pass thay pony and ran he saw Rainbow and Apple Jack in front of him. "Now if I can pass them it well be soo cool" but Rianbow and AJ is more faster then him.

Edited by Fox801
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Applejack could hear Rainbow approaching from behind her. "Good to see that lounging on the clouds hasn't slowed you down!" She replied to Rainbow as they were approaching the final mile. AJ still had plenty left for the race and she didn't want to give Rainbow the opportunity to win.

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Storm Cloud saw Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash ahead of him, followed by some other pony. He wished he could just use his wings and leave everypony in the dust. "Complaining gets us no where." Storm Cloud said to himself. He tried to push himself harder, but he made almost no difference in speed or distance between the two first place ponies. He just tried to keep his pace and see if anypony would tire out.

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Applejack could hear Rainbow approaching from behind her. "Good to see that lounging on the clouds hasn't slowed you down!" She replied to Rainbow as they were approaching the final mile. AJ still had plenty left for the race and she didn't want to give Rainbow the opportunity to win.

Rainbow Dash


"Hey!, That lounging around is why I'm going to beat you!" Rainbow Dash yells as she passes AJ. "Now I'll show you why I got the name Dash!" 


Rainbow Dash was in a dead heat with AJ She had the advantage for now, but wondered for how long. She could only hold out at full speed for a few more moments at most. Her sprint was starting to show as she slowed down a hair, but could hear AJ coming up fast on her tail. 


"Come on Dash, just a few hundred feet to go," She said to herself, but AJ was gaining ground fast. 

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(OOC: sorry about taking too long to post. Been studying this entire weekend for Finals)



The mare soon began to sprint to catch up to Rainbow Dash. She was getting close and soon caught up with her rival. The two were neck and neck as they had approached the finish line.

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We were also going to get Twilight too said Rarity. We were gonning to see if you wanted to bring gummy too if you came said Darksun to Pinkie. Then were gonna go to the race and get good seats. I was planning on buying the tickets for all of us my treat said Darksun.

Pinkie Pie



Pinkie looks to Fluttershy, DarkSun and Rairity.

"That ok, Gummy has a sore tummy today, But I'll come. Anyway, I always thought the race was free? Oh well. Oh, you know what I could use is some popcorn. Popcorn and......Hey Eclipse, Isn't that your roommate up there napping on that cloud? Don't you think you should get him up before the race starts? I'm sure he wants to watch it with us. Ohhh, I know! Maybe we can all watch the race form the cloud.....Oh wait, Rairity and I can't fly. Silly me. So, who want to go get him up? I just hope he don't sleep like Dashie. You wake her up from a nap, watch out!"

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Pinkie Pie



Pinkie looks to Fluttershy, DarkSun and Rairity.

"That ok, Gummy has a sore tummy today, But I'll come. Anyway, I always thought the race was free? Oh well. Oh, you know what I could use is some popcorn. Popcorn and......Hey Eclipse, Isn't that your roommate up there napping on that cloud? Don't you think you should get him up before the race starts? I'm sure he wants to watch it with us. Ohhh, I know! Maybe we can all watch the race form the cloud.....Oh wait, Rairity and I can't fly. Silly me. So, who want to go get him up? I just hope he don't sleep like Dashie. You wake her up from a nap, watch out!"

Yeah ill go wake him up said Darksun and what about that spell i heard about the one where land ponies can walk on clouds asked Darksun. He flew up to Corkscrew and to wake him up he tapped on him and said "wake up corkscrew or ill have to get the kittens and orrmar to give u  kisses" he said laughing


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Pinkie Pie


"Oh, I can go wake up-" Fluttershy began, but Darksun had already started making his way up to the cloud.  "Oh... okay.  I guess you already have that covered..."


As Darksun flew up to wake Corkscrew, Fluttershy looked over to Pinkie and said, "Goodness, look at the time!  You know, I bet Twilight's already at the race, since it's starting to get late.  Maybe we should just go straight to the starting line."

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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(OOC sorry I didn't post this weekend and yesterday I have thing to do sorry but I back now time to post)




@@thor9356, @,








Fire Star

Fire keep on running as fast as he can trying to pass Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack but they are so fast. As hard he try he can't pass them at all. " They say Rainbow and Apple Jack are fast now I know why" Fire thought to himself.


He start to see the finish line the race is all most over Fire start to push harder on himself trying to pass Rainbow and Apple Jack. " I know is no chance of me passing them but I have to try" Fire said.



Twilight look around at the racing track and start to see Rainbow and Apple Jack coming to the Finish line. And saw Fire what behind them. " I hope Fire do not push to hard on himself" Twilight was worried.

Edited by Fox801
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"Wait, is that the finish line? THAT IS THE FINISH LINE! Wait, I'm in fourth, not bad for a pegasus who only trained for a day." Storm Cloud thought to himself. He tried to take more powerful strides, but that got him no where, it just wasted energy. So he just kept his pace to finish in fourth.

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Yeah ill go wake him up said Darksun and what about that spell i heard about the one where land ponies can walk on clouds asked Darksun. He flew up to Corkscrew and to wake him up he tapped on him and said "wake up corkscrew or ill have to get the kittens and orrmar to give u  kisses" he said laughing


"Oh, I can go wake up-" Fluttershy began, but Darksun had already started making his way up to the cloud.  "Oh... okay.  I guess you already have that covered..."   As Darksun flew up to wake Corkscrew, Fluttershy looked over to Pinkie and said, "Goodness, look at the time!  You know, I bet Twilight's already at the race, since it's starting to get late.  Maybe we should just go straight to the starting line."


"But mommy, I don't want to go to school," Corkscrew mutters to himself as DarkSun pokes him. Corkscrew opens his eyes and realizes that everypony had gathered below him.


"What time is it? We need to get to the start of the race......Oh Buck! The race started! Um....Well, I know a good spot to watch the end and finish line, And it isn't two far." 


Corkscrew flew down from his cloud and landed near the group.


"You guys go ahead. I have something to discuses with Fluttershy for a moment."

Corkscrew waits for the group to move ahead for a minuet before he starts his conversation with Fluttershy.


"I have a very important question to ask you......Do you remember when I first saw you for the first time since flight camp last month, and I let that emotion slip out? I have something to confess. My emotions have been coming back. I was hoping it was just a crush, but I have been feeling it for about a month now. I care for you and want to keep you safe, but I don't know if it is mutual. No matter what your answer is, we will still be friends, and I can finally move on with whats important."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"But mommy, I don't want to go to school," Corkscrew mutters to himself as DarkSun pokes him. Corkscrew opens his eyes and realizes that everypony had gathered below him.


"What time is it? We need to get to the start of the race......Oh Buck! The race started! Um....Well, I know a good spot to watch the end and finish line, And it isn't two far." 


Corkscrew flew down from his cloud and landed near the group.


"You guys go ahead. I have something to discuses with Fluttershy for a moment."


Corkscrew waits for the group to move ahead for a minuet before he starts his conversation with Fluttershy.


"I have a very important question to ask you......Do you remember when I first saw you for the first time since flight camp last month, and I let that emotion slip out? I have something to confess. My emotions have been coming back. I was hoping it was just a crush, but I have been feeling it for about a month now. I care for you and want to keep you safe, but I don't know if it is mutual. No matter what your answer is, we will still be friends, and I can finally move on with whats important."

Darksun laughed when he woke him up before they headed off Darksun and rarity looked ad corkscrew and smiled then Darksun mouthed good luck to corkscrew they headed off with pinkie Darksun had rarity right by his side and he kissed her on her horn


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Corkscrew waits for the group to move ahead for a minuet before he starts his conversation with Fluttershy.


"I have a very important question to ask you......Do you remember when I first saw you for the first time since flight camp last month, and I let that emotion slip out? I have something to confess. My emotions have been coming back. I was hoping it was just a crush, but I have been feeling it for about a month now. I care for you and want to keep you safe, but I don't know if it is mutual. No matter what your answer is, we will still be friends, and I can finally move on with whats important."




The request caught Fluttershy completely off-guard.  She did her best to mask her anxiety, but was doing very poorly.  "Oh... um... is that so?" she managed.  It took all of her willpower to not squeak in fright.  Oh no, oh no, oh no, what do I do?! her mind raced.  I thought he had forgotten about that!  Oh, how am I supposed to tell him?.  "You... you know, you don't...  You don't have to... p-protect... me...  I w-wouldn't want to be... um... you know... a bother..."  She looked away and cringed.  Come on Fluttershy, you can do it!  You have to tell him eventually, it's not fair to leave him in the dark.  It's only a couple of words, it's not that hard...  Oh goodness, what am I thinking!?  This is impossible!  She couldn't suppress her squeak this time, causing her to blush fiercely.


"I guess that's not really what you were asking though..." she admitted.  "Well, if you really want an answer..."  She paused and then took in a deep breath.  When she finally spoke again, words flowed like the fastest of rivers.  "I always thought that you were really nice and really sweet and you were so brave to stand up to those bullies for me even though I never saw it and you've been such a good friend ever since you came back to Ponyville and you're taking such good care of Pookie; he couldn't have asked for a better caretaker; and I still think that you're a really great pony and a really great friend and I think that there must be something wrong with me because you're the nicest stallion I've ever met and I never want to lose you as a friend but, but, but, but."  She took a moment to catch her breath.  "B-but, I'm afraid that that's all...  I... don't think that the feeling is mutual..."  She looked away, afraid of his reaction, and desperately fighting the urge to fly away as fast as she could.  She was unable to stop the tears from welling in her eyes though.  "I'm so sorry.  I hope that that's alright with you..."



(EDIT: This post has been altered dramatically.)

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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(EDIT: This post has been altered dramatically.)

(OOC lol Anti how u edited it i thought was really funny lol.)


Darksun got to the race along with rarity pinkie and their pets they got their seats and waited for the others to join them then Darksun said ahhh i forgot twilight how could i forget to invie my own niece im such a bad uncle said Darksun ald looked down in shame and sadness.


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The request caught Fluttershy completely off-guard.  She did her best to mask her anxiety, but was doing very poorly.  "Oh... um... is that so?" she managed.  It took all of her willpower to not squeak in fright.  Oh no, oh no, oh no, what do I do?! her mind raced.  I thought he had forgotten about that!  Oh, how am I supposed to tell him?.  "You... you know, you don't...  You don't have to... p-protect... me...  I w-wouldn't want to be... um... you know... a bother..."  She looked away and cringed.  Come on Fluttershy, you can do it!  You have to tell him eventually, it's not fair to leave him in the dark.  It's only a couple of words, it's not that hard...  Oh goodness, what am I thinking!?  This is impossible!  She couldn't suppress her squeak this time, causing her to blush fiercely.


"I guess that's not really what you were asking though..." she admitted.  "Well, if you really want an answer..."  She paused and then took in a deep breath.  When she finally spoke again, words flowed like the fastest of rivers.  "I always thought that you were really nice and really sweet and you were so brave to stand up to those bullies for me even though I never saw it and you've been such a good friend ever since you came back to Ponyville and you're taking such good care of Pookie; he couldn't have asked for a better caretaker; and I still think that you're a really great pony and a really great friend and I think that there must be something wrong with me because you're the nicest stallion I've ever met and I never want to lose you as a friend but, but, but, but."  She took a moment to catch her breath.  "B-but, I'm afraid that that's all...  I... don't think that the feeling is mutual..."  She looked away, afraid of his reaction, and desperately fighting the urge to fly away as fast as she could.  She was unable to stop the tears from welling in her eyes though.  "I'm so sorry.  I hope that that's alright with you..."



(EDIT: This post has been altered dramatically.)



Corkscrew's immediat reaction was to hug the mare when he saw the tears in her eyes, but held off a second.


"It's ok," Corkscrew said with a smile and some tears of his own. "I'm just thankful to have somepony special like you as one if my best friends," Corkscrew says as he hugs his friend. "Come to think of it, it was probably just filly love that I let grow out of control all these years. If I had only had the courage to ask you your feelings a month ago, we could have avoided this whole confrontation. So what do you say we go watch Dashie win that race? Best friend."

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

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