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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Viper came out of the bathroom just then turning around to carefully close the door. After this she walked over to the closet and put on the armor she changed to an exact image of the photograph all the while Flint spoke, "I'm sorry about this but Viper has been feed off of you since the moment we stepped into this house fortunately for you thus means she can now immitate the voice of your brother, she's not too good with them otherwise. Anyway I'll be taking that armor from you now and we'll be out of your.... mane." He grinned at the humor of pony puns but also because everything was working out quite nicely, "you have my word that Las Pegasus will be out of the equation."

Rusty Shield

"I better get the heck out of Canterlot than. Just watch out with that Alicorn. He's...a bit unstable, and I may have set him over the edge."




Princess Luna Luna look at Corkscrew and smile at him thinking of that silly unicorn of the past. " Will your great grandfather was trying to help me with my sister" Luna just kept on smiling. " Will at lest it is over with Mars now your last of your treating is what you have learn and not doing what your great grandfather and you have done. And no you can't not have the book it need to be in the secret part of the library. Sorry be you need to under stand if a pony fine the book in your room they can have a big secret of the past and it will put you, me, and Celestia. Big problems and all the ponies in Equestria to question us. And we can't have at now what we are having big problems with the Changelings now" Luna said with a serious face. " And you do not need a book to help you form surprises nightmare form you have your Brother to help you out. He can talk to you if you need it a book can't not do at, He can hugs you if you feel sad or angry a book can't not do that. You need to feel lucky to have a brother how can't help you out gust like me with my sister." Luna smile at him. Luna pick up the book of Corkscrew hoofs and put to next to her " Now go see your brother he with Twilight now and I will tell my sister what you have tell me have a good day Corkscrew" With at Luna walk way to see her sister.



"Your right, Fire is a big help. I probably should go check on him know."


He bowed with respect and walked out to check on his little brother, walking to his room to rest. He was surprised that there was no guard waiting in front of his door. He entered the room, closing the door behind him, seeing the box on the bed, but chose not to open it. He looked around the room, than stuck his head out the door to see if anypony was around, and there wasn't.


He walked over to his bed and took out a little red book that he had taken from the ruins. He began to read it, but kept an ear open just in case he heard somepony coming.




With at Luna walk way to see her sister.


Princess Celestia

"So Luna, how did it go with our guest? Do you deem him to be a threat as I do or do you think he is redeemed. I should have just sent him to the moon for a few years to see if he would calm down, not this training, but I am open to new ideas...but if he goes nightmare again, it's on your hooves.

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Flint walked cooly over to Rusty removing his armor and placing it on himself slowly changing into the stallion himself, "good, now that everything is in order we'll be taking our leave." he gestured to his companion and they both walked out shutting the door behind them they walked across the street to the other side standing at the curb they turned and watched the house.

"Is it in there?"

"of coarse it is."

"and you're sure he'll find it."

"if he doesn't we'll know it."

They stood silent for some time just standing, just watching. Waiting.

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Rusty Shield

Rust was amazed on how well the meeting had gone with the changelings, not to mention how soon he would be even with his old classmate.


He began to pack frantckly. He needed to get out of there in a hurry in case something happen and those two were discovered posing as himself. He had packed almost everything he needed except a few items. He hurried into the bathroom and threw his toothbrush and toothpaste into his bag. He opened his cabinet to grab one last item, and that's when he saw it.


"I don't remember this being here. I wonder if it's a changeling signal device. Looks kind of weird though, and why is it ticking? Oh Celesti........."




The stallion's eye twitched slightly at the mention of the princess. Though Dogboots didn't seem to care after that. Celestia would probably laugh at the earth pony. in a way it was ironic, he pretty much told off the princess and then shortly after that gets the life sucked out of him. "Thank you Fluttershy, as long as somepony takes care of my garden then I would be appreciative," He mentioned to the two ponies.


Rainbow Dash

Rainbow flew in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, finding Applejack.

"Hey AJ! What have you been up to? We may have a situation brewing in town, and I don't know how to explane it, but everypony is at Fluttershy's, including yours and Mac's friend. He's not doing so hot."


Rainbow looked up to Canterlot.

"I'm going to let Canterlot know about what's going on here."


Pinkie Pie

"Hey Fluttershy, is his face going to stay that way? It's like he's not happy or sad. It's kind of creepy."


Pinkie walked over to Dogboots and tried to make a smile on his face with her hooves.


"So what where you doing in Canterlot Fluttershy? Was it anything fun?"

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Both disguised changelings jumped when the flames burst from the windows and enfulfed the entire house.

"Well done you've really out done yourself." Flint smiled at her handy work proud that he had got such a valued match. "But let's not stay here too long or ponies will get suspicious, remember we are no longer invisible we're royal guards we need to act the part."

Viper faced him nodding."

He panicked, "do you have the voice?"

"Of coarse, and you were wrong I fed on him since the moment he approached us. I didn't trust him that is why I made the blast so strong I wanted to make sure it would kill him." The house was nearly burnt to the ground in only a few moments when the two changelings turned and walked away, toward the castle.

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"What in tarnation are you talking about Rainbow? What happened to Dogboots?" She asked putting down a rather large basket full of apples. It seemed strange that nearly everypony was over at Fluttershy's.


"I'll head down to the cottage and see what's going on," She replied back to Rainbow Dash.




"Pinkie, I appreciate you trying to cheer me up but I don't think maneuvering my face around to smile is going to work," He said dullfully.


(OOC: Decided to change the font color to show that he's feeling dull and empty)

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Rainbow Dash

"OK AJ. I have to let Canterlot know about this. We need Twilight again, and she's there with Celestia, and she took Spike with her. Just try to keep calm while I'm gone. It's only an hour flight at top speed to Canterlot."


Pinkie Pie

"Dogboots, you being depressed is starting to make me depressed. Do you want to play a game or something to pass the time?"


Royal Guard

"Welcome back Corporal Shield. Coming back for a double shift today Private Rusty? We need all the help we can get. Celestia is paranoid with what happened since you left for your hunnyhoom Corporal Shield. Those pesky changelings tried to invade Ponyville this time."


The guard gives them a quick look over as he opens the door. "Now don't get lost in there. It's been a few weeks since you've been in there. You'll probably think it's some fancy casino or something. Your brother should remember the way around."

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Pinkie Pie

"Hey Fluttershy, is his face going to stay that way? It's like he's not happy or sad. It's kind of creepy."






"I... I don't know," Fluttershy said sadly.  With every passing moment she became more and more convinced that Dogboots had suffered the same fate as Corkscrew... only without the evil alicorn-ness.  "I hope not."


"So what where you doing in Canterlot Fluttershy? Was it anything fun?"


She winced and looked away.  Part of her had hoped that her friends never noticed that she had left.  "Um... no," she said honestly.  "No, it wasn't fun at all.  it had to do with... with what happened to Corkscrew."  Her lip quivered as she tried to fight back tears.  She had to convince herself that she wasn't lying to Pinkie, just leaving out the whole truth.  As much as she wanted to explain everything to Pinkie, she also had a promise to keep with the princesses.

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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"We can if you want to Pinkie, but to be honest I don't think that will be enough," Dogboots said in a dull tone. The stallion still didn't feel anything which didn't make him sad but truth be told he wanted to be sad.




Without any warning whatsoever, AJ suddenly burst through fluttershy's cottage door. She soon saw her friend Dogboots sitting up on the couch. His coat was grayer than before and the color of his eyes had faded to the point of lifelessness.


"W-What's going on? What's wrong with him?" She asked Pinkie.

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"I... I don't know," Fluttershy said sadly.  With every passing moment she became more and more convinced that Dogboots had suffered the same fate as Corkscrew... only without the evil alicorn-ness.  "I hope not."




She winced and looked away.  Part of her had hoped that her friends never noticed that she had left.  "Um... no," she said honestly.  "No, it wasn't fun at all.  it had to do with... with what happened to Corkscrew."  Her lip quivered as she tried to fight back tears.  She had to convince herself that she wasn't lying to Pinkie, just leaving out the whole truth.  As much as she wanted to explain everything to Pinkie, she also had a promise to keep with the princesses.

Pinkie Pie

"Oh....my bad. I'm sorry I brought it up. It must still be hard for you. Your friendship went way back, didn't it? You know that picture he had if you is gone. His house was cleaned out when were in there earlier today."





"We can if you want to Pinkie, but to be honest I don't think that will be enough," Dogboots said in a dull tone. The stallion still didn't feel anything which didn't make him sad but truth be told he wanted to be sad.




Without any warning whatsoever, AJ suddenly burst through fluttershy's cottage door. She soon saw her friend Dogboots sitting up on the couch. His coat was grayer than before and the color of his eyes had faded to the point of lifelessness.


"W-What's going on? What's wrong with him?" She asked Pinkie.

"Oh hay Applejack! I don't really know, but I think it had to do with Changelings, but I could be wrong."

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They wondered the hall for quite some time trying to get their barrings of the castle, the last time they were there Viper got shot in the back by some sort of cannon and Flint took a hit in the sidr from a blast of magic. Needless to say they didn't have a very good time, but this time was different this time they were the one's in disguise even if it's only a scout they swore that it would be a successful mission. When they felt like they had gotten they're barrings after an hour of exploration and had still not seen the target Viper turned, "what now?"

"Hold on, hold on. I'm thinking... I think I remeber something in training, maybe those things we passed just now... I think those are stairs." Viper whipped her head over the massive shoulders the armor making it harder to move. "Oh my, I think you're right. But those hardly look anything like stairs."

"I know but where there's stairs they must lead somewhere, right?"

Viper nodded admiring her match's interligence as they made their way up the steps.

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Princess Celestia

"So Luna, how did it go with our guest? Do you deem him to be a threat as I do or do you think he is redeemed. I should have just sent him to the moon for a few years to see if he would calm down, not this training, but I am open to new ideas...but if he goes nightmare again, it's on your hooves.




Princess Luna


Luna went to the library to put the book back to it's place and walk out of the library and went to see her sister. She walk to her sister chamber.


Luna gust laugh at what she said knowing she meant seriously the word she said. Then after a minute of laughing she took a deep breath. And she talk to Celestia " We know you can't send him to the moon Sister with out the Elements of Harmony that the only way to send him there." Luna look at her sister.


Luna walk to Celestia little more to her and said  " You know sister is a good thing you do not have the Elements of Harmony we think if you have it you will just send him there anyway" Luna said in a some what angry. Luna is still angry with her sister, Celestia just banish Luna to the moon for a 1000 year. But Luna for gave her for that, Luna said " I know you trying to keep Equestria save but it is all was a better way. Now about Corkscrew he making some progress we think the threat is not so bad now I can't say he well not turn back to a nightmare form. But We think keeping him here  in the caster will not help at all. He need to see his friends in ponyville and have some free moving around Equestria and the same time make sure Little Fire stay next to him in all time in he is not here in the Caster" Luna said knowing it my help him to fight his inner demon.  


" Sister I know this well help him out and it dose not work We will put him back in is place" Luna said in a tone that Celestia know she meant what SHE MEANT.






Twilight and Little Fire


Twilight, Fire and Spike are going to the kitchen in the caster they are walking to a stairway  to go down stair. They got to the stair and stared to go down stair and they saw two guards going up the stair. Fire look at one of them he remembers how rude he was with Corkscrew Fire give him a mean look.


After they pass them Twilight suddenly stop and look back at the guards " hmm why are those guards going up the stair are they supposed to keep a eye on Corkscrew " Twilight thought for a minute.


Fire walk to her and ask " Are you Ok Twilight."


Twilight look at Fire " Oh yes sorry for that I was thinking that all lest continue going to the kitchen Ok Fire and ask Celestia about this two guards" Twilight said to herself.


They finally got to the kitchen and Fire ran to the chefs and ask them a lost of question. Twilight was still bothering her about those guards, Spike walk to her and ask her " Twilight are you OK it looks like after we pass those guards you where on easy." She said to Spike " Those guards supposed to be look after Corkscrew but why are they going up stair and not with him" Twilight tell him.


Spike said " Twilight they may be on lunch break and those guards may look walking around the caster or something."


" Spike you may be right but it still bothering but list eat now" And Twilight  grape a plat and stared to eat.

Edited by Fox801
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"Changelings? A changeling did this to him?" She exclaimed in horror. The earth pony approached the stallion cautiously.


"Dogboots? You feelin' okay sugarcube?" She asked the stallion.




"Oh...hey AJ, i'd be lying if I said I was fine. Truth be told, I don't feel anything. Sorry to make that sound depressing, but it's the truth," He said staring at the blanket in front of him.

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Princess Celestia

"Luna, I know what your thinking, but he is a loose cannon. I had his old pal Rusty Shield stationed in front of his door to see if it would put him over the edge. Now we just wait and see."


"As for the comment about the elements, I should have had Twilight blast him with them just to be on the safe side. It would have ether fixed him or.....you get the picture."



Celestia acknowledged the two guard who had walked past the door.


"I don't mean anything by it, but the reason he is here is because he's been around HER. Remeber what she did to Shining Armor? Do we really want to risk a dark alicorn becoming a tool of the changelings? Besides sister, I trust you to train him. That's why I want him close. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some things to take care of."



Corkscrew continued to read the little red book that he had found. It was his Great Great Great Grandfather's spell book. It had many attacks in it, and a few defensive ones as well.


"Hum...Last page. Let's see, Nightma.....oh." As his eyes scanned the page. "So it can be done!" he said as a smirk came across his face. He finished the book, and hid it under his pillow before turning his attention to the box that was in the room.


"What could this be?" he said as he opened it. 'Put me on and see how you look' was on the note inside. To Corkscrew, it looked like the box from before that Celestia sent his armor in to Ponyville. Could she have had a new set made to mach his new size?


He closed his eyes, using his magic to levitate the armor out of the box and on to him, not wanting to see what it looked like. He quickly moved into the bathroom to see himself in the mirror. His blood began to boil, his eyes glowing red with anger.

Somepony had a Princess crown made for him, with matching accessories. "RUSTY SHIELD" he said under his breath, trying to keep from exploding. He was shaking, barely holding his anger at bay.

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 Princess Celestia

"Luna, I know what your thinking, but he is a loose cannon. I had his old pal Rusty Shield stationed in front of his door to see if it would put him over the edge. Now we just wait and see."


"As for the comment about the elements, I should have had Twilight blast him with them just to be on the safe side. It would have ether fixed him or.....you get the picture."



Celestia acknowledged the two guard who had walked past the door.


"I don't mean anything by it, but the reason he is here is because he's been around HER. Remeber what she did to Shining Armor? Do we really want to risk a dark alicorn becoming a tool of the changelings? Besides sister, I trust you to train him. That's why I want him close. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some things to take care of."



Corkscrew continued to read the little red book that he had found. It was his Great Great Great Grandfather's spell book. It had many attacks in it, and a few defensive ones as well.


"Hum...Last page. Let's see, Nightma.....oh." As his eyes scanned the page. "So it can be done!" he said as a smirk came across his face. He finished the book, and hid it under his pillow before turning his attention to the box that was in the room.


"What could this be?" he said as he opened it. 'Put me on and see how you look' was on the note inside. To Corkscrew, it looked like the box from before that Celestia sent his armor in to Ponyville. Could she have had a new set made to mach his new size?


He closed his eyes, using his magic to levitate the armor out of the box and on to him, not wanting to see what it looked like. He quickly moved into the bathroom to see himself in the mirror. His blood began to boil, his eyes glowing red with anger.


Somepony had a Princess crown made for him, with matching accessories. "RUSTY SHIELD" he said under his breath, trying to keep from exploding. He was shaking, barely holding his anger at bay.




Princess Luna


Before Luna could say anything Celestia left the room. Luna look at the direction she was walking on, Luna didn't know way she have to do. But Luna didn't want to ask and Luna walk out of the room.


" Um how can we know he is better or not " Luna thought to herself. Luna decided to walk to Corkscrew room to see how much he can control his Nightmare form.


Twilight and Little Fire


Twilight, Spike and Fire are eating there breakfast Fire was so happy he was eating is favorite one oaks and hey cereal. They were having a good breakfast and then Fire stop eating " Something is wrong" he thought to himself.


And then he jump out of his chair Twilight look at Fire " Are you OK Fire."  Fire gust said to her he was Ok and then turn his head and said to Twilight " Sorry Twilight I have to go now" Before she say anything he ran out of the kitchen.  


Twilight look confused and then she got out of her chair and tell Spike " Lest go Spike we need to follow him now." Spike node and they ran after him. Twilight yell at him and ask him way he was running. Fire look back at her and tell her " My Big Brother is in danger I feel he need my help now Twilight" he tell her.


Twilight look at him " I think Fire can tell if Corkscrew need help if is nightmare form is coming out of him" Twilight thought to herself. She follow him to the room they were in and then Fire opine the door and looking for Corkscrew. Fire saw Corkscrew in the bathroom he was angry at something but Fire didn't not know way. Fire jump at him and give him a big hug hoping with his hug  Corkscrew well come down.


Twilight enter the room and saw Fire giving Corkscrew a hug and she saw him angry " I hope that hug do the trick we all be in trouble" she said looking at Corkscrew.




Music Note


After she left her friend she was walking to the market place to get some food. And when she was in the market place she saw a darkish blue earth pony and she saw his cute mark is a quill with a eight note on is flake. " Hmm I my ask him he know any pleas to eat here" She thought to herself.


She walk to him and said him "  Hello here my name is Music Note and I looking for a please to eat her I new in ponyville I hoping you know a please " She tell him.

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Corkscrew's eyes were glowing red with anger. He didn't even notice Fox and Twilight enter his room. He had not entered nightmare state yet, but it was coming close.


He felt something run into him, seeing it was Fire in the mirror. He had to hold it togeter for Fire's sake. Though still shaking, he closed his eyes and began to count backwords.

"10....9.....8.....7....6....5....4.....3....2.....1" He let out a deep breath. It had calmed him down as he sat with Fire, hugging him back, beginning to weep. "Fire....Thank you." as he hugged his little brother even tighter. "You are always there for me, and I'll always be there for you." as he levitated the crown off his head and on to Fire. "I think it looks better on you anyway." He said as the tears finally stopped.


"...Oh....Hello Twilight....and Spike.....Just how much of that did you see? I'm starting to get the hang of this, it's just my anger gets the better of me some times."

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Corkscrew's eyes were glowing red with anger. He didn't even notice Fox and Twilight enter his room. He had not entered nightmare state yet, but it was coming close.


He felt something run into him, seeing it was Fire in the mirror. He had to hold it togeter for Fire's sake. Though still shaking, he closed his eyes and began to count backwords.

"10....9.....8.....7....6....5....4.....3....2.....1" He let out a deep breath. It had calmed him down as he sat with Fire, hugging him back, beginning to weep. "Fire....Thank you." as he hugged his little brother even tighter. "You are always there for me, and I'll always be there for you." as he levitated the crown off his head and on to Fire. "I think it looks better on you anyway." He said as the tears finally stopped.


"...Oh....Hello Twilight....and Spike.....Just how much of that did you see? I'm starting to get the hang of this, it's just my anger gets the better of me some times."




Twilight and Little Fire


Fire was so happy Corkscrew was back to normal. Fire saw the crown on Corkscrew head and then Corkscrew levitated to Fire head. Fire saw the crown on his head on the mirror he smile. Fire look at Corkscrew, he have stop crying.


Fire said to him " Big Brother I know you all was be there fore me and I will be there for you I promise" he was still smiling. And he look at Twilight she was not happy at all with Corkscrew. 


Twilight gust walk up to Corkscrew and look at him and said " You... you all most lost your anger" She gust look him again. "  Tell me this if you tell Celestia that you think she will believe you no she don't. And I think you have to tell me WAY YOU ALL MOST BECOME  NIGHTMARE AGANIG"  She yell at so loud even the guard aside heard her.


She took a deep breath and look at him " Sorry I didn't mean to yell at you but when I saw you so angry I thought I have to stop you. You know how heard at will be to stop my new friend to hurting ponies in here and Equestria" she said it a sand tone. " I do not know if you see me as a friend but I do and as a friend you need to remember something" look at Fire and back to Corkscrew. " You have a brother who love you a whole lot's and he see you as a hero" then Fire look a Twilight.


Fire look back to Corkscrew and tell him " Big Brother are you a good pony or a bad pony I think you are a super good pony like a Super Hero pony" he smile at Corkscrew.


Twilight smile at Fire and look back to Corkscrew " And you all must all most throw out all your training out the window. And the some time make Celestia to make to who know what" She was tell him. She look at a black box on the floor she levitated to box to her she look inside and saw it was empty. She guess the crown was inside the box and she put the box down and walk to Fire and levitated to crown and look on the side. And it have some thing on it a name Rusty Sheild on it. She put the crown back in the box and close it up  and Fire look at her " I will bring you a new crown a one will fit you Ok Fire" he look and node.


" Rusty Sheild is that the guard who was keeping a eye on you" Twilight ask him.

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Fluttershy looked away sadly.  It was bad enough watching only Corkscrew go through this, she wasn't sure if she could handle watching another.  She wished that she could tell her friends without breaking her promise to the Princesses; the six of them could do anything together.


Suddenly, something hit her.  Maybe there was a way!  She'd have to be sneaky about it though.  "Um... hey Pinkie Pie and Applejack, I just had an idea if you want to hear it.  We should all go to Canterlot soon and visit Twilight!  If we bring Dogboots, maybe she and the other princesses can help him too."  Once they got to the castle, then she could convince Corkscrew to 'conveniently' show up wherever her friends were, and everything could be explained to them.  The plan was foolproof!

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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@@Antismurf9001, @@thor9356,

Pinkie Pie

"Fluttershy, that a GREAT IDEA! Your a  GENIUS! Canterlot is sure to have all kinds of doctors and things...plus with Twilight's magic, and Celestia's magic, and Luna's magic.....There sure to fix old Mr. Boring over there. Let's leave now! What do you say AJ?"




Corkscrew looked down in shame at the ground. "I'm sorry I almost lot it. It's just Rusty and I have a history....a bad one. How would you feel if somepony picked on you all day, every day, calling you a Kiss Flank? Now to top it off, he been calling me Princess! Last I checked, I'm still a stallion!"


He took a moment to regain his calm.


"To top it off, I came back from my meeting with Princess Luna to find this box. It's from the armory. Last time I got one, it had my armor in it, so I thought that maybe Luna or Celestia had a new set made to match my size, so I put it on, only to find out that Rusty is still trying to humiliate me!"


He had to stop again.


"Twilight, I consider you a friend also, but I should have ended this back in training. Would you be willing to talk to him for me? Find out why he hates me so much? I don't like loosing my temper Twilight, Fire knows this. That's why I like to keep him close. I protect him, and he keeps me happy and calm."


Corkscrew was looking around the room one more time.


"I just.....I don't even know anymore. One second I'm depressed, the next I want to put a hoof through the wall! I still blame...HER...I just haven't felt the same since I fought that changeling to rescue Fluttershy."

"Twilight, Wait! there is one other thing that has me scared beyond anything. If something Dose happen to me, would you take care of Fire for me? In case I snap and can't be stopped...."


"I....I think I better work on my meditation to try regain some peace. Fire, Do you want to stay here or go with Twilight? I...I think she better tell Luna and Celestia..." He said as he collapsed onto the bed, depressed.

Edited by Skycoaster

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@@Antismurf9001, @@Skycoaster,



"Well I reckon it's worth a try, I mean there's nothing that I'm guessin that will help him. So yeah, let's take him to Canterlot" She said agreeing with Pinkie's idea.



The stallion had drowned out Pinkie, AJ and Fluttershy's conversation. It was uninteresting to him but when the name Celestia was bought up his eye would twitch and the earth pony's muscles clenched.

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Corkscrew looked down in shame at the ground. "I'm sorry I almost lot it. It's just Rusty and I have a history....a bad one. How would you feel if somepony picked on you all day, every day, calling you a Kiss Flank? Now to top it off, he been calling me Princess! Last I checked, I'm still a stallion!"


He took a moment to regain his calm.


"To top it off, I came back from my meeting with Princess Luna to find this box. It's from the armory. Last time I got one, it had my armor in it, so I thought that maybe Luna or Celestia had a new set made to match my size, so I put it on, only to find out that Rusty is still trying to humiliate me!"


He had to stop again.


"Twilight, I consider you a friend also, but I should have ended this back in training. Would you be willing to talk to him for me? Find out why he hates me so much? I don't like loosing my temper Twilight, Fire knows this. That's why I like to keep him close. I protect him, and he keeps me happy and calm."


Corkscrew was looking around the room one more time.


"I just.....I don't even know anymore. One second I'm depressed, the next I want to put a hoof through the wall! I still blame...HER...I just haven't felt the same since I fought that changeling to rescue Fluttershy."

"Twilight, Wait! there is one other thing that has me scared beyond anything. If something Dose happen to me, would you take care of Fire for me? In case I snap and can't be stopped...."


"I....I think I better work on my meditation to try regain some peace. Fire, Do you want to stay here or go with Twilight? I...I think she better tell Luna and Celestia..." He said as he collapsed onto the bed, depressed.




Twilight and Little Fire


She look at Corkscrew when he tell her about Rusty and he ask her to talk to Rusty and ask him why he hate Corkscrew.


Twilight walk to him and put a hoof on his shoulder and said " I will ask him for you but I think I be beater if you ask him yourself. Not only you to face him you be ably to be friend and you be ably to control your anger. Or at less you face him even if he still hate you at less you be ably to fine out why he hate you." Twilight said to him hoping he take her advice.


Fire look at both of them and said " Hmm.... Big Brother why are you not so happy " Fire ask him.

" I think you need so food you didn't have no breakfast all day brother and lunch is coming up soon You need to eat Brother" He tell Corkscrew.


Twilight smile at Fire and tell him and Corkscrew " I think he is right You need to eat now Corkscrew" She kind there order him. She walk away of Corkscrew and turn around and tell him what he ask of her " If you can't stop be coming nightmare from and we have to stop you " Twilight made a eye contact at Corkscrew and said ' I well take care of him I Pinkie Promised you that. But you will not turn nightmare at all you have a good hart and a good pony well fight to stay good. And you kind of promise you well protect him" Twilight smile.


Fire look his brother and said to him " I will stay here with you Brother and make you super happy and make you smile brother" Fire said it a happy tone. Fire went to bed with Corkscrew and give him a big brother huge and tell him " I promise you brother I well be here as loge you need me" Fire look at Corkscrew hoping he will smile soon.


Twilight look at him " No I will not tell the Princess at all why you ask" She look at Fire and Corkscrew. " You well tell them what as happen it part of your possibility now as a princes. As mush you do not see your self as a princes you are now" Twilight tell him..

Edited by Fox801
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Yes! she cheered excitedly in her head.  The plan was working so far!  She hadn't expected them to want to leave so soon, but certainly didn't consider that a bad thing.  "Oh, um... okay!  Yeah, we should leave as soon as possible!  I'll go get my things packed."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Pinkie Pie

"WooHoo! I'm all ready packed!" as she pulled a suitcase out of the 4th wall. "Fluttershy, AJ, Pack up. I'll watch DogBoots for ya."



"Ohhh. He did something when I mentioned that name." She said scratching her head. "I've got an Idea! DogBoots do any of theses words give you a reaction?"















"Your right Twilight. I better tell Celestia at once that I can't hold my anger at times.....Come on Fire. Let's go get something to eat and track down Princess Celestia."


Corkscrew got up and levitated Fire on to his back.


"Let's get going...." as he levitates the door open, Celestia is standing there.


"Just the Pony is wanted to see....Um how did your chat with Luna go?


Princess Celestia


"Corkscrew...I here you've been having trouble with your anger. Is it in general or towards one pony?



"Just one pony, Princess."


"Is it that guard again?"



"Yes, but how did you know?"



"I was the one who had him stationed here in front of your door. I knew about the history you two had. It was a test to see what would happen if you were provoked. I wish I could say you passed with flying colors, but you didn't turn into a nightmare, so I guess that you didn't fail ether.....However, I did get reports of a fire near his house in Canterlot, But you didn't even know where he lived. I'm going to make sure you two have a little chat in private...three...you need Fire with you just in case you don't do anything you'll regret."


"Twilight, if you would come with me. I want you to bring Princ...no....Lord Corkscrew something to eat."


With that, Celestia left Corkscrew's room, running into Rusty and his brother.


"Ah, just the brothers I was looking to see. Rusty, I think you took the provoking a bit too far.....Silver, your back early?"


"Anyway, I would like you two to berry the hatchet. I would like you two to meet and work this out between you."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@@Skycoaster, @,




"I'll head on back to Sweet Apple Acres to pack up as well, I'll meet y'all at the train station in a few," She said before leaving Pinkie Pie with the depressed stallion.




After AJ had left Pinkie attempted to get a rise out of the earth pony which seemed to be working. His muscles tensed up and his eye began twitching erratically.




After Pinkie Pie had uttered that name, Dogboots slammed a hoof into the wall leaving a noticeable size hole in the wall. It was quite evident that the stallion's negative emotions still remained.

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Pinkie Pie


Pinkie backed away slowly.


"Oh...that's the word....we might just want to avoid her there...for the time being. I'm sure there's lots of other ponies there that can help you."


Pinkie looks at the mark in the wall.


"Um, I'm going to help Fluttershy. You stay put, ok? And don't think of her, ok?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Dogboots began to relax a bit but soon felt a little guilty for destroying a part of fluttershy's home which she didn't even deserve.


"It seems my negative emotions still remain, depending on what happens next it could either be good or bad," He said to himself after Pinkie had left the room.

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