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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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"Your right Twilight. I better tell Celestia at once that I can't hold my anger at times.....Come on Fire. Let's go get something to eat and track down Princess Celestia."


Corkscrew got up and levitated Fire on to his back.


"Let's get going...." as he levitates the door open, Celestia is standing there.


"Just the Pony is wanted to see....Um how did your chat with Luna go?


Princess Celestia


"Corkscrew...I here you've been having trouble with your anger. Is it in general or towards one pony?



"Just one pony, Princess."


"Is it that guard again?"



"Yes, but how did you know?"




"I was the one who had him stationed here in front of your door. I knew about the history you two had. It was a test to see what would happen if you were provoked. I wish I could say you passed with flying colors, but you didn't turn into a nightmare, so I guess that you didn't fail ether.....However, I did get reports of a fire near his house in Canterlot, But you didn't even know where he lived. I'm going to make sure you two have a little chat in private...three...you need Fire with you just in case you don't do anything you'll regret."


"Twilight, if you would come with me. I want you to bring Princ...no....Lord Corkscrew something to eat."


With that, Celestia left Corkscrew's room, running into Rusty and his brother.


"Ah, just the brothers I was looking to see. Rusty, I think you took the provoking a bit too far.....Silver, your back early?"


"Anyway, I would like you two to berry the hatchet. I would like you two to meet and work this out between you."





Twilight and Little Fire


When Corkscrew open the door they saw Celestia in front of the door. She wanted to see Corkscrew.


Twilight  levitated Fire off his back and put Fire on her back giving Corkscrew to talk to the princess in peace. Fire look at his brother and ask Twilight " Why is the princess not so happy with my brother now Twilight."  Twilight tell him " She is not mad at him only disappointed that's all Fire" hope that kinder help to answer that question.


After Celestia finish talking to Corkscrew she ask Twilight to come with here. Twilight nodded and she  levitated Fire back to Corkscrew back. And Twilight lest with Celestia and they walk out of Corkscrew room Celestia saw Rusty in the whole way. And she tell Silver he back so early, Twilight gust look at them " Hmm..." she thought to herself something is kind of weird but she did not put to much thought in to it.


Little Fire


He look at Corkscrew and ask him " Brother are you in trouble."  Fire was look at him and than Fire field something bad was coming to them. Fire tell him " Brother something bad is coming now " he said it a scary tone.

Edited by Fox801
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@@thor9356, @,




It didn't take too long for Fluttershy to pack; she had barely had time to unpack since returning from her last trip.  "Alright, I'm all set," she said once she came back to the living room.  "We can go whenever everyone else is read-"  It was then that she noticed the sizable mark next to Dogboots on the wall.  "Oh... oh my...  Um, it's okay!  No need to worry about it."  She turned to Pinkie Pie, who had a startled look on her face, and whispered, "We should probably leave as soon as possible, shouldn't we?"

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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@, @,




"Sorry Fluttershy, I have no need to pack so we can leave now," He said getting up from the couch. His balance was a little bit better but it took a lot of effort for him to walk properly.




Applejack was waiting at the train station for Pinkie and Fluttershy to arrive. She began to think back on how she had met the stallion. It was almost a month ago since they had met. The earth pony had approached during a Farmer's Market and he was looking to start up his own business. Unbeknownst to the mare, Dogboots was actually quite business savvy and made an offer. In exchange for using some Sweet Apple Acres supplies, the stallion would give them 50% of the profits. It wasn't a bad deal and over time it worked quite well. Eventually it felt like Dogboots was one of the Apple Family. A hard working stallion out to make a living it was something to be respected.

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@, @@thor9356,

Pinkie Pie

"Fluttershy, I'd say leaver right now. He's kind of creeping me out a bit." She whispered back.


"Hey DogBoots, you ready to see Twilight? and only Twilight?"

"Fluttershy, I hope he dosen't see C E L E S T...You get it." She whispered in Fluttershy's ear.


"Well, We better get moving!"





"I'm not in trouble....Just Celestia wasn't happy with me." He said in an annoyed tone. "To be honest, I think she's trying to make this whole thing blow over than just leave us here where nopony will ever even think to ask where we went."


Corkscrew walked back over to his bed and picked up the small red book he had hid under his pillow.


"Fire, you can't tell anypony about this book. I'm intrusting it to you. It's been in the family for centuries. I found it when I was at the castle ruins. You have to promis me that you won't speak one word about this book to Twilight or Celestia...Understand?"


Corkscrew could hear the sound of armor behind his door. He looked at Fire. "I bet Celestia sent Rusty to apploige to me, there's nothing to be afraid of......" he said, waiting for the door to open.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Twilight. Haven't seen her in a while..." He said reflecting on his brief past with her. She was alright in his book but she still had a lot to learn about being an authority figure in Equestria. She had the strongest magic that could rival that of Star Swirl The Bearded.

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Flint took Vixen to a secluded hallway where he changed into the form she was currently wearing and she gave him a quizzical look, "I need you to find the target so I can take a look around I need to find out a few things alright?"

Vixen nodded changing her form they switched armor and slipped out of their hiding places each going in opposite directions one heading down stairs to find an empty room and the other heading towards the sound of voices and possibly the target.

  • Brohoof 1
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@, @@thor9356




"Right then, let's go," she said to the two of them.  She went over beside Dogboots to keep him steady.  "You still have to be careful Dogboots," she told the stallion.  "You aren't quite recovered from earlier."


It wasn't too long before the group made it to the train station and met up with Applejack.  "Sorry we took so long Applejack," Fluttershy apologized.  "Oh!  It looks like the next train is getting ready to leave!"  She quickly went over and purchased tickets for the four of them and motioned for them to follow her onto the train.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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"I'm not in trouble....Just Celestia wasn't happy with me." He said in an annoyed tone. "To be honest, I think she's trying to make this whole thing blow over than just leave us here where nopony will ever even think to ask where we went."


Corkscrew walked back over to his bed and picked up the small red book he had hid under his pillow.


"Fire, you can't tell anypony about this book. I'm intrusting it to you. It's been in the family for centuries. I found it when I was at the castle ruins. You have to promis me that you won't speak one word about this book to Twilight or Celestia...Understand?"


Corkscrew could hear the sound of armor behind his door. He looked at Fire. "I bet Celestia sent Rusty to apploige to me, there's nothing to be afraid of......" he said, waiting for the door to open.




Little Fire


Fire look at Corkscrew and said to him " You think so brother she leaving us here forever" Fire thought for a couple of minute. " Why Celestia wants us to stay here forever we did not do nothing bad Why Brother" Fire ask him and give him a curious look.


Then Corkscrew pick up a small red book under his pillow Fire look at the book curious about it.


Fire look at him he was telling Fire do not tell no pony at all colluding Twilight and Celestia. " Why don't you want tell any pony about at book Brother why" Fire ask him.  " If that book is so important I well not tell any pony brother I promise" Fire give Corkscrew a happy smile.


" Oh is that mean pony brother I do not like him at all"  Fire said in a angry tone. But Fire still feel something bad was coming behind that door. Fire bad feeling was so bad he grab Corkscrew and hold him waiting for that door open.

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"Don't worry, let's get going!" She said entering the train with Dogboots trailing behind. AJ soon placed her luggage on the shelf above her seat and then sat down.




The stallion didn't really pack anything, he was still unsure why he was going to Canterlot in the first place but soon remembered that he needed his emotions back. The positive one's at least. 

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@@Fox801, @@slimmyjimjim,



Corkscrew opend the door, looking each way down the hall before exiting the room. "Come on Fire, I need to get something to eat....." as he gets his first gimps at a familiar set of armor just a short ways down the hall heading towards him. "Fire, I want you to go in the room and wait till I give you the all clear, Okay? I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I can take care of my self if need be. I won't be far away, just on the other side of the door, Okay?"


Corkscrew gives a long stare down the hall at Rusty...or who he believes is Rusty. He slowly begins to trot in their direction. "So..Have you come to make peace or antagonize me some more?" Corkscrew said giving an evil stare at the guard.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Viper looked up in surprise, "excuse me?" realizing she had spoken in the brothers voice she cleared her throat and tried again, "ehem, I'm sorry? Did I do something....wrong." At the last word she had Rusty's voice down pat, but she was nervous not being used to doing all the talking and she was wishing that they had not switched places envying her match as she imagined him slinking around the palace doing any number of ninja work and not having to talk to any filthy ponies or worry about finding a target that she only had the name to. She didn't much like this particular ponies who was speaking to her which only made her hungry so she fanned out her line finding a small emotion from behind a door and attached to it feeding hungrily steeling whatever voice that was behind there.


Flint looked around before placing what can only be described as half of a small blue disco ball onto a tall white pillar. In truth what he had put there was the eye of a dragon fly, something so that he could watch places even when he wasn't around he had been putting these on every room that he and Viper had already searched through and was finishing up now beginning to look for their quarters upon seeing none on the first floor he decided to look on the second floor and also see how Viper was doing so he went back the way he came climbing up the stairs.

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"Don't play dumb with me! I found that little present you left! I suppose Celestia made you come up here and apologize to me, Didn't she?" Corkscrew could feel his anger toward the guard growing but was holding it at bay. "I accept your apology, but remember this, I don't forgive you for what you did, almost setting me over the edge. Your lucky. If it wasn't for my little brother being here or else you'd have an angry nightmare hunting you down! Mark my words Rusty, If you ever mess with me or my brother again, it will be the last mistake you ever make."


Corkscrew stopped himself before he said another word. Armor could be herd coming up the stairs. 


"Rusty, I don't like you and you don't like me. Let's just pretend to be friends till this all blows all over, Okay?" He said with a fake smile, fearing that somepony may be coming up to check on them.

He walked over to the guards ear and whispered. "We both know what happens if I blow a fuse. I'm taking you down with me."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Corkscrew opend the door, looking each way down the hall before exiting the room. "Come on Fire, I need to get something to eat....." as he gets his first gimps at a familiar set of armor just a short ways down the hall heading towards him. "Fire, I want you to go in the room and wait till I give you the all clear, Okay? I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I can take care of my self if need be. I won't be far away, just on the other side of the door, Okay?"


Corkscrew gives a long stare down the hall at Rusty...or who he believes is Rusty. He slowly begins to trot in their direction. "So..Have you come to make peace or antagonize me some more?" Corkscrew said giving an evil stare at the guard.



Little Fire


Fire was happy to go with Corkscrew to eat some food, Fire jump up and down going to the door. Corkscrew open to door and then Corkscrew saw a armor that look familiar to him he look at Fire and tell him to go to the room. Fire look at him " Why brother we can talk to him together" Fire tell him. But Corkscrew tell him he be ok and he tell he can help him he in the room. Corkscrew said he will not be far away, just on the other side of the door.


Fire was kind of sad and tell him ok to Corkscrew.





Viper looked up in surprise, "excuse me?" realizing she had spoken in the brothers voice she cleared her throat and tried again, "ehem, I'm sorry? Did I do something....wrong." At the last word she had Rusty's voice down pat, but she was nervous not being used to doing all the talking and she was wishing that they had not switched places envying her match as she imagined him slinking around the palace doing any number of ninja work and not having to talk to any filthy ponies or worry about finding a target that she only had the name to. She didn't much like this particular ponies who was speaking to her which only made her hungry so she fanned out her line finding a small emotion from behind a door and attached to it feeding hungrily steeling whatever voice that was behind there.



, @@slimmyjimjim,



And then Rusty come up to Corkscrew and they stared to talk. Fire notice something warm Rusty stared to talk weird before signing normal . Fire look at Rusty he wanted tell ask him something but Corkscrew look at like he was saying to go to the room. Fire turn around and stated to walk to the room he look back at Corkscrew and Rusty. He saw Rusty looking at him kind of weird and scary at the same time.


And then Fire was look at him eyes and then in his eyes he saw a Changeling eyes not a pony. Fire ran in to room and closed the door as fast as he can. Fire was scared he run to the bed hoping Corkscrew will not get hurt Fire jump on the bed and the book Corkscrew had under the pedal full down on the floor. Fire took a look on the side of the bed. Fire saw the book he jump down off the bed and picked up the book.


And he look at the door and back at the book " Hmm I think brother will not mine if I look at the book" And then he open the book. He flipped some pages but the words were very herd to under stand. But one page hade two of then stuck together he looked at the door again and still Corkscrew was talking to Rusty or maybe a Changeling still was wondering.


He look back at the book " Hmm what if I open these pages and show my brother  what was inside" Fire then tried to open the two pages but no success. " Hmm I think I need to use magic but how I not a unicorn or a Alicorn" and then he stared to think. And then a thought come to mine " Maybe I a Alicorn to" He put down the book and ran to the member and took a look on his head. After he look at his head he was sad not having a horn but a bump instead. Fire walk back to the book and look at it " Now I can even open up that pages at all " He said in a sad tone. He pick up the book and put it back in place and he walk to the corner of the bed and sat down to wait for Corkscrew.

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(OOC: Skycoaster has temporarily relinquished control of Pinkie Pie to myself, so that is why I will currently be RPing as her)




Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie


It wasn't too long before the group arrived in Canterlot.  "Come on guys!" Pinkie said excitedly.  "We've gotta go find Twilight so she can zap Dogboots with some sort of happiness lazer.  That will make him feel better, right?"


Fluttershy shied away and blushed.  "Um... actually, I just remembered that I have to do... uh... do something important.  Somewhere else.  I'll catch up with you later."


"Oh, okay," Pinkie said, surprised.  "We'll see you later then.  Have fun!"  As Fluttershy left, Pinkie began to scratch her chin with her hoof and looked on with suspicion.  "I dunno Applejack, something smells fishy about all of this, and it's not the fish I packed in my suitcase.  Oh well!  Let's go find Twilight!"






Oh no, this was a terrible idea! Fluttershy thought to herself.  It doesn't matter if it's not technically breaking my promise; the Princess is going to hate me forever and ever!  She had now begun to gallop towards Corkscrew's quarters.  It's too late to back down now, though.  I have to see this through.  She finally made it to his room and began knocking frantically, hoping that he was there.


Pinkie Pie




"Look!  There she is!" Pinkie shouted, pointing a hoof in Twilight's direction.  She started jumping up and down, shouting, "Twilight!  Twilight!  Over here, it's an emergency!  We need your happiness lazers, pronto!"

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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He look back at the book " Hmm what if I open these pages and show my brother what was inside" Fire then tried to open the two pages but no success. " Hmm I think I need to use magic but how I not a unicorn or a Alicorn" and then he stared to think. And then a thought come to mine " Maybe I a Alicorn to" He put down the book and ran to the member and took a look on his head. After he look at his head he was sad not having a horn but a bump instead. Fire walk back to the book and look at it " Now I can even open up that pages at all " He said in a sad tone. He pick up the book and put it back in place and he walk to the corner of the bed and sat down to wait for Corkscrew.


Having finished his rant with Rusty, Corkscrew slowly trots back into his room and nods to Fire that everything would be allright. He slowly approches his bed and lays back down on it, depressed.


"Everything is going to be all right Fire. Rusty and I worked things out." he says with a hint of anger in his voice. "You probaly herd the things I said though the door, and it was the truth. If anypony ever hurts you Fire, I will release all my anger on them, I don't care if I get banished or worse. You are not only my brother, but my best friend, now if you could just leave me here for a bit, I need to think some things over. Could you get me a hay shake...."


An Suddenly there is a Knock at the door.




Oh no, this was a terrible idea! Fluttershy thought to herself. It doesn't matter if it's not technically breaking my promise; the Princess is going to hate me forever and ever! She had now begun to gallop towards Corkscrew's quarters. It's too late to back down now, though. I have to see this through. She finally made it to his room and began knocking frantically, hoping that he was there.


"I wonder who that could be?" he said sarcastically, as he got up slowly to open the door, and was shocked when he saw who it was.


"Um...Fire, could you get that Shake for me? and a sandwich? We need some time to talk."


It had been almost a week since Corkscrew had last seen Fluttershy, he hoped that she would reconize him since he had changed a little since than, with the darker fur and mane, as well as his eyes were now stuck red.


(OoC He now looks like what pic in the avatar.)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Pinkie Pie


"Look!  There she is!" Pinkie shouted, pointing a hoof in Twilight's direction.  She started jumping up and down, shouting, "Twilight!  Twilight!  Over here, it's an emergency!  We need your happiness lazers, pronto!"





Twilight was walking back form the kitchen area living Celestia back there. Celestia tell Twilight she have some thing to do back there. Twilight nodded and gust pick up some food to bring it to Corkscrew. When she was going back to Corkscrew room she heard a familiar voice come form back of the hall way. Twilight walk closer where the voice was and saw Pinkie Pie and her friends.


Pinkie Pie was shouting out Twilight name she was saying it was a emergency. Twilight thought something bad have happen to one of her friends she ran to Pinkie and ask her " What happen Pinkie who is hurt."


Then Twilight look at her friends and saw know one is hurt at all they are fine. But one pony she saw was not her friends at all but a pony she met one time. It was Dogboots the pony how hates Princess Twilight remember what Celestia have tell her what he said to her. But he does not look he is all right " Dogboots what have happen to you, you do not look ok did you see a doctor" She ask him with a concerned tone.  


Twilight look at Pinkie and ask her what have happen to him " Pinkie you know what happen to him he look like all his emotions are missing like a Changeling sucked all of his emotions out of him."







Having finished his rant with Rusty, Corkscrew slowly trots back into his room and nods to Fire that everything would be allright. He slowly approches his bed and lays back down on it, depressed.


"Everything is going to be all right Fire. Rusty and I worked things out." he says with a hint of anger in his voice. "You probaly herd the things I said though the door, and it was the truth. If anypony ever hurts you Fire, I will release all my anger on them, I don't care if I get banished or worse. You are not only my brother, but my best friend, now if you could just leave me here for a bit, I need to think some things over. Could you get me a hay shake...."


An Suddenly there is a Knock at the door.


Little Fire


Fire was happy to see Corkscrew he want to jump and huge him but he didn't. Fire saw how sad he look and heard a hint of anger in his voice. He wanted to say something but he didn't want to make him more sad.


Corkscrew ask him to get him a hay shake be fore Fire say something,  someone have knock at the door.





"I wonder who that could be?" he said sarcastically, as he got up slowly to open the door, and was shocked when he saw who it was.


"Um...Fire, could you get that Shake for me? and a sandwich? We need some time to talk."


It had been almost a week since Corkscrew had last seen Fluttershy, he hoped that she would reconize him since he had changed a little since than, with the darker fur and mane, as well as his eyes were now stuck red.

@, @,



Little Fire



 Fire was surprise to see Fluttershy back in Canterlot Fire got up of the floor and ran to huge Fluttershy. " Fluttershy I soooo happy to see you here are you staying for a 1 or 8 days here with us" Fire said being excited.


Then Corkscrew ask Fire to get the Shake and the sandwich he wanted to talk to Fluttershy. Fire look at Corkscrew and tell him "  !NO! Brother I so tired of you telling me to leave why I need to get you your food I not your survey" Fire said it with a anger know was expecting. And then Fire look at him and said " I so sorry brother I do not know what came over me" he said it with a sad tone.


He look at Fluttlershy gave her a sad smile. Fire tell Corkscrew "I will get you your food Corkscrew ...um ...I mean Brother" Fire tombali over is words. Not looking at Corkscrew Fire ran out of the room not give Corkscrew a chance to say anything.


Fire was look at his hoofs and saw a dark change. Fire still feel that bump on his head but his hoofs changing that not what he wanted. He was walking to the kitchen he saw a member in a room he walk to it to see his reflection on it. What he saw a Dark Alicorn in front of him It not him but a dark version of himself. He jump he look at himself and nothing was different he still the some and he turn back to see his reflection and saw himself normal. He gust ran out of the room and saying that not him it was something else.  



( OCC Sky is so nice to you Lawful Smurf :P Ok now I have to say something I thought the RP died but it look like everyone was taking a break. I still happy everyone is still RPing. On tell 2,150 post tell then Fox OUT!!

Edited by Fox801
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Twilight look at Pinkie and ask her what have happen to him " Pinkie you know what happen to him he look like all his emotions are missing like a Changeling sucked all of his emotions out of him."


Pinkie Pie


Pinkie looked at Twilight and took in a deep breath, and then began to explain.  "Well after Princess Celestia left the changeling who was supposed to have disappeared in the Everfree Forest appeared and he went crazy and was all, 'Rarg!' and was sucking out Dogboot's emotions and we were all like, 'No Mr. Changeling!' and then he stopped and Dogboots was going all twitchy-twitch but not like the kind where my Pinkie Sense tells me that something's going to fall but more like the kind that's really really bad so we brought him to Fluttershy and she was all like, 'It's okay Dogboots,' and then he was except now he's gray and we can't do anything to make him smile or laugh and it's really depressing."  Having run out of air at this point, Pinkie took another deep breath and continued.  "So we were wondering if you could help get his emotions back!  So, can you?"


It had been almost a week since Corkscrew had last seen Fluttershy, he hoped that she would reconize him since he had changed a little since than, with the darker fur and mane, as well as his eyes were now stuck red.


(OoC He now looks like what pic in the avatar.)




Fluttershy was somewhat startled by Corkscrew's appearance, but it was obvious to her that it was still him.  If anything, she didn't know of any other male alicorns.  She waited until Fire had left, and then she nearly broke down sobbing.  "Oh Corkscrew, I did a terrible thing and now the Princess is going to hate me!  She wanted me to keep you a secret, but it was so hard not to tell my friends and then a changeling did the same horrible thing to a pony named Dogboots.  I said that we should bring him here so that he could get help, and I kind of wanted them to meet you too because I thought that they could help you, but now I don't know what to do!"

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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@@Fox801, @,


The stallion had followed the group of ponies. It wasn't long before Dogboots had seen Twilight again. In a way the alicorn princess was a more tolerable version of Celestia but she was still naive and didn't know how to run a Kingdom. Still, she was his only hope to get his positive emotions back.


"Hey Twilight," He said acknowledging the alicorn.

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Then Corkscrew ask Fire to get the Shake and the sandwich he wanted to talk to Fluttershy. Fire look at Corkscrew and tell him " !NO! Brother I so tired of you telling me to leave why I need to get you your food I not your survey" Fire said it with a anger know was expecting. And then Fire look at him and said " I so sorry brother I do not know what came over me" he said it with a sad tone.


"Fire, I just need some time with your Aunt Fluttershy, Okay. And never use that tone again with me MR, or I'll....I'll" as Corkscrew began yelling at the door that Fire left through. He could feel darkness in himself, but couldn't tell if it was Fire or himself, he had to take a moment to stop before he could address Fluttershy.




Fluttershy Fluttershy was somewhat startled by Corkscrew's appearance, but it was obvious to her that it was still him. If anything, she didn't know of any other male alicorns. She waited until Fire had left, and then she nearly broke down sobbing. "Oh Corkscrew, I did a terrible thing and now the Princess is going to hate me! She wanted me to keep you a secret, but it was so hard not to tell my friends and then a changeling did the same horrible thing to a pony named Dogboots. I said that we should bring him here so that he could get help, and I kind of wanted them to meet you too because I thought that they could help you, but now I don't know what to do!"


"Fluttershy, It's still alright. I'm fine here. All of my problems are almost over. Celestia won't care as long as this doesn't get around Ponyville. You guys are the Elements of Harmony. If anypony can fix me, you girls can. Come on, we better chase after Fire before he get's himself into trouble."




Fire was look at his hoofs and saw a dark change. Fire still feel that bump on his head but his hoofs changing that not what he wanted. He was walking to the kitchen he saw a member in a room he walk to it to see his reflection on it. What he saw a Dark Alicorn in front of him It not him but a dark version of himself. He jump he look at himself and nothing was different he still the some and he turn back to see his reflection and saw himself normal. He gust ran out of the room and saying that not him it was something else.

Corkscrew caught up with his brother, as he neared the young colt, he got a pain in his head, almost as if the Nightmare inside him was trying to break free again, but also could feel the dark waves coming off of Fire.


"Fire, You know I would do anything in Equestria for you. I think some of that darkness in me may have started to rub off...unless...You didn't read my book, Did you? You know that last page was a spell Great Grandpa was working on for controlling the Nightmare Energy. I think..." as his head began to pain again. "Well, if it worked for me, it should work for you. Come give your brother a hug."

Corkscrew walks over to Fire and gives him a hug, however Corkscrew's horn began to glow again, as the hug seemed to be working the oppsit on himself, Eyes beginning to glow red. It was as if whatever darkness was in Fire was being sucked back into Corkscrew.

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Pinkie Pie


Pinkie looked at Twilight and took in a deep breath, and then began to explain.  "Well after Princess Celestia left the changeling who was supposed to have disappeared in the Everfree Forest appeared and he went crazy and was all, 'Rarg!' and was sucking out Dogboot's emotions and we were all like, 'No Mr. Changeling!' and then he stopped and Dogboots was going all twitchy-twitch but not like the kind where my Pinkie Sense tells me that something's going to fall but more like the kind that's really really bad so we brought him to Fluttershy and she was all like, 'It's okay Dogboots,' and then he was except now he's gray and we can't do anything to make him smile or laugh and it's really depressing."  Having run out of air at this point, Pinkie took another deep breath and continued.  "So we were wondering if you could help get his emotions back!  So, can you?"




After Pinkie finish explain what happen Twilight was surprised how she can understand what she said. Twilight take a deep breath and said " Let me get this straight the Changeling who was lost in the Everfree Forest suddenly appeared and WENT CRAZY IN PONYVILLE. She said in a mad tone. " And then that Changeling attacked Dogboots and then let go of Dogboots. And now he have no Emotions, Why didn't you girls take him to the hospital. They could help him better I not saying Fluttershy can not heal but professional could of help him." Twilight said.


Twilight look at Dogboots and back to the girls " Now he here we can put him to see a doctor how can help him to recover. And answer on of your questions Pinkie, We Princess can not bring back emotions. The emotions are still there but hidden inside him. He gust need some help to fine them and the Doctor here can do that for him." Twilight said it with a smile.




The stallion had followed the group of ponies. It wasn't long before Dogboots had seen Twilight again. In a way the alicorn princess was a more tolerable version of Celestia but she was still naive and didn't know how to run a Kingdom. Still, she was his only hope to get his positive emotions back.


"Hey Twilight," He said acknowledging the alicorn.



Twilight look back to Dogboots and said to him "  Holley Dogboots" Twilight seeing how he sounds and looks. " Well Dogboots look like you lost a fight with a Changeling" she chuckled a little. " Ok now to take you to see a doctor now to help you out. Not to worry they now what they doing Dogboots" she gave him a gentle smile.






Corkscrew caught up with his brother, as he neared the young colt, he got a pain in his head, almost as if the Nightmare inside him was trying to break free again, but also could feel the dark waves coming off of Fire.


"Fire, You know I would do anything in Equestria for you. I think some of that darkness in me may have started to rub off...unless...You didn't read my book, Did you? You know that last page was a spell Great Grandpa was working on for controlling the Nightmare Energy. I think..." as his head began to pain again. "Well, if it worked for me, it should work for you. Come give your brother a hug."


Corkscrew walks over to Fire and gives him a hug, however Corkscrew's horn began to glow again, as the hug seemed to be working the oppsit on himself, Eyes beginning to glow red. It was as if whatever darkness was in Fire was being sucked back into Corkscrew.

@, @@thor9356, @,


Little Fire


Fire was surprise Corkscrew gust gave him a hug like that. Fire saw the Nightmare Energy coming from him going to Corkscrew. Doing the hug Fire saw Corkscrew turning dark like his reflection was.


Fire yelling at Corkscrew " Stop it hurting you brother STOP NOW STOP"  he yelling as loud as he can. But like Corkscrew was not hearing him at all. Fire thought to himself " Why brother why are you hurting yourself, Why I read that evil book my brother have if I didn't read that book. My Brother will not getting hurt at all. This is my fault."


Fire was crying and say in between his cry's " brother...... I do not know you can hear me .......You need come back now brother back to normal.......You promised me you ........will protect ...me" Fire hoping corkscrew will come back to him.

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Little Fire Fire was surprise Corkscrew gust gave him a hug like that. Fire saw the Nightmare Energy coming from him going to Corkscrew. Doing the hug Fire saw Corkscrew turning dark like his reflection was. Fire yelling at Corkscrew " Stop it hurting you brother STOP NOW STOP" he yelling as loud as he can. But like Corkscrew was not hearing him at all. Fire thought to himself " Why brother why are you hurting yourself, Why I read that evil book my brother have if I didn't read that book. My Brother will not getting hurt at all. This is my fault." Fire was crying and say in between his cry's " brother...... I do not know you can hear me .......You need come back now brother back to normal.......You promised me you ........will protect ...me" Fire hoping corkscrew will come back to him.

@@Fox801, @@thor9356, @@Antismurf9001,



Corkscrew could still hear Fire though he was struggling to keep control. ".....Fire.....I.....am.....doing....this....to.....protect....you...." he was barely able to get out. Half his fur was now black, where as the rest was still the eerie burnt orange. "Fire....I can control it somewhat now....the book showed me...."


He was now half Alicorn, half Nightmare, but was fighting it inside of him for Fire and Fluttershy's sake. He did not want them to see him like like this. If he was going to loose it, he wanted it to be in a private area. He could feel himself slipping, but still maintained control. "Fire....Go get...Twilight...Luna...Somepony....I'll be fine...I still have to protect you....."


What scared him the most was he new he was near the kitchen where Twilight was going and Fluttershy was right behind him. If they saw him like this before Fire could explain, he didn't know what would happen.

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Corkscrew could still hear Fire though he was struggling to keep control. ".....Fire.....I.....am.....doing....this....to.....protect....you...." he was barely able to get out. Half his fur was now black, where as the rest was still the eerie burnt orange. "Fire....I can control it somewhat now....the book showed me...."


He was now half Alicorn, half Nightmare, but was fighting it inside of him for Fire and Fluttershy's sake. He did not want them to see him like like this. If he was going to loose it, he wanted it to be in a private area. He could feel himself slipping, but still maintained control. "Fire....Go get...Twilight...Luna...Somepony....I'll be fine...I still have to protect you....."


What scared him the most was he new he was near the kitchen where Twilight was going and Fluttershy was right behind him. If they saw him like this before Fire could explain, he didn't know what would happen.

@,@@thor9356, @@Antismurf9001,




Little Fire


After Corkscrew tell Fire to get Twilight or Luna he look at Corkscrew. Fire was scared to let him go he thought if he did Corkscrew will turn Nightmare. But Corkscrew tell him he is doing it for him to protect him. Fire let go and look at him " Brother I will fine Twilight, Luna or somepony I promise you that " Fire turn and ran off to fine somepony to help.


Fire and Twilight


Fire ran only a minutes until he heard some voices coming up ahead. He ran as fast as he can until he bump in to Twilight and Friends.


Twilight was surprise after he bump into her " Oh Fire what is the rush" She ask him.


Fire look at Twilight and tell her " My Brother is in trouble he need your help Twilight" Fire said it with a panic tone.


Twilight said " Why he need my help Fire did your brother do something weird " she look at him with a confused look.


" HE TURNING NIGHTMARE FORM NOW HE NEED YOUR HELP NOW" he was yelling at Twilight hoping that make her move.


She was in shock to hear what is happening now " Um... girls I think you need to come with me I will explain later. And Dogboots I will tell a guard to take you to see a doctor OK Sorry for this. And Please do not tell anypony what you head" She tell a guard next to a door and ask him to take Dogboots to see a doctor. The guard nodded to her and he taking him to see doctor. 


Twilight follow Fire where Corkscrew was when she saw Corkscrew turning Nightmare form. Only one thing come to mine she have to use the Elements of Harmony on him now. But how is she going to do that her room is on the other side of the castle only if Rainbow was here now she can make it there and come back be for he turn to Nightmare Form. 


( Occ I do not know if Rainbow is with the party I will live it to you Sky you control her. I well see how you well put here in to the next Post)

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Pinkie Pie


 "Wait, nightmare form?  Who's turning into a nightmare?  I thought that Luna was fine...  And not a boy..."  Pinkie stood in confusion.  "Unless Corkscrew actually survived and has an ancestor who was a royal guard that turned evil and when Corkscrew got injured lost his emotions this evil unicorn possessed him and turned him into the dark alicorn that landed in Ponyville a couple of weeks ago and now the Princesses are keeping him here in the castle and secret!  Oh, right, Elements of Harmony!"  She started to follow Twilight and then noticed a crucial flaw in the plan.  "Wait a second... where's Rarity?"






Fluttershy watched in horror as Corkscrew continued to fight what seemed like a losing battle.  She knew she had to do something, but what?  "I'm so sorry Corkscrew, this is all my fault," she admitted, not sure if he could hear her.  "If I were only a little bit stronger...  But that's not the point.  Corkscrew, you're one of the strongest ponies I know, and not just physically.  I know that you can do this.  You can fight back this nightmare, and go back to the way you used to be."  She paused, thinking on her last statement.  Then she continued, "Whatever happens though, just know that if anything, I still care about you.  It might not be in the way that you had always hoped, but I will always care about you and cherish you as one of my best friends."

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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"Wait, nightmare form? Who's turning into a nightmare? I thought that Luna was fine... And not a boy..." Pinkie stood in confusion. "Unless Corkscrew actually survived and has an ancestor who was a royal guard that turned evil and when Corkscrew got injured lost his emotions this evil unicorn possessed him and turned him into the dark alicorn that landed in Ponyville a couple of weeks ago and now the Princesses are keeping him here in the castle and secret! Oh, right, Elements of Harmony!" She started to follow Twilight and then noticed a crucial flaw in the plan. "Wait a second... where's Rarity?"

@@Fox801, @@Antismurf9001, @@thor9356,

Rainbow Dash

"What did you say Pinkie," as Dash flys into the room. "I just let Princess Celestia know about the Changelings being back in Ponyville. She didn't seem to happy, as if somepony ticked her off before she came back....What's this about a Nightmare Alicorn? Celestia is not going to be happy. Who want's to go tell her, I know I don't."


"Hey wait a minuit, where is Rarity! We're kind of can't use the Element's with out her, and Twilight, I think that If we use the elements on that evil thing, maybe there magic could help restore grouchy over there." Pointing to Dogboots, "Besides, it will be at least fun to watch us go up agents the Nightmare."





Fluttershy watched in horror as Corkscrew continued to fight what seemed like a losing battle. She knew she had to do something, but what? "I'm so sorry Corkscrew, this is all my fault," she admitted, not sure if he could hear her. "If I were only a little bit stronger... But that's not the point. Corkscrew, you're one of the strongest ponies I know, and not just physically. I know that you can do this. You can fight back this nightmare, and go back to the way you used to be." She paused, thinking on her last statement. Then she continued, "Whatever happens though, just know that if anything, I still care about you. It might not be in the way that you had always hoped, but I will always care about you and cherish you as one of my best friends."


Though fighting the battle with the Nightmare inside him, he could here Fluttershy's words, He looked at her, though unable to speak, nodded at the mare that he cared for, one of his best friends. Deep down, he knew what had to happen. Images of an evil Fire filled his head. By absorbing the energy out of his little brother, he could keep him safe. Safe from what could have happened, and if that's the last thought he would have, he'd be happy.


The stallion closed his eyes to conserve energy for the battle that he was having. He was holding the nightmare at bay for the time being. He could only hope that Twilight or Luna could get to him before Celestia or he may do something he might regret forever.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Pinkie Pie


 "Wait, nightmare form?  Who's turning into a nightmare?  I thought that Luna was fine...  And not a boy..."  Pinkie stood in confusion.  "Unless Corkscrew actually survived and has an ancestor who was a royal guard that turned evil and when Corkscrew got injured lost his emotions this evil unicorn possessed him and turned him into the dark alicorn that landed in Ponyville a couple of weeks ago and now the Princesses are keeping him here in the castle and secret!  Oh, right, Elements of Harmony!"  She started to follow Twilight and then noticed a crucial flaw in the plan.  "Wait a second... where's Rarity?"



Rainbow Dash

"What did you say Pinkie," as Dash flys into the room. "I just let Princess Celestia know about the Changelings being back in Ponyville. She didn't seem to happy, as if somepony ticked her off before she came back....What's this about a Nightmare Alicorn? Celestia is not going to be happy. Who want's to go tell her, I know I don't."


"Hey wait a minuit, where is Rarity! We're kind of can't use the Element's with out her, and Twilight, I think that If we use the elements on that evil thing, maybe there magic could help restore grouchy over there." Pointing to Dogboots, "Besides, it will be at least fun to watch us go up agents the Nightmare."

@@Antismurf9001, @,





She was so surprised who Pinkie Pie can gust figure out gust like that. And then Pinkie say to theme Where is Rarity.


And then Rainbow flys into the room they here in. " I will tell you later Rainbow we have a big possible" She tell her.


Twilight then look around for Rarity and there is know Rarity in sight. Twilight look back at Corkscrew contemplating how long he have left. She look back at her friends " NO NO NO NO How did I miss Rarity thought she was with you guys" She start to panic. And she composed herself and start making a plan as fast as she can. " OK Rainbow I need you fine Princess Clestia and Luna as fast you can go. And I need Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie you guys to fine were is Rarity is hoping she is in the Caste some were." Then she walk as close as possible to tell Fluttershy  " Fluttershy I need you to do is some thing go bad to worse I need you to take Fire out of here as far away as you can."




(OCC We need someone to play as Rarity we can move on the RP. Ha Sky why can you play as Rarity or Antismurf9001 you can play as her to one of you can. Please tell me how is.)

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