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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Corkscrew turned around to see the figure, putting himself between the mare and queen


Nexus turned to Corkscrew. 


"Go, I'll handle this. If I end up a slave, I need you to either save me, or stop me. Now go." The hunter face the changeling queen, his face neutral.


"Here she is. The source of all my sorrow. The one that killed everypony I knew and love. The one who robbed my childhood, and made me a monster. Here I stand, facing certain death of the heart and mind at the hooves of the one who started it all. Well, since your daughter there was very vague on details, why don't you explain your plan here to me? I think I deserve that much."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Carefully approaching, Frayed looked around at the rather inviting burg. He was starving... but finding some temporary work was more important. Much more important to find some method of paying for food  rather than to go finding a place where he could buy it. But, in a moment a more severe bout of weakness struck him and he collapsed slightly to his knees.


He wheezed slighlty. "Okay Frayed," he said. "It's been a while, but you can handle a couple more days without food. It's not that hard, really."

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Nexus turned to Corkscrew.


"Go, I'll handle this. If I end up a slave, I need you to either save me, or stop me. Now go." The hunter face the changeling queen, his face neutral.


"Here she is. The source of all my sorrow. The one that killed everypony I knew and love. The one who robbed my childhood, and made me a monster. Here I stand, facing certain death of the heart and mind at the hooves of the one who started it all. Well, since your daughter there was very vague on details, why don't you explain your plan here to me? I think I deserve that much."



Corkscrew was both depressed and enraged that the queen would not even answers. "I see how it is," he said with anger. "If anypony...any changeling wants me, I'll be in my office!"


He began sulking in his sorrow and anger as he headed deep into the old castle towards the main entrance. As he heard Nexis call, he looked back and nodded but kept walking. As he crossed the threshold of the thrown room's door, he looked back to see if Parcal's friend was fallowing him.

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

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She gave a slight chuckle, "oh, no need to be so dramatic. Besides if you ask me your new look is an improvement and think of all the things you could do what you could become! I could be the most powerful being in Equestria, you may know that I can control the ponies I feed on but what if I could control my subjects as well, ones like Boon who think they can just run off anytime they feel like it. I can't so this but you can."




Luminari was confused, who was Boon? Was it Parcel? If so, who did he have two names? All these questions were unimportant at the moment but she would have her answers in time. For now she followed Corkscrew out of the room keeping her head low, when the alicorn looked back she showed a few words 'stupid swiss cheese' she hid these words from Chysalis not looking for a death wish.




Chrysalis waved a hoof at a changeling guard to follow the two out the door and he abliged.

"Now what do you say, live a long and boring life and have your friends die or you can work for me and everyone lives, the choice is yours."

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Nexus took a second to let what the queen had said ink in. She controlled ponies through feeding, and changelings through hive mind integration. When a changeling like Parcel broke off from the hive mind, she could no longer control them. And it looks like she can't feed off other changelings. But Nexus could. He wasn't full changeling, so that must allow him to feed off changelings. That means that combined with Chrysalis's mind control abilities, the hybrid could exert control over anypony, or changeling, he desired. And he was given a choice. But what kind was it really?


"You offer power, at the cost of personal freedom, or freedom at the cost of pony life. Before I make a choice, I want to know; how do I know you won't make me hurt my friends after you got control?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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It had been days since the stallion came out of the cottage. He was mostly healed except it would be a week or two before he can run but walking was fine with him. Besides, the earth pony needed to get out and walk around town, he was being way too reclusive to the point where he was shut out from what happened in the town as of lately. Still it all seemed pretty normal at least when he was last out after that whole changeling incident.


Dogboots began making his way to his favorite cafe to grab a bite to eat. He needed to eat something more than just spam. He soon ordered his usual, which was a half a dozen of donuts and some coffee. It was rare for the stallion to eat anything sweet but he had a craving for it so it couldn't be helped. On the way back, Dogboots noticed a stallion who seemed to look quite famished. As per usual, he began to approach him.


"You look like you could use something to eat," He said offering him some donuts. However there was something off about this particular earth pony. He seemed more...shiny to the colt.

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Frayed looked at the newcomer and brightened a shade or two. "Y-yes, a bite or two would be very welcome." He struggled to get up to his feet, then forced a smile. "My name is Frayed Logic, a traveling scholar from the Crystal Empire." He offered his hoof. "I'd be happy to work for the meal, and perhaps a place to stay and a bit of coin if you can spare it."

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Corkscrew seemed rather depressed that he didn't get any answers for the queen. He tried to chuckle at the comments about the queen, but just gave a blank look to Luminari.


"Well, this is it. It might seem a little late, but I don't think I ever told you my name. Most ponies call me Corkscrew, because that's how I earned my cutie mark. Doing loops, flips and turns as a young colt at flight camp, by my actual name is Skycoaster."


He kept walking, but not in the direction of the exit. He was heading for Mar's old office in the castle. It was sealed since Nightmare Moon first emerged, and he knew the way in. He walks up to what appears to be a solid wall, touching his horn to it. First in upper right, than lower right, than lower left, and finally the upper left corner.


"This may sound stupid, but I need you to teach me magic. There are some old unicorn guard spell books in here. If were going to save Parcel, I'm....We're going to need all the help we can get."


As they entered, Corkscrew hit a switch and the door slid closed.


"We should be safe in here...for now at least. These wall are five feet think. It was designed to be a shelter should something bad had happened. Good thing I studied those blueprints for weeks, right?" 

Corkscrew tried to crack a smile, but still could not.

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"I can spare all three, as long as you don't mind doing a bit of work. Due to my recent injury I've had to put off work and won't be able to return to it for a couple weeks. So if you want you can take over until I've fully recovered. Seeing as how I haven't seen Parcel in days, you can take his room until he returns. Sound good?" He asked Frayed Logic but soon another thought had crossed his mind.


"My apologies, I'm Dogboots, It's nice to meet you Frayed!" He said shaking his hoof. The stallion was still astonished. He had never met a pony from the Crystal Empire much less see one in person. It was quite a sight to the earth pony to say the least.

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Frayed sighed. "Yes, yes that sounds excellent. I might not have the outright strength of an earth pony, the speed of a pegasus pony, or the magical finesse of a unicorn, but I have this." He tapped the simple amulet hanging around his neck gently. "This amulet acts as a channeler for the latent energy that my kind builds up, without which we have no other method of channeling the power within us. I can perform several tasks with this one, utilize others I have on my person, as well as construct or inscribe new ones to allow me to perform tasks you might need. But, uh, first, that food would be nice." The smile this time is less forced and much more sincere.

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"oops, sorry," He apologized handing the crystal pony half of the donuts. The stallion soon walked over to a nearby tree and sat in the cool shade while watching the entire town.


"Anyways, the work isn't difficult. All I need you to do is work the stand during the Farmer's Market. Basically, you're going to be selling vegetables, I'll also need you to stock the stand as well. In exchange, you get 50% of the profits that are made, a roof over your head, a warm bed and decent food. Sound good?"  He stated to the pony, taking notice of the amulet.


"Do all crystal ponies have that amulet or is it just him? Meh, whatever. None of my business really," He thought to himself.

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Frayed thought about this, his head tilting slightly to the side. He accepted the donuts and levitated them using his amulet, not an active control but a more passive spell to cause them to maintain relative position to him. He followed Dogboots and sat next to him on the bench.


"While, I appreciate, the offer, I don't necessarily think that it's quite fair to you. I'm not trained as a salespony, and you probably put forth most of the work towards the end result. I think 30% would be a much more fair wage for me. I'm a simple pony, and I only plan to save for a few weeks journey after the time that I spend here, so my expenses are very limited. Would that be acceptable to you?"

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Dogboots had pondered the crystal pony's counter proposal, though it did seem like a good deal and he would be getting most of the profit. Still the stallion was at least was fair when it came to business.


"How bout this? I man the stand and all you have to do is stock it and help plant some of the vegetables. As for pay, how bout 60/40? You'll make a little bit more than 30% and it should give you extra for food on the go before you leave for your next destination...though I have a feeling you'll be here longer than you know," He said in a cryptic tone.

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"No problem, besides I used to be a traveler like you, but then I came to this town and well I ended up staying here. Anyways, what brings you to Ponyville?" He asked the crystal pony. Maybe he was just wandering around for his own intents and purposes like he used to.

Edited by thor9356
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Luminari blushed 'I don't really know much magic' she had always ment to learn new magic but had never really gotten around to it and now she was regretting it. 'I can do levitation and a few other party tricks but that's about it. I'm sorry'

Her blush deepened as she mentally scolded herself feeling embaressed.




"I don't supose a scouts honor would be sufficient....fine then," the changeling queen grimiced and put a hoof to her chest, "I give you my word that I will not make you hard any of your precious little pony friends it's a changeling promise." She drew an "X" over her heart where she had traced there appeared glowing green lines which stayed for a moment and then disappeared.


"Now I have my first job for you, I cannot use your powers unless we have the Double Lily which allows two users to share abilities. It's located somewhere in this forest find it and bring it here. You can bring as many of your friends as you want however I get to keep the traitor as leverage. And if you don't come back within three days.....I'll kill him." Her smile was cruel and vilianous a deep laugh came from within her throat knowing that she would get what she wanted, she always did."

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Satisfied that a magic oath was taken to protect his friends from...well, him, Nexus thought about his task. He ultimately decided that he would need a mage for this job, in case they needed anything repaired. 


"Alright Chrysalis, I'll be back with your plant before you know it." He said plainly. He put a hoof to his chin, looking around.


"Now which way did they go...?" He muttered to himself.


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"I think I found one. Magical attacks for beginners. I think this might be a good one to start with," as he sets the book down in front of Luminari.


"I think I'm going to try to meditate and see if I can get this stupid horn to work."

Corkscrew went into the corner of the office and closed his eyes to see if he could channel the magic that the book said he had inside him, as do all horned ponies. As he meditiated, his horn began to glow orange, lifting a few items in the room. As he got deeper into trance, the horn began to glow even more, levitation more items in the room, including Luminari


"I..I think I may have figured this out.." as he opens his eyes to see the mare levitated in from of him. "Er...Sorry about that. Now that I kind of know the basics of how to use this thing, I better hit a few of these books."

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When Luminaris hooves touched tje ground once more she stood there in the middle of the room not moving frozen in fear. When she was liftwd into the air her heart stopped for more than a few seconds and now she was struggling to get her breathing under control.

When the fear subsided her horn glowed and a few candles in the room were lit amd she trotted over to a dusty book. She thought that as long as they were here she'd learn a little more about the magic she could make and blew the dust from the book, immediately realizing her mistake she sucked in a deep breath and let out a high pitched sneeze.




Not looking where she was going Cypriss ran into something and stumbled backward a few steps before regaining her balance. She lookedup to see the last thing on earth she wanted to run Iinto, "Nexus what are you doing here? What did Chrysalis say?"

Behind her was a larger changeling with male features and red eyes, mane and wings he was looking Nexus up and down and it didn't look like he liked what he saw, "so this is the halfling?" He said skeptically.

Cypriss looked at him almost forgetting he was there, "oh yes Mo this is the halfling, Nexus. Nexus, this is my match, Mo." She was about to ask again what had happened in the throne room but then she stopped when she heard a high pitched sneeze come from inside the wall they were standing in front of.

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Nexus turned to the male changeling, giving a polite nod.


"Nice to meet you, Mo." He figured it best not to make enemies with potential allies, as that would make any future work, much more difficult. He turned to Cypriss, making sure not to have his back to the male changeling.


"Chrysalis can only control others threw hive mind integration or feeding. She can't feed on other changelings-or me-and both me and Parcel can tune out the hive mind. I however, can feed off of changelings, so she is sending me to locate the Double Lily. This plant should allow her to gain my feeding power, and me her mind control power. I was actually hoping that you would accompany me on this trip. I could use someling with experience in combat and infiltration."


One thought ran through the mind of Nexus as he waited for a reply.


Did I just say someling? I'm using changeling grammer now? Damn, maybe the hive mind is having a bigger effect than I thought


He heard a sneeze in the other room, and called out to it.


"Who's there?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Corkscrew finished his book on magical attacks, grabbing another with more advanced attacks and shoving it under his folded wing. He took one more quick look at the anicant bookshelf trying to find another before Luminaris let out a high pitched sneeze. Corkscrew facehooved, staring at the mare.


"Well, there goes that plan,"as he grabs another magic book, shoving it under his other wing. Corkscrew hears Nexis's voice calling from behind the wall. "Well, the jig is up. It was fun while it lasted. I'll open the door. I hope to Celestia it's just Nexis out there."

As he opens the door, he sees Nexis and Cypriss. "Why hello you too!" He said in a sarcastic voice. We were just leaving. I hope you two have fun together on what ever the queen has you set on doing." Corkscrew was hoping that Nexis, and the other changelings couldn't sense the void inside him. What did remain was sorrow, depression, but mostly anger.


"If you want me....oh...that's right, Chrisy made that clear that I could go and do whatever I wanted so...."


As he rounded the corner, he saw Mo



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. "Why hello you too!" He said in a sarcastic voice. We were just leaving. I hope you two have fun together on what ever the queen has you set on doing."


Nexus simply sighed at this. He could sense the hole in Corkscrew-as he assumed most changelings could-and felt sympathy for the new alicorn. 


"We're being sent to retrieve a plant that is needed to exchange powers between individuals. I'm going to need Luminari for this mission. Having a mage is always a good idea when it comes to these sort of expeditions. You should see about getting your soul restored, or escaping from this place."




As he rounded the corner, he saw Mo   "You!......"


"I take it you to are acquainted?" 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"I'm in the search of information for the Crystal Empire," he explained. "We've been out of sync for about 1,000 years. We can get straight facts, but habits, customs, social patterns, emotions? All are so much harder to catalogue then something like a political movement. So I've been sent all over Equestria to understand the changes render."

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"You sound like a blank canvas or rather a painter with no paint. Not much seems to have changed in my opinion. Earth ponies do back breaking work, pegasi do weather control and unicorns use magic. There's not much else to understand really. Plus I would imagine that it would be incredibly difficult to catalog everypony's emotions, customs, habits and such. Most are different," He replied back to the crystal pony.

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Grabbing one with his hoof, Frayed took a large bite out of a donut, famished from all his traveling. "I can see how you would think that," he replied between bites. "Evidence supports Crystal ponies  being an offshoot of earth ponies evolved specifically to work with magical artifacts. As a result, we are really good with them, but when removed from them, we can be pretty much useless. That's where the issue with the missing Crystal Heart, our most powerful artifact, came on."


He paused to swallow, then continued. "As for my quest, yes, we could possibly just get by on doing our own thing. However, a lot of people are rather frightened to go forth, which limits our ability to trade and communicate, long the best method for us to expand our empire. If we don't get back into that habit, we'll never grow again, and what kind of empire would we be, one dinky city up in the frozen wastes? This way, not only am I increasing our presence, I can also convince other people to go and learn and trade and everything necessary for the growth. Plus, no matter how much information you have, there's always yet a bit more to be gleaned."

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