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private Ponyville-A month later(Action/Adventure)


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Storm Cloud was just about to go for a full roast on the mayor but he calmed himself down and simply said, "I have no line of work yet, I'm definitely working with the weather so I can get to it anytime the town needs. And NEVER talk about my parents like that, I don't care who you are." Storm Cloud was trying to hide his emotions and flipped his mane to let out a little bit of anger.


(That's perfect and thanks a lot dude!)

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Storm Cloud was just about to go for a full roast on the mayor but he calmed himself down and simply said, "I have no line of work yet, I'm definitely working with the weather so I can get to it anytime the town needs. And NEVER talk about my parents like that, I don't care who you are." Storm Cloud was trying to hide his emotions and flipped his mane to let out a little bit of anger.


(That's perfect and thanks a lot dude!)


(OOC: No problem at all man. btw make sure you quote the post or make a mention tag otherwise it will take me a while to realize that your responding back)


"You should care. In case you don't know I'm the mayor here and if you want that house your going to show some respect. Now, report to Rainbow Dash and she'll assign and explain your duties for the weather team. While your doing that I will have my secretary fill out the paperwork for your...accommodations. Now if you don't mind I have other business to attend to." She said to the gray pegasi. It wasn't the first time some citizen in ponyville gave her lip but if there was going to be order in this town then she would establish it. The mayor wasn't quite fond of what happened in the past when she and nearly the entire town were under twilight's want spell. She was embarrassed not only for falling under such a spell but also getting an earful from Princess Celestia herself.

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(OOC: No problem at all man. btw make sure you quote the post or make a mention tag otherwise it will take me a while to realize that your responding back)


"You should care. In case you don't know I'm the mayor here and if you want that house your going to show some respect. Now, report to Rainbow Dash and she'll assign and explain your duties for the weather team. While your doing that I will have my secretary fill out the paperwork for your...accommodations. Now if you don't mind I have other business to attend to." She said to the gray pegasi. It wasn't the first time some citizen in ponyville gave her lip but if there was going to be order in this town then she would establish it. The mayor wasn't quite fond of what happened in the past when she and nearly the entire town were under twilight's want spell. She was embarrassed not only for falling under such a spell but also getting an earful from Princess Celestia herself.

"Fine, m'aaaamm, hahaha," Storm Cloud said in a mocking tone. "By the way where is this Rainbow Dash pony at anyways?" Storm Cloud looked out a window to try and see if he can see a pony who would look like a "Rainbow Dash." He again flipped his mane, but this time his mane was actually getting into his eyes Edited by Mr_Jack_Swallow

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"Depending on what time it is she's either out flying around or sleeping in a tree." She replied as she was going through Storm's paperwork. She filled out what he required though it would only happen if he actually did something for the town first. "Now, I just need you to sign here and you can be on your way." She said handing the stallion the written document.


(OOC: I remember someone RPing as RD but I haven't seen him post here so I'm waiting on him. Unless someone else wants to do Rainbow Dash.)

Edited by thor9356
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Storm Cloud got the pen and signed the paper. "Uhhh thanks, Ms... Mayor," Storm Cloud said awkwardly. He walked out of the room and closed the door and left the building. "So based on what the mayor just told me Rainbow Dash is either flying around or in a tree, perfect." He bolted up into the air and looked around if he can see any pegasus pony that would look like they would have to do with a rainbow. Nothing. So he screamed her name as loud as he could in the center of Ponyville.

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My mentor asked Darksun why do i need one I know enough magic already. What else do I need to learn asked Darksun. Well I guess i could learn some new stuff i guess. It will be fun! Do i have to do something to learn these new magic tricks he said laughing out loud.



Corkscrew had just finished washing off the lipstick as we walked back into the room with DarkSun and Twilight.


"There not tricks, there actual spells. Your sister wants me to get you caught up to modern times, and a lot has changed in 1000 years."


Corkscrew sees that the photo had fallen out of his saddle bag, but was facing down.

"Oh thank goodness."


He picks up the photo and puts it in his saddle bag.


"DarkSun, I just want to watch out for you. You never know when you may need to defend Equestria. Besides, from what Celestia says, Twilight is the most gifted student she's ever had in magic, and you two can spend some time together and get to know each other while I head over to Flutters.....er...um...."




Max practically jumped off his cloud, being snapped awake. He was too shocked to use his wings as he fell from the cloud, landing on the roof of the restaurant. He tumbled down it, falling again, this time onto one of the tables that was outside.


Just than a loud crash is heard outside across the street at the restaurant where he had just come from.  


"What the....., Hang on, I'm going to go check it out"


Corkscrew goes outside to see Max laying there.




Max rolled of the table, seeing he was laying at the hooves of Corkscrew. He opened his mouth to talk, only to gasp for air like a fish, the fall winded him badly. He finally regained the ability to breathe, coughing violently for a bit before speaking. "Sorry to drop in unannounced." Max attempted humor, but delivery was weak.  



"I've heard of it raining cats and dogs, but pegasi is ridiculous."


Corkscrew looks down at him with an eyebrow raised.


"Are you ok? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" 


Corkscrew's face cracks a half smile and is somewhat reveled that Max was just winded. 


"Are you ready to admit that you may have a problem?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"Are you ready to admit that you may have a problem?"

"The nightmare that I had...Celestia that was terrible." Max said solemnly. He got up, wincing from the pain that consumed almost al his upper body.

"It was so vivid...I was in a dark room. There was me-an exact copy of me-except it exact. I looked like a potion addled mess. And then you and Dogboots showed up, and I...I was being a foulhole to you two. In the end I was alone, in darkness." Max shudders at the thought of it.

"Then the next thing I know I am tumbling down the roof of a restaurant." Max said, grunting at the pain in his back.

"But that cant be right. It was just a dream. No way I would let that happen. I'm not an addict...right?" Max whimpered that last part. He didn't want to believe what he was becoming. But ignoring it was getting far more difficult.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Corkscrew smiled that he was though of that highly in the castle, but was now trying to figure out what she meant. What did Celestia have planned for him.


"I'm honored that both Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence think highly of me, but what do you mean by special?"


Corkscrew's face went from joy to terror when Twilight mentioned about his special somepony.


"ahhhhh, Actually I don't have one.........Not yet anyway.....There is a funny story about the lipstick, but you have to keep it quiet. DarkSun, you too."


Corkscrew checked to make sure nopony else was in the library where they could be heard or seen.


"Twilight, Did your brother ever tell you about the incident that happen at guard graduation a while ago? The prank were a cadet was slipped a love potion without that pony's knowledge, where when that pony got called up to get his degree from Princess Celestia herself, it kicked in and made a seen by hitting on her in front of a full main chamber? I was that guard cadet. I was so embarrassed that I took a month of leave and came to Ponyville."

Corkscrew pauses for a moment.


"Do you have a place I can wash this off? I would hate for somepony to see it and get the wrong idea."


As Corkscrew walks to wash his face, the photo that was on his nightstand of Celestia kissing him falls out onto the floor in front of Twilight and DarkSun.


"Oh yes they do clunie Luna to" Twilight see Corkscrew smileing. " And no I can't tell you the reason why even I do not know why only thing they tell me that you are specia that all they said to me" She look Corkscrew at him.

She look at Corkscrew he look's like he saw a ghost how he looked " Yes I will keep it quiet for you" She smile a little. Twilight look at him for a minute and said " You are the one" She look supplies at what gust happen in the past. " Oh I sorrry that guard was so mean to you to put that love potion in your drink" Twilght was so sand what happen to him but he look like he fine now. " And now here you are Corkscrew in Ponyville I hope you haveing a good time here now" Twilight slime. "Yes the bathroom is up stairs" she tell Corkscrew. When he walks by some thing falls out of his bag and falls in front of Twilight and DarkSun. Twilight saw the photo and picked it up and saw Celestia kissing him she was in shock "Celestia kissing some pony Wow he is a special for Celestia kissing him even kissing him on the cheek."

She hold the photo for him to he come down stairs.


@@Rainbow Night,

Ive been waiting to meet you Twilight i love meeting new family members he said. Celestia told me about you and your friends said Darksun and i like one of them he said laughing. I also wanted to see if i could barrow a book on history for the pas thousand years he said. Ive been in the Evergreen Forest the whole time blocked off from civilization.



My mentor asked Darksun why do i need one I know enough magic already. What else do I need to learn asked Darksun. Well I guess i could learn some new stuff i guess. It will be fun! Do i have to do something to learn these new magic tricks he said laughing out loud.

Twilight look at DarkSun on tell Corkscrew to come down stair. DarkSun said to her he love to meet new family members. She look at him and said " Um OK I not in your family but we can be friend at lease" She smile to him. Twilight look confused talking to DarkSun he is sort if strange to her. Whin he mention a friend he like she ask him "who is it you like." And he ask her he could barrow a book on history Twilight said " Yes you can but you need to enter in my library records frist OK" She tell him.

"Who did he got in the Evergreen Forest and got stuck there too" she thought to her self.


"UM no new tricks at all " He start to laughing out loud and Twilight start to laugh to. She thought " Why am I laughing to. Maybe I tailking to pinkie pie to long" but she laugh still.

Edited by Fox801
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Corkscrew's face cracks a half smile and is somewhat reveled that Max was just winded. 


"Are you ready to admit that you may have a problem?"






"Indeed you are."  He said walking in on the conversation. His saddlebags were filled with party materials as well as a packaged cake. "Are we still having this party Corkscrew? Cause I've got everything we needed then again the last party I was at was 9 years ago so I may not be up to date with parties." He said glancing back forth at the materials he bought.

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Seeing that Storm Cloud didn't get a response he floated back to the ground and saw some ponies looking at him weirdly. He simply ignored the ponies and walked around town trying to find Rainbow Dash by looking through each tree in Ponyville. Storm Cloud didn't like this idea at all, but he had no choice. He unwillingly began walking around Ponyville looking through each tree until he finds Rainbow Dash

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As Corkscrew was making his way back downstairs, he sees Twilight holding the photo.

"I....I.....I......can explain. You see, I was called to Canterlot to find out where I would be going after my leave ended. I was called into you brothers office where Celestia and a few of the guards that were responsible for the love potion incident. I got assigned to guard and mentor Prince Eclipse. Before I left, Celestia said that all parties involved in the love potion incident would get what they deserved. I was in shock as she inched closer and when she kissed me I blacked out. I woke up the next morning in my bed in Ponyville. My assignment on one nightstand, this photo on the other."

"You have to keep this between us. If this gets out, I'm dead!"

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Max looked over to see Dogboots approaching. Maybe he would be able to offer reassurance.

"Dogboots, you agree that I know better than to let myself get addicted to something right? Like I wouldn't let that go unchecked?" Max said, avoiding any form of eye contact. He glanced to his side and saw his right wing bent in an unnatural way.

"One sec." Max thought this might take his mind off the doubts that plagued his mind. He let his wing drop to the ground, stepped down on the end, and pulled back. His wing made several sickening cracking and popping sounds as it was forced into a proper position. Max was tearing up at the pain, and gave one strong tug, forcing the wing to snap back into place. Max blacked out for a few seconds, falling over onto a table before recovering.

"Sorry, thought I saw something. On that table...I'm fine. Anyway, party. Balloons. Cake. Good." Max said, tears still streaming from the ungodly amount of pain he was in at the moment. He folded his wing back up, with a poorly muffled groan of pain. Whether it be withdrawals, or paranoia, Max was acting distant and jittery.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Indeed you are."  He said walking in on the conversation. His saddlebags were filled with party materials as well as a packaged cake. "Are we still having this party Corkscrew? Cause I've got everything we needed then again the last party I was at was 9 years ago so I may not be up to date with parties." He said glancing back forth at the materials he bought.



"I don't know, it's up to Max and only IF he will accept help."





Max looked over to see Dogboots approaching. Maybe he would be able to offer reassurance.

"Dogboots, you agree that I know better than to let myself get addicted to something right? Like I wouldn't let that go unchecked?" Max said, avoiding any form of eye contact. He glanced to his side and saw his right wing bent in an unnatural way.

"One sec." Max thought this might take his mind off the doubts that plagued his mind. He let his wing drop to the ground, stepped down on the end, and pulled back. His wing made several sickening cracking and popping sounds as it was forced into a proper position. Max was tearing up at the pain, and gave one strong tug, forcing the wing to snap back into place. Max blacked out for a few seconds, falling over onto a table before recovering.

"Sorry, thought I saw something. On that table...I'm fine. Anyway, party. Balloons. Cake. Good." Max said, tears still streaming from the ungodly amount of pain he was in at the moment. He folded his wing back up, with a poorly muffled groan of pain. Whether it be withdrawals, or paranoia, Max was acting distant and jittery.

"That looks pretty bad. I think your more that just winded."


Corkscrew moves closer to DogBoots so he can wisper.


"Do you think we should take him to the hospital? They may lock him up in icu because of his withdrawal."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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"I don't know, it's up to Max and only IF he will accept help."





"That looks pretty bad. I think your more that just winded."


Corkscrew moves closer to DogBoots so he can wisper.


"Do you think we should take him to the hospital? They may lock him up in icu because of his withdrawal."

"Huh? I'm fine. Great. Wonderful. Top Shelf. Yep, nothing wrong over here. Move along." Max sputtered out.

"Addiction? Who gets addicted to things? Losers maybe." Max said with a quick, nervous laugh. He finally stopped tearing up from the pain. His wing, while not as broken as it was before, looked slightly crooked and swollen. One could even see some slight throbbing.

"I should run home and grab a pain relief potion. It isn't narcotic, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sell it. Not saying the other potions are addicting. Nooononononono. They are fine too, but law say nope. So what can I do?" Max was looking very jumpy now.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Seeing that Storm Cloud didn't get a response he floated back to the ground and saw some ponies looking at him weirdly. He simply ignored the ponies and walked around town trying to find Rainbow Dash by looking through each tree in Ponyville. Storm Cloud didn't like this idea at all, but he had no choice. He unwillingly began walking around Ponyville looking through each tree until he finds Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash


Rainbow Dash was taking her usual afternoon nap when she heard her name being called by a pony's voice she didn't recognize.


"This better be important, I was half way through my power nap when you woke me up. If Mayor Mare sent you, tell her I'll get to clearing the east side of town after I take the rest of my nap."


Rainbow Dash pokes her head down from the tree. 


"Your not from the mayor's office.  I'm sorry, I tend to get a little cranky when I get woken up. Mayor Mare's been after me ever since she got chewed out by Celestia. Anyhow, what can I do for ya?"


"Huh? I'm fine. Great. Wonderful. Top Shelf. Yep, nothing wrong over here. Move along." Max sputtered out.

"Addiction? Who gets addicted to things? Losers maybe." Max said with a quick, nervous laugh. He finally stopped tearing up from the pain. His wing, while not as broken as it was before, looked slightly crooked and swollen. One could even see some slight throbbing.

"I should run home and grab a pain relief potion. It isn't narcotic, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sell it. Not saying the other potions are addicting. Nooononononono. They are fine too, but law say nope. So what can I do?" Max was looking very jumpy now.





Corkscrew looks over to DogBoots


"It's you call on what to do with him. I don't even know where to start. If we take him to the hospital to get that wing fixed, who knows what might happen. They could lock him up then and there for addiction, until he's clean, or give him a pain potion and were back at square one. It's your call, but I've got something to take care of in the library.


Corkscrew walks back into the library.


@@Fox801, @@Rainbow Night


"Sorry about that. Now what were we talking about. Or right. If that picture ever gets out, I'm a dead pony."


Corkscrew feels Pookie rubbing agents his leg. 


"How's my little buddy, I missed you? Did he give you any trouble Eclipse?"


Corkscrew was trying to see the reaction on DarkSun's face by him using his real name.

Edited by Skycoaster (Corkscrew)

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Aerial Shot followed Stella over to the table, and smiled when she saw Flare already there. "Hello again," she greeted him politely, then turned to see what Stella had been looking at - an ad for a cloud house. She looked at the price and thought for a moment, trying to figure out how much she could pay, considering how expensive the cloud houses seemed to be here.

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You are family said Darksun. I am your uncle because my niece Cadence is married to your brother Shining Armor. Celestia told me so he said to Twilight. And I am pretty good at magic too but your probably better than i am he said laughing. What records he asked with curiousness.


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Dogboots sighed. He knew he couldn't admit him to the hospital if they took him there and heading back home to grab a Pain Relief potion was definitely out of the question. There was only one thing he could do for the pegasi. "This is going to hurt. Here bite on this." He said putting a small piece of wood in Max's mouth. It had bite marks on it from when Dogboots had an injury this bad and had to re-adjust it. "Okay, I'm going to snap your wing back into place. On 3...2...1" He said before forcing the wing back in it's original position. The stallion had no idea what sounded worse the bones cracking or Max's reaction.

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(@Aerial~Shot sorry I can't tag you - I'm on my iPad :P)


Stella saw Aerial looking at the same house. "Pretty cool, huh?" She said, imagining herself flying around the house, and choosing a bedroom. She lifted up the house booklet and flicked through the pages. "Whoa, these rooms look awesome! If ip only I had the money..." She hinted, but trying not to go too far. Aerial was a pretty cool girl, and Stella thought on how they could help each other out of they became pretty close. She could help with her movies, while Aerial could also lend a helping hand with the weather...

~Sig is currently under construction...~


My current OC for roleplays: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stella-shine-r2971

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"Wait, your not go-mrgh!" Max began, only to have a piece of wood shoved into his mouth. Before he could react to anything, he experienced a pain so terrible, it would have a minotaur crying out for his mommy. Max ended biting so hard that he bit through the wood, snapping it in two. Max tried to talk, but only blood curdling screams came out. He ended up blacking out again, falling flat on his face, going completely limb. When the wing was back in place, it took Max about five seconds before he regained his senses, He looked up, with a look on his face that portrayed so much pain and suffering.

"At least let me drink a bloody Pain Relief potion before you do something like that!" Max barked. He couldn't move, pain was crippling him. So he just rested his head back, breathing heavily, waiting to regain motor function.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"You don't need a potion to relieve pain. A pill or a remedy would work just as well. Now don't move, I'm going to head back home and pick up some medical supplies." He said before galloping off towards the house. Dogboots knew it was harsh to do that to Max but there wasn't many options to go with. The stallion burst through the front door of the house and went to his room to find his first aid kit. He rifled through his trunk for a bit before finding what he needed. After that he left the house and rushed back to Max. Only a few minutes had passed by when he had returned. "Alright, let's get you patched up." Dogboots said opening the medical kit. He handed Max a few pain pills to ease the discomfort of his wing. The stallion soon applied a splint to Max's wing and wrapping it up in bandage tape to hold it there. "Alright, your good to go." He said after patching Max up. 

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Taking the pills, the pain began to subside to a reasonable level.

"Potion would have acted quicker." Max whined. He folded his wing back and got to his hooves.

"I appreciate it. Now I think I am going to go take a walk. I need to clear my head." Max said, turning towards the park and heading off. He still had the image of that...wreck of a pony in his head.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash was taking her usual afternoon nap when she heard her name being called by a pony's voice she didn't recognize. "This better be important, I was half way through my power nap when you woke me up. If Mayor Mare sent you, tell her I'll get to clearing the east side of town after I take the rest of my nap." Rainbow Dash pokes her head down from the tree.  "Your not from the mayor's office.  I'm sorry, I tend to get a little cranky when I get woken up. Mayor Mare's been after me ever since she got chewed out by Celestia. Anyhow, what can I do for ya?"

@@thor9356Corkscrew Corkscrew looks over to DogBoots "It's you call on what to do with him. I don't even know where to start. If we take him to the hospital to get that wing fixed, who knows what might happen. They could lock him up then and there for addiction, until he's clean, or give him a pain potion and were back at square one. It's your call, but I've got something to take care of in the library. Corkscrew walks back into the library. @@Fox801, @@Rainbow Night "Sorry about that. Now what were we talking about. Or right. If that picture ever gets out, I'm a dead pony." Corkscrew feels Pookie rubbing agents his leg.  "How's my little buddy, I missed you? Did he give you any trouble Eclipse?" Corkscrew was trying to see the reaction on DarkSun's face by him using his real name.

"Mayor Mare told me to come to you to assign me a job in the weather team? Because well, I just... moved here," Storm Cloud looked at the mare waiting until she assigned him a job with the weather team. He is hoping she would assign somwthing that would have to do with rain, or even better a storm. But he knew any job he'd take because eier way he'll get it done in a jiffy considering how fast he is.

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"Mayor Mare told me to come to you to assign me a job in the weather team? Because well, I just... moved here," Storm Cloud looked at the mare waiting until she assigned him a job with the weather team. He is hoping she would assign somwthing that would have to do with rain, or even better a storm. But he knew any job he'd take because eier way he'll get it done in a jiffy considering how fast he is.

Rainbow Dash


"Ok rookie. You think you got what it takes to be on the weather team? Prove it. The east side of Ponyville needs to be cleared. A good flyer can do it in ten min flat. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a nap to finish. I'll be over after my nap to check you work."


And with that Rainbow Dash resumed her nap.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Rainbow Dash

"Ok rookie. You think you got what it takes to be on the weather team? Prove it. The east side of Ponyville needs to be cleared. A good flyer can do it in ten min flat. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a nap to finish. I'll be over after my nap to check you work."

And with that Rainbow Dash resumed her nap.

"Heh, ten minutes is too easy. What's the best time you did on clearing the east side of Ponyville? I bet I can at least match it," Storm Cloud said. He had the grin of a big shot. He knew that this was his time to earn a reputation around Ponyville for being a speed-demon.

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