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pinkey's party cannon, or vinyl's bass cannon?


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It came to my attention that both pinkey and vinyl have cannons. for more or less the same purpose but what if they had some sort of dispute and the cannons were used as weapons. granted dubstep can be pretty brutal sometimes, but I take it you've never taken a party popper to the eye?! hardcore beats or soft core cupcakes. or what if the two ponys fired there cannons at the same time.. wuld it create some sort of sugary, bassy super nova... there would be party hats and mirror balls raining down apon ponyville.... /) bro hoof..    

  • Brohoof 2
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First off, welcome to the forums.


Second thing is that I prefer Vinyl's bass cannon. It has dubstep and I was listening to it for the past hour.

  • Brohoof 2
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First off, welcome to the forums.


Second thing is that I prefer Vinyl's bass cannon. It has dubstep and I was listening to it for the past hour.

mmm her beat blaster does pack a hefty punch.

her pumping tunes are worthy of the halls of Canterlot ha  

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Whatever... it doesnt really matter for me. So long as irs a party and a welcoming part at that it doesnt really matter for me. What do you look in a party more? The decorations.... or the participants? Welcome to the herd my dear friend. On another hand.... why not both?

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Maybe this should be a poll in one of the other forums, to better gauge results! In any case, welcome to MLP Forums. I'm pretty new myself, but there's no reason I can't spread just as much friendship as anyone else!

yeh, thank you. I sussed that a couple of minuets after posting it.

thanks for the heads up. I need all the help I can getderpy_emoticon1.png


The two could not possibly exist at the same time, Equestria would implode. You silly filly... img-1360826-1-derpy_emoticon2.png

ahh well, just another one of my durpy fantasy's that will never come to pass. 

im sure my brain will churn out more nonsense its just a matter of time.  

and I like your avatar haha. I know exactly what you mean!


Pinkies Party Cannon All the way

(just not to loud if its DJ Pon3's because it will scar my little animal friends!!)

mmmsad.png . I hear bunny's are a little susceptible to dub step.

il make sure that funky filly keeps it downwink.png


Whatever... it doesnt really matter for me. So long as irs a party and a welcoming part at that it doesnt really matter for me. What do you look in a party more? The decorations.... or the participants? Welcome to the herd my dear friend. On another hand.... why not both?

Thank you for the input, means a lot. the participants of corce:) you don't wanna be sitting at a table with a pile of rocks and a bucket of

turnips for company. blink.png happy.png

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Thank you for the input, means a lot. the participants of corce:) you don't wanna be sitting at a table with a pile of rocks and a bucket of

turnips for company. blink.png happy.png

Sure... and by "friends" i mean real live talking friends not "imaginary" friends that your mind talks through!

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