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open The Dark Tournament (FULL!)

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"Heheh.....It's no problem really." Silver said smiling. He placed a hoof behind his head and rubbed it. "Every pony deserves to have a friend....even you." He said


Silver Storm then smirked. "And the next time we battle I'm going to be the one who wins!" He said adding a laugh to it. 

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Crimson cursed and quickly dodged the arrows, when he was a safe distance away he used his flames as jetboosters and, made a flaming hoof ready to punch her in the face, while making a shield of flames around himself to disintigrate any of her arrows, "BACKDRAFT!!" Yelled crimson as he closed in on artemis at full speed, "nowhere to run now artemis!" Thought crimson.

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@Lady Rainicorn

"Yeah...thanks..." Terrorite said. She waved goodbye and the cloud moved. Goldre spun back into the world.

"As I was saying...I never wanted to win. Frankly, I'm glad that Terrorite came to her senses and didn't murder anypony. Thanks again," Goldre replied.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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" Yeah I was a little afraid at first before I went unconscious. I wasn't sure if she'd kill me while I was vulnerable but surprisingly she didn't." Silver Storm said to Goldre.


"Anyway I'll be cheering for the both of you from the sidelines so good luck with your future matches." Silver said with a wave. He did wonder why she didn't want to win. He'd forgotten why Goldre was even in the tournament in the first place.

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Bad Dreams was in the hospital getting bandaged up. 




"Hold still!" The Nurse said. "One last bandage...stop yelling...okay, you can go and watch the violence."


"Yeah, yeah."


Bad Dreams limped her way to the Shadowbolts who embraced her.


"OMIGOSH-OMIGOSH-OMIGOSH! YOU LIVED!" The extreamly hyper Shadowbolt told Dreams. "We have to-"


"Watch the tornument? C'mon, we could learn some tricks for our next performance. Next time, we'll show the world what this gang of elite flyers can do! And that we're better than the Wonderbolts!"


"Yeah." The grumpy one said.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Bad Dreams was in the hospital getting bandaged up.




"Hold still!" The Nurse said. "One last bandage...stop yelling...okay, you can go and watch the violence."


"Yeah, yeah."


Bad Dreams limped her way to the Shadowbolts who embraced her.


"OMIGOSH-OMIGOSH-OMIGOSH! YOU LIVED!" The extreamly hyper Shadowbolt told Dreams. "We have to-"


"Watch the tornument? C'mon, we could learn some tricks for our next performance. Next time, we'll show the world what this gang of elite flyers can do! And that we're better than the Wonderbolts!"


"Yeah." The grumpy one said.

"Well somepony seems to be feeling better," Cosmo said with a smile, "I was worried about your legs, but if you're already walking..." Cosmo faded and he turned toward the rest of Dreams' flight team. "No hard feelings about beating your boss right? Dreams alone could've killed me but if all of you hunted me... I'd be nothing but a memory."

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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@Lady Rainicorn

"Thanks! We'll do our best!" Goldre squinted. She removed a pair of her extracurricular sunglasses and put them on.

"There, now I can see you-HOLYCRAP! Did I do that?" Goldre yelped. Terrorite switched. "Lovely souvenirs ya got there. As I was going to say, Goldre doesn't know, but there's a Solar Eclipse that just so happens to appear during our next match. It'll be a surprise to everypony!"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Knightfall's hoof jerked up catching the kick, his claws digging into the flesh.  He pulled back on both the caught back leg and the whip wrapped around Swordpoints front leg.  "You dare challenge me in physical combat?!  You have killed some of my broodsons! For it I will destroy your life!"  At the same time he slammed his body forward into Swordpoints ribs knocking him onto his side and pinning him.

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Swordpoint struggled against the weight of Knightfall, but the whip was draining his energy. He could not summon the strength to push him off.


This is it. He means to take me for his own. I cannot allow this. I am sorry, Rainbow... and I will see you on the other side. Swordpoint struggled to conjure energy, but he could not. His magic had been leeched.


So... you deny me even death. Well, then, you craven wyrm... take my body. You shall not take my mind. Swordpoint at last ceased his struggles and waited for Knightfall's next move.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@ragestar "He thinks he has me beat." Artemis thought. Artemis teleported behind Crimson silently and tried with all her might to stick a arrow into him. She also tried to kick him and make a bunch of arrows fly at him. "What should I do now?" she thought silently. 

I love Supernatural! :D

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Crimson felt a stabbing pain in his thigh, he then turned his head to see artemis holding an arrow, but crimson merely groweled in annoyance and turned up his flames enough to badly burn her hoof that was still holding onto the arrow, and grabbed her arm and letting her kick him but burning the arrows to ash, he then pulled her in to punch her in the face with all his might, "this ends now!!" Yelled crimson.

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"Oh? Giving up already? Hmph, the worm must have taken more out of you then I essstimated. He hasss his uesss sometimesss. Heh, heh, heh."  While he was speaking his tail swished behind him more much more precisely than any ponies tail should, the hair seemed to stay together as if beginning to form a solid tail.  It dipped into his saddle bad flipping out a strange rotten looking piece of leather.


Knightfall let his magic take hold of the whips handle, keeping it tight.  His claw caught the dirty strip, "You'll wissh you sstruggled more, they all do," flicking his wrist the leather snapped down onto Swordpoint's neck.  It seemed to come to life squirming against his skin and wrapping round his neck.  


The two ends of it met and tightened almost the point of choking.  It was apparent now that is was once a white collar with strange markings but now it was stained with blood, clumps of hair and rotten flesh clung to it, the stench nauseating.  For Swordpoint everything below the collar went limp but not numb instead his body tingled as if hypersensitive.

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Cosmo check the contestant board for his next match. "Golden Dreams huh..." It didn't matter much to Cosmo who he was fighting, he knew the opponent he interested in facing would be in finals if he fought her. "Lite Shade..." Her powers interested Cosmo, whether he learned something from them or managed to defeat them, he want to battle them firsthoof. "Did those... things, eat his stomach..." Cosmo wondered, remembering Nightfall and the expression on his face, an expression of pure pain. "It doesn't matter right now..." he decided, pushing the thoughts away, "I won't get to face her if I can't beat my next opponent. I held back against Dreams, but I want to finish this one quickly, deathlessly if possible..." Cosmo looked at his long Katana, Altiar., "I'll be fight with you this time," he said, his treasured almost responding with the appreciation of a loyal hunting dog being taken by his master. Cosmo sat down to meditate, he'd probably feel a little tired from less sleep, but he'd replenish his horn's energy for the ideas he was having...

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Swordpoint choked on the rancid stench of the collar. "I warn you now, wyrm, if you take my body, you will not take my mind... and I will kill myself before I let you do that."


Swordpoint tried to move, but the collar restricted his movement greatly. He could do no more than twitch his legs and turn his head. "Well? What will it be? Shall you make good on your promise to kill me? Or will you perhaps attempt to possess me, as I expected? Or... perhaps you will torture me. In any case, do your worst. I will not beg for mercy." Damn you, Knightfall... Rune is in there somewhere... But how can I call him out?


A twisted grin touched Knightfall's lips, but Swordpoint only stared back, his face like a stone statue. "Perhaps you misunderstand me, wyrm," Swordpoint spat, emphasizing the word "wyrm," as Knightfall always acted as if insulted when he used it. "I do not fear you. I am not a foal fresh from the womb. I have killed far greater enemies than you."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@Lady Rainicorn, @TheBreech

"I'm gonna go check the board. I'll be right back, hopefully," Goldre excused herself. She felt really bad about what had occurred. She started to read the board, but Terrorite called her mentally. Goldre zoned out.

"What is it?" Goldre asked.

"You need to stick to your original tactics next time," Terrorite informed.

"Those proved useless. And there's a Solar Eclipse during our match!"

"Good point. You do know that you really need to use your katana more, then. Sweet Dreams just doesn't cut it. Literally."

"Fine, but we have to be careful. You got Shadowren?"

"Yes. Will Kaiea?"

"You just said so yourself!"

"Alright, then."

Goldre came back to.

"Kaiea," she whispered. She drew her blade.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Heh. Heh. Heh. You've never faced something like me, I'm no sssimple wyrm, I am a king of dragon's.  Before my full glory your princessesss would be nothing more than ratsss and even now you are nothing more than a worm to me."


Knightfall stepped away from where Swordpoint lay, he shot the ref menacing glare.  "If dare ssstart counting I'll be able to get him and move him before you reach 10 and if you try,  l'll beat you to death with him as a weapon," his voice was cold.  The ref shifted from hoof to hoof and stuttered, "B-b-but the rules say-"  Knightfall took a step towards him and the ref started nodding his head vigorously, "Y-yes I understand!"


"Good, don't worry I'm just going to give the audience what they came here for."  He turned to the crowd that were now uncertain, with Swordpoint disabled they had been afraid of another count out.


Knightfall grinned a start to speak to them, his voice full of passion,  "Well!  What do you want?! What did you come here for?!   Do you want me to let this Pony live?!"


"No!/Kill him!/Tear him apart!/No! Bleed him slow!/Break his bones!/Rend him!/Eat his heart!"  The crowded exploded into a frenzy calls for death and bloodlust overlapping each other from all sections of the stadium.


Knightfall held up his clawed hoof for silence, in a few moments he had it.  He let out a hearty chuckle, "The organizar'sss of this tournament haven't held up their of the bargin have they?  A bit of blood and only a sssingle death?  Is that enough for you?!"


"Hell no!/Flay him alive!/Send him to tartarus Knightfall!/Kill him!"


"No!" Knightfall roared, the crowd instantly hushed.  "This insolent wretch has ssslain members of my brood!  He has fought without proper motivation!  He worked to ssspare his enemies life, pathetic mercy.  It has no place here!  And I will show him none!" he began to stalk back towards Swordpoint.  Speaking to him and the crowd, "had you tried to kill my worthlessss host from the begining, this would never have happened.  You are weak.  You ssspoil your potentail.  You haven't sssuffered enough to understand the mercilessness required to get what you want in this world."


Looking back to the crowd, "I will not grant him the mercy of death!  You are all here for brutallity and terrible cruelty that doesn't exist anywhere else in Equestria!  I will give you nothing less!  I will make up for my competitors lack of malice and depravity!  There are far worse things than Death!..."


Knightfall let his speech trail off, the audience on their feet enthralled by the promise of such horrible things.  Knightfall walked right up next to Swordpoint leaning in close his forked ribbon of a tongue tickling in his ear; he whispered, "Your death doesn't fighten you doesss it, but there is something that ssscaresss the hell out of you... Tell them why you are here Swordpoint.  Tell them what or who you are fighting for.  Let them know what this fight meansss to you, what She meansss to you..."

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Swordpoint felt his rage boiling inside him again. "A craven wretch such as you will never understand. I was like you, once. Ruthless and uncaring... But I found my redemption and lived with her... and I was happy. If you dare to so much as speak her name... I will kill you. I will hunt you to the ends of this earth and the next one if I must. Just rest assured that you will die. Because for her, no sacrifice is too great."


He turned to the audience. "Is that what you want to hear, you worthless lowlifes?! Yes, I was forced to participate. My only love has been taken from me... and the condition for her release was my participation. I want nothing more than to save her, but I will not sacrifice my soul. I have atoned for my sins... and I shall not stain myself with more. I have seen things you never could... All of existence laid out before me..." He closed his eyes, remembering the shifting colors and surreal feel of the nexus. "You could never comprehend my sacrifices because you would never make them yourself. So do your worst, and I will live. I will live, and I will save Rune Breaker along with Rainbow Dash. And you, foul wyrm, will be cast into the dark."


Swordpoint reached inside himself and found strength. He pushed with all his might and raised his hoof to the collar. However, it was no use. He fumbled helplessly with the clasp, requiring two hooves to undo it.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Goldre ran out into the crowd watching Sworpoint and Knightfall's match. She took to the air on her amazing wings and flew over to the ref over their heads.

"BOOOO! BOOO! Play fair!" she yelled. "The ref can count all he pleases. I'll protect him!" Goldre volunteered. She spread her wings and concentrated. Several dark clouds formed in front of the sun and Terror Night came out.

"Hello, dragon. You'll say hello to your worst nightmare if you come over here. Believe me, it'll actually be your worst nightmare, not me," Terrorite growled.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"HEH! HEH! HEH! HEH!"  Knightfall's thunderous laughter rang out just above Swordpoint's head. A casual claw swiped aside Swordpoint's hoof from the collar.  "Impressive! To move even that much with the collar on, where was that strenght before?"  He leaned in close to whisper again, "I told you that you would wish you had ssstruggled more."


He paused to stare at the Goldre/Terrorite hovering near the ref. "I'm playing fair."  He grabbed Swordpoint's back lifting him on to his hooves and proping him up, "Look he'sss standing, if you want to ssstart counting I can thisss all day."  Releasing Swordpoint the pony toppled over, unable to support himself.  "I like you birdie, I look forward to peeling off your wingsss later, but for now let the audience have the pain that they desire and get off my ssstage!"


Knightfall spun back to the crowd, "You heard it folksss, ssstraight from the ponies mouth!  He's here to fight for true love!  And he believes in redemption!...  I'm here for you SS-Swordpoint, I'm here to tell you that redemption doesn't exist.  What hass happened is you've become weak, you became complacent happy to be a puppet dancing for othersss.  I'm here to cut those ssstrings."


He leaned down, gently taking Swordpoint's head and lifting it so his fiery red slited eyes were inches away burning into Swordpoint's vision.  "Do you hear that Princessesss?  I bet you do, you're like me, each of you.  You wouldn't dare let sssomeone like this out from under your hoovesss.  But I'm going to sstart undoing all your holds on him, right here."


"There is no good and no evil Swordpoint," he dropped the ponies head letting it thump back to the dust. "There is only what you can do, what you want to do and what you are willing to do.  You want to sssave her, you want to believe you've changed, you want to sssave Rune Breaker, you want, you want, you want. And when I look at you I believe you can do all those things."  Knightfall slammed his hooves on either side of Swordpoint's head claws digging into the ground. 


He yelled into Swordpoint's face, "WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO DO FOR IT!" He snorted a puff of smoke out of his now scaled pony/dragon nostrils, "you obvisously don't want it enough, so I'm going to give you a reason to do anything you can, because if you don't you will lose everything.  I've been dead, it is not as impressive as you act.  Now the sssacrificesss you meantioned before, the ssscarificesss we make to have things turn out right, those are impressive.  So how much furthter are you willing to go?   Heh.  I don't want you to beg to me, I don't want you to fear me, I want you to HATE me with all that you are."

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I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Swordpoint growled. "Their holds on me? I do what I know is right. I serve Celestia and Luna, for they are fair and true. I am no one's puppet. You claim to have known death? I have seen the infinite, the abyss of time. I gave my life once... for her... and for all of Equestria. I stared into the very fabric of existence... and I crossed that threshold without a second thought. You understand? I gave my life to save her. All the wrongs that I've done... I made up for them by saving them all. That I have been given a second chance is testament enough of my redemption.



Swordpoint glanced up at the pegasus in the sky. "Your kindness is welcomed but unnecessary. I am not done. I will soon have the strength to stand, and then I will remove this collar. He knows this, and he is only buying himself time. I look forward to facing you later. And rest assured, I will be the victor, not this wyrm."



Swordpoint turned back to Knightfall. "What could you force me to give that I have not already given? There is nothing that I would not lay down for my friends. And as far as you, I do not hate you. I pity you. You live a dark existence, filled with nothing but delusions of grandeur. Look at yourself. You are trapped in the body of a pony. Your neo-draconians are dead by my hand. And once I have won this battle, I will find a way to excise you from Rune Breaker. Then, I shall allow time itself to pass judgment onto you. Now stop stalling." Swordpoint forced his back legs to move. He managed to bring them beneath himself, at which point he did the same with his front legs. He pushed them against the ground as hard as he could... and stood up. He was grunting and panting furiously.

  • Brohoof 1

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"Hmmmm, so impressive and yet so weak.  I pity you, you live an existance blinded by light, following it like moth to a flame convinced it is right and just.  You have nothing but delusions and the slipping of sand through your hooves, look at yourself, a pony who has always lived in the service of another.  You have a body but still need a host to bow to and please.  You have never lived for yourself, never walked your own path without someone to hold your mane!"


Knightfall gripped Swordpoint's head under his chin holding it steady his tongue slidd out and wrapped around one claw on his other hoof.  When it pulled away there was a black and white flame flickering along the claws, "A soul flame, fire of pure magic... Only I and two other dragons have ever managed such a feat.  Still only I can make so much at a time. But this is plenty."


He pulled Swordpoint's head toward him while moving the fiery finger forward until it connected with the pony's forehead begining to sear into the flesh, "Let me show you what you still have to give, let me show you so you understand the pain when I take it.  Then we will see if you hate me." The fire was burning not just into his flesh but his very soul.

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Swordpoint fought to stay standing as the fire burned into him. It didn't hurt at all, and that worried Swordpoint. He forced his hooves to the collar and undid it at last, throwing it to the ground. He felt his strength return to him, but a voice spoke inside his mind and he froze.


"You want to win," the voice said. Immediately, Swordpoint saw himself with Rainbow Dash. They stood beneath an old oak tree, her leaning her head on his shoulder. His lance and armor lied beside him. There was another bright flash, and he saw Rainbow's home. He watched himself fly to the doorstep and open it. He felt his heart hurt when he saw two foals inside... one a light brown pegasus with a blue mane, and the other a green pegasus with a rainbow colored mane.


"It could be yours, all of it.  One wish, and then a perfect life... What could be worth more? What wouldn't you give for that?"


Swordpoint stopped. "I would give anything... except my soul. I will not give my soul to the darkness... Though I would willingly give my life and my soul to death, I would never walk the path of destruction again. If I save her but lose who I am, then I have accomplished nothing. I would not be the stallion she loves."


Swordpoint heard a growling sound which died quickly. There was another flash of light as memories came flooding back. He was suddenly watching himself again.


He stood before a door with a candle pattern. He knocked slowly and waited. When it opened, a blue pegasus stared at him. Her mouth fell open. “Good evening, ma’am,” he spoke urgently, “I am here to meet with a miss Sparkle. My name is –“ Before he could finish, Rainbow hit him in the face with her hoof, knocking him to the ground.


“YOU! You have some guts coming here and trying that charade again!” she screamed. Her teeth were clenched and she was poised and ready to strike.


Swordpoint coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood. “Ma’am, please, I don’t understand!” he pleaded. Rainbow pounced and struck him again. Twilight hurried to her and pulled her away.


Everything fast forwarded to the night in the frozen north.


He watched himself walk through the cold snow until he found a place to sit. He remembered this... lost deep in thought over the peculiar actions of Rainbow's friends. Lightning Dust's sacrifice... He couldn't understand it. He watched as Rainbow came to him, and they spoke. The strange feeling he'd felt then, the feeling he now understood as caring for someone... That was the first time.


Another flash. This time, the Crystal Empire. His duel with Speartail, when the deranged royal guardian nearly killed Rainbow in front of him... And the brutal death that he gave Speartail in return for it.


More light, this time in the nexus. He took Rainbow's hoof. "We are so close. Should anything happen to either of us..."


"Don't say anything, you idiot, just kiss me," Rainbow said impatiently. He leaned in and locked his lips with hers.


There was more light, and then everything faded.


He saw himself in front of the library again, but this time, Twilight answered the door instead of Rainbow. Inside... Rainbow was nowhere to be found. The next scene played again... except no one came to speak with him in his time alone. And at last... the Crystal Empire. When Speartail arrived this time, Swordpoint left with him without so much as a second glance to his companions. He returned to Ponynesia... where he would spearhead the invasion of Equestria, killing the survivors of the reapling attack.


Swordpoint screamed for it to stop. Life without Rainbow... he would still be a monster. He would be a cold killer, no different than Knightfall.


"What would you be willing to do to keep her?" the voice called. "To not forget forever?  It's what you would never sacrifice, but how much would you sacrifice to save it?"


Swordpoint realized what was happening and composed himself. "Your mind games are worthless, Knightfall! I WILL NOT GIVE IN!"


Swordpoint broke free from the spell at last. Knightfall was standing in front of him, holding his mane up slightly. Swordpoint hit him in the face with his hoof and jumped into the air, flapping his wings once more.


"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR GAMES, WYRM!" He lit his wings and a glow surrounded Knightfall. "That little trick certainly took a lot of your strength. This spell can easily pacify you and allow Rune to regain control. Now sleep again, foul demon."


Swordpoint released the spell, and the aura around Knightfall grew intensely bright.

Edited by Justin_ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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The light around Knightfall flaring but not burning instead soothing.  The dragon/pony hybrid chuckled in an almost good hearted tone "Heh. Heh. Heh."  His voice was cheerful and calm, "Yesss all my strength is gone, at least for now.  I haven't had so much fun in ages, though I've been dead for ages. Heh.  You have bought the worm I live inside some time it seems.  Though it was worth it, your strings are cut and soon you'll live for yourself.  Not an evil monster and also not a champion of light, as you see things now.  You will see things not in black and white but the world as it really is. Welcome to the gray Swordpoint, and in the gray there is no companionship, no loyality can exist even the element of loyalty will fade and cease to exist for you. Oh we will meet again.  Heh. Heh. Heh."


The scales on this hide faded away rubbed smooth by the light, the claws becoming hanging nails before retreating completely, his eyes restoring to a wide pupiled yellow-green, even some of the cracks in his horn seemed to shrink, his muscles fade to a more slim form.  Free of Knightfall's overwhelming precessence, Rune Breaker collapsed to the ground sobbing.

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Swordpoint landed gently beside Rune Breaker. "Are you alright, Rune? You were screaming so terribly loud... I am sorry if I harmed you."


Rune did not stand.


"Perhaps... do you know what he meant? My strings cut? I do not understand, but I will not pretend that it does not trouble me. I am free of strings... I serve Celestia and Luna because I can. There is much I have taught the guard... but my life is not dedicated to them as it was to Omnia. I still live my life with... with..." He suddenly drew a blank. "Blast... what was her name...?" Swordpoint thought for a moment before it came to him. "Rainbow! How could I have forgotten?!"


Swordpoint's stomach sank as a grim realization struck him. "... no. It isn't possible." He stared at Rune, who was still sobbing on the ground. "I swear it, dragon, you will pay for your crimes... and for what you have done to me this day."


He turned and looked at the faintly glowing runes in the arena. The circle had dissipated during his battle with Knightfall, but the runes still pulsed lightly.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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