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open The Dark Tournament (FULL!)

Literally Snails

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((Thanks for letting me know!  Whoops!  Don't tell Dawnpath I screwed it up lol...wait))


Midnight sat looking around at the crowd.  She knew they were not happy about them fighting.  I wonder who made it to semi-finals and how long have I been in the arena?  She saw Rail, the host's father talking with others.  Probably betting who is going to win.


"Hurry up!  We want blood!"


"What taking them so long to start?!?"


Midnight Glow's muscles grew to stay on guard in case Radioactive would go at her. 

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"It is no matter," Swordpoint told Crimson calmly. "But I cannot shake this feeling... That pony in black was... but it couldn't have been... could she have escaped somehow?" He began talking to himself, forgetting that Crimson was there.


"If Rainbow Dash is here... then she must have escaped, which would bring relief to my fears. But... I still cannot concede. This curse which Knightfall has placed upon me... I must fight. For the sake of living my life in peace, I must participate in more bloodshed. That is how it has always been." He closed his eyes and hung his head. "Why must peace be achieved through violence? Why is it that such evil exists in our world? Perhaps one day... I may change it. And maybe then... all the blood I have spilled will serve a purpose. Or maybe... I shall disappear along with the rest of the evil."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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(OOC: I know there's a rule against cloning so be prepared if Topaz doesn't approve...)

"...she dies." Cosmo thought with a dark humor as he watched his now FOUR opponents circling in the air. "The rules only count for one opponent so if can pin just one of them to the out of bounds area I can win... But is this somekind of a bucking joke?!" Cosmo took a deep breath and prepared his Blood Wind in the shape of a dome, "I guess I will have to play defensive..." Then Cosmo remembered a wonderful detail about Solar Eclipses, "...for the six minutes it lasts! Ultimately, I'll have to face Terrorite, but this ability has to leave her weakened at the least, those clones need energy from somewhere... Or are they illusions? If they're real, it'll cost her strength, if not, my Blood Wind won't touch them and they won't touch me..."

Terrorite stuck her tongue out at the ref. She made the other Terrorite and Goldre vanish.

"They were actually illusions," she made a face. 'But this is the real Goldre and Terrorite."

Goldre removed her katana and began randomly waving it in the air out of boredom.

"Oh, and six minutes aren't gonna be six minutes," Terrorite yelled down. "Thew eclipse'll last that long, not us."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Crimson frowned and put a hoof on swrdpoints shoulder, "forgive me for doing this my friend..." crimson then takes his hoof off of swordpoints shoulder and slaps him in the face....HARD, crimson then puts his hoof back on the floor and smiles, "sorry, but you really deserved that, now listen to me you selfless idiot, you aren't evil, you WILL save rainbow dash, you WILL lift runes curse, and WE WILL ALL LEAVE HERE ALIVE!! EVEN IF IT MEANS I WONT BRING MY SISTER BACK, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU RUNE AND RAINBOW, LEAVE THIS HELL-HOLE ALIVE!! I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I've watched too many freinds die becouse of me! And I swear on my sisters grave, that I will never let anoather friend die becouse of me, ever again!!" Said crimson, now with both hoovs on swordpoints shoulders, looking at him dead serious.

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Swordpoint put his hoof to his cheek. "Hm. Perhaps I dwell too much on the past. But I must admit... even death was not enough to remove the weight of my sins from my heart. Thank you, Crimson. And as for us... we will not die. I can assure you this."


Swordpoint returned Crimson's gaze. "I made a promise to you... to help you save your sister. It is one that I intend to keep. And as far as Rainbow Dash... I cannot say for certain that she is here... but I trained her well in combat... and magic. She insisted... always telling me that she may one day need to save herself if I am not there. Perhaps... just maybe..." He trailed off.


He quickly caught himself and looked back at Crimson. "As for your father... we will deal with him when he decides to reveal himself. But there is a more pressing matter. Did you notice that Knightfall had taken over Rune? It is only temporary, as Rune exhausted himself in creating the runic armor." Swordpoint smirked. "But I foresaw this. I placed a tracing spell upon him, and have been following his movements. It seems that he has sought the tournament officials' box seats... but I sense no bloodshed. I am curious as to the nature of his actions. Unfortunately, the tracing spell cannot transmit voices. I suggest we seek him out... carefully."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson smiled but then sighed, "thanks for the confidence boost, I still want to revive my sister.....but the living come before the dead....anyways, we better go stop that evil bastard from making a mistake that we'll all regret, so let's get moving..." said crimson before using his magic to locate knightfalls energy and began to search for the scource.

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Terrorite stuck her tongue out at the ref. She made the other Terrorite and Goldre vanish.

"They were actually illusions," she made a face. 'But this is the real Goldre and Terrorite."

Goldre removed her katana and began randomly waving it in the air out of boredom.

"Oh, and six minutes aren't gonna be six minutes," Terrorite yelled down. "Thew eclipse'll last that long, not us."

"Nailed it!" Cosmo shouted at her confession about the illusions. "Also, I agree about your time estimate," Cosmo shouted, then he released Blood Wind and teleported to be in the air mere feet behind Goldre, "You won't last six minutes..." he said softly as he brought Altiar down on her wing, slicing off a considerable number of feathers. Cosmo used his telekinetis to manage his landing and waited for Goldre's reaction.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Swordpoint and Crimson approached the officials' seats, and Swordpoint heard Knightfall's unmistakable voice. He turned to Crimson and held out his hoof. "Stop," he whispered, "Knightfall is just beyond this corridor. Stay silent, for we must hear what he is saying... and we must not be detected." 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson sighed but stayed quite, "I hate sneaking around, its not my style!" Said crimson quitely as he listened for the familiar voice of knightfall, but could only hear muffled voices on the other end, crimson rolled his eyes, "hold on, I'm gonna use a spell to magnify their voice volume for us, don't worry, since I'm casting it on me and you, then only we can hear their voices amplify, they however, wont notice a thing" whispered crimson, before his horn began to glow a deep red, and after a moment there was a small POP and all of a sudden, the voices became clear as day, crimson grinned proudly, "hell yeah!! It worked!!" Said crimson quitly.

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"Fantastic!" Swordpoint whispered. "An audio manipulation spell... I must remember that." He could hear a familiar voice speaking.


"...old dragon.  I was around when the original Black Black Club started the Dark Tournament, how else would I know of their little group'ss name?  I supported them in their activities and we had many lucrative dealings.  I wish to meet those who have the ability to restore the old wayss and establish new mutually beneficial tiesss.  Would your masters be happy if you turned away such an opportunity?"


Swordpoint turned to Crimson. "That is him. He seems to be... attempting to make some sort of pact with the officials. Let us listen to him." Another voice answered.


"You got my interest. My time is expensive, so make it quick."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Radio eyed her, She's on edge. If I wanted her dead I would've already made my move... "This horn is not for show. You'd be much better off focusing your mind then your body," she told the unicorn opposite her. "Now, they are beginning to grow weary. I estimate that it will soon become violent."




In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Midinight looked at Radioactive.  "I've had opponents that have tried to attack me when I was distracted.  Ever since then, I am always on edge.  You're not the only one with a horn here" She said to her.  With her magic, she grabbed a bench from under the front row and the bench melted into metallic liquid.  

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"An interesting method, but a small waste of energy," she replied. "It is much easier to simply feed the particles energy then try to physically move them." She levitated the metalic liquid, flattened it out, and made it into a disk, which she use to throw like a Frisbee out of the arena.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Midnight smiled.  Strange,  I haven't smiled in ages, well not in a happy way she thought.  "I don't usually use magic too much.  I'm more of an earth pony than a unicorn" She admitted.  She doesn't usually use it unless absolutely necessary.   "Hmm. I wonder what Rail and Topaz think of this" She said to Radio.

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The door to the committee room opened and the purple suited old stallion was standing in the doorway. "You got my interest." He said. "My time is really expensive, so make it quick."

"Time is relative and given your position you have plenty to spate. You seem familiar, are you a descendant of a survivor from the original club? And as for my offer, before I had considered the committee foolish, but now I better understand the subtle nuances that it affords. So with my collection of rare items and wealth and the connections that the committee has I feel my induction may be mutal beneficial. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, maybe we should simply start with some wagers and enjoying the fights."

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Midnight smiled.  Strange,  I haven't smiled in ages, well not in a happy way she thought.  "I don't usually use magic too much.  I'm more of an earth pony than a unicorn" She admitted.  She doesn't usually use it unless absolutely necessary.   "Hmm. I wonder what Rail and Topaz think of this" She said to Radio.


"I've no clue who Rail is, but Topaz? She's bored out of her mind. We're simply staring at eachother, and she is a big fan," Radio replies, with a slight hint of disgust, "We have these... contests, where I come from. I never enjoyed them myself, though I have been to a few. It would've been impossible for me to continue living if I hadn't."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Nailed it!" Cosmo shouted at her confession about the illusions. "Also, I agree about your time estimate," Cosmo shouted, then he released Blood Wind and teleported to be in the air mere feet behind Goldre, "You won't last six minutes..." he said softly as he brought Altiar down on her wing, slicing off a considerable number of feathers. Cosmo used his telekinetis to manage his landing and waited for Goldre's reaction.



Terrorite stuck her tongue out at the ref. She made the other Terrorite and Goldre vanish.

"They were actually illusions," she made a face. 'But this is the real Goldre and Terrorite."

Goldre removed her katana and began randomly waving it in the air out of boredom.

"Oh, and six minutes aren't gonna be six minutes," Terrorite yelled down. "Thew eclipse'll last that long, not us."


(Lunar Knight is disqualified. We're going to pretend she was killed in this fight.)


"The winner by death is Cosmo Shadesteel!" Juri announced after the fight was finished.


(Sorry, Lunar Knight, but you've taken way too long to reply. I need to start cracking down.)



"Time is relative and given your position you have plenty to spate. You seem familiar, are you a descendant of a survivor from the original club? And as for my offer, before I had considered the committee foolish, but now I better understand the subtle nuances that it affords. So with my collection of rare items and wealth and the connections that the committee has I feel my induction may be mutal beneficial. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, maybe we should simply start with some wagers and enjoying the fights."

"You want to put your money against the Big Shot?" The suited pony asked. "You either got no brains, balls, or both. But okay, you cocky bastard, let's see what you're worth." He allowed Knightfall to step further inside. "Crimson Grinn is projected to beat Swordpoint by a margin of six percent. We'll have a small bet. I'll only wager fifty on him to win. If Swordpoint wins, you get five hundred."






Midnight smiled.  Strange,  I haven't smiled in ages, well not in a happy way she thought.  "I don't usually use magic too much.  I'm more of an earth pony than a unicorn" She admitted.  She doesn't usually use it unless absolutely necessary.   "Hmm. I wonder what Rail and Topaz think of this" She said to Radio.

"You two can get back to fighting whenever you feel comfortable." the ref said with more than a little bit of sarcasm. We have a rule against stalling, you know."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"You have a rule for pulling rules out yer arse? Hmm, I have a new idea," Radio says. She turns to the crowd, "You want killing? Maiming? Death? Destruction?" The answering roar was enough to convince her they did. Instantly, a good portion of the audience fell dead, the atoms in their spinal cords fused with the very bones that protected them. Radio stared grimly out at them, her visor making her look as hard as stone. "I grow weary of this field. Let us begin," she says to her opponent. Horn flashing, a magic missile appeared behind Midnight and spead towards her.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"You have a rule for pulling rules out yer arse? Hmm, I have a new idea," Radio says. She turns to the crowd, "You want killing? Maiming? Death? Destruction?" The answering roar was enough to convince her they did. Instantly, a good portion of the audience fell dead, the atoms in their spinal cords fused with the very bones that protected them. Radio stared grimly out at them, her visor making her look as hard as stone. "I grow weary of this field. Let us begin," she says to her opponent. Horn flashing, a magic missile appeared behind Midnight and spead towards her.

"Well, That's the kind of audience participation you can only expect from the dark tournament!" Topaz said nervously. "And where's the referee? Has she been killed too?"


The ref (The one that isn't Juri) was out of sight of the audience. "They don't pay me enough for this." She said. She tossed her microphone away and left the arena.

Edited by Topaz


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Standoff shouldered his way through a recently-appeared door and cursed. It looked as if he'd come through into the middle of the hot-box. "Excuse me. I was just leaving." Tucking a brightly-coloured shell with a biohazard sign on the side of it into his satchel, he made for the door.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Midnight heard a sound coming at her from behind.  She turned in shock to see a missile.  She smiled at the unicorn and went up in the air in a blur.  She went behind Radioactive and laughed evilly.  "Did you not see my last match? Although I am stronger at night, I'm very quick 24/7" She said to her. The missile went up into the air and dropped into the crowd, killing a portion of them. Midnight jumped up into the air and threw a knife at Radio's stomach area.

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"...Crimson Grinn is projected to beat Swordpoint by a margin of six percent. We'll have a small bet. I'll only wager fifty on him to win. If Swordpoint wins, you get five hundred."


"It seems they like you," Swordpoint whispered to Crimson. "Also, I sensed death just now. Did you feel it? I believe one of the matches may be over."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson growled angrily, "I would rather lose to you with honor, than beat you with TRICKERY, I don't care what the hell their damn PERCENTS say, whoever wins our fight, will win out of skill, not dirty money, and now that you mention it, yes, I did sense soul pass on to the afterlife, but unlike standoffs kill, this one is not done with hate and malice, but honor and bravery, so we don't have to worry about that, but we may want to get back to the waiting rooms soon, our match is about to start..." said crimson quitely.

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Swordpoint nodded and walked away from the box seats with Crimson behind him. "It is almost time... I look forward to testing our skills against one another. As promised, there will be no weapons or magic. It will be a duel of hoof to hoof combat. Perhaps that will please the audience, as well." He entered the tournament lobby and stood silent as he awaited the announcement.

Edited by Justin_ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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"...Crimson Grinn is projected to beat Swordpoint by a margin of six percent. We'll have a small bet. I'll only wager fifty on him to win. If Swordpoint wins, you get five hundred."


"It seems they like you," Swordpoint whispered to Crimson. "Also, I sensed death just now. Did you feel it? I believe one of the matches may be over."



Crimson growled angrily, "I would rather lose to you with honor, than beat you with TRICKERY, I don't care what the hell their damn PERCENTS say, whoever wins our fight, will win out of skill, not dirty money, and now that you mention it, yes, I did sense soul pass on to the afterlife, but unlike standoffs kill, this one is not done with hate and malice, but honor and bravery, so we don't have to worry about that, but we may want to get back to the waiting rooms soon, our match is about to start..." said crimson quitely.


"Swordpoint and Crimson Grinn, Report to the first arena floor."


"Alright, mares and colts, the final match is about to begin!"




"So, are you takin' the bet? Money's off once the match starts." Big Shot said smugly. "Last chance before the semi-finals, then the stakes get higher!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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