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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@, @@Dawn Stripes


Colette opened her eyes and looked around, wondering where the hell she was! She was in bed, she was sure of it! Looking around, she saw that she was in a strange cave. What thuh DEUCE?! Looking around again, she spotted her rainbow-headed guest, who seemed to touch down on the ground, as if she were flying. Colette lifted an eyebrow. What was she doing here??


Colette suddenly stiffened when she heard someone else's voice. "Come." Colette made a face at that. Who the hell was that?! "Come." the voice came again, a little louder "Come... It's time. Rise." Looking up, she saw a tall woman with long, teal hair and glowing green eyes. Colette stood, looking down as her feet as she felt the ground beneath them. Looking back to  Rainbow Dash, she saw her taking a fighting stance, fists balled at the ready.




"What are you doing in my dream?


So, this was a dream?? Colette turned back to the strange woman with a wary eye. "You two know each other??"




"Hmmm... i see that your hatred about this person is strong. I can assure you she knows nothing of you being here and she has nothing to do with this dream. I mean she didn't cause it." She looked a moment and then took her hand back from her sighing in dissapointment.


This was weird... "Why'd you bring us here??" Colette asked. The woman answered, but gave the answer to Rainbow Dash:




"You are here because i want to show you how hollow your hate is. You seek justice do you not? I am here to offer you a chance and see how fair your judjement is. Finally... i am here to show you where your absolution of black and white will lead. You are free not to hear me if you wish, i will not stop you from doing what you think is right, but i am here to help you as much as you don't believe me."


"Hey lady. You can show me. Show me whatever the hell it is you're talking about."

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(OOC: Believe you mean 'absolutes', noodle-bee)


Rainbow saw Colette out of the corner of her eyes. "Whah? You're in this dream, too?" She rubbed her forehead. "Gosh, I must be really screwed up. Of all the nights I couldn't have a dream about flying. It must be that meat. Gives me weird dreams or something." She rolled her eyes. "So yeah. I'm actually a pony, I'm not really from Moose Lake, and you have a rockin' mane but I gotta' tell you, your pad is weird. And I think you're one of the nicest ponies I've ever met but I'm way too cool to actually say that to your face. And it doesn't matter what I say, 'cause this is a dream. Pickle-barrel feathering kumquat!"

She pointed at the human-Chrysalis-thing. "And this mare over here tried to hurt my friends! She just about got ponies killed more than once!" She crossed her forelegs. "I dunno' what the hoof my subconscious is trying to tell me, mare, but nopony but nopony, messes with Ponyville on my watch. No way I let that slide, and no way in the hay I let you get away with it."

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Liam nodded. "Yeah, this is one of the biggest cities in the country and it also gets quite a bit of tourism, so it's very crowded. Anyway, if we're going to be walking all day, we need to get you a decent pair of shoes. Oh and don't worry about that loud noise from the car. It's called a horn, and drivers mostly honk them when they're annoyed. Just try to ignore it."


Star nodded but didn't take her eyes off the street. Now that she knew the car's weren't going to hurt her...they were kinda cool.

She tore her eyes away from the street to look at Liam. "So...do humans have money? In Equestria we have bits." She said, smiling before she looked back at the street.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Dawn Stripes,

(My posts are always short. No need to apologize :| )


Magneus took the empty cardboard container and threw it into a nearby trashcan. He turned back to Fluttershy and nodded. "Not exactly what i meant by 'what was that about', but that doesn't matter. As for any others i might want to visit? ... No. Penguins are my only favorite next to cats, but they only have the big cats like tigers and panthers in this zoo. You can just drag me around to see the place" he said and jokingly held his hand out for her to grab and pull him to wherever.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Star nodded but didn't take her eyes off the street. Now that she knew the car's weren't going to hurt her...they were kinda cool.

She tore her eyes away from the street to look at Liam. "So...do humans have money? In Equestria we have bits." She said, smiling before she looked back at the street.


Liam nodded and chuckled a bit, amused by her fascination with the cars. "Yeah, we have money, although the economy isn't doing all that well right now. Come on, we need to go buy you a pair of shoes. I know a place just a couple blocks from here." He started walking down the street, motioning for her to follow.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam nodded and chuckled a bit, amused by her fascination with the cars. "Yeah, we have money, although the economy isn't doing all that well right now. Come on, we need to go buy you a pair of shoes. I know a place just a couple blocks from here." He started walking down the street, motioning for her to follow.


Star nodded and yet again, had to push herself to look away from the cars. She smiled and happily followed Liam down the street.

As they walked, Star couldn't help but stare at the people that passed...who all gave her a rather quizzical look...some even looked annoyed.

She frowned and walked up next to Liam. "People seem...grumpy." She said, watching someone in a car yell at someone else.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Dawn Stripes,@,


Colette blinked at Rainbow Dash, then smiled. If this was a dream, then she could get away with telling her anything! It's not like the cool vegetarian in the living room would never know! "Well, Rainbow Dash~! Thanks for the compliment. I dye my hair, and I LOVE meat, especially bacon, and there's nothing you can do to stop me from eating it! I'm also a bit of a girl gamer, and don't care how dorky it is! Video games are FUN! Especially horror games! I also like to listen to rock music and I sing and play guitar." feeling satisfied, she crossed her arms, pleased with herself.

With that, she looked over to the strange woman Rainbow pointed at. She had never seen her before, but at the same time, she saw no reason to be afraid or angry at her. This was just a dream, right?? The fact that Rainbow had to be some working of Colette's subconscious, she was sure of it. "As much as this seems like a bad idea, I wanna see what the hell you're going on about! Lead the way, chica! I wanna see how weird this dream gets!"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Star nodded and yet again, had to push herself to look away from the cars. She smiled and happily followed Liam down the street.

As they walked, Star couldn't help but stare at the people that passed...who all gave her a rather quizzical look...some even looked annoyed.

She frowned and walked up next to Liam. "People seem...grumpy." She said, watching someone in a car yell at someone else.


Liam nodded rather sadly. "The city does that to some people. Not everyone treats strangers very kindly. Anyway, here we are," he said as they arrived at a department store. "We should have no trouble finding some things for you here. Come on, I'll show you how humans shop," he said cheerfully as he walked in.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Fluttershy proceeded to do so.


She learned the names of enough new animals that day to make her head spin. Some of her favorites from Equestria, like bears, were still there, though a little different--and of course none of these, unlike ever bear in Equestria, knew her by name. But there were alpacas and okapis and rare red pandas (the most adorable thing ever in the history of anything!). It was a good day. Fluttershy got some strange looks when she spent too long with her face pressed against the glass at the tiger exhibit, trying to say hello--the glass was too thick for much sound to get through, obviously--but it was a very good day.


By the time she permitted Magneus to leave, it was late afternoon. "We can come back again someday, right?" she asked. "Because I don't want to forget any of the animals. I want to visit them a few times so I can remember every one!"

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Magneus shrugged. "I guess so" he said as they walked back to the car. "Fluttershy, I feel me, Alex and Aly have asked enough questions about you, i think when we get back to the apartment its about time that you asked more about us personally. Its not like you have a television show to just watch all of our lives" 

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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(OOC: You humans and your insistance on bacon...aren't there any other brony vegetarians? C'mon--if Lyra can do it, it can't be that hard.)


Rainbow fell back laughing. "Aww, colt! I crack myself up. I didn't know I could make up stuff like this." She propped herself up on one elbow--maybe this dream was doing her some good after all. "I really just said that 'cause I don't know what videyo-games are. And since I won't, whatever they are I won't really know. Seriously, it's getting hard to hide stuff. This world of yours? Racine? It looks boring. I'm not even sure I'm ever gonna' get back home, and this is the last place I want to be stuck for the rest of my life! Let alone..." she wiggled her mutated forelegs about for emphasis. "Whatever the hay you call yourselves! You're don't look bad as far as monsters go, but Celestia, you look so clumsy. I could do circles around you if I had a decent pair of legs, let alone wings, but you know what? You know what the worst part is? I let slip that I'm actually a pony, you'll probably just eat me! Isn't that great!"

After the bleed-out of hysteria began to trail off, Rainbow brushed some mane out of her face and exhaled. If this was just a dream, she sure was getting worked up.

Edited by Dawn Stripes
  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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(OOC: Yeah, it's fine. I'll just have a dream sequence and then she'll wake up)


Twilight had a strange dream. She was dreaming about her friends, all scattered throughout this world. And for some reason, she thought that her dream gave her the exact locations of her friends, but she couldn't be sure. She remembered Applejack being in the care of a high school girl and a racecar driver, but not a whole lot else. All she remembered was that Applejack was in a "sunny part of the country." When Twilight woke up, she explained her dream to Logan.

"I don't know if this dream is true, however. It seems too good to be true. Plus it was incredibly vague." she concluded.


After his short run, Logan had returned and simply slept on the couch, to lazy to bother going upstairs to his room. He awoke early in the morning, a few minutes before the sun and went about the morning ritual of showering, dressing and generally just getting ready for the day.


He greeted Twilight with a nod and a smile when she awoke and came downstairs in the morning, and the question of whether she slept well. When she responded in the affirmative, she also explained how she had a rather peculiar dream. It seemed to involve at least one of her friends, a blonde named Applejack and those she was in the care of. He furrowed his brow and shrugged, "I'm not really sure what it might mean... But at least you know one of them is probably safe. Did your dream show you anything about where she might be? I might be able to try and figure out where she is, I have some good connections." he asked as he prepared breakfast, a simple meal of varying fruit and waffles. Normally it'd involve some type of meat and eggs, but out of respect for his guests preferences, he refrained.


"Oh, my friends'll probably be here around the afternoon, so we have time for you to get more reading, or whatever you want in. Personally, I'll be practicing," he nods to the sidearm on the counter a few inches away from him, "Not much else to do on a day off." He says, partially to himself.


"Tartarus? What the hell are you talking about? Saskatchewan is a province in Canada that's to the east Where is this 'Equestria,' then?"

After he shook her hand, Rachel said,

"Yes, that is correct. It's fine. You're unfamiliar to the human world, or at least the city, it seems, so you wouldn't last long. What would you like to eat?"


"I'm talking about where the worse horrors are sealed, such as Cerberus and some others," Diliges shrugs, and continues to speak partially to himself, "We apparently don't qualify to be sealed there. Kind of a good thing."


He raises an eyebrow, "I know nothing about your homeland, and you know nothing about mine, Miss Rachel. It seems we are even in this respect. I don't know where Equestria is in relation to this, 'Canada' or 'America'," He glances at himself, "For all I know it's in an entirely different universe."


Diliges glances past her after she asks what he'd like to eat, and shrugs again, "I'm good with just about anything. Fruits, vegetables,  even meats are fine with me. Consumption of meat isn't common in Equestria, but we Changelings can eat it just as easy as Griffons. Or at least I can. Sorta expect it, considering how sharp our teeth are, in our normal form."





, @Pripyat Pony



"Splendid! I hope you two find each other easily enough. Thank you for the reassurance my Queen. My human, Rachel, has been exhibiting a decent amount of kindness to me. These humans probably don't have anything like us local to the area. Anyway, I look forward to speaking with you two soon. I'd appreciate the contact, Cicada. Good to know you two haven't forgotten us little people!" He said the last bit with a joking tone.

  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Liam nodded rather sadly. "The city does that to some people. Not everyone treats strangers very kindly. Anyway, here we are," he said as they arrived at a department store. "We should have no trouble finding some things for you here. Come on, I'll show you how humans shop," he said cheerfully as he walked in.


Star looked rather sad about the grumpy human's...but her sad expression was replaced with one of total aw as she followed Liam into the shop. "W-Wow..." She said, staring at the many people...and many item's for sale. "This...is amazing..." She said, walking next to Liam.

A few people around them gave her some funny look's...staring mostly at her bare feet...but she ignored them. She was used to being stared at, plus she didn't have time to pay attention to them...this store was so cool. "There's...so much stuff."

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Star looked rather sad about the grumpy human's...but her sad expression was replaced with one of total aw as she followed Liam into the shop. "W-Wow..." She said, staring at the many people...and many item's for sale. "This...is amazing..." She said, walking next to Liam.

A few people around them gave her some funny look's...staring mostly at her bare feet...but she ignored them. She was used to being stared at, plus she didn't have time to pay attention to them...this store was so cool. "There's...so much stuff."


Liam grinned, amused by how easy it was to impress her with what he thought of as mundane things. "Oh believe me, there are stores much bigger than this. Like the malls I was telling you about earlier. But right now we need to get you some shoes so people stop looking at you funny. Follow me." He led her to the shoe department and down an aisle of women's shoes. "Just find some you like and we'll figure out your size."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Liam grinned, amused by how easy it was to impress her with what he thought of as mundane things. "Oh believe me, there are stores much bigger than this. Like the malls I was telling you about earlier. But right now we need to get you some shoes so people stop looking at you funny. Follow me." He led her to the shoe department and down an aisle of women's shoes. "Just find some you like and we'll figure out your size."


Star followed Liam to the shoe department and gave the aisle a quizzical look. "So...people always wear these? They look rather...uncomfortable." She said, looking at a pair of high heels. She frowned before she moved to another pair of shoes...which she kinda liked. They were simple cheap white shoes...nothing special. She pulled them off the shelf before looking at Liam. "How about these?"



(I must be off to bed now)

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Star followed Liam to the shoe department and gave the aisle a quizzical look. "So...people always wear these? They look rather...uncomfortable." She said, looking at a pair of high heels. She frowned before she moved to another pair of shoes...which she kinda liked. They were simple cheap white shoes...nothing special. She pulled them off the shelf before looking at Liam. "How about these?"



(I must be off to bed now)


Liam laughed at her commentary on the high heels. "Yeah, they're kind of famous for being uncomfortable. Hard to walk in too, I've been told. Women wear them sometimes, but I don't really see the point." He nodded at her choice of shoes. "Those are fine, just take whatever you want. You might as well try those on to see if you got lucky and happened to pull a pair that's your size."

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Dawn Stripes





Colette watched as Rainbow Dash fell back in laughter. This subconscious representation of her unexpected guest sure thought she was making this up! "Oh, whatever! At least this 'clumsy monster' knows her way around this boring town! And why the hell would I want to eat you?? You're human, just like I am!" Colette asked, looking at Rainbow Dash. "Even in my dreams, you're crazy! I'm not a cannibal, you're not a pony, but I WILL find out who you really are, and I will get your vegetarian butt offa my couch and back home!"


((Feel free to have your character interrupt our characters, nionios!))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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"Splendid! I hope you two find each other easily enough. Thank you for the reassurance my Queen. My human, Rachel, has been exhibiting a decent amount of kindness to me. These humans probably don't have anything like us local to the area. Anyway, I look forward to speaking with you two soon. I'd appreciate the contact, Cicada. Good to know you two haven't forgotten us little people!" He said the last bit with a joking tone.

"Be safe Diliges... i care about each and every one of you... you should know that."


Rainbow saw Colette out of the corner of her eyes. "Whah? You're in this dream, too?" She rubbed her forehead. "Gosh, I must be really screwed up. Of all the nights I couldn't have a dream about flying. It must be that meat. Gives me weird dreams or something." She rolled her eyes. "So yeah. I'm actually a pony, I'm not really from Moose Lake, and you have a rockin' mane but I gotta' tell you, your pad is weird. And I think you're one of the nicest ponies I've ever met but I'm way too cool to actually say that to your face. And it doesn't matter what I say, 'cause this is a dream. Pickle-barrel feathering kumquat!"



Colette watched as Rainbow Dash fell back in laughter. This subconscious representation of her unexpected guest sure thought she was making this up! "Oh, whatever! At least this 'clumsy monster' knows her way around this boring town! And why the hell would I want to eat you?? You're human, just like I am!" Colette asked, looking at Rainbow Dash. "Even in my dreams, you're crazy! I'm not a cannibal, you're not a pony, but I WILL find out who you really are, and I will get your vegetarian butt offa my couch and back home!"


Colette blinked at Rainbow Dash, then smiled. If this was a dream, then she could get away with telling her anything! It's not like the cool vegetarian in the living room would never know! "Well, Rainbow Dash~! Thanks for the compliment. I dye my hair, and I LOVE meat, especially bacon, and there's nothing you can do to stop me from eating it! I'm also a bit of a girl gamer, and don't care how dorky it is! Video games are FUN! Especially horror games! I also like to listen to rock music and I sing and play guitar." feeling satisfied, she crossed her arms, pleased with herself.

"Actually the way i can explain this to you is this:This dream isn't JUST a dream. It half-dream half-psychic hallucination. Which means that whatever happens here instead of just forgetting it when you wake up, it will follow you... like a true memory. Every action in this space will have a consequence, so choose your words wisely reckless ones."


She pointed at the human-Chrysalis-thing. "And this mare over here tried to hurt my friends! She just about got ponies killed more than once!" She crossed her forelegs. "I dunno' what the hoof my subconscious is trying to tell me, mare, but nopony but nopony, messes with Ponyville on my watch. No way I let that slide, and no way in the hay I let you get away with it."

"I don't expect you NOT to defend your home. But i expect you to hold your rush judjement for now. Tell me Rainbow Dash... what happens to a pony when it gets catapulted against hard terrain? You don't have to answer... you can't lie within a dream, especially when i already know that this... has happened to you. Now imagine what can happen if someone isn't as lucky as you..." making her picture the hard fall of the thousands of changelings. Certainly not a pretty sight. The woman turns to Collette. (OOC:Remember the Daring Do episode when RD crashed breaking her wings? Imagine the same thing with some NOT so lucky changelings)

"This woman is named Queen Chrysalis and sooner or later you will see her. I came here to prepare your for this, so that you can make a fair judjement and prevent a war from continuing. It is true what your friend says... she did hurt them, pretty badly i might say. Unfortunately the choice was not entirely her own. The changelings have special "feeding needs" you could say... They feed upon "love" the emotion itself. They tap into it and absorb it from a pony or any living creature capable of doing so. Not doing so will finally result to death. She didn't ask for help... and maybe it was wrong of her to do so but does this truly make her evil?" She started walking around closer to the center of the room that was lit from the light coming to a hole. She looked at the butterfies that covered the large egg-shaped object in front and tightened her fist between her chest closing her eyes for a moment. "Queen Chrysalis wasn't always like that. Maybe both of you have heard of this proverb... "No child is born evil."" She waved her hand over the object making the butterflies go away revealing a changeling pod within which lie the foal version of Queen Chrysalis. She didn't have holes in her wings, her hooves, or mane and she calmly rolled within the pod un-aware of the new visitors, she was beautiful and nothing on her told of the Dark Queen everypony spoke of.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Rainbow winced at a sudden vision of green-black bodies smacking the ground. She knew that would hurt.


When the egg-thingie with the smooth-looking changeling inside was revealed, Rainbow was stuck flabbergasted. Not only wondering how she could make this up, she didn't understand how this was supposed to be Chrysalis. She looked frail...like Little Strongheart, whom Rainbow was reminded of for some reason.

She approached and tapped on the egg. "Helloooooo? You in there or somethin'?"




"Oh, I don't want to pry. You've all been very nice, but I wouldn't mean to intrude or anything. I...I mean, it's been very nice staying here with you, of course, these past couple days were, um...wonderful. But I was kind of hoping..." She went limp against the back of the car seat as they drove. "I was hoping I would know how to get back home by now." Yet things only got more and more confusing.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@Hypn0ticD


"There's no need. She can't hear you... she is still growing there afterall. If you are wondering if she's the real thing... you should notice the crown. I know you want justice, i know you want to protect your friends. What are you prepared to do in order to reach this goal? I have brought you here to give you the chance to tell me." she aproached them both and told them calmly. 

"Deep down inside you know that she is the only way you can go back to your homes. I ask of you... do you think she will allow you to return if you mean harm to her own? What will you do when you meet her?" 

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Dawn Stripes



Colette looked to the other woman, blinking in surprise. "…Then we should really shut up before one of us wakes up to a beatdown, huh??" If what the woman said turned out to be true, then she, and possibly Rainbow Dash, were in for a VERY awkward morning!


Colette remained silent as the woman addressed Rainbow Dash, looking around the cave, jumping a little as she saw a strange figure crash into the ground before her. "What the hell??" Crouching to get a closer look, Colette saw a most unusual creature. It looked somewhat like a pony, only with insect-like features… Colette gasped at the pathetic state it was in… Limbs twisted and broken, bleeding here and there. It took all Colette all she had to tear her eyes away from the broken creature, and to the large egg in the middle of the cave.


Colette reached out and touched the egg from opposite Rainbow Dash, gazing on the youngling inside. She listened to the woman, all the while gazing at the young Queen. When she got the chance, she spoke. "I think I get a little of what you're saying, lady. Chrysalis was acting out of a need to save her kingdom, but that still doesn't explain how or why Rainbow got here. Nor does it explain the role I play. And moreover, where is Queen Chrysalis, and how do we reach her??"

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"Right now they all over the world looking after them, make sure they are safe because that what NSA do protect anyone form any threats and I watch the President of USA too when they ask me." Charles saying as he eating and then thinking about it. "So tell me about Equestria and is your leader Celestia is nice and caring ruler like my President?"


Then the water came back with there food, as he put Rarity Vegetibal Palter in front of her, with the juice and then he put Charles Food. Eggs whites scramble, wheat pancakes, turkey saugges and large apple juice too with Sugar free syrup.


"Here your food and you like anything else?" THe water saying.


"Yes we like more napkins too and that it." Charles saying.


"Ok I will get them for you." Then he went to get more napkins.


Rarity told Charles all about Princess Celestia and how she cared for everypony, as well as about Cadance and Luna. "I got to design Princess Cadances' wedding dress," Rarity added. "I wish that I could meet somepony and get married. I never seem to have much luck with stallions."




Cicada laughed. "Well," she said. "You're saying it now, and it's not so bad, right?"




"I care for all my captains, and also for everypony in their ranks," Cicada sent. "Just as the Queen cares about us all."






Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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"I'm talking about where the worse horrors are sealed, such as Cerberus and some others," Diliges shrugs, and continues to speak partially to himself, "We apparently don't qualify to be sealed there. Kind of a good thing."


He raises an eyebrow, "I know nothing about your homeland, and you know nothing about mine, Miss Rachel. It seems we are even in this respect. I don't know where Equestria is in relation to this, 'Canada' or 'America'," He glances at himself, "For all I know it's in an entirely different universe."


Diliges glances past her after she asks what he'd like to eat, and shrugs again, "I'm good with just about anything. Fruits, vegetables,  even meats are fine with me. Consumption of meat isn't common in Equestria, but we Changelings can eat it just as easy as Griffons. Or at least I can. Sorta expect it, considering how sharp our teeth are, in our normal form."


"I... See, sort of. Cerberus, I have heard of. It's a part of mythology, though, like unicorns, dragons, Pegasi, et cetera." Rachel was still confused but she listened anyway.

"As far as I know, there's no country on Earth that is named Equestria, so it most likely is in another universe or dimension."

Rachel left the door frame and started walking to the kitchen and motioned for him to follow.

She listened to what he said, then replied.

"Normal form, huh? Okay then. Err, I don't really have any meat or much else. Most of my money's used on paying the rent. Ever heard of spaghetti?"

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Rarity told Charles all about Princess Celestia and how she cared for everypony, as well as about Cadance and Luna. "I got to design Princess Cadances' wedding dress," Rarity added. "I wish that I could meet somepony and get married. I never seem to have much luck with stallions."




Cicada laughed. "Well," she said. "You're saying it now, and it's not so bad, right?"




"I care for all my captains, and also for everypony in their ranks," Cicada sent. "Just as the Queen cares about us all."

Charles then thinking since he was watching MLP and then he knew what she was talking about her not so good luck with stallions. "Let me gust, A stallion name Prince Blueblood was going to be nice to you but he turn out like a well you know were I am getting at." Then he smiles as the water came back with the napkins and then left. Then Charles began to eat while wipe his face with the napkin and looking at her too. "See back in my high school, I was kind popular with the ladies but I do treat them with respect and honor. So there is a stallion that have honor and respect but you will find him that one day Rarity."

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Catherine looked on in surprise and realisation. She held up a finger to her mouth and said, "Shh hush. Do not worry, mon ami. I think I know what you are going through. I already met someone- eh.. somepony that you might know. Her name is Applejack. If you calm down, I can explain everything. Well, not everything, but I can explain what I know as best as I can." She then felt her phone vibrate, so she pulled it out and read the message, then sent another back. "They're fine. I left Regina's apartment and I am in town now."

Snow Song gaped at the thing leaning over her. "You.. You do? You met Applejack? I sort of know her, but mostly from talking to her at her family's apple stand. Alright, I'll calm down."

She saw the small thing in the bipedal's... Claw? And couldn't help but ask what it was.

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