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private [RP] Love of a Changeling


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OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/58956-ooc-love-of-a-changeling/




A small gust of wind blew, making its way through an open cave. Though Princess Celestia lay in a deep and dark part of the Crystal Dungeon, somehow a draft of cold air made its way to her seemingly lifeless body. Clinging to life, she occasionally opened her eyelids to reveal dim, green-glowing swirls that enveloped her once bright eyes. Her once proud and flowing mane and tail were now strewn across the dingy and dusty rocks that now served as a pitiful bed for the ruler of Equestria.


Her sister was not immune to this treatment. Luna was not far from her, her beautiful self torn and tattered. "Take me away..." she whispered to apparently no one. "Please... my love..." She had an eerie smile on her face, as though she were almost enjoying her captivity.


"Shhh," a phantom voice could be heard calling out. "You need your rest, dear." The voice rang of a strong and chivalrous stallion who cared for his lover, yet no one was nearby.


"Yes, my dear--ouch!" Luna responded, flinching from a bruise on her left shoulder. A tear drained from her eye as she continued to stare out into the void, completely captivated by whatever it was she was gazing upon. The strange smile never left her face as her horn began to glow a distinctive green hue.


"Patience, my dear." The phantom called gently. "This will heal your wounds..." and yet somehow, whatever spell Luna was casting did nothing for her wounds. If anything, it took just that little bit more energy away from her.


Meanwhile, Celestia was gazing upon something, herself. Her expression alternating between enchanted awe and weary disgust. "You're..." she whispered, "so beautif--no... I know who you are. You will not--aahhh!" She cried out as her horn glowed a very bright, radioactive shade of green.


"Your love will be rewarded," a different voice called out from afar. "Resistance will not. Remember that, Princess. This voice was hardly gentle like the other one. Instead, it was almost robotic, dissonant overtones and pitches overlapped to form a sinister sound that would strike fear in just about anyone.


"Why do you fight it, your highness?..." A familiar voice asked from a few yards away. "It's so beautiful..." This pony was stronger and had more life, yet she was weary. "You can... almost go to sleep looking at it..." Twilight Sparkle's eyes began to fall shut as her horn began to glow the same color green from before.


"No... that's what they want!" Celestia shouted, hoarse from waging a war within herself. Still under the influence of the green glow, she slowly stood up on wobbling legs. "You're fueling them when you sleep!" She forced herself to walk closer to Twilight, but as she did, one of the phantoms hit her hard, knocking her to the floor.


"You will not stand in my way again," the robotic voice called. As Celestia lied there, looking around at her sister, the six Bearers of the Elements, and the various Ponyville and Canterlot citizens who had all fallen under the same devious spell, she realized there was only one thing left to do. It was a defensive last resort that was only to be used when all other options had been exhausted... only because it was the option that had the lowest chance of success. Celestia slowly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. She held the artificial smile on her face.


"Haha, that's better my dear." The sinister voice said, calmer now. What this voice did not know was that the Princess was discreetly sending a magically-coded distress beacon. Only the recipient would recognize it and know what it was.




Far away, in the mountains to the north, a majestically-aged owl stood perched on a cliff, a cave to his back, and an awe-inspiring vista in front of him. Standing perfectly still, a bit of snow crowning his head, one might wonder if he were simply a gargoyle, a statue or shrine of some sort.


But this was no statue. Suddenly, the owl's eyes opened a bit wider, his ears perked up and his head turned toward the south. He remained like that for a few moments, only to return his eyes to their normal expression. His gaze stayed fixed to the south for some time before he finally uttered an unsurprised "Who..."


Spreading his wings and calmly flying back a few yards into the cave, he perched himself on the flat rock. Closing his eyes, he waved his right wing in a quick and purposeful motion. A letter magically appeared out of nowhere, fully written, rolled up and stamped with the seal of the Sun Princess. The owl did this several times in succession, each time another letter appearing. A brown messenger bag was levitated over the letters, and each one was carefully placed into the bag. The whole thing was then laid down before the owl, who finally opened his eyes.


"Who..." he said calmly. Spreading his wings and gently picking up the bag in his talons, he gracefully lifted it into the air and began flying south, in the direction of Fillydelphia....




(OOC: Okay, I think that's enough for a first post. Everyone, please make your first posts. Tell us what is happening with your characters right now, and why they might be in Fillydelphia.) smile.png

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A loud clang filled over the silence of the room where a goldenrod stallion stood with his back legs against a wooden dummy. The clang continued to echo as he landed another hit on its hard elm surface. Right hoof met the dummy, while the another stayed still in front of his chest. He quickly twisted his right foreleg around the wooden arm, giving enough space for him to pump his energy and punch the body again. In a split second he pulled his right hoof and punched with his left hoof. He did the same circling arm movement and shifted to the left. The noise of his hard hooves against the wooden dummy filled the room for a lonely minute, as he did a set of systematic fighting moves.


Right hoof hit, left blocked the middle part. Shifted, left twisted upward and right turned down blocking the middle part. Left hit. Pulled left, right forward. Right twisted, left caught left. Both circled around the dummy's arms going down. All hit. Up. Kick the dummy's leg. Right. Left. Twist. Side kick. Right blocked, left forward. Shifted. Right blocked middle part, left hit.


The earth pony continued. The light of the sun entered through a window nearby, revealing flying dust on its way to the ground. He slowed down, as he watched the ray of light, until he finally stopped, leaning forward on his sturdy dummy. His mind floated to his work. He needed to install a sewage treatment system in a factory in Fillidelphia. The problem was that the factory didn't have too much space for a complete and standard system, and they asked him to install one, so they could continue their business without getting confronted by the environment activists. He could dig deep into the ground for the trickling- but that was ridiculous.


The stallion sighed. He just moved to Fillydelphia yesterday and only had about a week to submit the design. Some ponies told him to stop practicing martial art and focus on his projects, but he refused. Sometimes he got inspirations while moving his body in such systematic art, and he just got a little idea for this one, even though it wasn't enough for all the problem.


He realized that he hadn't eaten anything since he woke up, so he decided to go around the city to find some food. Didn't even bother to dress himself up, he paced out from his house. He usually wore decent clothes whenever he went out to keep the image of his family, but he was in FIllidelphia and he doubted anypony would recognize him.


After a long walk, he found out that he didn't know any place in the city. He didn't know where he was walking to. Even though he still could trace back his way home, he still didn't know where to go.

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Alice was walking along the cobblestone road within Fillydelphia, singing a little lovely tune that she always sang when she was just a filly back in Ponyville.  Along with her, she was pulling a small wagon of various different flowers that she had picked out from her store in Ponyville.  She received a message from another flower shop owner asking her if she would be so kind as to give some of her flowers for the Fillydelphia Garden of Edenia flower shop.  The message said that each flower given would be paid handsomely and Alice couldn't refuse such an oppurtunity.  After all, she needed those bits to be able to open a shop in Canterlot where she can spread of the lovely flowers that she spends so much dedication growing.


As Alice walked along the cobblestone road of the city, she looked upon the various sights of the city.  She had heard that Fillydelphia was always known for its metal working plants which made Fillydelphia an important city within its own right.  However, she did think that the city could use more petunias mixed with some lilies to make the city look more beautiful.  On her left, she passed by a building that held the sign Sunnyside Orphanage on it.  On the other side of the tall fence, she saw a sad filly sitting on her rump near the side of the building.  At first, Alice felt sorry for the young filly.  She wished that she could help her, but she needed to get her business started in Canterlot so that she can make more bits.  However, she drew a sunflower out from her wagon with a bit of help of her magic which glowed a soft aqua.  She levitated the sunflower over to the filly on the other side of the fence and she gave the filly a wink before moving on to her own task.


The city itself was loud with the sounds of the hustling and bustling ponies either doing work or trying to sell their stock from their stores.  The buildings around her ranged in various dull gray and brown colors.  Alice pulled out a slip of paper that held the address to the store's location in the city.  "Hmmmm, off of Liverstone Path and to the left hoofside of the road."  Alice said to herself before putting the slip of paper back into her saddlebag.  She went back to singing her song again as she continued for the shop.

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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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It was generous to say that the constant noises of the train, whether they be mechanical or created by everyony riding, were annoying. Annoying wasn't a powerful enough word to fit the situation. Chilltide shifted in his seat, his tired eyes rubbing against his eyelids as his head nodded and his face hit the adjacent window. Weary thoughts echoed around his ears for a moment before all was silent. His eyes did not burn at the light, though he could feel drool running down his chin. Strangely... looking down revealed no saliva. In fact, he wasn't sitting anymore. There was no train. The noise was present somewhere, but it was distant, so far off that he felt his cheeks tense and his painful frown grow into a smirk. 

A figure stood far off, in a pool of memories and thoughts that bounced violently before... they rippled. Although wavering the images were calm, soothing. 

The figure was closer. It's slender body was dark, hidden in the mental fabrication behind it. The calm thoughts began to subside. The... creature inched ever close, carrying with it an evil stench. It's translucent but dirty wings buzzed quickly. The figure was gone. Chilltide, now lucid at the signs of a nightmare, was relieved. Before reality clawed at the vision and brought the noise and the feeling of consciousness back, glowing green eyes peered from far off, in a pool of memories that bounced viole-


The train didn't seem so bad anymore, at least after the terror Chilltide had felt during the dream, despite its simplicity. He clutched his briefcase tightly with his bottom jaw, rubbing his sore eyes with a hoof before he was fully aware again. Most ponies were minding their business in their seats, tending to foals or reading or even staring out the window. A few glances may have been given, but Chilltide was sure enough that he hadn't made a scene. His previous nightmares would occasionally wake him up screaming, crying, shouting or anything of the sort. He hadn't had those since before his studies though, he had been sure his anxiety had settled by now. A voice called from further down the car. It sounded as if it said something similar enough to "Fillydelphia," and the car's doors opened, so it must have been his stop. The terror from before became growing excitement, and the still-present smirk slowly became a smile. It'd been a while since Chilltide had been in Fillydelphia... before moving to Canterlot he had traveled quite a bit. He ended up enjoying Fillydelphia the most, and had of course made plenty of friendships there.


His parents insisted that he move straight back to Manehattan, but a simple visit here wouldn't hurt anyone. The sudden contact with outside air was invigorating, with a calm temperature and a scent that he was sure it carried the last time he'd been here. He couldn't wait to show his old friends what he'd learned, how good he'd gotten. He wandered around a bit before taking to the street, holding his chest high with confidence and opening his eyes as best as he could. It was surprisingly busy based on the time, and reality almost felt eerie after the nightmare from the train ride... but all would be okay as soon as he found his friends. He just had to remember where they lived and... and how to greet them. Should he knock on their doors? What if they didn't remember him... had he grown too much? His hooves continued to hit the road as he pondered.

Edited by Doctor Docile
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The Doctor coughed and ran around to the backside of his control panel. "I just don't get it! There is nothing here that could have unconsummated the micro-molecular navigation system, that's like-" He looked behind him and realized no one was listening, because after all, there was no one listen. Companion-less he was, again. He sighed and turned back to the manual override for the TARDIS and began to violently steer the TARDIS to...somewhere. After several mistakes involving the dimension rift, which had apparently closed, he had given up on leaving the dimension he had landed in. He tried again and again, but without avail.


The TARDIS had one final slam before it stood still, presumably because it had landed. He waved his hoof in front of his head, or muzzle, as he was constantly correcting himself recently, and squinted at the TARDIS door. He clopped over and grabbed the door handle and pulled. Immediately as he stepped out, he jumped back as an oddly cartoon-ish train flew past him, nearly smashing the Time Lord. His eyes widened like saucers before he got a chance to view his surroundings. He was in a lonely cubicle straight next to the train tracks he had landed by.


With only one chance of escape in a certain amount of time, he took his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket and...dropped it. It fell to the ground and The Doctor shouted, "Oh come on, these blasted hooves are useless!" He bent down and picked it up, before staring at the train with the strange confused, questioning, confident face only The Doctor was capable of pulling off. He pointed it against the train wheels and held it like that before the train wheels erupted in sparks, slowing the train down enough for him to jump onto stairs leading to a door going in. He turned right and went up to the first attendant. He swallowed a nodule in his throat and flashed his psychic paper, saying, "Excuse me, train staff inspector from...near here. May I ask, and this is part of the test, but where is this train going?"


The pony straightened himself and his bow tie, answering, "Fillydelphia."


The Doctor looked around and nodded, before saying, "Good m-, er, pon- I suppose you don't say that either, do you. Good job, then, good job. What's your name?"


"Is this part of the test?" The Doctor nodded and the pony said, "Alright then, my name would be Loco Motive."


The Doctor said, "Why do all your names have to be so blatantly weird?! You know what? Doesn't matter." He turned and galloped to the back of the train. He looked around the railing and side of the train to see further down the tracks. He saw a city looming in the distance, Fillydelphia. He huffed and reentered the train and sat at one of the seats.

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Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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"You sure you've got everything?"

Sunset looked up at her adoptee mother. She was watching her, waiting for Sunset's answer.

"Yes, Mom, I'm fine. I've got my ticket and everything. I'm just going to Fillydelphia for a week."

"I know, I just don't want you to lose everything."

"Alright. Where's Dad?"

The older Pegasus sighed. "He's got work. He wanted to come see you off, but two ponies quit and one got injured on the job. They need him."

Sunset Sky was a bit put off, but she knew he had to help.

"Okay. Tell him I said goodbye, and that I love him."

Her mom smiled. She always loved hearing this. She always worried about Sunset disliking them for not being her real parents.

"I will. Love you."

Before Sunset could reply, the train's doors opened up behind her.

'All aboard the next train to Fillydelphia!'

"Oh, I have to go. Love you too!" Sunset replied as she grabbed her suitcase and trotted through the doors.


She found a seat quickly, shoving her suitcase on the rack above her. She grabbed a book from her saddlebag and sat down. As she waited for the train to leave the station, the car filled with ponies. She ended up between a snobby-looking teenage colt and a mare who seemed to want to know everything about everypony. When she tried questioning Sunset, the shy Pegasus just went silent and tried to hide behind her book even more, as if that were possible.

When the train finally pulled out of the station, Sunset was the first one to set hoof on the platform. She darted outside and took to the sky for a moment. She hated small places, and she loved the sky. She settled on a cloud and watched as the ponies exited the station.


After a few moments of calming herself down, she decided to take to the streets. She had no idea what her hotel looked like, just the address, so an aerial view wouldn't help. She drifted down to the pavement, wanting to avoid having to speak to somepony until she found the hotel.

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A loud ping broke the silence;inside the house. The mare that lived inside approached her oven just seconds after it made the noise. She smiled before she brought out a tasty pie fresh from the oven; it's aroma quickly filled the room and exited the nearby window into the streets of Fillydeplia.


"Well ah'll be, this here has got to be mah best pie yet!" Peachy Pie giggled as she looked at her latest creation of her special pastry. She bore a smile as bright as her sister used to when she finished her own desserts. It was even more rewarding when she saw the faces of those that ate her infamous peach pies. The looks of not only satisfaction, but fascination always overcame thier precious faces. After all; baking pies was her specialty and why she was so well known within the confines of Fillydelphia.


To help cool off the pie; Peachy Pie brung the pie out to the open window. The aroma of the pie quickly escaped into the streets of her surroundings.As if to tease everyone outside, many of the town's residents would soon want a taste of it. It was just only a tactic Peachy used to bring in more customers.


Peachy Pie then looked at her family portrait that hung on the wall. "...And now ta bake a pie fer you my favorite sister." She said somewhat sadly. Her sister was physically gone but, her spirit remained with her. Peachy Pie knew she would never be good at making pies as her dear deceased sister, but that didn't stop her from attempting to make them in memory of her.



Peachy Pie gathered the matetials for her sisters 'Very Berry Pie" and started to construct it into another finished product just as she and her did in days long past.

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He wandereed the street for about half an hour, but still, he couldn't find any restaurant or anything that seemed serving food. He started thinking that he had left the resident district where he stayed. He knew he should've asked the house owner about the location before he left.

The crowd seemed marching in the opposite direction. His gaze quickly caught an orange pegasi who walked towards him, "Uhm, excuse me, madame. Could you please tell me where is the nearest restaurant?"

He spent some more time to observe the mare in front of him. He found that she was carrying a suitcase, as were the other ponies around. A sound of a train told him that he was somewhere near the station. A sudden realization of this pony as a newcomer made him bit his lip in embarrassment. His hunger just made it hard for him to concentrate on anything.


Though, he knew that leaving just after asking a question wasn't polite, so he decided to stand still.

"Maybe she actually lives here and is going home from somewhere."


(OOC: @, your turn. :) )

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Thinking so much while walking at such a pace wasn't Chilltide's... best idea. He had a lot to think about, and in his mind hurrying was something of a priority... at least until he bumped into somepony. "Erm... truly sorry, forgive me." He said, grinning nervously as they eyed him. Instead of staying to apologize more or help them up, he decided it was best to depart. A few other ponies looked at him leave, he was sure he heard a scowl or two... no. Everything was okay, he had been waiting for this. A nearby bench was tempting enough to draw him in, and he collapsed surprisingly loudly next to a now startled colt. He wasn't especially worried that they had felt uncomfortable enough to leave, he did need leg room. Chilltide closed his eyes slowly, savoring the feeling of cool shadow that fell over them. As if by instinct, he opened one of his saddlebags with his magic and brought out an old canteen. Surprising himself, he chugged vigorously instead of playing with it or practicing control. Had he even eaten or drank anything on the train? With the train came memories of the nightmare, so vivid... so... 


There was a fountain visible in the area, a small park, which consisted mainly of benches, hedges, and trees. Maybe a street performance will calm me enough to get through the day, and it could even draw some attention...

Trotting smoothly, Chilltide approached the flowing water with his horn ready and his eyes closed. This on its own made some turn their heads, as it was a rather peculiar action... Within seconds, the water was outside of the fountain in a large bubble, floating gently over Chilltide's head. Of course, levitation wasn't very impressive. Not that it mattered... was he actually worried about impressing anyone?

The bubble shaped itself into a tall mare, dancing gracefully on invisible ground before its liquid body burst into droplets that each hit the ground softly. Somepony started clapping their hooves, which made others join in, but the performance wasn't over yet. Chilltide salvaged some of the fallen water and created a small cloud above the park that vibrated as if waiting to explode. Instead of producing a loud noise and well... fire, it released softly falling snow flakes that covered the park in a thin layer of white. This was mainly to amuse any foals wandering about. The applause resumed, and some of the ponies who had watched brought money over before realizing that Chilltide had taken his bags and briefcase and left. He trotted on the same road he was walking before, but slower. He smiled at the next pony he crossed instead of bumping into them. Those were novice spells, and the moon isn't even up. If anypony enjoyed that, I'm sure they won't mind if I stick around...

Edited by Doctor Docile
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"Ahhhrgh, where can it be??" Flaire moaned as she threw things out of her fancy storage chest that was covered in gold leaf. "How can I possibly go out there without my earrings?" Flaire was in Fillydelphia, hosting another party for some Canterlot bigwigs who were in some sort of diplomatic function. "Oh, without my earrings, I will not have the image I need... Without the image, I will not perform well... And if I don't perform well, I will be ruined for all Canterlot!" She had a distinctive way of overreacting, Flaire did. Every little thing that went wrong was going to be the "end of the world" for her. Even minor setbacks often had this effect on her.


A knock came to her dressing room door. "Two minutes, Miss Rose," a stallion could be heard saying from the other side.


"Ah! Oh, yes, heh heh... I shall be ready in no tiiiime!" Flaire put on a nervous smile, even though no one could see her as she attempted to sound perfectly at ease. Calm, cool and collected was what she wanted to sound like... too bad her obviously high-strung nature always got in the way. "Where is it!?" she loudly whispered as more things came flying out of some drawers. "Agh, never mind. I shall have to find something else."


She looked around the table with the vanity mirror that overlooked it. There was a small jewelry stand that had a couple pairs of earrings that someone had left there previously. "This will have to do!"  She pulled a pair off the stand and looked them over closely. They were gold and decently understated, but there was something amiss about them. "Oh no no, mon dieu! Zey are clip-ons!!" Flaire hated clip-on earrings--they never fit her distinctively-shaped ears at all.


"Sixty seconds." The stallion outside the door called.


"Agh! It will have to do!" Flaire whispered. throwing on the earrings as best she could. "Uhhm, coming!" She called out, throwing the door open. Smiling nervously as she fiddled with the earrings, looking down to make sure her lavish red dress was in perfect order, she walked down the hall and approached the stage. It was a small building, the stage was little more than a platform a few feet above the floor, but the ballroom it overlooked was rather nice. Still small, only holding maybe about thirty or so ponies, it still had a certain aura of fanciness about it. Dark walls, red curtains draping the windows, candles everywhere, it was perfect. Flaire felt right at home here.


Flaire checked herself in a mirror that was just behind the stage door. Everything was perfect. She readied herself, threw open the door and trotted onto the stage. Stopping in just such a way that her hooves gracefully slid to a stop on the slippery floor, she took a bow to greet the enthusiastic audience. Lifting her head up high, she smiled, revealing the most lovely of pearly whites.


Suddenly, without warning, her right earring fell off her ear. It made a clattering noise as it hit the polished floor. It was surprisingly loud for such a small thing, and it happened just as everything went silent. The left earring soon followed suit in making itself known. Flaire's smile dropped and her eyes widened. "Eheheheh..." She smiled very nervously as she bent down and picked them up. Her dress was not suited for acrobatic maneuvers, which made her motions that much more awkward.


Finally, she stood up straight again. "...I don't think I will be needing these." Flaire said with a smirk, and tossed them into the audience, to the response of some giggling. "Let's go." The lights all went dark. After a few moments, a spotlight shined its beam on a grand piano, at which a stallion with rhinestone-laden glasses sat at the keys, and Flaire could be seen lying across the top of it. As the piano played, she began to sing a mellow tune.


It was a typical start of another successful performance Flaire could boast of later.

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He wandereed the street for about half an hour, but still, he couldn't find any restaurant or anything that seemed serving food. He started thinking that he had left the resident district where he stayed. He knew he should've asked the house owner about the location before he left.


The crowd seemed marching in the opposite direction. His gaze quickly caught an orange pegasi who walked towards him, "Uhm, excuse me, madame. Could you please tell me where is the nearest restaurant?"


He spent some more time to observe the mare in front of him. He found that she was carrying a suitcase, as were the other ponies around. A sound of a train told him that he was somewhere near the station. A sudden realization of this pony as a newcomer made him bit his lip in embarrassment. His hunger just made it hard for him to concentrate on anything. Though, he knew that leaving just after asking a question wasn't polite, so he decided to stand still.


"Maybe she actually lives here and is going home from somewhere." (OOC: @, your turn. :) )

Much to her surprise and aggravation, some random, light brown stallion walked up and spoke to Sunset Sky not five minutes after she landed. He wanted to know where the closest restaurant was. How was she supposed to know? She had been wondering the same thing herself while waiting for everypony to file out of the station, but got distracted by wanting to be left alone.

When he finished his question, she backed up a few steps and tried not to squeak.

"W-what? Umm, I'm sorry b-but I'm new here." She gestured to the station. "I.. I just got here today. Umm... But there's probably a restaurant at the hotel I'm staying in... I-if you want, you could umm... Walk with me, I suppose... If you'd like..."She blushed a bit as she tried to hide her eyes behind her short, messy mane. She hated being around ponies she didn't know, but she didn't want to be mean or rude. "But since I'm new here, it'll probably take me a while to find it, so if you don't want to, I-I could just tell you the address... Um, either way is fine with me, I guess."

Sunset used grabbing the paper with the address as an excuse to look away from him. Before she grabbed it, though, she looked back at him and said,

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to know? You don't have a suitcase, so you probably live here. It doesn't matter, really, I'm just wondering."

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Much to her surprise and aggravation, some random, light brown stallion walked up and spoke to Sunset Sky not five minutes after she landed. He wanted to know where the closest restaurant was. How was she supposed to know? She had been wondering the same thing herself while waiting for everypony to file out of the station, but got distracted by wanting to be left alone.

When he finished his question, she backed up a few steps and tried not to squeak.

"W-what? Umm, I'm sorry b-but I'm new here." She gestured to the station. "I.. I just got here today. Umm... But there's probably a restaurant at the hotel I'm staying in... I-if you want, you could umm... Walk with me, I suppose... If you'd like..."She blushed a bit as she tried to hide her eyes behind her short, messy mane. She hated being around ponies she didn't know, but she didn't want to be mean or rude. "But since I'm new here, it'll probably take me a while to find it, so if you don't want to, I-I could just tell you the address... Um, either way is fine with me, I guess."

Sunset used grabbing the paper with the address as an excuse to look away from him. Before she grabbed it, though, she looked back at him and said,

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to know? You don't have a suitcase, so you probably live here. It doesn't matter, really, I'm just wondering."

Asnee tried his best not to blush in embarrassment. He awkwardly received the paper the mare gave to him, and hopelessly stared at it. What shown on the paper relieved him a lot and he stifled a sigh of relief. He knew that the address was on the resident district where he stayed while visiting Fillidelphia, and by escorting the pegasi to her hotel would be a fine apology. She said there might be a restaurant in the hotel after all. That made everything even better.


He bowed slightly, "I beg your pardon, madame. I didn't see your suitcase." He hoofed the paper back to her, "Fortunately I know this address. It's in the same district where I stay." He gestured his hoof aside, showing the way, "Would you like me to escort you there?"


His eyes observed the mare carefully, and what he found in his sight was surprising to him. There were some deep slits on her body which seemed caused by physical abuse. He thought it was the reason why she looked so shy. He decided to act more carefully towards this mare, and not to hurt her both physically and mentally.

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Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Asnee tried his best not to blush in embarrassment. He awkwardly received the paper the mare gave to him, and hopelessly stared at it. What shown on the paper relieved him a lot and he stifled a sigh of relief. He knew that the address was on the resident district where he stayed while visiting Fillidelphia, and by escorting the pegasi to her hotel would be a fine apology. She said there might be a restaurant in the hotel after all. That made everything even better.


He bowed slightly, "I beg your pardon, madame. I didn't see your suitcase." He hoofed the paper back to her, "Fortunately I know this address. It's in the same district where I stay." He gestured his hoof aside, showing the way, "Would you like me to escort you there?"


His eyes observed the mare carefully, and what he found in his sight was surprising to him. There were some deep slits on her body which seemed caused by physical abuse. He thought it was the reason why she looked so shy. He decided to act more carefully towards this mare, and not to hurt her both physically and mentally.

((OOC: that last sentence made me go d'aww in a way.

Sunset placed the paper back in her bag with a muffled "thanks".

"It's okay... Sometimes I don't notice things until somepony mentions them or hints or something..."

Her downcast ears pricked up a bit when he mentioned that he knew the way.

"Umm.. That would be great, thank you... But-... I mean, I hope it's no bother..."

Sunset Sky noticed the stallion staring at her, and involuntarily ruffled her wings, resisting the urge to grab her suitcase and fly away.

He's probably just umm... Maybe he thinks he's seen me before? ORRRRR... He thinks I'm moving here and thinks he'll see me again? No... No. I know why he's staring. It's written across his face... It's those stupid scars. I just hope he doesn't react the same way most ponies do...

She hid behind her mane a bit more, willing herself to speak.

"Ummm... S-so... Wh-what's your name? I don't think I should just call you 'Mister'... " She stuttered, breaking the awkward silence. She hated being stared at more than she did being around strangers. She just wanted to get a daffodil salad, and get some sleep.

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((OOC: that last sentence made me go d'aww in a way.

Sunset placed the paper back in her bag with a muffled "thanks".

"It's okay... Sometimes I don't notice things until somepony mentions them or hints or something..."

Her downcast ears pricked up a bit when he mentioned that he knew the way.

"Umm.. That would be great, thank you... But-... I mean, I hope it's no bother..."

Sunset Sky noticed the stallion staring at her, and involuntarily ruffled her wings, resisting the urge to grab her suitcase and fly away.

He's probably just umm... Maybe he thinks he's seen me before? ORRRRR... He thinks I'm moving here and thinks he'll see me again? No... No. I know why he's staring. It's written across his face... It's those stupid scars. I just hope he doesn't react the same way most ponies do...

She hid behind her mane a bit more, willing herself to speak.

"Ummm... S-so... Wh-what's your name? I don't think I should just call you 'Mister'... " She stuttered, breaking the awkward silence. She hated being stared at more than she did being around strangers. She just wanted to get a daffodil salad, and get some sleep.

Asnee Hoof smiled and chuckled, "Ah, it's nothing." He move his hoof in front of his chest, as a greeting gesture, anticipating that the mare might be too shy for a hoofshake; grabbing her hoof for a hoofshake might be rude after all,  "My name is Asnee Hoof, but just call me 'Asnee', madame."


He began to escort the orange pegasi along the way he walked earlier. Even though he had no idea where they were, he could track back his way from home. It seemed like most of the crowd were moving to the same direction, the residential district. Most of them dragged their wagons and suitcase, but some had hotel employees carrying their stuff, signing that He was walking to the right direction.


He glanced back at the pony next to him, but she kept trying to hide her face behind her mane. His mind raced to make a conversation. Her shyness made him shy as well. It seemed like she was scared at him.


"So..." he said without looking at her, "What's your name, if I may ask?" He ended by staring at her, smiling, trying to make her more comfortable.

  • Brohoof 4



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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The mysterious letter-carrying owl was approaching Fillydelphia, his explicit instructions known only to himself and Celestia. Regally flying over the countryside, he calmly watched down below as a few travelers went about their business. He had a job to do, however, and there was little time for sightseeing. Still, there was a purpose to his actions; he had to find the select few ponies who would carry out Her Highness' mission with the utmost regard for the safety of Equestria, and leaving no stone unturned was part of that task.


As he flew over some train tracks, he noticed a train heading in the same direction as he was. He moved in to get a closer look, for the train's leisurely pace made it easy for him to keep up. Making sure not to fly in the path of the smoke from the locomotive, he carefully looked inside one of the passenger cars. Some of the younger ponies pointed out there was a majestic flying creature looking in on them. The owl had a feeling about this car...


He got closer and closer--so close in fact, that he neglected to watch for the smoke trails. As he unwittingly entered a plume of black smoke, he violently changed course. Elegantly performing a quick loop-de-loop in the sky, he then looked down to see one of his letters falling through the air. It was too fast to catch, even for him. Somehow, the drafts and turbulence of the train pulled the letter straight into one of the windows of the passenger cars. Not sure what to do in response to this, he followed the train for a mile or so, until it reached a tunnel carved into a mountain... he had no choice but to discontinue the pursuit. Still, the wise old creature knew there was no such thing as a coincidence, so he calmly continued on his journey to Fillydelphia. (OOC: @, that letter is meant for you! wink.png )


Eventually, the owl reached his destination. As he flew past the city limits, he began to descend and slow his flight. Owls had an uncanny ability to fly as slowly as they pleased, even hover in one place if they chose to. Flying low through the streets, he began his search. Only a few moments later, he noticed an unmistakable smell of pies baking. The deliciously sweet aroma of berries filled the air, something even a creature as disciplined as himself could not resist. Following his nose, he changed course to find the origin of the baking.


While searching for the source of the aroma, he noticed a pair of ponies walking away from the train station. They looked distinctly out of place, clearly they were not from around here. Hovering over them, he noticed the one with the scars was rather timid, but the one escorting her appeared to be caring for her quite well. Such a caring demeanor was enough to convince the owl to levitate one of the letters above them, and drop it right in front of them. It glowed and sparkled with the magic of the Sun Princess so brightly that no one walking in its path could miss it. (OOC: @@Sky Warden, @, that letter is meant for you two! :D )



(OOC: I'll get letters to everyone else, and I'll reveal what's in the letter. Just give me a little time to finish this later today. I'm posting it now so I don't lose my progress. xD )

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"Thanks for that tea," he told the stewardess, and she politely nodded and headed away. He sipped at it and stared grimly out the window. Danger followed him wherever he went, and usually showed itself after a few hours. Why was everything still calm? Was he actually going to get a break? No, that was impossible. Or maybe it wasn't. He uncomfortably squirmed in his seat, and the movement allowed a letter to drift into his jacket pocket unnoticed. The Doctor would find out about it later, but not at that moment.


He was halfway through his tea and hadn't noticed he had been continuously drinking as he was so absorbed in nothing, and he burned his mouth and yelped and rapidly set the cup on the table, though not spilling any as the cup was half-empty anyway. He blew hot air out of his mouth, accomplishing nothing but making him out of breath. "Brilliant," he sighed. The pony behind him let out a horselaugh, guffawing at something his mate had said. Mate, as in friend. With that kind of laugh, an actual mate would be a miracle in that stallion's case.


The Doctor was lonely now, with no companion with him in the TARDIS, and no one he could tell how ridiculous that 'laugh' had sounded. The loudspeaker blared, interrupting his thoughts, "The Equestrian Express is due to arrive in Fillydelphia in two minutes. Please prepare to unboard if this is your destination." The Doctor stood up, nearly telling no one to get ready to leave the train, but stopping himself. He felt that emptiness he always felt and then lumbered over to the exit doors. The pony he had "tested" earlier, as far as the pony knew, smiled falsely to try and get a good word in to whatever agency he thought The Doctor worked for. The Doctor glanced his way and passed without a word. "Fillydelphia approaching. Have a nice day," the loudspeaker blared again. Let's see what's awaiting me.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Asnee Hoof smiled and chuckled, "Ah, it's nothing." He move his hoof in front of his chest, as a greeting gesture, anticipating that the mare might be too shy for a hoofshake; grabbing her hoof for a hoofshake might be rude after all,  "My name is Asnee Hoof, but just call me 'Asnee', madame."


He began to escort the orange pegasi along the way he walked earlier. Even though he had no idea where they were, he could track back his way from home. It seemed like most of the crowd were moving to the same direction, the residential district. Most of them dragged their wagons and suitcase, but some had hotel employees carrying their stuff, signing that He was walking to the right direction.


He glanced back at the pony next to him, but she kept trying to hide her face behind her mane. His mind raced to make a conversation. Her shyness made him shy as well. It seemed like she was scared at him.


"So..." he said without looking at her, "What's your name, if I may ask?" He ended by staring at her, smiling, trying to make her more comfortable.

"Oh, okay, if you're sure... I don't want to impose or anything..."

Sunset watched as the pony put a hoof to his chest and introduced himself.

"Um, okay... Asnee it is then, I guess." She grabbed her suitcase and walked beside him. She was slightly warming up to him, partially because he hadn't pointed out or made fun of her scars yet.

He kept glancing at her, and her reaction was hiding behind her mane every time. When he asked Sunset's name, he looked away then looked back, holding her gaze with a smile. Sunset felt her lips weakly curl up a bit and her cheeks get warm in return. Most ponies never smiled at her. The only ponies who smiled at her were her adoptee parents and her three friends at the Academy.

"I'm Sunset Sky. Um, you can call me Sunset if you want..."

As she finished her sentence, a scroll dropped from the sky and glowed with the golden aura of a unicorn's magic, levitating it. Sunset looked around, confused. There were few ponies around them, only a small fraction being unicorns. They all were obviously from the train, as they had suitcases, but none of them had a golden aura. After a moment of thinking, it dawned on her.

'Princess Celestia!' she thought. She had never seen the princess herself, but it was well-known what her magic aura color was.

A thought kicked in, making her blush again.

'What would any of the princesses want with me...? I'm just some random pony that not even my parents wanted...'

Her head lowered a bit as the thought came, knowing it was true. Then she pretended to go back to normal and turned to Asnee Hoof. The letter was probably for him.

"I think it's from the Princess"

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The owl resumed his search for the source of the baking pies. Looking all around as he was doing so, he noticed another pony who looked odd in the crowd. This one was pulling a cart behind her, filled with the most beautiful flowers. He just had to slow down and hover over them so as to take in their delicate scents. Flying slow circles around Alice, he eventually stopped and hovered in front of her. Delicate eyes, this one had. Just as much so as the flowers she cared for. The owl knew this would be a journey, and every adventure requires at least one delicate, female touch. There was also an unmistakable elemental signature emanating from her... generosity. The owl knew she was just who he was looking for. Gracefully levitating a glowing letter from his bag, he let it slowly fall in front of her and hover above the ground. "Who..." The owl closed his eyes and lightly bowed in respect, then resumed his flight. (OOC: @, that's for you! wink.png )
The aroma of baking pies led the owl further into town. He knew he was getting close, because the scent was getting stronger. Soon, he found himself flying over a park, and just in time for a performance! The owl hovered and watched as the pale blue unicorn did some antics with water and ice. Somewhat impressive, he figured. He had seen it before... but the ease with which the pony did this intrigued him. He flew closer to get a better sense of who he was looking at. This one was arrogant and still had much to learn, he figured... but the same was true for every wizard, no matter how skilled or experienced. The wise old bird could tell the pony had great potential as a wizard, which was by far, the most important thing for a spellcasting unicorn, a pony of which would prove most useful--if not essential--on a quest such as this. The owl continued on his flight, but made sure to fly just over the pony and drop a magic letter in front of him. (OOC: @, that's your cue. wink.png )
As the owl continued his search for the pies, he flew past a fancy-looking art house theater. Hearing music from inside, he decided to fly through an open window to investigate. As he flew through the hallways, he could hear a lovely voice singing a bouncy song. Gliding through the halls and into the ballroom, he perched himself on a chandelier, unnoticed by anyone. As he watched the flamboyant pony on stage sing and dance, he could see she was putting all her heart and soul into this performance. Admirable, he thought. Such dedication might prove useful. Not to mention that music, and sometimes even fashion sense were useful skills in dealing with certain monsters and enemies.
As the mare finished her performance, the owl jumped from the chandelier. Thinking quickly, he flew around and grazed the lightswitch, turning off all the lights in the room. A few moments later, the lights were back on, and the owl was gone... but Flaire found herself holding a glowing letter. Apparently someone had delivered fan mail to her with perfect timing... "Why... thank you!" Most surprised, she looked around amidst the applause, but no obvious courier could be seen. Looking at the letter, she somehow knew this was important. Just how important however, she hadn't the slightest idea. (OOC: Yes, this one's mine. tongue.png )
The owl knew he was extremely close to the pies now. As he turned a corner, he finally saw what he was looking for: a pie sitting on a windowsill. He quickened his pace as he approached the pie, its strong aroma filling his nostrils. As he reached the window, he perched himself on the sill. Just as he was about to dive into this wonderful pie that sat before him, he glanced inside the house and noticed a golden mare baking more pies. This one had an air of experience about her, as though she had been through a great deal of turmoil--something he could relate to. Celestia knew he was older than the hills; even she was unsure of his exact age. This mare bore emotional scars, and yet she carried herself with a certain air of sureness, as though she no longer mourned, but had accepted whatever events had scarred her. This was a wise creature who deserved to be on the team.
Suddenly, he realized he had forgotten about the pie he was about to devour! Quickly pulling a letter out of his bag with his beak, he set it down haphazardly on the windowsill. The owl then proceeded to carve out a slice of the pie using his finely sharpened beak. Sliding the piece into his mouth, he gulped down the whole piece, picked up his bag and flew away as fast as he could. The last thing he needed was to be hit with a frying pan or something. That sort of thing hurt; and he would know, with all the pies he'd stolen in his lifetime... (OOC: @, that one's yours! biggrin.png )


Finally, the owl had flown through most of the city, yet he still had one last letter. He could see no one else who looked deserving of it, so he figured he'd take a break and read it for himself. After all, he had not seen Celestia's writing in a while; he wondered if she was still as regal with a quill as she always had been in the past. Stopping on a nearby chimney, he perched himself and pulled out the letter. Breaking the seal that bore the silhouette of the Sun Princess, he unrolled the letter and began to read it:




To whomever reads this letter:


First of all, I thank you for taking the time to read this. Time is perhaps the valuable resource I have right now, so I shall get right to the point.


Changelings have taken over the castle in Canterlot. Myself and the other Princesses, as well as the Six Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, several citizens of Canterlot and Ponyville, as well as a few members of the Royal Guard have all been taken prisoners in the Crystal Dungeon beneath the castle. I advise you to be careful who you reveal this to, since as you may know, when Changelings take prisoners, they always replace them with decoys--exact physical replicas. Whoever hears this may at best, simply not believe you. At worst, you may end up telling another Changeling. Though not impossible to spot, detecting them has become much harder than it used to be.


Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen is controlling the Hive remotely from Manehatten, at least that's the direction I sense her signal to be coming from. YOU MUST DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO STOP HER. She is certain to be disguised and well-hidden, and is to be considered extremely dangerous. Despite this, my faithful servant has selected you for this mission, and I have great faith in his judgement.


Do not worry about us here in the Dungeon, for Chrysalis will not kill us; she is far too prideful for that. She would rather keep us alive so she can parade us around after she has taken over Equestria. What is more important now is that you find Chrysalis and stop her.


If you have as much faith in yourself as I have in you, please go to the park fountain at sundown and wait for the others. All who have been selected will be holding a letter exactly like this one, so do not lose it.


Godspeed, and may the Elements of Harmony be with you in spirit.


Yours sincerely,

Princess Celestia


The owl looked to the western horizon, sadness in his eyes. He pondered what fate his dear Princess might be in for. Suddenly, he perked up; he was receiving another coded message. After a few moments, he looked down at the letter. He knew there was no more time to find a recipient for this one, so the ones that had been handed out would have to do. Abandoning the letter to the roof of the house, he quickly took flight in the direction of Canterlot. A dark sky loomed on the horizon. Things had only just begun.

Edited by Questio and Ashling
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Chilltide, now realizing his own stress, stumbled and tripped around the busier streets that were crawling with ponies. His friends had moved since his last visit, and were now in one of the many apartment complexes that populated part of the city. These reminded him of Manehattan, and it wasn't particularly difficult to traverse them... but with all of the traffic and noise in the air focus seemed impossible to achieve. I haven't really told them I'm visiting... have I? He felt like an unaware colt again, starting to wish he would have stayed in Canterlot or gone home to his parents. 

He felt an odd itch on his neck as he walked, and finally grew annoyed enough to scratch angrily with a hoof. To his surprise, there was a letter caught on the strap of one of his saddle bags. Not just any letter, the wax seal that held it shut was finely printed and the paper emitted a regal light. The beautiful enchantment used in the process was certainly that of a master, and upon opening the letter Chilltide discovered that the letter was from-... it was wrong to open other ponies' mail. Perhaps I'll just see who it's addressed to...

The first line was enough of an indication that it wasn't addressed to any individual. Chilltide read quietly but eloquently, his eyes flicking past letters and words as he spoke. This wasn't only from Princess Celestia, she was asking for... well, his help. He had seen her visit his school every now and again, and had even attended some upper-class events at which she appeared, but he was just... a humble magician from the city. By what fate would he be chosen to save Equestria? Perhaps there were others... others? What of his friends? He'd come to Fillydelphia just to end up saving Equestria, why would he-
He decided that it was important to search for other people who had gotten the letter. He'd have to be discrete, changelings could be hiding behind the masks of anypony on the streets. Think, Chilltide... this is important... think.

Shapeshifting, the changelings' own power, came to mind. The only problem with this was that he didn't know any spells that granted the power in a convincing form... If he could make himself look like a changeling whilst seeking out people... reading letters? Yes, that'd have to do... then they might recognize him as the enemy and engage them. As a changeling he would seriously raise suspicions among the non-involved... How was he suppose-
"Please go to the park fountain at sundown," the letter read.
How much of an idiot could he have been? He had never been taught to skim while reading, and this was a billion times more important than school. Not only that, but he had been at the same fountain in the same park earlier in the day. Calm down Chill, there's plenty more to worry about...

Although he was eager to see them, his friends would have to wait. He galloped back to the park where he had performed, his horn readied and his eyes on the watch for any odd ponies. The fountain had regained its water, projecting the liquid at a boring pace. Much to the confusion of everypony at the park, Chilltide casted a water-breathing spell on himself and climbed into the still flowing water. It felt cool against his coat and he decided to wait here until later, possibly taking a nap to improve his mood and mind. He wasn't fond of making a scene in such a public area... but as an excuse he regarded it as important. Falling gently to the ground, his eyes shut slowly and he drifted off.

Glowing green eyes peered from far off.

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"Oh, okay, if you're sure... I don't want to impose or anything..."

Sunset watched as the pony put a hoof to his chest and introduced himself.

"Um, okay... Asnee it is then, I guess." She grabbed her suitcase and walked beside him. She was slightly warming up to him, partially because he hadn't pointed out or made fun of her scars yet.

He kept glancing at her, and her reaction was hiding behind her mane every time. When he asked Sunset's name, he looked away then looked back, holding her gaze with a smile. Sunset felt her lips weakly curl up a bit and her cheeks get warm in return. Most ponies never smiled at her. The only ponies who smiled at her were her adoptee parents and her three friends at the Academy.

"I'm Sunset Sky. Um, you can call me Sunset if you want..."

As she finished her sentence, a scroll dropped from the sky and glowed with the golden aura of a unicorn's magic, levitating it. Sunset looked around, confused. There were few ponies around them, only a small fraction being unicorns. They all were obviously from the train, as they had suitcases, but none of them had a golden aura. After a moment of thinking, it dawned on her.

'Princess Celestia!' she thought. She had never seen the princess herself, but it was well-known what her magic aura color was.

A thought kicked in, making her blush again.

'What would any of the princesses want with me...? I'm just some random pony that not even my parents wanted...'

Her head lowered a bit as the thought came, knowing it was true. Then she pretended to go back to normal and turned to Asnee Hoof. The letter was probably for him.

"I think it's from the Princess"

Her name echoed in Asnee's mind for a while. "Sunset Sky," he thought to himself. "It's a beautiful name," he said in a low voice. The name fitted her appearance perfectly. He noticed the forming smile on her shy face below her mane, and it somehow made him want to smile as well.


The sudden appearance of the letter shocked Asnee and he quickly look around the crowd. Nopony even paid attention to them. He spotted a little blush on Sunset's face as she looked around as he did. The blush grew as she stared at the letter in a golden aura. It made him curious from who the letter was. "M-maybe it's from her coltfriend." Though he just met Sunset Sky, the thought saddened him a bit and the smile on his face slowly faded out. He stared at the paved road below them, scratching its surface as he waited for anything to come.


Asnee looked up at her again when she said it was from the Princess. Those words cheered him and confused him at the same time, making him a weird half-smile and confused expression as the result. "Are... are you sure it's from the Princess, Miss Sunset?"

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Her name echoed in Asnee's mane for a while. "Sunset Sky," he thought to himself. "It's a beautiful name," he said in a low voice. The name fitted her appearance perfectly. He noticed the forming smile on her shy face below her mane, and it somehow made him want to smile as well.


The sudden appearance of the letter shocked Asnee and he quickly look around the crowd. Nopony even paid attention to them. He spotted a little blush on Sunset's face as she looked around as he did. The blush grew as she stared at the letter in a golden aura. It made him curious from who the letter was. "M-maybe it's from her coltfriend." Though he just met Sunset Sky, the thought saddened him a bit and the smile on his face slowly faded out. He stared at the paved road below them, scratching its surface as he waited for anything to come.


Asnee looked up at her again when she said it was from the Princess. Those words cheered him and confused him at the same time, making him a weird half-smile and confused expression as the result. "Are... are you sure it's from the Princess, Miss Sunset?"

"Um, it's mostly an assumption.. But I don't know of anypony with such a rich golden aura. My school is filled with unicorns, and nopony there has a golden aura like that. My friend Glowing Notes is the only pony there with even a somewhat golden aura."

Sunset Sky blushed again, realizing that she'd just willingly told Asnee about her friend and school, at least a bit anyway. And in full sentences. No "Umm"s or "Uh"s or stuttering. Wow. It dawned on her that she felt safe around him and blushed even deeper. She'd only known him for maybe half an hour!

"Also, nopony around here's using magic. But... I don't know what Princess Celestia would want with me. I-I'm just some random pony wh-" She cut herself off there, ears down, fighting tears. She may feel safe around him, but that didn't mean she should automatically trust him, that she could just dump her issues onto him. She'd barely even told Glowing Notes about her past. Asnee was somepony she'd just run into on the street! "Uh, n-never mind...anyway... I thought it was for you."

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Alice walked along the cobblestone road as she looked for the intersection leading her to her destination to show her sample of her most pleasant line of flowers.  "When the storms of winter comes, starless nights will come agaaaaaiiin.  When the waning sun is..."  Alice continued singing her song until a newcomer caused her pause.  It appeared to be a very studious and it did look somewhat regal.  She seemed slightly mystified by the owl, but that broke when a floating letter appeared in front of her.  "Oh?"  She uttered out in surprise as she saw that the letter was glowing a warm golden aura.  She caught in her hoof and looked at the seal that was on it.  Her eyes widened as she recognized as the seal of the Royal Sisters.  She looked back up at where the owl was hovering, but it was already gone before she could get a word out.  Carefully, she broke the seal with a touch of her own aqua colored magic and levitated it in front of her to read.




To whomever reads this letter:   First of all, I thank you for taking the time to read this. Time is perhaps the valuable resource I have right now, so I shall get right to the point.  


Changelings have taken over the castle in Canterlot. Myself and the other Princesses, as well as the Six Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, several citizens of Canterlot and Ponyville, as well as a few members of the Royal Guard have all been taken prisoners in the Crystal Dungeon beneath the castle. I advise you to be careful who you reveal this to, since as you may know, when Changelings take prisoners, they always replace them with decoys--exact physical replicas. Whoever hears this may at best, simply not believe you. At worst, you may end up telling another Changeling. Though not impossible to spot, detecting them has become much harder than it used to be.   Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen is controlling the Hive remotely from Manehatten, at least that's the direction I sense her signal to be coming from. YOU MUST DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO STOP HER. She is certain to be disguised and well-hidden, and is to be considered extremely dangerous.


Despite this, my faithful servant has selected you for this mission, and I have great faith in his judgement.   Do not worry about us here in the Dungeon, for Chrysalis will not kill us; she is far too prideful for that. She would rather keep us alive so she can parade us around after she has taken over Equestria. What is more important now is that you find Chrysalis and stop her.   If you have as much faith in yourself as I have in you, please go to the park fountain at sundown and wait for the others. All who have been selected will be holding a letter exactly like this one, so do not lose it.   Godspeed, and may the Elements of Harmony be with you in spirit.   Yours sincerely, Princess Celestia



As Alice's eyes traveled across the scroll, she saw that it was indeed from Princess Celestia, but she was a bit confused as to why she was receiving a letter from her.  As her eyes traveled across the words, she started to read much faster and her eyes looked more and more frightened until she reached the signature at the bottom of the scroll.  "Ch...  Changelings?!  But...  How?  I thought that they were gone after the invasion of the Canterlot Wedding...  If they are taking over Equestria, then... I might be watched too.  What do I do?...  I can't just abandon my trip for the flower shop...  Although it all wouldn't matter in the end if they take over and they want to come after me next..."  She thought to herself in a frenzy.  How could the Princess want her help?  She wasn't some grand heroine that ponies would speak highly of like Daring Do or Mare-Do-Well.  Now that her reality had been shaken, she didn't know who she could even trust to speak to.  Maybe going to the flower shop here had a Changeling there and it would've been too late for her.


Alice sighed to herself as she rolled the scroll up and placed it into her brown saddlebag.  "I might have to give up on my dream for now...  The Princess needs my help.  I don't know how I can, but I gotta do it."  Alice decided to herself as she looked up at the sky.  She needed to be at the park fountain by sundown.  She wondered who else was going to be at the fountain.  She made a mental note to just act normal and not draw unwanted attention to herself.  She decided to keep the flower wagon with her as she couldn't just abandon them.  From the position that she was in, she saw that a sign pointed to the park to her right at the intersection ahead.  She pulled her wagon again, unsure of what exactly she would be in for.

  • Brohoof 4

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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"Um, it's mostly an assumption.. But I don't know of anypony with such a rich golden aura. My school is filled with unicorns, and nopony there has a golden aura like that. My friend Glowing Notes is the only pony there with even a somewhat golden aura."

Sunset Sky blushed again, realizing that she'd just willingly told Asnee about her friend and school, at least a bit anyway. And in full sentences. No "Umm"s or "Uh"s or stuttering. Wow. It dawned on her that she felt safe around him and blushed even deeper. She'd only known him for maybe half an hour!

"Also, nopony around here's using magic. But... I don't know what Princess Celestia would want with me. I-I'm just some random pony wh-" She cut herself off there, ears down, fighting tears. She may feel safe around him, but that didn't mean she should automatically trust him, that she could just dump her issues onto him. She'd barely even told Glowing Notes about her past. Asnee was somepony she'd just run into on the street! "Uh, n-never mind...anyway... I thought it was for you."

Sunset Sky's confident speech surprised him, and caused a thought that she wasn't scared, or whatever made her look so shy, of him anymore. He listened carefully to her words, and caught her blushing again. "Why is she blushing? Maybe it's because of that pony named Glowing Notes. M-maybe because that pony is her special some-no... no Asnee. You just met her half an hour ago."


He tried his best not to show what's in his mind, but the way she ended her statement bothered him a little. It seemed like she was hiding something from him. Her expression worried him a little though. It almost looked like she was trying not to cry.


Asnee raced his mind for an idea to cheer her up. It was more like a natural response more than anything else. "Well, Miss Sunset, why don't we get a place where you can open your mail in peace? I uhm...." now it was him who was shy, and he cursed himself in mind because of that, "well... how about a restaurant in your hotel? You can rest there after your journey, and open your mail when you're not tired anymore. Don't worry, I will treat you." He finished with a little blush on his cheeks, hoping that the mare wouldn't take it the wrong way.


The goldenrod stallion noticed Sunset's suitcase and cursed himself again in his mind. "How could I forget about that?" He gestured her hoof to her suitcase, offering a help, "If I may, Miss Sunset?"

  • Brohoof 3



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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To leave the train station, he actually had to go through a security process. When it was The Doctor's turn, he stepped up and looked at the pony. They stood in silence for a moment, before The Doctor prompted, "Yes?"


The pony asked, "So, identification pass and such."


"Really? Last time I was here there was no such thing necessary at a train station." The pony stared at him stubbornly and The Doctor sighed. "A pass at a train station, next thing we know, we'll need a pass to go on the loo." He fumbled in his jacket for his psychic paper and took out what he thought was it. He showed the pony what he had and said, "Here you go, a..." The Doctor noticed his mistake and quickly rethought his sentence before finishing. "A scroll. For..." He glanced at the scroll. "The princess, Celestia. I am the courier service and they are starting to employ non-winged ponies. We take the train instead." The pony looked at him suspiciously. "Fine, you need a pass to?" This time he took his actual psychic paper out and presented it to the pony. "Loco Motive, courier by train. Happy?" The Doctor felt sorry to steal and identity, but this pony was beyond unnecessarily annoying. "Good. Allonsy."


He put his psychic paper back in his jacket and looked at the scroll. "I definitely don't remember having this." He looked around, before slipping into an empty alleyway about 200 meters from the station.




To whomever reads this letter:   First of all, I thank you for taking the time to read this. Time is perhaps the valuable resource I have right now, so I shall get right to the point.  


Changelings have taken over the castle in Canterlot. Myself and the other Princesses, as well as the Six Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, several citizens of Canterlot and Ponyville, as well as a few members of the Royal Guard have all been taken prisoners in the Crystal Dungeon beneath the castle. I advise you to be careful who you reveal this to, since as you may know, when Changelings take prisoners, they always replace them with decoys--exact physical replicas. Whoever hears this may at best, simply not believe you. At worst, you may end up telling another Changeling. Though not impossible to spot, detecting them has become much harder than it used to be.   Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen is controlling the Hive remotely from Manehatten, at least that's the direction I sense her signal to be coming from. YOU MUST DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO STOP HER. She is certain to be disguised and well-hidden, and is to be considered extremely dangerous.


Despite this, my faithful servant has selected you for this mission, and I have great faith in his judgement.   Do not worry about us here in the Dungeon, for Chrysalis will not kill us; she is far too prideful for that. She would rather keep us alive so she can parade us around after she has taken over Equestria. What is more important now is that you find Chrysalis and stop her.   If you have as much faith in yourself as I have in you, please go to the park fountain at sundown and wait for the others. All who have been selected will be holding a letter exactly like this one, so do not lose it.   Godspeed, and may the Elements of Harmony be with you in spirit.   Yours sincerely, Princess Celestia


Someone know I'm here. This was the first thing he thought when he finished the letter. He knew that the letter was specifically meant for him. He had had his share of letters to know that this wasn't a mistake when it happened. He finally had his problem and it was gonna be one hell of one. He slipped back out of the alley and made his way along the road. He stopped someone trotting the opposite direction and asked, "Could I have directions to the park?" He pointed east and The Doctor said, "Thank you." The pony nodded back and went on his way. The Doctor looked at the pony who had not uttered a word for a second, before continuing on.


After a quick hike, he was at the park, and he knew it. It was majestic for such a run-down city that looked so close to the Earth Philadelphia (He just couldn't get around the names, which were the obvious hints for him that this was a parallel universe). He entered on the first path he saw, not taking the earlier routes on the grass due to the signs saying, Don't trot on the grass.


Within minutes he was at the fountain, which sprouted water in all directions and was surrounded by a wide walkway with at least 8 benches around it. He decided against sitting on the rim of the fountain and examined the benches more. He realized they were aligned to be placed in the eight compass directions that had two or less letters pertaining to N, S, E and W. He sat at the north one.


((OOC: I hope nobody already described the fountain.))

Edited by The Tenth Doctor
  • Brohoof 4

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Sunset Sky's confident speech surprised him, and caused a thought that she wasn't scared, or whatever made her look so shy, of him anymore. He listened carefully to her words, and caught her blushing again. "Why is she blushing? Maybe it's because of that pony named Glowing Notes. M-maybe because that pony is her special some-no... no Asnee. You just met her half an hour ago."


He tried his best not to show what's in his mind, but the way she ended her statement bothered him a little. It seemed like she was hiding something from him. Her expression worried him a little though. It almost looked like she was trying not to cry.


Asnee raced his mind for an idea to cheer her up. It was more like a natural response more than anything else. "Well, Miss Sunset, why don't we get a place where you can open your mail in peace? I uhm...." now it was him who was shy, and he cursed himself in mind because of that, "well... how about a restaurant in your hotel? You can rest there after your journey, and open your mail when you're not tired anymore. Don't worry, I will treat you." He finished with a little blush on his cheeks, hoping that the mare wouldn't take it the wrong way.


The goldenrod stallion noticed Sunset's suitcase and cursed himself again in his mind. "How could I forget about that?" He gestured her hoof to her suitcase, offering a help, "If I may, Miss Sunset?"

((OOC: Yaaay :yay: posty posty time :D !))"Uh, s-sure, the hotel... Oh, I couldn't possibly let you buy me supper." Sunset said, blushing. "I-I brought my own money, and Glowing Notes already made me lend some of her bits... B-But if you want, you could eat with me... I-I-I mean, you said you, uh, were looking for a restaraunt too, r-right?" Her cheeks were red-hot now. Her blue eyes were staring at him somewhat hopefully. She didn't know why she hoped he would say yes, why she asked in the first place. "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to...

"A-anyway, I don't think it's even my mail. L-like I said, I don't know anypony with that color aura... I-I don't know what anypony would want with me anyway. I-I-I dont really have many friends besides Glowing Notes and an Earth Pony named Brightheart..."Sunset stopped for a moment, realizing what she just said, albeit quietly. She mentally shook her head nd scolded herself, and changed the ubject, at least somewhat. "Maybe it's yours? Or a letter carrier dropped it by accident?"

She started walking again, grabbing the scroll and putting it in her saddlebag, then Asnee gestured to her suitcase.

"Umm... I-If you're sure. I don't want to be a bother or anything to you... "

Edited by Silent Dawn
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