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Have you ever been hated as a Brony?


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I have been hated and I know of many stories of haters beating up and bullying people that watch My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.  I ignore the haters that call me gay.  I stay away from the haters that are really mean.

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Nothing negative on my end, at least not yet. My little sis occasionally teases, but most people's reactions tend to be neutral. Of course, this may change the more often I start to wear pony shirts in public, but as I've stated before, I don't exactly look like the type of guy one would casually come up to and call a faggot.


We shall see, though. Think I'ma order me this shirt pretty soon...if that doesn't get a reaction, nothing will.


@@MidnightBlue: So...you mean to say that these balls-out stupid, cardboard cutout jackasses actually exist outside of the Internet? Sweet Celestia, I don't wanna live on this planet anymore. dry.png

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ive had to deal with ''haters'' at work on a few occasions i just shrug it off and continue on with my night, im not much of a arguing type so i kill them with kindness.in all honesty ive met more bronies than haters so i guess im just a bit lucky in that perspective.

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Well, My town has a Hot topic, so i think pretty much everyone is a brony, But i do get the "Gay" Comment a lot, There is a guy who calls me "Pony boy" And then that one time i told that JERK that i cuddle with a rainbow dash plush a i wish she was real, and he told everyone. So yeah, welcome to my amazing world. I(I also get called an "Autistic ponyfag whos legs are jacked up" Because that's true. ((It is, i am autisic and i have cerebal palsy.))

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Not really. in all reality when someone, i don't remember who it was, was made fun of. it seemed like all the bronies and pegasisters that where hiding what they were stood up for that person. since then i got to know several new friends and i've only lost one or two old friends. so yeah in my case hate not really, they did kinda took over the school of a while. it was really weird.

Edited by Snowy Storm
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Never had to deal with a real life hater which I find very surprising. I have worn my Rainbow Dash shirt to school and it got some comments but none of them were hateful. I'd say 10% were complementing it and 90% were people asking what the hell it was.

But I get a ridiculous amount of crap on the internet. I guess people are much more hateful on the internet...

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hate over this.. no... thankfully thats due to the fact that no one other then a select few even know IRL


I like to call it protective paranora. So I tend to keep things like this to myself


I have dealt with hate in other forms and have been unjustly accuse of things that are simply not true and would honestly hate myself more if they were.


Hatred is a learned behavior and I have learned how to deal with the hate


But its through places such as this, where we can talk about what all this hate has done... and maybe together we can learn to heal

Edited by Argumedies
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I haven't got any hate yet, so I'm lucky. I am in some internet communities where bronies are frowned upon, but I tend to keep quiet about the show in those places. A few of my friends in real life know that I like the show, but they really don't think much of it.

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Oh Celestia, the guys over at Moviecodec hate the ever living shit outta me. There's a few bronies over there but most of the guys are self-proclaimed "alpha males" and treat MLP and bronies like they're the devil. Had a bit of fun trolling them tonight though. *giggles*

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I have been picked on for bein' a bony at school. i'll be sittin' there mindin' my own then i'll have the occasinal ''why are you a pony fag?'' question. i'll just look up to the person and say ''obviously you don't know how to read. the shirt says BRONY pal''. some look for word and if they can't find any they walk away. others would say ''FUCK you brony fag''. and to that i would say ''look whos callin' who a fag''


Well, My town has a Hot topic, so i think pretty much everyone is a brony, But i do get the "Gay" Comment a lot, There is a guy who calls me "Pony boy" And then that one time i told that JERK that i cuddle with a rainbow dash plush a i wish she was real, and he told everyone. So yeah, welcome to my amazing world. I(I also get called an "Autistic ponyfag whos legs are jacked up" Because that's true. ((It is, i am autisic and i have cerebal palsy.))

Hey i would love to be called ponyboy he's a bad ass greaser from the outsiders. in fact i think ima buy my self a lether jacket a can of pomade and be a greaser just so people could call me that. thanks for the idea friend
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So yeah, welcome to my amazing world. I(I also get called an "Autistic ponyfag whos legs are jacked up" Because that's true. ((It is, i am autisic and i have cerebal palsy.))

Wait just a damn minute. So you're autistic, with a physical disability to boot, and people just openly ridicule you because of it (in addition to being a brony)?


...You should be glad you don't have me as a real-life friend, because that's something I would honestly be inclined to start ripping faces off over, no matter the consequences.

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Heh, believe it or not, my mom is the only person who wants to give me a hard time. She makes fun of me and whatnot, but I watch MLP with my little sister (Who's now 13), and we have a great time. She also scoffs that guys enjoy the show as well, but I told her why the series is so good. But she never approved of me liking any cartoons in the first place (Heck, we had our first and only argument about Avatar The Last Airbender), so I learned to just deal with it XD

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No I never got really picked on because I'm a brony. My dad picks on me in a friendly way that is all. I told one friend that I like the show and he doesn't seem to mind since he knows I watched a lot of other girl animation shows. And he hasn't told anyone else witch is a good thing. And I feel bad for everyone here that is being picked on for being a brony. Just try your best to ignore them and if they say mean things don't say anything back since that is only gonna keep the fire going. It's so awful that people can't accept us at all. But we gotta keep our heads up and stay strong. 

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Well, My town has a Hot topic, so i think pretty much everyone is a brony, But i do get the "Gay" Comment a lot, There is a guy who calls me "Pony boy" And then that one time i told that JERK that i cuddle with a rainbow dash plush a i wish she was real, and he told everyone. So yeah, welcome to my amazing world. I(I also get called an "Autistic ponyfag whos legs are jacked up" Because that's true. ((It is, i am autisic and i have cerebal palsy.))

People legitimately picked on you for being autistic and having cerebral palsy? I am usually a calm person, but this made me want to come start snapping necks. It is fairly depressing that people are cruel enough to pick on you for the reasons that they do.
  • Brohoof 1
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Wait just a damn minute. So you're autistic, with a physical disability to boot, and people just openly ridicule you because of it (in addition to being a brony)?


...You should be glad you don't have me as a real-life friend, because that's something I would honestly be inclined to start ripping faces off over, no matter the consequences.


Not sure if to be scared or happy. Any whatsit, yeah, that pretty much sums up my life right there, and then you have dashie being mai waifu (WHICH AGAIN, DOESN'T HELP.) So, yeah BASICALLY I'M AN (almost) ANTI-SOCIAL FREAK BECAUSE OF SOMETHING I COULD NOT HELP. 

  • Brohoof 1
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The only people I've been hated on by are the random people we get in me and a group of friends mumble server we use for WoW my friends give me crap about watching the show and being a Brony but it's in a light hearted way but on some occasions the random people we have in mumble become malicious towards me when they find out I'm a 'Brony' it's funny because all of them have been awful at the game so I just let them know they're bad and they quiet Down real quick.

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Yep. A few days before Christmas last year I had someone call me a "pony-loving shithead" on YouTube. I looked at the person's channel and she seemed like she was a kid even younger than me with low-quality. Hilarious.

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My brother, who is in fact a brony, thought he'd be billy badass and tell me to grow up.
I beg to differ. D:
Coming from a brony...if he is going to act like a hypocrite, he might as well not be a brony >.>

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My friends and teacher made some jokingly disparaging remarks at my choice of media when I was more flamboyant in my bronyism (jackets and shirts to school every other day). When I stopped doing that only my close friends kept it up. None of them really hate the series, but they're not fans either. So no, never had to deal with quote unquote haters.

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Not sure if to be scared or happy. Any whatsit, yeah, that pretty much sums up my life right there, and then you have dashie being mai waifu (WHICH AGAIN, DOESN'T HELP.) So, yeah BASICALLY I'M AN (almost) ANTI-SOCIAL FREAK BECAUSE OF SOMETHING I COULD NOT HELP. 


Well kudos to you for taking it all in stride, man. Lord knows if I were in your shoes, I'd probably commit a terrible act of violence within the first couple minutes. I don't know what kind of area you live in where that kind of blatant bigotry is still socially acceptable, but...for what it's worth, you have friends here. :)

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There has been no hatred emanating against me for bronydom. The worst I've experienced was just weird looks from my friends because they think it's a show for little girls. 

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Who hasn't?

I'm the type of person who LOVES to argue with people, whether It's real life or the internet, anti bronies are extremely easy to start a senseless argument with, it's also really easy to win, eventually after months of arguing with them, It got really old and boring, these days I just dismiss any anti brony as a moron, and I've moved on to people more sensitive, but just as stupid, radical christians and feminists for example.

So yeah, I'd say I've gotten my fair share of hate in the past, but who has time to care about that?

Might I suggest that you perhaps involve yourself in arguments about the superior operating system or why iphones suck? Those seem to be really fun arguments to pass the time.

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not really HATED but I have received a lot of insults from people at work(customers not co-workers) and at the mall. And my roommate but he just like to try and tease me over it. None of it bothers me though I wear my mlp led hoodie with pride everyday.

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huh.png Hmmm... nope, can't say I've ever been hated for being a brony.  I think sometimes bronies exaggerate how many legitimate "haters" of bronies there are out there; I think most people who actually bug bronies are largely trolls, most people in general either don't know about bronies or are just confused when they do learn about them, and that overall there is just a tiny percentage of sad individuals that can be considered actual haters.  IDK, maybe I've just had a good experience, but those are my observations on the prevalence of haters based on my experience in bronydom, and I've been a brony for over a year now.

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Can't say I've been hated on for it, then again I'm not too open about it. Only recently my friends have found out but I didn't receive any hate over it, only a few reactions of "What the fuck? seriously?" or "You're joking right?". 


The only hate I've really gotten was online when I get into an argument in the comment sections of youtube. 

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