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private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]


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@@GaleFenrir@@ParsoOfEquestria,  @,


"Sure...... I'll buy that when processed ham starts tasting edible. But maybe tonight will be your night! Now, onto the matter at hoof, our two beautiful dates! Quick heads up though bro, you'd better hit Mystic sooner rather than later, or she might start filly fooling with Vinyl! I'm having enough trouble keeping her reigned in.. Anyways, so are we gonna go drinking, clubbing, both? What's the plan, or are the ladies leading the way tonight?" 

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Dogboots soon turned a bright red and dropped his muffin on the floor and began kissing the mare with a fiery passion. His hooves soon enveloped the mare and pulled her close to him.


"Muffins can wait, I want this right now. But- No! Not listening to you this time,"

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@, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @,


"Uh, I wasn't kidding about the protection. Totally slipped my mind is all." Curious readjusted his scarf.


"And, well, it was their idea anyway, so let's just follow their lead." He said, as he led Windy in the direction he saw the two mares roof-hop towards.


"and Mystic filly-fooling with Vinyl? Please, that's about as likely as me colt-cuddling with Windy. He's just too eager to push things. I mean, what's wrong with going slow? I mean, Mystic hasn't really ever... at least, I would assume that she is..."

Edited by GaleFenrir
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She was surprized by his passion but not disappointed at all she kissed lips so tenderly and so passionately that she couldn't believe that she had only met this colt the day before and yet she felt so strongly toward him that it almost seemed crazy. Now fear was tossed out the window to join caution inbthe wet dark allyway while the storm raged outside lightening flashes occurring every so often. Cuppie wrapped her hind legs around his waist and her eyes closed she wrapped her front hooves around his shoulders slipping her tounge into his mouth curiously probing the inside. This continues for some time befire she felt it, something was wrong she pushed herself away from him and fell to the floor her lungs closing up keeping her from breathing.

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The stallion began to enjoy himself even more but it was soon interrupted when Cuppie fell on the floor, gasping for air. Dogboots soon recognized what the problem was immediately.


"The muffins! Buck!"


The earth pony quickly grabbed the telephone and began to contacted emergency services. What was a few simple seconds felt like minutes to the stallion.


"Hello, Sydneigh police, what's your emergency?" A voice chimed over the phone


"I need an ambulance here immediately! My marefriend is having an allergic reaction and it's very serious,"


"Okay, emergency services are on the way"


"Thank you," He said before heading back towards Cuppie Cake. A look of fright was on the mare's face and it was agonizing for the earth pony.


"Hang on Cuppie! Help's on the way," He said holding her hoof and looking into her eyes, trying his best to reassure her.

Edited by thor9356
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The ceiling danced before her swirling and coming closer before moving away. She could hear Dogboots his voice muffled and far off she tried speaking, "I'm scared, where are you?" But her throat wouldn't have it it was swelled up and closing fast.

How stupid could I be I'm such a feather brain this is all my fault why is this happening to me? Why can't I see his face?" Her eyes searched but only saw the lights like stars shinning brightly then winking out this process repeated itself over and over again she tried counting them but couldn't remember the numbers. The last thing she saw was red flashing lights and perfectly blue eyes.

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Dogboots tried to keep the mare conscious but it seemed that nothing was really working. It wasn't long before she had passed out and the sound of sirens could be heard approaching the apartment building. Soon the paramedics came bursting through the door with a stretcher in their hooves. They had gently placed Cuppie Cake on it and carried the mare towards the ambulance with Dogboots right behind them. After loading the endangered mare into the vehicle both the paramedics and Dogboots soon entered.


"Cuppie," was all Dogboots could say. He reached out to hold her hoof, but one of the paramedics pushed it away.


"We'll save her, don't worry," He said before they began to treat her and keep her alive.


The vehicle soon drove off towards the hospital. A look of concern was painted on the stallion's face as the only sound that repeated were the blaring sirens through the stormy weather that had plagued Sydneigh for the night.

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@@GaleFenrir@@ParsoOfEquestria,  @,


"Follow the mares' lead... Man Curious, we sound so whipped when we talk like that! I would normally say we gotta take control of our marefriends, but, again, still coming to terms with the whole 'My marefriend can kill me in two hundred ways without thinking about it' thing, so I guess I'll forgo saying we should be dominant in our relationships. But seriously!" He said, chuckling heartily. "Maybe me being the chief breadwinner in my relationship will let me wear the proverbial pants a bit!" He muttered jokingly, stopping at the front of the club to wait for Vinyl to drop down from the roof before heading in.

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Flashes of scenes broke through the haze that was Cuppies mind; flourecent lights, door frames, a clear mask, a face...Dogboots? No. But who? I don't know. These flashes only appeared for a few seconds each time and soon they were gone and blackness remained.


The doctor came to the waiting room where Dogboots was pacing, "she's bad, as I am aware," he flipped through the folder that was her file reading, "she baked you muffins and intook some...though the details of how she got it into her system don't need to be...put on record," he glanced up at Dogboots with an arched eyebrow. "Anyway it seems that she might've inhailed the cinnamon while she was baking them so the combination is what set off the reaction. The inflimation in her lungs is severe but her throat took the worst of it but we've forced it open until the swelling goes down. We have her on pain medication but I'm sure in around an hour you'll be able to see her."

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(I was implying Curious :P)

"I was thinking that bar along nightclub row. looks like the boys have already gone, off we go...again"

Mystic jumped back out of the window and started to hop along the rooftops again, landing ground level in front of the bar, she realised the boys havent arrived yet and waited outside for them

@@GaleFenrir, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @,


"Follow the mares' lead... Man Curious, we sound so whipped when we talk like that! I would normally say we gotta take control of our marefriends, but, again, still coming to terms with the whole 'My marefriend can kill me in two hundred ways without thinking about it' thing, so I guess I'll forgo saying we should be dominant in our relationships. But seriously!" He said, chuckling heartily. "Maybe me being the chief breadwinner in my relationship will let me wear the proverbial pants a bit!" He muttered jokingly, stopping at the front of the club to wait for Vinyl to drop down from the roof before heading in.

Vinyl had sat and waited on the roof while Mystic waited around the corner of the club.


((That'll explain the differences in y'all's stories. Seriously, you guys should follow the topic))


Vinyl looked down over the edge of the two-story club and noticed that Windy and Curious had both arrived, so she dropped down silently behind them, signalled for Mystic to come around the corner, and tapped them on the shoulders. "Finally, you're here. I've been waiting for, like, ten minutes."

Edited by ~Shadow Wolf~

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@GaleFenrir@@ParsoOfEquestria,  @,


"Follow the mares' lead... Man Curious, we sound so whipped when we talk like that! I would normally say we gotta take control of our marefriends, but, again, still coming to terms with the whole 'My marefriend can kill me in two hundred ways without thinking about it' thing, so I guess I'll forgo saying we should be dominant in our relationships. But seriously!" He said, chuckling heartily. "Maybe me being the chief breadwinner in my relationship will let me wear the proverbial pants a bit!" He muttered jokingly, stopping at the front of the club to wait for Vinyl to drop down from the roof before heading in.


Vinyl had sat and waited on the roof while Mystic waited around the corner of the club.


((That'll explain the differences in y'all's stories. Seriously, you guys should follow the topic))


Vinyl looked down over the edge of the two-story club and noticed that Windy and Curious had both arrived, so she dropped down silently behind them, signalled for Mystic to come around the corner, and tapped them on the shoulders. "Finally, you're here. I've been waiting for, like, ten minutes."


@, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @,


"Uh, I wasn't kidding about the protection. Totally slipped my mind is all." Curious readjusted his scarf.


"And, well, it was their idea anyway, so let's just follow their lead." He said, as he led Windy in the direction he saw the two mares roof-hop towards.


"and Mystic filly-fooling with Vinyl? Please, that's about as likely as me colt-cuddling with Windy. He's just too eager to push things. I mean, what's wrong with going slow? I mean, Mystic hasn't really ever... at least, I would assume that she is..."

Mystic pranced around the corner to see everypony here

"about time, now we can go in"

she led them all inside and sat at a table, ordering a round of drinks to everyones request

"well, this has been a career making day, to Windy on his new job"

she raised her glass as she made a toast

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@, @@ParsoOfEquestria, @,


Curious wasn't much surprised by Vinyl's sudden drop down. His nerves had calmed down considerably since the morning, and he came to term with the idea that either of the mares could at any point make their presence known.


He was glad to get out of the stormy weather that was brewing, and once inside the bar, he gave his request for his drink in a manner that discreetly made it clear to have his drink diluted. "I am so glad that I picked up on how to do that."


"To Windy" Curious said in Toast.


"This is so going to his head, I am sure."

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@@GaleFenrir@@ParsoOfEquestria,  @,


Throwing back his drink in one gulp and signalling for another one, Windy leaned in close to Curious's ear. "Drinking contest's off Curious. Hehe, I know my way around a bar enough to know you had your drink watered down. I learned that trick myself, but it was always to assure I was less drunk than the mare I was with; you know, make getting her that much easier. I assume you learned to do it for more detective-y and noble causes, however."


Leaning away from Curious, Windy signaled his appreciation of the toast. "Thank you everypony. I just want everypony to hear it now, in the open, if I ever become one of those evil scheming business ponies that scam and cheat, I'd like one of you lovely mares to please take me down." He said, chuckling and taking a swig from his drink. "Oh, and Vinyl, you up for a bit of dancing after we get nice and buzzed?" 

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@@GaleFenrir@@ParsoOfEquestria,  @,


Throwing back his drink in one gulp and signalling for another one, Windy leaned in close to Curious's ear. "Drinking contest's off Curious. Hehe, I know my way around a bar enough to know you had your drink watered down. I learned that trick myself, but it was always to assure I was less drunk than the mare I was with; you know, make getting her that much easier. I assume you learned to do it for more detective-y and noble causes, however."


Leaning away from Curious, Windy signaled his appreciation of the toast. "Thank you everypony. I just want everypony to hear it now, in the open, if I ever become one of those evil scheming business ponies that scam and cheat, I'd like one of you lovely mares to please take me down." He said, chuckling and taking a swig from his drink. "Oh, and Vinyl, you up for a bit of dancing after we get nice and buzzed?"


"Mmm... I'd love to dance with you, you sexy colt." Vinyl took a sip of her drink and put her hoof around his shoulders, then whispered in his ear, "And I hope you weren't joking about us taking you down, because I'm sure Mystic would agree, we'd both do it if need be." She then smiled seductively and kissed him

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@ParsoOfEquestria, @, @,


Curious had a small chuckle at the fact that Windy had caught on to his little trick, and after having a slight sip of his diluted drink, he noticed that Windy and Vinyl had gone to the dance floor. He turned his head over to Mystic. "Umm, I am not much one for dancing, but if you would like us to, I wouldn't object."

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"Mmmm... I've never received a death threat that was so... attractive." He whispered back into her ear, wrapping his free hoof around her hips. Taking another pull from his drink, he murmured in her ear. "Also sweetie, heads up, Curious is still pure. I think we need to rectify that situation and make sure that you and I aren't the only ones who get to have fun tonight." he said, kissing her and giving her flank a little squeeze with his hoof.   

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@@GaleFenrir@@ParsoOfEquestria,  @,


Throwing back his drink in one gulp and signalling for another one, Windy leaned in close to Curious's ear. "Drinking contest's off Curious. Hehe, I know my way around a bar enough to know you had your drink watered down. I learned that trick myself, but it was always to assure I was less drunk than the mare I was with; you know, make getting her that much easier. I assume you learned to do it for more detective-y and noble causes, however."


Leaning away from Curious, Windy signaled his appreciation of the toast. "Thank you everypony. I just want everypony to hear it now, in the open, if I ever become one of those evil scheming business ponies that scam and cheat, I'd like one of you lovely mares to please take me down." He said, chuckling and taking a swig from his drink. "Oh, and Vinyl, you up for a bit of dancing after we get nice and buzzed?"


@@ParsoOfEquestria, @, @,


Curious had a small chuckle at the fact that Windy had caught on to his little trick, and after having a slight sip of his diluted drink, he noticed that Windy and Vinyl had gone to the dance floor. He turned his head over to Mystic. "Umm, I am not much one for dancing, but if you would like us to, I wouldn't object."


"Mmm... I'd love to dance with you, you sexy colt." Vinyl took a sip of her drink and put her hoof around his shoulders, then whispered in his ear, "And I hope you weren't joking about us taking you down, because I'm sure Mystic would agree, we'd both do it if need be." She then smiled seductively and kissed him

"SURE! I'd love to...dance"

Mystic drunkenly spoke, well, drunk after 5 drinks for a mare who never really drank. she got up with curious to the dance floor and started to dance with him, wrapping her hooves around his neck. she was dancing peacefully with Curious, well, as peaceful as you can get when drunk. she accidentally bumped flanks with Vinyl

"VINYL! move that sexy ass before I spank it"

alright add sultriness to Mystic drunken effects

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"Mmmm... I've never received a death threat that was so... attractive." He whispered back into her ear, wrapping his free hoof around her hips. Taking another pull from his drink, he murmured in her ear. "Also sweetie, heads up, Curious is still pure. I think we need to rectify that situation and make sure that you and I aren't the only ones who get to have fun tonight." he said, kissing her and giving her flank a little squeeze with his hoof.


"SURE! I'd love to...dance"

Mystic drunkenly spoke, well, drunk after 5 drinks for a mare who never really drank. she got up with curious to the dance floor and started to dance with him, wrapping her hooves around his neck. she was dancing peacefully with Curious, well, as peaceful as you can get when drunk. she accidentally bumped flanks with Vinyl

"VINYL! move that sexy ass before I spank it"

alright add sultriness to Mystic drunken effects

"Seeing the state that Mystic is currently in, I'm sure that won't be too hard." Vinyl was dancing close to Windy for a while before a slower song came on. She wrapped her hooves around his neck and held him close, and then Mystic bumped into her. Vinyl giggled a bit at her response, then gave her flank a nice squeeze

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Snickering, Windy lightly smacked Vinyl's hoof away from Mystic. "Hey, I know your barn door swings both ways, but I'm right here for Celestia's sake! Show a little appreciation for your coltfriend." he crooned seductively, leaning in close and pulling Vinyl's body up against his own as they continued to dance to the slow song. 

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"Seeing the state that Mystic is currently in, I'm sure that won't be too hard." Vinyl was dancing close to Windy for a while before a slower song came on. She wrapped her hooves around his neck and held him close, and then Mystic bumped into her. Vinyl giggled a bit at her response, then gave her flank a nice squeeze

"oh, thats...it"

Mystic swung a hoof and slapped Vinyl along the flank playfully. she laughed and started to brush her tail along Vinyl's body, trying to get her attention even more

"what happened to the good old days? you....me...alone in the one room. that night was hotter than a summer day"

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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@@ParsoOfEquestria, @, @,


Curious was still sober, for the most part, and he couldn't help but stare in abject horror and confusion at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. "Quick, think of something! I am thinking! Think harder! Stop thinking about thinking! Stop thinking! Act!"


Curious swung Mystic so that she was away from Vinyl, and planted a kiss firmly on Mystic's lips.

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@@ParsoOfEquestria, @, @,


Curious was still sober, for the most part, and he couldn't help but stare in abject horror and confusion at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. "Quick, think of something! I am thinking! Think harder! Stop thinking about thinking! Stop thinking! Act!"


Curious swung Mystic so that she was away from Vinyl, and planted a kiss firmly on Mystic's lips.


Surprise hit Mystic as she was swung around and instantly kissed. when the kiss finally broke, Mystic looked at her stallion

"ooooooh, want to keep me for yourself, hmmm? I love a keeper. take me home...now"

she let go of Curious and stood up straight before walking to Vinyl

"I'm going home soon, babe"

she was quick to act and before a second could pass, her lips were locked with Vinyls, but it didn't stop there. Mystic released her tongue and hoped Vinyl would let hers in

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Curious gasped for breath when his kiss with Mystic broke, "her breath reeks of alcohol! I mean, it was last time as well, but I wasn't nearly this sober!"


His breath escaped him once again, when he saw Mystic go right up to Vinyl and prench((note: as in of Prance)) her. "ACT!" Curious looked at the glass of diluted wine he still had half empty, and without thinking he splashed it in Vinyl and Mystic's faces.


"That's quite enough of that!"


Curious then realized gravity of the situation, who exactly it was he had just splashed his drink into. "Look, I know I just led you astray, but trust me when I say this: ACT"


Curious immediately turned and flew up towards the ceiling, really hoping there was no sharp objects in the telekinetic reach of either of the mares. "Umm, Windy, bro? Back up?"


"did you just call me bro?"


"Shut up, Mindy"

Edited by GaleFenrir
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Surprise hit Mystic as she was swung around and instantly kissed. when the kiss finally broke, Mystic looked at her stallion

"ooooooh, want to keep me for yourself, hmmm? I love a keeper. take me home...now"

she let go of Curious and stood up straight before walking to Vinyl

"I'm going home soon, babe"

she was quick to act and before a second could pass, her lips were locked with Vinyls, but it didn't stop there. Mystic released her tongue and hoped Vinyl would let hers in

Vinyl's eyes lit up as she turned her head and kissed her back. She giggled a bit and tugged at Windy's hoof and followed Mystic. "Come on, that means we're going too, sweetie. This is going to be a fantastic night." She then leaned in and whispered to Mystic, "And it's gonna remind us of the good old days."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@@GaleFenrir,  @@ParsoOfEquestria,


Caught in some of the splash from Curious's wine, Windy blinked in confusion. "For a supposedly smart pony, he's not very bright..." Windy thought, slowly backing away from the situation. "Curious, don't get me wrong man, I was feeling a little emasculated that our dates would rather buck each other than either of us too, but really? You had to throw wine on them? What were you thinking? I would back you normally, but I like... well, living. And siding with you against two assasins isn't really conducive to a good life span... So... yeah!" He said, awkwardly backing away from the three ponies.  

Edited by Windy Runner
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