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private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]


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"Really?" Windy said, trying to contain his excitement. "This is great! I mean, yeah, I'm probably gonna get laid, but more importantly, I might be able to have a real marefriend for once! Easy there Windy, take it slow, nice and slow..."


Wrapping his hooves around Vinyl's waist, Windy pulled her body closer to him, but stopped just short of kissing her. "Call me beta, but I don't want to make you feel rushed into anything you aren't sure you want." He whispered, "After all, mama raised a gentlecolt."


Well shit... There goes my plans to make this hard for him. He actually seems really nice. Vinyl leaned forward slowly and gently kissed him, and moved her hooves up to his shoulders. And he's a very good kisser! Looks like mama hit the jackpot on this one. I just hope he's true to his word.

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Curious looked Mystic in the eye, his face more resolute than it had been the entire encounter. "What is your special talent?"


After finally saying that, Curious let out a sigh of relief as a burden was lifted off his shoulders. "I still have to see if she's honest about it, but at least that is over with."

"I'm...I'm an assassin, I end the lives of those who truly deserve it. before you say my only talent is killing, I can run, jump, and climb faster than any other unicorn. I guess I should tell you why; when I was a little filly, my home was attacked by bandits, my parents killed. I managed to escape and was found by an assassin master, he raised me, taught me, he was like a father to me. when I grew up, I went and found those bandits and asked why they did it, their answer.....'fun'. out of anger and hate I killed them all. after I did, I felt redeemed but also guilty, so I left Equestria and came here to fulfill my biggest wish, I'm sure you know the rest" 

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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Curious smiled gently, but with a trace of guilt evident in his eyes."Killing those that deserve it? I... see."


A thought of anger flashed in his mind, "And what if they don't? What if you misjudge? Or are given false information... or..." Curious's eyes were starting to water up. "No, I said I wouldn't judge her, and... I really shouldn't be projecting my own problems onto her."


"Thank you, " Curious said, in a hushed tone, "thank you for being so honest. I envy that." He let out a quite chuckle at his self-deprecation, a feeble attempt to break the tension.

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Curious smiled gently, but with a trace of guilt evident in his eyes."Killing those that deserve it? I... see."


A thought of anger flashed in his mind, "And what if they don't? What if you misjudge? Or are given false information... or..." Curious's eyes were starting to water up. "No, I said I wouldn't judge her, and... I really shouldn't be projecting my own problems onto her."


"Thank you, " Curious said, in a hushed tone, "thank you for being so honest. I envy that." He let out a quite chuckle at his self-deprecation, a feeble attempt to break the tension.

Mystic saw tears coming from his eyes, she brought him into a hug

"I'm finished with that. no more violence, no more death. I want to live the normal life that was taken from me"

tears started to stream out of her eyes. she kissed him on the cheek before returning her head to his shoulder

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Curious accepted the embrace without any hesitation. He wrapped his fore hooves around Mystic, followed by his wings. He noticed Mystic sobbing in his shoulder, and could do nothing but join her in the cathartic shedding of tears, nuzzling his head into her mane.


"Damn it, Curious, when was the last time you cried like this? What's changed in this one night?" a dissenting voice echoed in his head.


"Everything," Curious said aloud. He realized Mystic had no idea that was a response to his own thought, so he appended, "everything will be fine now. No more dealing in pain."

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Curious accepted the embrace without any hesitation. He wrapped his fore hooves around Mystic, followed by his wings. He noticed Mystic sobbing in his shoulder, and could do nothing but join her in the cathartic shedding of tears, nuzzling his head into her mane.


"Damn it, Curious, when was the last time you cried like this? What's changed in this one night?" a dissenting voice echoed in his head.


"Everything," Curious said aloud. He realized Mystic had no idea that was a response to his own thought, so he appended, "everything will be fine now. No more dealing in pain."

In the embrace, Mystic only felt warm and secure

'is this what love feels like? if so, I don't want to let go'

she moved out of their embrace and pushed her lips against his in another kiss, this was more passionate and longer than the last kiss. her eyes were closed but she still felt tears of happiness seep through

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Curious had never felt like this before. He could feel all his regrets and loneliness fade in this moment of impassioned bliss. He had never admitted it to himself before, but he was starting to realize just how empty these last 6 years of his life had been. He abandoned his family, made no attempts at friendship. With the exception of the just one other pony that showed him his way, he'd been all alone. "But that's over now. That's what has changed this night."


He felt an odd feeling in his stomach. "Is this what 'butterflies in the stomach' feels like? Honestly, I thought it would feel... more like elation? In fact this feels just like hun—"


Curious's thought, and the moment, was rudely interrupted by the sound of his stomach rumbling, really quite loud given that they were on a beach, all alone, only the sounds of the waves filling the scene. "I can't believe I forgot I hadn't eaten all day, or much of yesterday, in fact all I have had the past week or so has been the occasional fish I 'borrowed' from the vessel I was on, which really didn't help my appetite."


Curious pulled away from the kiss after that, wearing a sheepish grin on his face. "My, that's terribly embarrassing."

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Leaning back onto the sofa, Windy gently pulled Vinyl down with him, so that she was laying on top of him. Hoping to increase the passion a bit, he began planting kisses on Vinyl's neck and jawline, and slid his hooves down lower on her back, towards her cutie marks.


"Wow, she's a pretty good kisser! I guess these ponies from down under really are more feisty than the ones back home! I could get used to living here... So, Windy, what's the plan? Is this gonna be a smash and dash? No, no I don't think so brain. I want to keep this mare around... Maybe after we've gone at it, I CAN prove myself to her! If she's still asleep when I wake up, I can cook her a meal, you know, let her stay the whole night, show some hospitality! That would be sure to show her that I'm sincere! For once Windy, that's a good plan..."


Nonchalantly with one hoof, and without separating his lips from Vinyl or even opening his eyes, Windy reached over towards where one of his saddlebags was. Fumbling around inside, he pulled out a small square of foil, certain he would be needing it sooner rather than later.


((Feel free to timeskip if you deem it necessary to keep this broadcast PG-13 for the kiddies)) 

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Staring out the window deep in thought about cruise ships bakeries and finally Equestria, she hadn't thought about her home in a long time. Maybe I should go back. She looked over at Dogboots completely forgetting he was there and then seeing the solemn expression on his face and felt bad, "I'm really sorry about that sometimes I let my anger get the better of me. Where are we going anyways?"

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Dogboots sighed, the stallion was tired and night was already here.


"If I'm correct, we're heading towards the harbor. Which isn't far from my place," He said staring at the floor with a blank expression.


"Besides, we all lose are cool eventually and I've been in trouble before," He continued. The earth pony soon glanced at Cuppie Cake who was looking out the window.


"Despite all the trouble we've been through, she is quite cute," Dogboots thought, a slight smile had come across the colt's face. He was happy to have been with somepony for today.

Edited by thor9356
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Leaning back onto the sofa, Windy gently pulled Vinyl down with him, so that she was laying on top of him. Hoping to increase the passion a bit, he began planting kisses on Vinyl's neck and jawline, and slid his hooves down lower on her back, towards her cutie marks.


Nonchalantly with one hoof, and without separating his lips from Vinyl or even opening his eyes, Windy reached over towards where one of his saddlebags was. Fumbling around inside, he pulled out a small square of foil, certain he would be needing it sooner rather than later.


Vinyl nuzzled her head on the side of his face, then kissed him again, and took the small packet from him and put it on the table. "Ah ah, not just yet," she said as she was going for another kiss. They continued like this for roughly another ten minutes before Vinyl got up and walked into the bedroom

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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 Shaking himself out of the dazed trance he was in, Windy got up from the couch. The more passionate their contact had become, the more Vinyl had opened up and started to really wow him with her... abilities. By this point, higher brain functions weren't really an option for Windy. No mare had ever been this passionate or good before, and they hadn't even done anything too saucy yet! Forcing down his wings, which had been spread-eagle for the better part of the last five minutes, Windy got his breathing and heart rate back into check. "Thank Celestia for the stamina soccer has given me... But why'd Vinyl go into my bedroom? Should I follow?"


Tentatively stepping up to the door, Windy knocked softly, and said through the door in a clueless voice, "Hey, Vinyl, should I come in? Or do you want me to wait?"

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Nerves got the better of her as she poked the tips of both her hooves together not wanting to ask but having no choice she finaly said, "look is it alright if I stay at your place, normally I wouldn't ask it's just that.....Flour Dust is probably asleep by now and I don't have a key yet and well I can sleep on the carpet infact I'd probably sleep better on the carpet. You don't have to say yes but if you do.....please say yes."

She knew she was rambling but she couldn't help it this was an embarressing request but it needed to be asked, "can I stay at your place tonight? "

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 Shaking himself out of the dazed trance he was in, Windy got up from the couch. The more passionate their contact had become, the more Vinyl had opened up and started to really wow him with her... abilities. By this point, higher brain functions weren't really an option for Windy. No mare had ever been this passionate or good before, and they hadn't even done anything too saucy yet! Forcing down his wings, which had been spread-eagle for the better part of the last five minutes, Windy got his breathing and heart rate back into check. "Thank Celestia for the stamina soccer has given me... But why'd Vinyl go into my bedroom? Should I follow?"


Tentatively stepping up to the door, Windy knocked softly, and said through the door in a clueless voice, "Hey, Vinyl, should I come in? Or do you want me to wait?"

Vinyl laid down on the bed and called to him, "Come on in. And don't forget that rubber. You might need it." She then got under the covers and waited for him.


((Well, looks like @ParsoOfEquestria and @GaleFenrir aren't coming, so I guess we could do a time-jump and just leave it open for them to walk in))

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Nerves got the better of her as she poked the tips of both her hooves together not wanting to ask but having no choice she finaly said, "look is it alright if I stay at your place, normally I wouldn't ask it's just that.....Flour Dust is probably asleep by now and I don't have a key yet and well I can sleep on the carpet infact I'd probably sleep better on the carpet. You don't have to say yes but if you do.....please say yes."

She knew she was rambling but she couldn't help it this was an embarressing request but it needed to be asked, "can I stay at your place tonight? "


"Yeah, you can sleep at my place, but you're not sleeping on the carpet. You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor for tonight," He said reassuring the mare. The stallion couldn't stand anypony that was a guest of his sleep on the floor. It didn't seem right for the earth pony to have anypony live the way he used to.

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Windy got a stupidly giddy smile on his face, and practically skipped back to where Vinyl had left the condom on the table. Pausing with a hoof hovering outstretched to grab the single condom, Windy paused, and let his eyes drift to where he had grabbed it, from his saddlebags. After a minute of thinking, he shrugged and ignored the condom on the table, instead reaching into his saddlebags and grabbing the more than half full box inside. "What's the point of being an athletic pony with a ton of stamina if I can't have sex more than once a night?" he thought, walking back towards the door to his room, and opening it. Seeing a Vinyl-shaped lump in his covers, Windy adopted a predatory grin and dove onto the mare, picking up where they had left off moments before...


((Aaaannnnd... CUE TIME SKIP! Gotta keep the broadcast safe for all the kiddies watching, after all!))


A while later, Windy groaned and opened his eyes, his mind returning from the afterglow sleep it had been lost in. Gently disentangling an unconscious Vinyl from around his waist, and gingerly tucking her back under the covers, Windy stood up and stretched, wincing as he felt a series of bruises and horseshoe marks down his back, courtesy of Vinyl's hooves being pressed into it for an extended period of time. "Ouch... I've never felt like I was hit by a truck before, and yet at the same time felt so good... this mare knows how to do it right! Now, to make good on that idea to 'prove' I'm in it for the long haul! Time for Chef Runner to show his ability!"


Quietly exiting the bedroom, and leaving his favorite soccer jersey on the bed in the hopes that Vinyl would put it on, Windy set about silently preparing the best breakfast style dinner possible. Before long, he was in the kitchen and whipping up a batch of fluffy pancakes and toast, hoping to surprise Vinyl with breakfast/dinner in bed. ((Its still night, but breakfast, at least in Windy and my opinion, is good anytime of the day. And what can I say, Windy is a sucker for romantic cliches like wearing the shirt of your significant other and serving the other person, er, pony, breakfast in bed afterwards.))

Edited by Windy Runner
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Seeing his logic but not wanting to be treated like royalty she replyed, "what if we both slept on the floor that way we both win." She wouldve suggested the bed but it looked a little small for two ponies and the situarion was awkward enough as it was. She glanced over at him now and laughed before she hadn't noticed how messy his hair had gotten she ruffled his hair with both hooves giggling, "you look like you got your mane done by a blind diamond dog." The first thing they were going to do when they got to his place was comb out his birds nest of a mane.

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After the bus had stopped, the two had gotten off the bus and made their way back to the stallion's apartment. Unlike the day time, the city seemed really lit up, it was almost like it brightened up like a star.


"Welcome home!" He said with an unenthusiastic tone when they entered the shabby apartment. Dogboots quickly grabbed a small radio from his saddlebags and turned the device on. The radio was tuned to a frequency for classical music which was what the stallion enjoyed.


"I apologize if you have to sleep here, though I don't mind if you sleep on the bed. Really! I used to sleep on floors when I worked for a family in Canterlot," He said to the mare.

Edited by thor9356
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Curious had never felt like this before. He could feel all his regrets and loneliness fade in this moment of impassioned bliss. He had never admitted it to himself before, but he was starting to realize just how empty these last 6 years of his life had been. He abandoned his family, made no attempts at friendship. With the exception of the just one other pony that showed him his way, he'd been all alone. "But that's over now. That's what has changed this night."


He felt an odd feeling in his stomach. "Is this what 'butterflies in the stomach' feels like? Honestly, I thought it would feel... more like elation? In fact this feels just like hun—"


Curious's thought, and the moment, was rudely interrupted by the sound of his stomach rumbling, really quite loud given that they were on a beach, all alone, only the sounds of the waves filling the scene. "I can't believe I forgot I hadn't eaten all day, or much of yesterday, in fact all I have had the past week or so has been the occasional fish I 'borrowed' from the vessel I was on, which really didn't help my appetite."


Curious pulled away from the kiss after that, wearing a sheepish grin on his face. "My, that's terribly embarrassing."

Mystic giggled at his stomach growling

"hungry? why don't we go back to your apartment and have something to eat there"

she did it, she actually felt love in her cold heart apart from just the fatherly love from Master. she got up from the sand

"come on, lets go"

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"Hah dont even try it sir im sleeping on the floor and that's final," she pointes at the ground to emphasize her point. I'm not a big music person but this is nice, Tchaitrotsky right?" She made herself comfortable in the middle of the floor laying down and looking up at him expectantly her eyes bright.

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"T-that's right, how did you know?" He asked, amazed that the mare knew her musicians quite well. Though for one who seemed to be an expert on baking she had quite a refined taste as well. Dogboots couldn't help but stare at the mare's eyes, it was like he was lost in a trance.


"You have really beautiful eyes," He said before, a surprised look came across the stallions face. He quickly turned to take off his vest and boots and plop them on the bed.


"Err, sorry about that, I didn't mean to say that- oh not that i'm saying you don't have beautiful eyes it's just, oh nevermind," He said trying to explain himself.

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@@ParsoOfEquestria, @,


Curious chuckled, "That sounds like a great idea." He kicked some sand with one of his front hooves, "I would offer to just fly us there... but I fear I don't have the strength in me right now."


 He turned around, and started to trot back home with Mystic.


"Come to think of it, Windy did offer to cook tonight. " Curious missed a pace upon remembering the likely fact Windy would be home already, if he kept to his word, that is. "Horse feathers, I completely forgot about Windy! What's he going to say if I bring Mystic to our apartment?"


Never-the-less, Curious and Mystic had made way to the building. They were standing just out side the door to Curious's apartment. He turned back to Mystic. "Hold on, I am going to check if my room mate's already home."


Curious took a few steps inside the apartment, and heard an odd noise. "Creaking? And it's coming from Windy's room." Curious moved closer to the door, and leaned his ear towards the door. "Moaning? What could be—" his face turned a vibrant red as he realized the implications of the noises, a mixture of embarrassment and indignation. "I can't believe it! His first night here and he hooks up with some random pony! That brute, that idiot! Really who just goes and does that!"


Curious quickly put his hooves to plug his mouth. "Um, right, I would. Heh, heh, ugh." he muttered under his breath.


He quickly but quietly exited the apartment. He turned back to Mystic as he closed the door behind him, his cheeks still a bit too red. "Uh... I don't think we should go in there tonight. How about your place instead?"

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@@ParsoOfEquestria, @,


Curious chuckled, "That sounds like a great idea." He kicked some sand with one of his front hooves, "I would offer to just fly us there... but I fear I don't have the strength in me right now."


 He turned around, and started to trot back home with Mystic.


"Come to think of it, Windy did offer to cook tonight. " Curious missed a pace upon remembering the likely fact Windy would be home already, if he kept to his word, that is. "Horse feathers, I completely forgot about Windy! What's he going to say if I bring Mystic to our apartment?"


Never-the-less, Curious and Mystic had made way to the building. They were standing just out side the door to Curious's apartment. He turned back to Mystic. "Hold on, I am going to check if my room mate's already home."


Curious took a few steps inside the apartment, and heard an odd noise. "Creaking? And it's coming from Windy's room." Curious moved closer to the door, and leaned his ear towards the door. "Moaning? What could be—" his face turned a vibrant red as he realized the implications of the noises, a mixture of embarrassment and indignation. "I can't believe it! His first night here and he hooks up with some random pony! That brute, that idiot! Really who just goes and does that!"


Curious quickly put his hooves to plug his mouth. "Um, right, I would. Heh, heh, ugh." he muttered under his breath.


He quickly but quietly exited the apartment. He turned back to Mystic as he closed the door behind him, his cheeks still a bit too red. "Uh... I don't think we should go in there tonight. How about your place instead?"

"the apartment is yours as much as it is Windy's, yes I get it, he's fornicating with a mare he probably picked up somewhere, but that gives you no excuse to spend the night somewhere else"

her assertiveness wanted Curious to stick up to his insecurities until an awful odur hit her nose

"buuuuuuut~ I guess we could just go to my room, after all, it smells like a brothel in there"

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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Vinyl woke up to the smell of pancakes and toast. She noticed the football jersey on the bed and smiled. She put it on – it fit pretty loosely – and got up to walk to the kitchen. Vinyl stepped up behind Windy and wrapped her hooves around him. "It's a bit early for breakfast, isn't it?" She rested her head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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While he was staring at her eyes she was trying to tell him about her knowlege of music, "well my aunts sister would sometimes visit with her friend and their both into music but different types and they were so competative that they would teach us about both types of music and see if we could remember what we learned. Pound Cake and Carrot Cake always likes Vinyl's music better but I really liked Tavi's..."

At his remark she stopped her smile widening, Cook told her that her eyes were trouble but Cippie never know quite what she ment until now. "Thanks, you have beautiful eyes too." She said teasingly.

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