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private Pony University (Romance//Sol)


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Rambler rolled his eyes and laughed. "Fine, I'll let you get away with paying for your own candy, but don't expect me to be happy about it. A mare as beautiful as you should never have to pay for anything. But I guess I can let it go just this once." He chuckled and nuzzled her.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Windy took a step back, shaking his head violently. "No! I'm telling the truth! Chase and Todd are best buds! And I'll prove it to you Minty! And... We did... we had, no we HAVE something special! Nopony here cares for you more than me! I told you I thought there was something amazing about you that first night, and I still believe it! Please, don't fall for Chase's scheme!" He cried, his voice choking a few times while speaking. 


((So much dramaaaaaa!!!!))





One of Todd's frat buddies walked into his room and told him there was somepony outside to see him; about his father. Tossing the tire iron onto his bed and trotting outside, Todd saw an unfamiliar colt. Frowning, he spat, "With good reason, I'm NOT in a very good mood. So, what's this you have to say about my father, who, as it were, already left the game and has probably already left campus. I am still vaguely curious to hear what you have to say though."

"For the last time, Chase doesn't have a scheme, Windy! God, why are you so jealous!?" Minty stomped out of the dorm. 


Meanwhile, after Minty's rage, Chase around by the door. "Ah, sweet revenge. That Minty mare hates you now," Chase smirked at Windy. "You don't stand a chance, Runner."


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 Royal looked into his soda for a  bit before answering. "Twenty years, almost." He sighed. "I was ten or eleven when he left. He was quite a bit older then me." He drank some more of his soda, resisting the urge to take his flask out.

"Years later i got my own cuite mark, spent a lot of time gambling, and eventually whatever step-mom i had at the time convinced my dad he'd had enough. He kicked me out and now i'm living on my own." He finished his soda, but kept it in his magic. Then suddenly he smiled, chuckling a bit."Didn't i say i was going to stop talking about myself?" He paused, thinking for another subject.

"So whats with those scarves?  Do you always where those?" 

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(OOC: I'm super late to this haha, apologies)


Thea stood in front of the university entrance, dropping her bags, well, it was more of dumping, her bags onto the ground. She took a seat on the suitcase she had with her and buried her face into her front hooves. "Ugh," she thought, "What a walk." She looked up at the university and scowled. "Well ain't this gonna be fun," she muttered to herself, "I think I should just avoid everyone here altogether and just make sure I do well in all my classes." She decided she would have to take her break into her dorm room, rather than sitting out here. Recollecting herself, she pulled the saddlebags back onto her back with her teeth. She glared at the suitcase for a few seconds and sighed. "If only this suitcase's wheels didn't decide to break on my way here." She placed the suitcase in front of her and began to push it with her head and walked forward.


Sometime later, Thea found herself in a random, empty hallway. "Oookay... I have no idea where I am." She felt like kicking herself, thinking she should have taken some kind of map of the campus with her. She walked some more, but soon, she found herself surrendering to the ground. She fell onto her belly, with all four hooves stretched out to her sides. Her glasses on her face became lopsided from the sudden floor hug, but Thea didn't have the energy to adjust them correctly. "I think... I'll just lie here for a while and catch my breath." 


Thea was so tired from the travelling, she ended up falling asleep on the ground, in a very unfamiliar corridor. 

Edited by Rayna
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@@Alex Kennedy


Neon smiled "Well you have been paying for everything! i felt bad" She laughed "But don't worry the next more expensive thing you can pay for" Neon joked. She giggled at him nuzzling her then nuzzled back. "Alright! lets go!" She pulled him with her as she trotted to the movie 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Aaw, that must've been tough." Denim says as he finishes his story, "Understatement much?  He has had it pretty hard."


She chuckles with him and leans further back into the sofa, getting into a more comfortable position, "Oooh, alright fine! I guess that's fair.."

Denim glances down at the light red scarf around her neck, considering the question before answer, "Yeah, I wear these just about always. I... can't really remember why. It was just a habit I got into. As to 'what's with' them, which I will assume translates to what do they mean, they mean all sorts of things. It really all depends on the color. For instance, this red one represents joy, or sensitivity" - "As well as sexuality, passion, love! Denim! What the hell were you thinking wearing this colored scarf?! That's right! You weren't! At least not clearly!" - "Or that pink one I was wearing earlier, which signifies friendship," - "And romance, love again.. Den, be more wise in your scarf choices!"


The unicorn shrugs and leans ever so slightly towards him, "What else would you like to know?"





Humming softly to himself, Saronyx walked quietly down the hallway. Why he continually found himself in this dorm section of the University, seeing as he didn't even live there, was still a mystery to the stallion. Perhaps it was just being able to observe, or potentially speak with, the ponies staying there. Not only was it just nice to talk, it gave him inspiration.

The navy blue pegasus stopped in his tracks. Sprawled out before him, right in the middle of the corridor, was a unicorn mare"Well, isn't this peculiar?" 


He kneels down in front of the mare, "Well, she's asleep." He says to himself, before tapping her hoof, "Excuse me, miss? Are you alright? Care to explain why you're lying down, sleeping, in the middle of a college dorm hallway?"

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Rambler laughed. "Good. I'm supposed to pay for everything. It's a matter of manly pride," he said jokingly. He smiled as she pulled him along into the theater. He had to admit he was really looking forward to this movie- except it wasn't exactly the movie he was so excited about.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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 Royal smiled. Somehow he thought she was holding something back, but he wasn't going to push that.

"You said you had another brother, right? Novus? Whats he like?" Royal wasn't even sure where, if anywhere, he was going with that question, but he supposed it was just nice to have a conversation.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Manly pride?" Neon laughed. They got to the theater and went in "Looks like the movie is about to start" She said taking Rambler over to a seat. Neon sat down and looked around "Nice place, not to crowded so people wont be bugging us about kissing" She laughed "Just got to move this" She lifted up the arm wrest that was in between them 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Novus? He's only one year old, if that, so there's not to much to say. Other than he's freaking adorable. And a bit of a trouble maker," Denim chuckles, "Last time Ami, as in Amicus, and Cantate were visiting the house in Manehatten, he utterly destroyed Ami's sheet music that he'd been working on." She shrugs, "But other than that, he's still developing. It's a chore to get him to shut up to."


She finishes her soda and sets it on the table before the couch, absentmindedly brushing her mane with one hoof before asking, "OK, so I know that you already said you wouldn't talk any more about yourself, but I've been wondering. How did you get your Cutie Mark?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Well I think that you shouldent try anything dangerous and be careful" Luna said hoping that they won't have to use a blow torch or anything like that. "So besides the lock what else are we going to do today" Luna asked trying to change the subject away from blow torch.



"Well I would want to try a blow torch on the door and see how it handles it, but I think what we should do is... Uhm..." He trails off looking at Luna with a puzzling look, then at Cloudchaser. "What ever you guys want to do?" He didn't know what to do, he hadn't had this many friends in one place with him. It was almost awkward.


"Hmm..." I say curious "Well I still have to take you three out to dinner, but that's still a while off isn't... it..." I say thinking carefully "Maybe we could explore the campus a bit?  Learn where everything is and maybe meet a few new ponies?  That could be pretty fun."

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Rambler grinned. "Right. Not like I'm going to let that stop me anyway." He leaned over and wrapped his arms around her, one hoof stroking her mane. "I don't think any mare has ever been as perfect and beautiful as you are right now. Now then, let's not waste any more time." He pulled her in close and began kissing her with a passion he barely knew he was capable of.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Royal shook his head. "No matter, question for a question, fair enough." He looked over at his cuite mark, the four suits.

"I won a poker tournament, actually. With a royal flush, no less." He said, chuckling. "Guess life has a good sense of humor." He readjusted himself, getting more comfortable.

"I actually had a fake cuite mark, so i could get in the tournament, so i didn't realize i got one until i got home, then i got in trouble for telling my dad how i got it." He chuckled, "I wasn't quite that smart to make a fake story. How about yours, your cuite mark, i mean?"

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"Hmm..." I say curious "Well I still have to take you three out to dinner, but that's still a while off isn't... it..." I say thinking carefully "Maybe we could explore the campus a bit? Learn where everything is and maybe meet a few new ponies? That could be pretty fun."

"Yeah that's a good idea the more ponies that we meet the more friends that we have that is a really good idea" Luna said. "So when do you think that we are going to walk around and see the other ponies that are here and I wonder how many ponies are at this school" Luna asked.

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"Well..." I say thoughtfully "I think I could probably work on the lock sometime tonight... I would just barricade it and make it a bit harder to open but my roommate still hasn't arrived, I wouldn't want to lock him or her out of the room... hmm.... what do you think we should do?"

"Yeah that's a good idea the more ponies that we meet the more friends that we have that is a really good idea" Luna said. "So when do you think that we are going to walk around and see the other ponies that are here and I wonder how many ponies are at this school" Luna asked.


"Well..." I say thoughtfully "I think I could probably work on the lock sometime tonight... I would just barricade it and make it a bit harder to open but my roommate still hasn't arrived, I wouldn't want to lock him or her out of the room... hmm.... what do you think we should do?"

Edited by luke4000a
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"Hmm..." I say curious "Well I still have to take you three out to dinner, but that's still a while off isn't... it..." I say thinking carefully "Maybe we could explore the campus a bit?  Learn where everything is and maybe meet a few new ponies?  That could be pretty fun."

"I was just doing that when I met you two." He said with glee.


"Well..." I say thoughtfully "I think I could probably work on the lock sometime tonight... I would just barricade it and make it a bit harder to open but my roommate still hasn't arrived, I wouldn't want to lock him or her out of the room... hmm.... what do you think we should do?"



"Well..." I say thoughtfully "I think I could probably work on the lock sometime tonight... I would just barricade it and make it a bit harder to open but my roommate still hasn't arrived, I wouldn't want to lock him or her out of the room... hmm.... what do you think we should do?"

Arrow thinks for a moment. "Duck tape it where the lock use to be." He said while staring at the door. "Any way, wanna go on an adventure?" Arrow smirked. He loved going out and seeing new things. Maybe this University has a archery range? That'll be so cool!

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"I was just doing that when I met you two." He said with glee.


Arrow thinks for a moment. "Duck tape it where the lock use to be." He said while staring at the door. "Any way, wanna go on an adventure?" Arrow smirked. He loved going out and seeing new things. Maybe this University has a archery range? That'll be so cool!


"An archery range?" I ask questionably "Yeah that would be pretty cool... are you into bows and arrows...? Oh... that's probably your special talent isn't it?  Heheh... sorry about that, I'm a bit of a slow thinker at times..." I say emberrassed at the fact that I couldn't put two and two together.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Neon laughed then smiled "You're so sweet....Well, lets get right to the kissing" She laughed. Neon kissed back as passionately as she could. She stopped for a second to talk "You are...such a amazing kisser" She said then went back to kissing him then wrapped her arms around his neck


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"An archery range?" I ask questionably "Yeah that would be pretty cool... are you into bows and arrows...? Oh... that's probably your special talent isn't it?  Heheh... sorry about that, I'm a bit of a slow thinker at times..." I say emberrassed at the fact that I couldn't put two and two together.

Arrow conjures a bow and a dozen arrow in a quiver. "Yup." He says proudly. The bow was slim and came to a point with sharp edges on each end and with a tribal marking in color of black and red. The bow itself was a recurve. "It's used for shooting and stabbing if the target came too close." He said with a smirk. "I designed it myself." He said more proud.

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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I jump back a bit, startled at the weapon.


"Woah... that's a bow you have there..." I say nervously shifting my hooves back and forth, tensing my muscles, clearly very nervous around the weapon "C-Could you put that away for now though... no reason to have it out indoors right?"

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"An archery range?" I ask questionably "Yeah that would be pretty cool... are you into bows and arrows...? Oh... that's probably your special talent isn't it?  Heheh... sorry about that, I'm a bit of a slow thinker at times..." I say emberrassed at the fact that I couldn't put two and two together.

Redstorm walks down the hallway with a smirk on his face.

*Wow, Todd really plays like a two-year old.  I wonder wh-*

He sees three ponies in the hallway and suddenly his smirk is gone.

*Ok... they're gonna tell how stupid you are and all that crap, and I'll be glad, that I can live those school years all over again... this is going downhill fast...* Redstorm thought as he started slowly walking towards the group.

*Just go past... nothing ever happened, they're not even here. See? Oh, right. Well just pretend for once!*


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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I jump back a bit, startled at the weapon.


"Woah... that's a bow you have there..." I say nervously shifting my hooves back and forth, tensing my muscles, clearly very nervous around the weapon "C-Could you put that away for now though... no reason to have it out indoors right?"

He notices the poor stallions reaction. "Oh... Sorry." He said as he de-spelled the bow and arrows. "you don't like weaponry?" He asked. 


Redstorm walks down the hallway with a smirk on his face.

*Wow, Todd really plays like a two-year old.  I wonder wh-*

He sees three ponies in the hallway and suddenly his smirk is gone.

*Ok... they're gonna tell how stupid you are and all that crap, and I'll be glad, that I can live those school years all over again... this is going downhill fast...* Redstorm thought as he started slowly walking towards the group.

*Just go past... nothing ever happened, they're not even here. See? Oh, right. Well just pretend for once!*

Arrow heard hoof steps down the hall and look to see who it is. "Awwww shiza..." ((OOC: shiza means shit)) He looks away from the stallion and tries to ignore him. If he's here for a fight... He'll have a fight. Arrow thought trying to ignore the stallion but horn starts glowing faintly.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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He notices the poor stallions reaction. "Oh... Sorry." He said as he de-spelled the bow and arrows. "you don't like weaponry?" He asked. 


Arrow heard hoof steps down the hall and look to see who it is. "Awwww shiza..." ((OOC: shiza means shit)) He looks away from the stallion and tries to ignore him. If he's here for a fight... He'll have a fight. Arrow thought trying to ignore the stallion but horn starts glowing faintly.

"N-No I don't like weapons drawn around me..." I say visibly relaxing "Call them trust issues, or whatever you like..."


Redstorm walks down the hallway with a smirk on his face.

*Wow, Todd really plays like a two-year old.  I wonder wh-*

He sees three ponies in the hallway and suddenly his smirk is gone.

*Ok... they're gonna tell how stupid you are and all that crap, and I'll be glad, that I can live those school years all over again... this is going downhill fast...* Redstorm thought as he started slowly walking towards the group.

*Just go past... nothing ever happened, they're not even here. See? Oh, right. Well just pretend for once!*

I notice Redstorm walking towards us and I notice Arrow getting tense, I shoot a glare at Arrow, trying to signal for him to calm down before I turn and give a friendly wave to Redstorm. 


"Hey Redstorm!" I say in a friendly tone "I see you've been exploring the campus, how's it going?"

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"N-No I don't like weapons drawn around me..." I say visibly relaxing "Call them trust issues, or whatever you like..."


I notice Redstorm walking towards us and I notice Arrow getting tense, I shoot a glare at Arrow, trying to signal for him to calm down before I turn and give a friendly wave to Redstorm. 


"Hey Redstorm!" I say in a friendly tone "I see you've been exploring the campus, how's it going?"

Arrow noticed the look and shrugged it off. He went from talking to extreme silence when the red stallion walked towards the group. I swear to celestia's grave stone if he messes up... He stops and hears Cloudchaser call his name. Redstorm? He thought. and looks at the red stallion.  Hmm... I can see why that's his name. Arrow ended his thought.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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 "I guess life does!" She says, laughing.


Denim glances back at her own cutie mark, a misty purple root system in the center of a ring of elements, "My family had been going through a tough time financially, so we couldn't use electricity and such things for to many things. I had always been better at element based spells, so I started using some of the really basic ones to power our appliances, or heat the house or water things. And then I figured out how to conjure things we needed. That was the final act that caused my mark to manifest."

She chuckles as she remembers something, "Very first thing I used to heat the house was some of my homework. Mom was not pleased about that."


She blows a strand of mane out of her eyes, "So, I guess it's my turn for a question then?" - "Because all I can think of I feel is based around your more personal bits of life."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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