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private Equestria University (Romance) (SOL)

. eris .

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((Internet capped out yesterday :S))


Redstorm was shaking when he arrived at the university.

*Well atleast I'm not late...* He thought as he trotted to the table, where the secretary was sitting.

"First and last name?" The mare sitting behind the table said, looking at Redstorm lazily.

"It's just plain redstorm..." Redstorm said.

"Alright then... heres the form, fill it out then bring it to me."

"Sure thing, ma'am..."

*Alright... dorm number, dorm number... wait where is th- Ah! Dorm 5. I think it's this way...*

Redstorm made his way to dorm number 5.

*Phew... alright... I don't think my dorm mate's here yet...* Redstorm thought as he entered the dorm and unpacked his stuff.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Ciel took her sweet time getting to her room after she finished, filling out her form. She briefly considered going back to the secretary to find out what she was supposed to do with the form, but decided against it. Part of the time it took to get to the door was because she couldn't find it. So going back would probably hinder her even more.


The door to Dorm #4 was already open, so Ciel figured that her roommate was already there. She trotted in carefully and nodded in acknowledgement at the blue and blonde maned earth pony in the room. She headed to her bed on the other side of the room, before backtracking and saying "Hi." She figured that she should at least get on friendly terms with her roommate, as they would be spending a lot of time together.


"I'm Ciel."

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@Earl Gray


I look up. I was surprised to see my room mate was a Zebra "Dude, cool stripes, I'm Pelate Overcast, I'm guessing you're my room mate? Bout time you showed up heh." I say with a deep tone. ((OOC, ummm like sam worthington i guess))I chuckle and hold out my hoof for a hoof bump "so where ya' from?" I looked at him with a little smile. I continue putting things in Drawers and shelves.

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@Psych Ward (phone again, no link heh)


Watching Nightshade shelve the spellbooks, Cinder wondered if she ought to have brought more reading material: there were only a few books at the bottom of her bag. Taking them out she placed them on the bookshelf beside her own bed.


One one hoof, the books were a bit of a pitiful sight: not even filling a single shelf. She rearranged them a few times to try and make the shelf look less bare.


On the other hoof, they lacked the wear and tear that the rest of her possessions seemed to have - most of the books on farming in particular had never even been opened.


Grinning weakly, she watched as the unicorn lay out her possessions.


"So, uh, any plans for while your here? Besides lessons?"

Never quite forgotten.

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"I'm not sure," the silver unicorn smiled.  "I guess I really hadn't thought that far."  She had begun the spread her blue sheets onto her bed. She smiled, seeing something at the bottom of one of her boxes.  She carefully lifted out a small plant with budding purple flowers and beautiful red berries.  She put it on the windowsill above her bed.  "What about you?" she asked.



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@Psych Ward

The Earth Mare eyed the flower with interest as it was placed by the window - it wasn't one she knew from memory and she was burning to ask about it.


"Me? I'm here to prove that an Earth Pony can be just as smart as Unicorn." She puffed up herself proudly.

"Just because we don't have magic doesn't mean we all have to be farmers! I'm here to show the world what I know."


Her bright eyes peered out through the lenses as she said this: momentarily letting her pride get the better of her social awkwardness.


She stalled.


"... And I'll try not to blow anything up this time."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Nightshade nodded.  "Good for you," she said.  "There are simply too many farmers, does every Earth pony really need to be one?  I get the point of the farming classes though.  It's a good skill for every pony to know, not just Earth Ponies."  She had finished making her bed, the pillowcases soft and blue and the comforter a nice purple.

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Gardenia dropped her pen from her mouth, for the second time this day, when she heard hoofsteps coming into her room. Thankfully, it landed on her desk, rather than the ground, so her excitement was not tempered upon seeing her new room mate. The rather pretty mare didn't seem to be chatty, though. She had just nodded at Gardenia and then went to her bed before speaking up.


"Hello, Ciel. I am Gardenia, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Gardenia said in her melodious Canterlot accent.


((OK, can't have three characters with purple voice, gonna change mine to teal))

Edited by GaleFenrir
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(apologies for the tardiness)


An ecstasy of fumbling.Darkshift raced out of the door and launched into flight."Can be late"Darkhsift kept rapidly repeating them words until he arrived at the educational facility.Finding himself on the edge of lateness he rushed towards the secretary.

"Erm Hello,I'm Darkshift"He spoke whilst attempting to claim his breath.

"Ok Darkshift,here's the forms "She handed him some paperwork and he read the paperwork until he noticed his Dorm.

"Thank you miss"Darkshift gratefully stated before searching for Dorm 5.

Darkshift found his dorm opened the door and found his roomate already there.

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(apologies for the tardiness)


An ecstasy of fumbling.Darkshift raced out of the door and launched into flight."Can be late"Darkhsift kept rapidly repeating them words until he arrived at the educational facility.Finding himself on the edge of lateness he rushed towards the secretary.

"Erm Hello,I'm Darkshift"He spoke whilst attempting to claim his breath.

"Ok Darkshift,here's the forms "She handed him some paperwork and he read the paperwork until he noticed his Dorm.

"Thank you miss"Darkshift gratefully stated before searching for Dorm 5.

Darkshift found his dorm opened the door and found his roomate already there.

"Wha- oh! You my roommate? The name's Redstorm."

Redstorm held out his hoof for a shake.

*Alright... there's your mate, Red. Now to get onto the boring stuff. Maybe he's smart... I could really use a hand in maths...*

"So... where you from? What are you studying here? You got a skill?"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"Wha- oh! You my roommate? The name's Redstorm."

Redstorm held out his hoof for a shake.

*Alright... there's your mate, Red. Now to get onto the boring stuff. Maybe he's smart... I could really use a hand in maths...*

"So... where you from? What are you studying here? You got a skill?"

Darkshift shook Redstorms hoof "Alright mate,the name's Darkshift"On first glance Darkshift was pretty pleased with his new roomate."Well I'm actually local"Darkshift answered"I'm here mainly to learn Weather maintenance"Darkshift scratched his nose and asked"So,where are you from and what are you studying?"
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@@Psych Ward

(Did that work? Tried the link from my phone.)


Huh, polite AND not condescending... Things were looking up! Cinder stretched out on the mattress, enjoying the chance to relax. It had been a frantic morning and she hadn't had much sleep the night before. She idly scratched at a loose thread on her brown cotton vest - even when doing nothing she still needed something to keep her occupied.


"So, did you see the other new starters about? I think I saw a few on my way... " She was trying to keep the small talk going, but it was an uphill battle. No, there was nothing for it: her curiosity was getting the better of her.


"Sorry, what kind of plant is that?" She blurted out, cutting herself off mid sentence. "It's beautiful! I don't think I've seen it before."

Never quite forgotten.

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Darkshift shook Redstorms hoof "Alright mate,the name's Darkshift"On first glance Darkshift was pretty pleased with his new roomate."Well I'm actually local"Darkshift answered"I'm here mainly to learn Weather maintenance"Darkshift scratched his nose and asked"So,where are you from and what are you studying?"

"I'm from Ponyville, we moved afted dad died... I just want to become a racer. But mom really wanted me to come here, so I did. I'm really not specificly studying anything here... I'm just carrying through these 4 years and then- BOOM, freedom. Just flying. Doing whatever I want..."

Redstorm looked out of the window.

"Anyway... I'm gonna explore a bit. Just follow if ya want to come. Otherwise see you later!"

Redstorm trotted out of the dorm, glad to have a new friend.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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(It did.)


"Oh," Nightshade smiled.  "This?  It's my namesake, a Nightshade bloom.  It can be used to treat many illnesses.  Some ponies use it wrong though," she said shaking her head with a hint of a smile.  "It has a special part of the plant that is extremely poison."  She adjusted the plant a little bit so it could get more sunlight.

Edited by Psych Ward
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Ciel nodded robotically and flung her luggage on to her bed. She glanced around the room, taking in the plain white walls, and ugly colored carpet. Someone obviously wasn't feeling very creative when they designed this room.


She began folding her capes and cloaks and placed them in neat color coded piles on her bed. She wasn't neurotic or OCD, but she liked knowing where her things were. Speaking of neurotic...


"So...Do we need to go over anything? Get the ground rules down pat and all. Like for my side of the room, I'd like to change the color of the walls. Generic white isn't really my thing." She stated, waving her hoof at the walls. "I'm not going to change it into something too crazy like transparent with stars or anything. Just a light pink coloring." she muttered. Light pink wasn't really her thing either, but she was starting to feel a little homesick and the shade remind her of her mothers curly mane.


((:o Sorry, about that! I'll change my color to hot pink. ^_^))

Edited by iBleedSarcasm
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"I'm from Ponyville, we moved afted dad died... I just want to become a racer. But mom really wanted me to come here, so I did. I'm really not specificly studying anything here... I'm just carrying through these 4 years and then- BOOM, freedom. Just flying. Doing whatever I want..."

Redstorm looked out of the window.

"Anyway... I'm gonna explore a bit. Just follow if ya want to come. Otherwise see you later!"

Redstorm trotted out of the dorm, glad to have a new friend.

"Sorry about you're dad"Darkshift said sympathetically before attempting to uplift the mood "You know what,I will tag along"He slung his suitcase onto the floor and gestured Redstorm to begin exploring.Darkshift didn't want to unpack straight away.
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@@Psych Ward


"Huh, interesting" Cinder said, staring at the plant as she thought to herself for a moment, torn between wanting to investigate more and her common sense: accidents happened around Cinder and she knew it. Poison wasn't something that she wanted to risk having an accident around.


"You'll understand if I try not to get too close then." She said through a smile. "Anyway, I'm going to try and find something to eat, I'm starving! Do you want anything?"

Never quite forgotten.

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​Nightshade nodded.  "It's one of my dearest possessions," she said, starting to fold up a couple of the empty boxes.  "I would love something to eat.  I need to stretch my legs as well and checking out campus wouldn't be too bad of an idea.  I think I'll follow if you don't mind."

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@@Psych Ward


"Sure!" Cinder agreed, hopping off of the bed and into a narrow door which she assumed to be a bathroom. "Just give me a minute to dust off some of this..."


A minute was a surprisingly accurate description of the time she took before emerging, still decidedly unkempt but with the worst of the ink and smoke stains washed off. Jumping over to the door, she turned back to Nightshade.


"Ok, all ready?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Nightshade nodded.  The mare looked much better but could still use some work.  She would be an interesting room mate for sure.  She followed her out the door, taking one last glance at her plant.  Her stomach was rather empty and she was sure it was time for dinner.  Looking down and across the hall, she saw the other first years with dorm doors open and boxes in the hallways.

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Gardenia was glad to hear that her new roommate also thought the place could use a little more color. She was, however, confused why they should split the room; she figured that went against the whole point in sharing a room. She wasn't going to say that directly, figuring that if Ciel wanted her own space that she should accommodate.


She said with a smile, "a light pink color would look lovely; in fact, I might use the same color for my side. And, hey, that would give the room as a whole a more cohesive look, no?" Gardenia tapped her hoof on her chin, "Umm, you wouldn't mind if I decorated the place with a few flowers, would you? Nothing much, just a few of my favorites." Gardenia's gaze started to wonder to her bags, where she still had a few flowers, including her namesake the gardenia flower. She didn't unpack them earlier because she didn't want to have the fragrance in the air if her room mate would object.

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@@Psych Ward


Looking either way down the hall, Cinder first followed the other mares gaze towards what were clearly the rooms of some of the other new starters.


"Think we should say 'Hi'?" She asked - She was hungry, but the chance to see who else might be around...


Her stomach growled an answer. The mare grinned sheepishly.


"Well, I think I saw a stall selling sandwiches or something down in the courtyard, we could see who's about on the way back?"

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"I think that would be the more appropriate approach," Nightshade nodded.  She quickly found her smaller saddle back and walked back out of the room, ready to leave.  "We don't want to meet our peers on an empty stomach.  It's been a long day for us all.  Dinner would be the best option."



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@@Psych Ward


It didn't take long to find the stall: the smell along could have led the eccentric pony there. As they approached the short queue, Cinder went back to an earlier question that she had forgotten to ask earlier.


"So, have you seen any of the others? I think I saw another Earth Pony and some Pegasus when I was filling in the forms. Oh, and a Zebra." She added. "There seem to be a lot of Pegasi here." She waved a hoof towards the other students around them. "I wonder if there are many more of them starting today?"


Stopping her torrent of questions as the pony in front of her moved aside, she paid for her dandelion sandwich and stepped aside herself.

Never quite forgotten.

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(I stole your idea Earl Grey tongue.png)


Acoustic Cloud was startled as he heard someone call out; he didn't even notice anyone come in.  He quickly sat up on his bed and returned a reply.  "You must be my roomate." Acoustic said towards the pegasus standing before him.  "I'm Acoustic Cloud, and you are?" He said as he got to his hooves.

  • Brohoof 1


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