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open Rise of a Lunar Republic

Drago Ryder

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Sole looked around in confusion, before glaring at krad "what is all of this?" He asked threateningly "and why arent you in my head?"

Krad grinned evilly "we are in your head weakling" he said darkly "we're gonna settle this, winner takes all!" He said sadistically "I'll even return our memories to you! We-" he didn't get to finish, as sole punched him through a sand dune. Sure, I'm game!" Sole said cockily.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Is this the end?" Snowy said to herself. -If i die then i'll give you a parting gift- 

She moved and placed her hoof on Crimson's leg.  Charging her magic she cause a large chuck of black ice on his leg. As quickly as it appeared  it shattered to show black skin that looked raw. Then came the pain from her own shards of Ice. the pain was harsh and her sight was fading away. she fell on to the snow.

"Once again I am alone again. Discord you could have changed so much... Still to die on snow and fighting is how I wanted to go out" she passed out (OOC: unless you were going for a killing blow then she died)


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Is this the end?" Snowy said to herself. -If i die then i'll give you a parting gift-

She moved and placed her hoof on Crimson's leg. Charging her magic she cause a large chuck of black ice on his leg. As quickly as it appeared it shattered to show black skin that looked raw. Then came the pain from her own shards of Ice. the pain was harsh and her sight was fading away. she fell on to the snow.

"Once again I am alone again. Discord you could have changed so much... Still to die on snow and fighting is how I wanted to go out" she passed out (OOC: unless you were going for a killing blow then she died)

Crimson grunted in pain as the black ice left an odd wound on his leg, he then looked down at snowy with tears in his eyes, "you fool....I'm not going to kill you if you can no longer fight....but if you truly are dying anyway.....then at least you died fighting with honor..." said crimson sadly before taking off his cloak and draping it over snowy, "I'm sorry..." said crimson sadly before teleporting to the entrence of the barrier and walking up to tempest with his hat tilted low over his eyes, "when celestia and luna sign the treaty.....I think I'll try dating luna again..." said crimson quitely before falling to the ground unconciess. Edited by ragestar
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This is the end. Thundracry watch the statue and the now unconscience pony lie there in the snow. He put two last words into the ponies head. "Good job."'simple but true. He thought about it for a little while. He thought no one around here had a cell phone. He had been called to do an extermination. Of some one named tempest. When he saw discord he had to interfere. Anyway that tempest pony must have been somewhere in the region. he hoped back in to his car and kept searching. He floored it and sped off. He pulled through the turn quickly making the car wheely and turn at the same time. He kept on searching for his target.

My New Roleplay Character: http://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/burn-riot-r31


The devil owes me 20 bucks, I dont have your stuff, and no of course I don't "want" to kill him.

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Krad stood up and laughed "you are gonna be fun to ki-" he was cut off again as sole kicked him away. "Less talk, more fighting" he said cockily "come at me bro!" Krad angrily flitted beside sole and sliced at him with a dark energy blade. To krad's suprise, sole caught the blade "you aren't gonna kill me with my own powers dumbass!" He growled, as he punched krad through several dunes.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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the apple in the tree is killing all the plants and there is nothing we can do about it at all! OMG it is dying! this is amazing! I wonder why I'm typing this! OH YEAH! I'm on a time limit thats right! Hallo time limit! may I take your order? 

Time Limit: Yes! I would like to have a Mc. donalds happy meal!

Me: Sorry, but we don't sell that here....

Time Limit: Okay, what do you sell?

Time Limit: ._. *leaves* 

Me:..... Awwwww and I could've made a fwiend today! *sobs*

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Tempest sighed. He noticed the sun coming up and smirked. He then glanced at Crimson and shrugged. "At least that'll make my job a little easier." He said, slightly jealous. The cyan pegesus then looked at the statue of Discord. "Let's get this thing to Canterlot before my two days are up."

Edited by Dark Opal
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Jake unsheathed Heart and Soul and smashed them against Discords statue. Ice began to sprawl over Discord and the ice crowned over his head. "Hmm, finally a king eh." He began to walk away but turned around and spit on the statue. "Live forever in frostbite, dumbass."

Edited by Rein Dun
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(Dang that was fast Make it short.)


Then Darkness was KO by Fireblaze who is a Dragon now and turn back to normal while looking at Dash seeing that she was ok. “Hay Dash can you get Futtershy because we not done with Darkness yet.” Then he Tie up Darkness with Titatume Rope while hand cuff him. Then Take him to Canterlot and smiles to Dash too.

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Sole and krad had been fighting for hours, both evenly matched. Without powers they had been fighting desperately to defeat the other. "Did I forget to mention that if noone wins soon then your mind will collaps, and youll become a vegetable?" Krad said evilly, as sole punched him away. "Dammit, we need to end this!" He growled, as he began to see cracks in the sky. "C'mon, one last attack to end it!" He said solemnly, as he got in a fighting position.

(Right now, sole is comatose.))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Dash nodded. "We'll meet you in Canterlot." She said. The rainbow maned pegesus then flew into the air, and towards Ponyville.


Tempest only had a few minutes to get Discord to Canterlot. "I guess I'll see you later, Crimson." He said, as he enveloped himself and the Discord statue in aura, and disappeared.

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Fireblaze smiles to Rainbow Dash, then he grab Darkness, then taking him back to Canterlot as they enter into the Palace and then Blaze put Darkness on the floor. Then he looking at Celestia and smiles too. “Tempest got Discord and they should be on their way now.” Then he looking at Darkness Ko body and looking back at her too. “Well Since Discord don’t’ have a hold on Darkness anymore, only person can brake Skull out of this is Futtershy and Rainbow Dash is getting her right now your majesty.”

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Celestial smiled. "I'm glad that Tempest was able to stop Discord." She said. "However, I am also worried that he will grow to powerful." The white alicorn then looked out a window and sighed.


Dash soon entered the castle with Fluttershy in tow. "What do we have to do, Blaze?" She asked.

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“I hope not.” Fireblaze saying, then he turn to Dash as shie came in with Futtershy and smiles. “Time to get Skull back.” Then turn to Futtershy and nodding too. “He waking up and are you ready?”


Darkness getting up, then grows as he trying get out and then he looking at Futtershy as he stop growing. “Futtershy is that you?”

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Fluttershy glanced at Skull and smiled. "I'm here." She said. "There's nothing to worry about."


Tempest appeared in the Canterlot gardens and placed Discord's statue in it's normal spot. "I expect you to stay there." He said, obviously annoyed. The cyan pegesus then sat down and waited.

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Fluttershy glanced at Skull and smiled. "I'm here." She said. "There's nothing to worry about."


Tempest appeared in the Canterlot gardens and placed Discord's statue in it's normal spot. "I expect you to stay there." He said, obviously annoyed. The cyan pegesus then sat down and waited.

Fireblaze Since another Aura a Gray one and Skull was coming out while he went looking outside and see Tempest with Discord Statue in the gardens. “Well Celestia Tempest bring Discord and we have to go on our world that he will be a free pony also sing the peace treaty too.”


“I am Sorry what I done to you Futtershy can you please forgive me!” Then Skull is braking out as Darkness screams no.

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Fireblaze Since another Aura a Gray one and Skull was coming out while he went looking outside and see Tempest with Discord Statue in the gardens. “Well Celestia Tempest bring Discord and we have to go on our world that he will be a free pony also sing the peace treaty too.”


“I am Sorry what I done to you Futtershy can you please forgive me!” Then Skull is braking out as Darkness screams no.

Fluttershy smiled and hugged Skull. "You haven't been the first to fall under Discord's control." She said. "I forgive you."


Celestia nodded. She then signed the treaty and sent out a message saying that the war was over and Tempest was not to be hunted any longer.


Luna received the message and smiled.

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Then Skull broke free of Discord control and hugging Futtershy. “I love you Futtershy.” While he smiles and a tear came out of his left eye.


Fireblaze smiles as he was with Dash too and looking at her as he smiles. “Since the war is over and want to do a double date?”

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Dash sighed. "Actually, I'm pretty tired from all of this. I guess I'll see you around." She said, before flying to her home.


Tempest sighed. "It seems like everything is back to normal." He thought. The cyan pegesus then left Canterlot.


(Ok, just wrap things up and I'll be working on a sequel to this.)

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“Well Ok Dash, I Be seeing you tomorrow and good night too .” Then Fireblaze heading to his mountain home to sleep. Then he enters into his mountain home and began to sleeping in the lava.


“Can I Stay with you Futtershy since I don’t have a home.” Skull saying as he was happy that he with his love Futtershy.



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Fluttershy shrugged. "I don't see a reason you can't." She said, smiling. Fluttershy then flew back towards her home.


Tempest noticed a book on his doorstep. He picked it up and found out that it held the history of the entire Sol family. "This is interesting." He thought, as he put the book in his saddle bag and entered his house.


(Last post for me)

Edited by Dark Opal
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Sole gasped as he stood up from the ground. He looked around to realize everyone had left, so he flew to canterlot. As he arrived he saw all was well. Discord trapped, treaty sighned, peace and harmony all around. But sole was grim, he had remembered a portion of his past after his fight with krad. "Stay there discord, its where you belong." He said quietly, as he walked up to the statue. "Thanks to you I've lost my powers... father..." he said angrily, as he walked away.

((Suprise! Tnis was my last post!))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson sighed in relief as he sat in a chair in lunas throneroom, he smiled at luna, "I'm glad you and celestia settled your differences, now equestria can rest saftely knowing that the war is over.....hopefully there won't be anoather one for a very long time..." said crimson quitely.


((My last post))

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