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It was time to get up. Flare took her pajama's off and got ready.Still half asleep she walked out of her room and down the hallway. Tripping (a lot) along the way, Flare found her schedule. She recited it over in her mind and sat down alone at a table in the cafeteria. She piled eggs onto her plate, hoping that her "special talent" wouldn't occur during any class today. The last thing she needed was someone to bully her on the first day.




Time to get up! Lana woke up, ecstatic for her first day. She got ready by brushing her teeth, taking her pajamas off, and putting her almost-neon blue main in a pony-tail. She trotted out of her room (with her ferret Draco following her) and stumbled down the stairs to the cafeteria. She memorized her schedule. She sat alone at a table and ate her breakfast, with Draco by her side, who was eating crumbs of her breakfast and jumping all around her.

Edited by Eureka


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Spark was awake long before the intercom went off. When it did he nudged his roommate not bothering to see if he had actually gotten up, he walked out of his dorm room and down the hall checking his schedule and commiting it to memory. In the cafeteria he grabbed an omlette sausage links a cinnamon roll (his favorite) and an apple and sat at an empty table to eat his large breakfast.

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Nuuro groaned, rolling over onto his left side when he felt somepony nudge him. He had heard the announcement but was reluctant to obey. He was never really a morning person after all. He heard the door close, and sighed. Guess Spark's not all too eager for some company. He rolled out of bed, and quickly brushed his teeth and brushed out his black and white mane. "A stallion's always gotta look good for the ladies." he said to himself, when he looked in the mirror.


He trotted out of the room and into the cafeteria (after getting lost a few times). He copied down his schedule and headed to the lunch line. He practically salivated at the sight of the food. Eggs, veggie sausages, juice, toast, butter! Am I in heaven?


He piled his plate high with two of each, and looked around the cafeteria for Spark Bolt. He spotted him at a table alone and was heading towards him when he saw noticed a yellow colored mare, sitting alone as well. For a moment he was torn between going to sit by his roommate, who probably wanted to continue sitting alone, or going to sit by the mare.


He grinned as the obvious answer popped into his head. He trotted over to the mare, sporting a friendly grin. "Hey there, pretty mare." he said and then turned to where Spark Bolt was sitting. "Hey, roommie!" he yelled, waving his hoof crazily. "Come on over here!"





Masquerade sauntered out of his dorm room, about fifteen minutes after the announcement. He hoped he wasn't too late, but they couldn't have possibly expected him to head to the cafeteria without putting on his face and doing his hair!


Upon entering the cafeteria, he jotted down his schedule and grabbed an apple and some toast from the line. He didn't even consider the other items, as the lunch mares couldn't tell him how much fat was in them. As he tried to decide on where he would sit he spotted the mare who's room he had mistakenly entered, sitting alone.


Now's my chance to get her name! He though excitedly and speed walked over to her. "Hey girl!" he said happily.

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Lana spread the strawberry-jam on a piece of her toast when she heard someone walking toward her.

"Hey girl!" A stallion said merrily. It was the stallion who accidentally entered Lana's room.

"Oh! Hey -- umm. I'm sorry. I know who you are but I don't know your name. I'm Lana by the way." She said.




Flare sat alone eating her eggs (which were delicious she might add.) Suddenly, she heard someone speak to her.

"Hey there, pretty mare." Flare bolted around in her seat so fast that we needed to move her fire-colored mane out of her face. Standing behind her was a zebra in red. Flare's eyes widened a little in shock.

"Umm...hi." She responded kindly.

Edited by Eureka


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Sunset Sky woke up with tears on her face and the urge to scream in her throat. She sighed. More nightmares from the attack. She had hoped that finally leaving the orphanage would have helped at least slightly, but no.

Sunset slowly got out of bed and got ready. She left the room silently and trotted to where the schedules were. she found hers, memorized it, and trotted to the cafeteria. The small Pegasus got her food and sat in the corner, picking at her breakfast.



Snow Song yawned as the intercom came on  and woke her up. She quickly got ready and was out of the room shortly after Flare, but didn't see her until she saw her sitting in the cafeteria.

Snow went to get her food, then went over to where Flare was sitting.

"Good morning, Flare. Do you mind if I sit here?" She asks, smiling politely and gesturing to the empty seat beside her roommate.

"If you'd rather I sit somewhere else, that's fine. Just thought I'd ask."



Glowing Notes opened her eyes drowsily and just laid there for a few moments. 

After a few minutes of laziness, she reluctantly rolled off the mattress and started getting ready. She left the room and started trotting down the hall. Looking at the schedules, she scoffed. Nothing to do with music. 

Note felt her stomach growl, and she found her way to the cafeteria. she got an apple, some toast, apple juice, and a cinnamon roll.

She sat down at a table and started eating. she noticed her cousin out of the corner of her eye, but just kept eating. Snow Song would have to wait, even if they hadn't seen each other since they were little fillies.


((Feel free to interact with Note or Sunset! Sunset might not like it but its boring when she's ignored.))

Edited by Silent Dawn
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@@Eureka, @




Masquerade laughed and shook his mane, "It's no problem! I'm Masquerade." He was happy to see that she wasn't upset with him for no knowing her name and vise versa. Masquerade noticed Lana's ferret and smiled. "Aw, he gets cuter every time I see him!" he squealed, clapping his hooves together.


He was about to start eating his apple when he noticed an orange mare, going to sit in the corner. "Excuse me for a minute!" he said to Lana and quickly made his way over to the mare.

"Aw, sweetie why're you sitting over here alone? Why don't you come sit with us at that table?" he asked, pointing to where Lana was sitting, and a white mare was standing.




Nuuro grinned at the mare's startled reaction. Whenever ponies reacted to him that way, he usually chalked it up to them being shy or never seeing a zebra. He went with the latte and stuck a pose. "No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. I am a zebra!" he said cheerfully. 

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 Volt slowly woke up. He looked at his clock and his eyes grew wide, "Horse feathers. I'm gonna be late for breakfast, Hey Splash wake up. Time for eatin." He gave his roommate a small shock to wake him up and he started towards the door. Wonder what they have? Eggs? I hope they have eggs. Eggs are good.


((@@slimmyjimjim, For some reason I don't think ponies would eat sausage :P You know, meat and all.))

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Blue Splash


Blue Splash was dreaming of racing and beating Soarin' of the Wonderbolts, when suddenly his dream self started spazzing out. He awoke with a start, his mane standing this way and that, due to the shock from Volt Switch. He was sure Volt hadn't meant any harm, but Blue Splash's fuzzy blanket had upped the voltage a bit, causing his mane and tail to stand at weird angles.


He hopped out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror, "Awesome." he breathed admiring his now spiky mane, before brushing it down. He trotted after his roommate and to the cafeteria. "Hey dude, I was thinking. If you filled a tub with water, and shocked it what do you think would happen?" he asked

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Volt looked at Splash. "Not much. Water is a good conductor for electricity, but it it would just get all shocked, maybe bubbly. Yea it wouldn't blow up the tub if that's what you're getting at. This thing is cool to have, and I know it has to do with my talent. But I can't figure out what. It's just... there. I have no use for it." Volt sighed and walked into the cafeteria. He took a big whiff and let out another, more pleasant sigh. "Oooh, that smells good."

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Sunset started as she realized a stallion was talking to her. She turned towards his general direction and hid under her mane, sky-blue eyes looking up at the unicorn from under her forelocks. She scooted farther into the corner, nervous and shy.

"Umm... I-I'm okay h-here... Um, Th-th-thanks though..."

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Pink Mist was a day late only because she was just getting back from her recent excursion. She had traveled all over Equestria in the past couple of years yet was still loyal to her hometown Canterlot. Even if she was from a fancy town, she loved adventure and mystery and was kind of surprised she hadn`t received her cutie mark yet. Yet, she was kind of happy that her parents had insisted she attend Blank Flank academy.

"Um...hello? I'm Pink Mist and I'm an Earth Pony." She told the grouchy looking secretary.

"Your dorm is currently being fixed up so you'll be in Dorm of the Spells Room 7 for now."

"Oh ok, thank you." She found the sign that led to the dorms and opened the door. She noticed that she was currently without a roommate so she took the window bed. "That way I can wake up and see the great outdoors." She thought to herself. She checked the time and knew that everypony must be eating breakfast. "Gotta hurry up if I don't want to miss breakfast too." 


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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((sorry for late post))


@Silent Dawn


Techo Woke to the intercom, sleepily walking to the cafeteria. He wrote down his schedule He sat down next to his roommate and started talking to the " So...How was your night?" he said He then went to get in line for food after having a small conversation with his roommates. He was walking over to his roommate when suddenly, of the corner of his eye a flowing, pretty golden coat sitting down in the corner near he changed path trotting over to the young filly near her food. He walked up and said " Um...Hi my name is Techo."

Edited by dyaviator

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Flare couldn't help but let out a small snicker at the zebra's joke. She saw her roommate walk up to her table and she asked if she could sit there. ((@)).

"Oh! Yeah of course." Flare answered and gestured for Snow Song to sit down.


(occ: I'll post Lana later. Sorry about that)


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Rorona trotted through the halls of the academy, as she admired it's beautiful architecture. She was suposed to have arrived yesterday, but she had her younger brother's birthday to attend to. Rorona walked up to the secretary who was reading the newspaper, and cleared her throat to get her attention. "Hello, my name is Rorona. A unicorn attending this academy. Here is my forum" She said a polite as she could, anding the secretary the sign-up sheet The secretary glared at her from her newspaper. 

"You're late." The secretary bluntly said. "Twelve hours late infact."

"Well, I had a birthday party to attend, so I couldn't ma-"

"Dorm of the Spells, room 7. You'll be sharing with an earth pony." the secretary rudely interupted.

"Um.. thanks, I guess." And with that, Rorona trotted off to fid her room. I'll be sharing with an earth pony.. Hm, oh well, doesn't matter. She eventully found her room, after getting lost a couple of times. I wonder what she's like Rorona could smell the scent of breakfast. I hope I can get there in time before they finish. She opened the door, to find a pink, earth pony. "Hello there! My name is Rorona! Pleased to meet you." Rorona cheerfully said as she extendended her hoof to shake.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Sunset Sky, surprised that another stallion was talking to her, scooted even farther into the corner.

"U-u-umm... hi... Um, m-my name is Sunset Sk-Sky, umm..." She fiddled with an apple, wondering why he was willingly talking to her.



Snow Song smiled and sat down next to Flare.

"Thank you. So, how are you today, Flare?"

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Volt got a plateful of different kinds of eggs. He loved eggs with a passion. He looked around and saw a group of ponies at a table. He walked over to them and looked at Sunset Sky. "Hey do ya mind if I sit here?" Without waiting for an answer he plopped down on a seat in front of her. he then looked at the other ponies. "Names Volt Switch. Volt's fine too." 


((I'm a horrible person :P I made Volt sit next to Sunset Sky just so she could be more awkward. Well... and Volt needs some friends))

  • Brohoof 1
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"Hi there, I'm Pink Mist." She gave Rorona's hoof a shake. "Sorry for intruding but apparently my dorm's under construction or something, so I'll be sharing with you for a while. I hope that's ok. I'm usually easygoing and in good spirits so I think we'll get along fine."

Pink Mist was thrilled at the prospect of having a roommate. She'd always wanted somebody to talk to everyday and call a friend, traveling across Equestria doesn't give you enough time to stay and make some friends. Maybe here she can finally make some. Plus, they're all blank flanks just like her. So nobody judges anybody in that department. She liked the idea of everyone working together to discover their special talent.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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"That's great to hear." Rorona said. As always, she didn't trust most of the things new ponies say, but deciding that she will have Pink Mist as her room mate, It would be easier to just get along then to speculate theories about her. "Hey, so why don't we go get breakfast? It must be wonderful if I can smell it from the dorms....Unless the cefeteria is right around the corner." Rorona said as she used her magic to levitate her saddle bags to a bed in the corner. She didn't worry about brushing her messy mane, and headed to the door. Rorona waited for Pink Mist to join her so that they can leave for breakfast.


@Pink Mist

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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((That's okay. even if he had waited for her answer, she would have been too shy to say no. She needs some friends, too, and since that usually takes a while,(depending on the character's personality), we'd better have them meet ASAP happy.png))


"U-Um... I gue-" Plunk. the Pegasus just sat down near Sunset without waiting for an answer, and her ears flattened more, if that were possible.

Sunset fiddled with her apple even more. He was close enough to see her scars. If the others sat down too, they'd all probably see them. A chill ran down her spine. She didn't want to get bullied. Not again. Not on basically her first day here.

Sunset looked around and wished she hadn't. The walls were closing in. She tried just focusing on just the apple, no luck. She tried imagining the open sky, and how she would probably learn, very soon, how to fly more than a foot off the ground.

Still no luck. The walls just kept moving in. Sunset was having a hard time breathing, but she didn't want to seem rude and leave. She just sat there, trying to focus on the apple, trying to breathe regularly, trying to ignore the room that kept getting smaller.

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Volt was a kind stallion and he looked at Sunset with compassion. "Hey are you okay? You seem to be breathing heavy..." Volt figured that she was an extremely shy pony, so as he whispered the sentence to her, he slowly nudged away so she wouldn't feel claustrophobic. "What's your name?" 

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Sunset tried to calm down as the stallion looked at her, to no avail.

"U-Um... i-I... D-don't kn-know..." She barely managed to breathe the words out as she looked around the room..

So many ponies still around her, so many ponies, so many ponies that were so close.

"M-My name? ...S-Sunset... Sk-Sk-Sky..."

She needed to get away but still didn't want to be rude. The walls were still moving in, slowly but surely, and it was getting harder to breathe. she was getting dizzy, and put a shaking hoof to the table to try to steady herself.



Snow Song noticed a slight commotion in the corner of her eye, and she turned towards it. It looked like a filly was having a panic attack of some sort, possibly claustrophobia. Snow's face folded in worry. She wanted to go comfort the pony,  but if it was a claustrophobic attack, she knew the worst thing to do was crowd her. 

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Volt had seen enough. He wasn't the strongest of ponies, but he was a strong flier. He deftly picked up Sunset, brought her to an empty table nearby, and sat at the complete opposite end of the table. He smiled at her. "Isn't that better?" Why hadn't she just gotten up? Well she is really shy. Volt looked around. Everypony was looking at him. He let his hair fall over his eyes again and blushed in embarrassment. Great now I've made a scene.

Edited by Fancy Ram
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Umm..I'm not sure if this is how it works.  If not I'm sorry. I just want to goin this. If  I am messing things up,just tell me and I'll try to delete this.

The icy blue mare trotted inside. The hood on her cloak glowed with a green aura as she pushed it back to reveal a pale yellow mane with white streaks.

"Hello I'm Lightning Song Crackle an-"

"Dorm of the spells. Room twelve."snapped the secretary,cutting her off. Lighting's bright green eyes burned with sudden anger. Her horn lit up with magic,she searched the room for something to fling at the rude mare.

That portrait of the head counselor might work. She thought to herself with a smirk. No,can't do this on the first day. Can't disappoint everypony. She sighed softly and took off down the hallway. Dorm of spells. Room twelve. I wonder if I'll have a roommate.

Edited by ifeellikeihavewings
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Umm..I'm not sure if this is how it works.  If not I'm sorry.


The icy blue mare trotted inside. The hood on her cloak glowed with a green aura as she pushed it back to reveal a pale yellow mane with white streaks.

"Hello I'm Lightning Song Crackle an-"

"Dorm of the spells. Room five."snapped the secretary,cutting her off. Lighting's bright green eyes burned with sudden anger. Her horn lit up with magic,she searched the room for something to fling at the rude mare.

That portrait of the head counselor might work. She thought to herself with a smirk. No,can't do this on the first day. Can't disappoint everypony. She sighed softly and took off down the hallway. Dorm of spells. Room five.


(( I'm gonna hate myself for posting this ooc comment in the rp thread...

Okay, your obviously new, but that's fine. If you wanna know the basics of roleplays, go to these links;http://mlpforums.com/topic/6539-a-general-guide-to-roleplaying/  and http://mlpforums.com/topic/6531-the-roleplay-world-system-read-this-first/

After that, read our ooc page and sign up with a link to your oc and stuff here;http://mlpforums.com/topic/63621-blank-flank-academy/page-3

 I'm not trying to be mean, but I hope you can understand.))

Edited by Skye42
  • Brohoof 1

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Masquerade invited a orange mare to come sit with them.

Lana looked at the pony () who Masquerade had invited to sit. She was shaking. Lana looked at her with worry.

"Umm...Sunset Sky? I'm Lana." Lana said with a smile. "Are you alright? You're shaking." Lana felt concerned.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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