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Masquerade smiled at the two new ponies, a pink mare and a tall white mare. He gave a little wave when Lana introduced him, and smiled when Draco started running around.

"Girl, I am so digging your hair right now! It is so cute!" he said to Pink Mist.







"I just got here, like you. But I can already tell that this is going to be a rad school year!" He took a few bites of his food chewing quickly. He nodded in the direction of the other mare, who he had approached first (Flare). "What about you?" He asked, not wanting to exclude her from the convo.


Blue Splash

Blue Splash blushed, happy that the mare hadn't made a big deal about his verbal blunder. But what in the wide world of Equestria was wrong with him! He had talked to mares loads of times! "Yeah, I'm new, but I mean I've been to other schools, so I get the gist of the whole education thing..." he trailed off, and shoved some toast into his mouth to stop babbling. He gave the room a quick once over, looking for his roommate, but didn't see him. Huh, maybe he already left...


((In a few minutes the time period is going to change to the first class! Yaaaay!))


"Nice to meet you both. Oh and thanks for the hair complient." Pink Mist was happy. She was having a pretty good day so far. She had a roommate and had already met two possible friends. Plus the food was REALLY good. She could get used to this. She wondered how she would do during her first class of the day.

Edited by Pink Mist


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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((No one else is replying, and Sunset wouldn't go up to some random pony and start talking, so here i come xP

After a little while, Sunset worked up the courage to go talk to the stallion. He had seemed so sad, and she felt horrible for causing that. She found his  room, looked at the looming door, and knocked gently on the wood. She took a step back and pawed at the ground nervously, hoping he heard her knock.

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((I'm so sorry for the late response!))


Once again, the intercom crackles to life and the vice principal pony begins to speak. "Stallions and Mares, it is now time to head to your first class of the year. All ponies will report to Room 104 for botany class. If you are caught loitering in the halls, you will be penalized and given kitchen clean up duty. So don't be late!"

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((No one else is replying, and Sunset wouldn't go up to some random pony and start talking, so here i come xP

After a little while, Sunset worked up the courage to go talk to the stallion. He had seemed so sad, and she felt horrible for causing that. She found his room, looked at the looming door, and knocked gently on the wood. She took a step back and pawed at the ground nervously, hoping he heard her knock.

Volt hadn't heard the knock and now sat quietly in his dorm. He heard the announcement and breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally get out and do something. He opened his door to find the mare from earlier. "Oh um, hello. Look I'm sorry about earlier. That was stupid if me to draw attention to you when you were obviously avoiding it. But um, I didn't quite catch your name." He gave the Pegasus a smile.


((Guys if you read my OC Diamond Dust's data, you'll find he has a bunny. I think I'm going to have Volt have the bunny in this RP, mainly because I'd like to see him interact with Draco at some point))

Edited by Fancy Ram
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As soon as Techo heard the voice, he stood up and threw his trash out. He was excited to go to class for once in his life. He finally might accomplish something, that will determine his destiny. He knew ((I think but not sure)) Botany was science, so as always he was going to come prepared to learn. He then walked to Room 104 and sat down.

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Sunset flinched at the loud voice, but stayed there, and looked at the stalllion from under her mane when he opened the door. She shook her head lightly at his apologies.

"N-no... I-i-it's my fault.... I-I shouldn't have f-freaked out like th-that... U-um... My name? Um.... I'm S-Sunset Sky..."

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Pink Mist got up from her lunch table and turned to the group. "Hey you guys wanna walk to class together?" She'd never taken Botany before. She just hoped one of her classes would help her finally get her long awaited cutie mark. That's why her parents sent her here. They were getting kind of concerned that with all her traveling, she hadn't had time to develop her special talent.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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Sunset flinched at the loud voice, but stayed there, and looked at the stalllion from under her mane when he opened the door. She shook her head lightly at his apologies.

"N-no... I-i-it's my fault.... I-I shouldn't have f-freaked out like th-that... U-um... My name? Um.... I'm S-Sunset Sky..."

Volt smiled at the mare. "Nice to sort of meet you Sunset Sky. I'm Volt Switch, and Coal should be following me. Now let's get to Botany." As the name left the pony's mouth, a black bunny hopped into Volt's saddlebag. He then poked his head out to look at the new pony.

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Sunset pawed at the ground again as she saw the stallion's smile. She wasn't sure how to react, but it gave her hope. Hope that maybe she wouldn't be bullied, and maybe she could make a friend for the first time in her life. 
"Y-you too... Umm... C-Coal?"
Sunset looked at the little black bunny. It was adorable. She couldn't help but smile at it. While she doubted her talent would have to do with animals, she did have a soft spot for bunnies and kittens.
"Um, your bunny's c-cute. I'm guessing th-that's Coal? Um... May i p-pet him, or her?"

Edited by Silent Dawn
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Volt chuckled a bit. "Is that fine with you Coal?" He knew that the bunny wouldn't turn it down. He was a mellow animal, but he loved compliments. The bunny jumped down and wiggled his tail. Volt looked at Sunset. Volt looked at Sunset. 'She's so shy,' he thought. 'It's kind if cute...'

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Sunset reached out a hoof and gently petted Coal's head. His fur was so soft. She smiled. 

The orange Pegasus noticed that Volt was looking at her and blushed a bit, iding behind her mane again. 

"I-I like small animals. U-um... we sh-should probably get t-to class..."

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Volt noticed Sunset's blush at his gaze. His ears flattened against his head a little bit. "Um.. yea we should." He began to advance towards the direction of the class. "So... botany. Know anything about it?" Coal jumped into hid saddlebag so as to not get left behind.

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(So sorry that I've been MIA for so long)

Regal had gotten up early in the morning to go to the library. He had been in the library studying about random things. Hearing the Intercom Regal set aside his books on the table. Gathering his items in his bag, Regal made a quick trot to his way to Botany Class.

"I guess it's time for me to join back to society" He said to himself.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"N-not really... Um... I didn't r-really live in a forest-y area b-b-before coming here..." She hid in her mane, ears flattened, at the end of her sentence. She didn't want to think about before coming here. She had come to start over and forget. She didn't want to have to explain further, so she tried shifting the subject onto him. "U-um... What about you?" She said as she trotted beside him on the way to class.

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"N-not really... Um... I didn't r-really live in a forest-y area b-b-before coming here..." She hid in her mane, ears flattened, at the end of her sentence. She didn't want to think about before coming here. She had come to start over and forget. She didn't want to have to explain further, so she tried shifting the subject onto him. "U-um... What about you?" She said as she trotted beside him on the way to class.

((Sorry I thought I had already replied for some reason :huh:))


Volt thought a bit. "I don't really know much either. That seems like more of an earth pony kind of thing. Theoretically speaking of course. But yea I don't really know what my talent is. I mean, I can generate electricity, but I don't know what that's good for..."

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((It's fine, I've done that too))

Sunset nodded in agreement on his comment that botany tended to be more for Earth Ponies. She listened and her ears pricked up slightly when he said that he could generate electricity.

"Umm... Y-You can generate e-electricity? Th-that's cool, and a-at least you know you can d-do something..." 'In fact, I don't even know if I can do anything, let alone get my cutie mark.' She added mentally, staring down at her hooves.

"Um... W-well, lighnting is e-electricity, right? M-maybe you'd be good at making st-storms or something..."


Snow Song had heard the announcement and left the cafeteria after waving goodbye to Flare and Nuuro. She knew she would probably see them in the first class, but she wanted to get to class early. She was hardly an egghead or nerd, but she didn't want to get in trouble on her first day. She cantered through the halls and foud the room. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside, chose a desk, and sat down, waiting for others to arrive.



Glowing Notes quickly finished up her breakfast after the intercom sounded and looked at Blue Splash.

"I bet Botany will be boring. Well, whatever. Wanna walk with me?" she asked Blue Splash, giving him a friendly grin.

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Volt nodded. "I don't know... I mean I've never really wanted to be a weather pony. Never really interested me." He continued walking and he almost ended up passing the botany room. He looked at the room number to confirm it was in fact the botany class. "I think this is the class. Right? I think that's the number..."


((It's weird saying that Volt never liked the idea of being a weather pony, since that's what he does for a living when in RPs where he has his cutie mark :P))

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"Oh. Sure". Lana responded with a smile. "Would you like to come with us Masquerade?" ((@DarligPegasi))




Flare watched as Snow Song left the lunch-room to go to class. Might as well do the same.


"Well. I better get going. See you around." Flare said to the zebra, and she headed for the doors.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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"Oh. Sure". Lana responded with a smile. "Would you like to come with us Masquerade?" ((@DarligPegasi))




Flare watched as Snow Song left the lunch-room to go to class. Might as well do the same.


"Well. I better get going. See you around." Flare said to the zebra, and she headed for the doors.


"Great." Pink Mist went with the group to Botany class. "Hmm, I wonder what Botany's about anyway, since I've never heard of it before. Well I know a Botanist is a florist guy who studies plants, so maybe it's a plant class." That sure ought to be interesting, if she got a flower cutie mark. It would be kind of neat.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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((I am soo sorry! I completely forgot about this rp, then I had some family issues. >.<))




Blue Splash


Blue Splash quickly swallowed the rest of his breafast and chugged his juice, before standing up and nodding. "Sure. Yeah, botany might suck big time. I'm really looking forward to physical education." he said. He had always been good at sports and just basically anything physical. He pretty much sucked at everything else, including meteorology, which was crazy because pegasi were know for controlling the weather!


@@Eureka, @,




Masquerade nodded enthusiastically but didn't speak as he had just taken a bite of his apple. He used his magic to dumps his tray into the trash and trotted after them to botany class. Honestly he was looking forward to the class, even though he didn't want a cutie mark in botany. But he did want to know how to take care of pretty flowers.




The zebra grinned and gave what he thought was a cool wave as the girls left, and then realized that he had to go to the same place. Even though his people were known for their love and fascination with plants, green things had never been his thing. Plants were too delicate and the slightest slip up could screw them up forever.

"Well I hope the class won't be too lame." he muttered to himself.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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((Haha, I wasn't even basing that idea on that, I haven't really read Volt's bio, though I should xP and this is so weird in this RP im oranges and browns and you're blue in Dark in Baltimare I'm blue you're brown. Weird.))


Sunset looked up at the number above the room.

"Um, I-I think so... I-I remember the pony on the i-intercom saying it's th-this room..." she said, stepping inside.



"Cool," said Glowing Notes as she put her tray away. "I wonder if there's a Music elective of some sort. I can do simple magic, but I'm not really very good at it, and I'm not very interested in the other classes on the schedule."

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Volt followed Sunset into the room. He looked at her. "You can sit near me if you want. I know you don't exactly like being near a lot of people." He smiled at Sunset to show his sincerity in the offer. He then went and took a seat near the back corer of the room.


((Huh :huh: I never noticed that we used reverse colors :P I also realized that I usually use normal blue for Volt and not the one I was using...))

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((Haha,i just noticed when I made that post. And I thought there was something off about you using cyan huh.png ))

Sunset looked at Volt as he sat down in the chair beside the one in the back corner of the room. He was right, she didn't like being around a lot of ponies, but she didn't want to impose, even though he had offered.

"U-um... i-if you're sure..." she said as she timidly trotted over and sat in the chair in the corner.

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