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Sunset was grateful for being moved, but it was short-lived. She noticed that everypony was watching her, and her hyperventilating got worse. She looked up at the mare who had come over.


sunset's voice was just a whisper as she tried to manage her reply.

"U-um... h-hi... th-the walls... caving in..."

And so many ponies, all staring at her. They could probably easily see her scars now. Sunset's hyperventilating and trembling got worse still, fear blazing in her sky blue eyes.

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Lana had no clue what to do. Everypony was looking a Sunset Sky. Lana felt so bad.

"Well go on. Eat your breakfast. There isn't anything to see here. It's a cafeteria not a movie theater." Lana exclaimed to all the ponies watching Sunset. Lana took Sunset Sky's hoof and brought her into the hallway where it was less crowded.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Blue Splash

Blue Splash got in line and piled his plate with toast and slathered them in various kinds of jam. He saw that Volt had gone to sit with some orange mare, and he also saw that a lot of stallions were sitting over there already so he went to sit somewhere else. He could hear some commotion going on behind him and turned to see Volt carry the mare he had been sitting with to another table. He then saw another mare take that mare outside. Wonder what that was about? He thought, but figured everything was under control so her started eating.







Masquerade was about to try and convince the mare to come over anyway, when all of a sudden a bunch of stallions came to sit by her. "Well okay..." He trailed off and went back to sit with Lana. But just as he was about to say something to her, she got and led the orange mare he had spoken to before out of the room, and Masquerade found himself sitting alone.


@@Eureka, @,




Nuuro grinned triumphantly when the mare laughed at his joke. He grinned even wider when another mare came and sat down. Guess I'm just a mare magnet. He thought to himself, laughing inwardly at his own joke.

"So, pretty mares. My name's Nuuro, and you?" he asked, slicking his mane back with his hoof.


((Okay I am super confused...So please ignore any inconsistencies in my post.))

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Sunset was still scared but her claustrophobia started slowly going down as the mare pulled her to the hallway. She waited until her breath got more even, then looked at the mare.

"Th-thank you... U-um... I'm f-feeling better now... A-and thanks for t-telling everyp-pony to stop st-staring..."



Snow Song half-reluctantly turned her attention from the poor hyperventilating filly to face the zebra. 

"Oh... Hello. Sorry, I didn't notice you there... Nice to meet you, Nuuro. I'm Snow Song."


@@DarligPegasi,((I'm just gonna say that Glowing Notes was already sitting at the table Blue Splash sat at. I want her to interact with somepony.))

 Glowing Notes had watched the small pony hyperventilate from claustrophobia, and she was concerned,, but she knew it would't be good to crowd her, so she continued eating her toast. She hadn't realized until just now that somepony had decided to sit at the same table.

She turned to him and said,

"Oh, hey. You've got a lot of toast there. Looks pretty good, and so is mine, but I have no jam. Just butter and cinnamon. I'm Glowing Notes. What's your name?"

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"Snow Song, huh? A lovely name for an even lovelier mare." he said, clicking his teeth and winking at her.  "So, uh how're you liking this Academy? Pretty rad, huh?"



Blue Splash

Blue Splash, glanced up, mouth full of strawberry jam covered toast. He hadn't even noticed the mare sitting at his table. He swallowed quickly, nearly choking and downed a glass of water. "Uh, hi!" He said, his voice cracking a bit on the 'hi.' He cleared his throat before trying again, "Hi, I'm Glowing Notes--" his eyes widened in horror, "I mean Blue Splash! My name is Blue Splash and Glowing Notes is your name. Haha..." he trailed off and mentally punched himself in the head. What the hay? Geez, Blue have you never spoken to a mare before!


((Do you mind not using yellow? It's really bright and I can't read it unless I highlight it.))

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"Haha. No worries." Lana responded. "Is it alright if I go back and eat my breakfast?" Lana asked. "I'm starving." "I'll see you around school!" Lana said and waved goodbye to Sunset.

Lana walked back to her table where Masquerade (@DarligPegasi) was sitting. "Sorry about that. She was hyperventilating and I didn't know what to do." Lana said.




Flare watched Nuuro and Snow Song talk. She finished eating her breakfast and pulled out a book from her sattlebag to read.

Edited by Eureka


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Spark glanced up from time to time as ponies passed by and smirked everytime, he found it humorous that everypony here had a bare flank feeling like he was back in pony kindergarden. And then he imagined if all of Equestia had ponies without cutie marks and chuckled, a world full of blank flanked ponies he didn't even want to imagine it anymore and shivered dismissing the thought. He looked up seeing his room mate flirting with a few mare and had to force himself to not roll his eyes.

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Snow Song stifled a giggle at the zebra's bravado. She thought he was joking for the most part, but it was nice to hear anyway.

She smiled at his question. 

"I'm liking it so far, though it's technically only my first day. What about you, Nuuro? How long have you been here?"




((Okay, I'll make it a darker, more gold-y color so you can read it. Sorry about that. It should be better now, but just tell me if not and I'll think of another colour.))

Glowing Notes chuckled good-naturedly at the flustered stallion. It was kind of cute how he was stammering.

"Haha, it's fine. I knew what you meant. Nice to meet you, Blue Splash. So, you new here too?"





  • Brohoof 1
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Techo was watching as all it happened, the shy pony was swooped away before being pulled in the hall by another student. He was wondering what had just happend when he then felt sympathies for the most likely scared, pretty horse that probably just had a panic attack. He sat down where the mare was sitting, then began to eat his food.l

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Pink Mist trotted alongside Rorona to the cafeteria. "Do you think they have eggs and toast, cause I'm starving?"

As she approached the cafeteria she witnessed a curious scene before her. A yellow pony was hyperventilating and then later led by another student to the hallway. "Hmm I sure hope there aren't any bullies here. Cause I sure do hate me some bullies." Pink Mist thought to herself. "Hey wanna sit with me?" She asked Rorona. "Maybe we could get to know each other, you know since we're roomates and all."


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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Ah buck me. That was embarrassing. I'm not even hungry anymore! I guess I'll just go back to my dorm before classes start.  Volt got up from his seat and walked out of the cafeteria with his head low. He didn't see Rorona or Pink Mist, and ran into both of them. "Oh, sorry..." He walked past the two mares and then saw Sunset Sky. His head hung even lower. "S-sorry..." he said very quietly to his fellow pegasus. He continued onwards to his dorm. He went inside and plopped down on his bed.

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Pink Mist was walking with Rorona into the cafeteria when a pegasus bumped into them. "Oh sorry..." He said quietly. Instead of making a smart remark, she just said "That's ok." The poor guy looked pretty down so there was no reason to get mad at him for not seeing her. It looked like the event that had taken place in the cafeteria affected lots of ponies there, so she decided to just ignore it for now and eat her breakfast peacefully.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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"U-umm... okay... B-bye..." Sunset mumbled as Lana left. She sat on the ground. That had been so embarrassing... just having a panic attack in the middle of the room like that. 


The stallion from earlier walked by and apologized. She shook her head and said,

"N-no... i-it wasn't your f-fault... I-it was mine for getting s-so worked up..."

It looked like he didn't even hear her as he walked through the hall and turned the corner to go to the dorms. 

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(( That's it, I'm NEVER going to sleep again, because I miss out on all this fun :< Or maybe I should be noctural instead..This is the only problem with living in Australia I guess =P))


Rorona walked down the hall with Pink Mist. "Do you think they have eggs and toast here? Cause I am starving." 

"Hmm, I hope so." Rorona replied. Upon reaching the cafeteria, she witnessed a scene, where a yellow pegasus was hyperventulating and was taken away by another pony. Is she alright? I hope that they wern't teasing her or anything. 

"Hey do you want to sit together? Maybe we can get to know each other, you know scince we're roommates and all." Pink Mist asked.

"Sure, I'd like that." Rorona answered.

Rorona was just about to start walking off to the cafeteria line, but then a pegasus bumped into Pink Mist and Rorona. "Oh, sorry." He said quietly.

"Heh, it's fine. But are you alright?" She asked the pegasus, but he was already walking off. Looks like the commotion over there was pretty big. Rorona thought as she lined up so get her food. 

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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"Yay eggs and toast." Pink Mist put eggs and some toast on her plate and waited for Rorona to finish getting her breakfast. She looked around and noticed that most of the ponies were already seated in groups and talking to each other. "So do you want to sit at an empty table or go to a group and mingle?" She asked Rorona.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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Volt sat up in his bed. He looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. The room was spacious and had a pleasent atmosphere. He got off of his bed and trotted around the room. He looked at the walls. And the ceiling. And the door. Why didn't classes just start already. "Buckin hay this is boring!"

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Rorona was making the most difficult decision of her life. What should I have for breakfast.... There were several ponies lined up behind her, impatiently waiting for Rorona to grab something to eat. This is quite the predicament... One of the lunch mares (I'm assuing that there are some) spoke to Rorona. "Uhh, miss, please hurry it up, there's a line behind you full of hungry ponies." 

Rorona looked up. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to. I'll just have two of everything then." 

After getting her breakfast, she walked over to Pink Mist with her tray of food, being held up by her levitation spell. 

"So do you want to sit at an empty table? Or go to a group and mingle." Pink Mist asked.

"Judging the ponies here, I'm fairly sure that if we sit at an emptied table, we would still porpably have others come to sit with us. So let's sit in a group, okay?" Rorona said.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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"Ok cool. Let's sit over there." Pink Mist picked a random table in which a mare with a pinkish coat and a short blue mane and a colt also with a blue mane were sitting. She didn't know their names. She noticed that the mare had a white ball of fur next to her. "Hi. Mind if we sit here?"


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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Lana and her ferret turned around to find two mares asking to sit down.

"Ummmm.....yeah sure." Lana said while scooching over to make room for both of the mares to sit. Trying to get the mares' attenion, Draco the ferret ran around the empty space and back to Lana's in no time.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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"Thanks. I'm Pink Mist and this is Rorona. What's your name?" Pink Mist noticed the little white ball of fur moving around. "Aw, that's so cute! What is it?" She couldn't help but stare at the adorable little white creature next to the mare. It was obviously trying to get her attention.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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(It appears that I have been ninja'd. I think that's what they called it.. :/)


Rorona sat down and placed her stack of food on the table. She took out an apple and took a bite into the sweet, juicy fruit. She noticed a little white creature scampering around the table. "Ha, that's cute. What is it?" Rorona asked the pink-tinted mare who must've owned the creature.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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@ and @Skye42


"Oh. I'm Lana. Lana Clouds. And that's Masquerade." Lana pointed to her friend sitting next to her. "And that little guy is Draco. He's a ferret." Draco Draco got out of the spot he was lying down in and walked up to the two mares to say hello. Lana rolled her eyes. He would always do that.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Masquerade smiled at the two new ponies, a pink mare and a tall white mare. He gave a little wave when Lana introduced him, and smiled when Draco started running around.

"Girl, I am so digging your hair right now! It is so cute!" he said to Pink Mist.







"I just got here, like you. But I can already tell that this is going to be a rad school year!" He took a few bites of his food chewing quickly. He nodded in the direction of the other mare, who he had approached first (Flare). "What about you?" He asked, not wanting to exclude her from the convo.


Blue Splash

Blue Splash blushed, happy that the mare hadn't made a big deal about his verbal blunder. But what in the wide world of Equestria was wrong with him! He had talked to mares loads of times! "Yeah, I'm new, but I mean I've been to other schools, so I get the gist of the whole education thing..." he trailed off, and shoved some toast into his mouth to stop babbling. He gave the room a quick once over, looking for his roommate, but didn't see him. Huh, maybe he already left...


((In a few minutes the time period is going to change to the first class! Yaaaay!))

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Flare looked up from her book as she heard Nurro talk to her.

"The school looks pretty cool. I hope the year is just as good and that the teachers are nice." Flare looked back into her book and kept reading. Flare hoped that nopony ,or zebra for that matter, would find out about her...umm....special ability.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Golden Notes nodded in agreement. "Cool, same here. I'm from Creinbrook, and I'm an aspiring singer/guitarist/pianist. Ever heard of the Good Ol' Goats? They got second place in the VS Searchlight Contest. I went to school with 'em. Anyway, I'm hoping for music to be my special talent. What about you?


(If you paid attention to the CBC Searchlight Contest this year, you'll get it. the Good Ol' Goats, a band from Cranbrook BC,  actually did place second, and I went to school with them! I knew two of the members int in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL biggrin.png I feel famous by default, even though I don't know them anymore. And they're not that famous.)




(Except Snow Song, of course... But she won't tell. She's smart enough to tell that it's a touchy subject.

Snow Song smiled as Nuuro included Flare into the conversation. She seemed to be antisocial, talking to her and being friendly might help her out of her shell.

"Yes, I hope the teachers are nice as well. The secretary didn't seem all too happy yesterday."

Snow turned to Nuuro.

"So I see we'll be in several classes with each other, as well as most of the ponies here. I wonder what us Earth Ponies- and, well, Zebras- will do during the Meteorology and Magic classes. Pegasi control weather. Unicorns use magic. we can't exactly do either. "

She trailed off then, a slight frown on her muzzle. This was taking on a depressing note. She tried to clear the air and smiled somewhat apologetically. 

"Anyhow, what are your interests? I like singing myself, and I hope that there's some sort of Music elective. My cousin and I would probably be the first to join, as my cousin's here too. I haven't seen her yet..."

Snow trailed off again as she searched the room for Glowing Notes. She quickly found the pale yellow mare, and ponted. 

"You can probably see the family resemblance. Light-colored coat, black mane and tail with cyan tips-" She brought a hoof to her chest to point at herself. "-as opposed to a white coat, and a cyan mane with black tips. Only hugely noticeable difference is eye colour, though you can't see her eyes from here." 

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