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Rhaz grunted in annoyence as draco dissappeared from his grasp, but he soon calmed down as he realized his helm was back, rhaz then looked over at stygian with a nodd, "I am rhaz-gesh, champion of malacath and you are stygian, champion of harmorous morah, am I correct?" Asked rhaz calmly and respectively.

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"Right you are," Stygian responded with a nod. "Yes, I am Stygian, Champion to Hermaeus Mora, the Prince of Knowledge and Fate. I trust your respective lords and mistresses all informed you of what is going on, correct?"

Stygian silenced himself as he heard the marching sound of troops approaching. He quickly approached the doors of the temple and checked to see if they were open. They were, thankfully, so the elf ushered everyone inside for more privacy.

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"Right you are," Stygian responded with a nod. "Yes, I am Stygian, Champion to Hermaeus Mora, the Prince of Knowledge and Fate. I trust your respective lords and mistresses all informed you of what is going on, correct?"

Stygian silenced himself as he heard the marching sound of troops approaching. He quickly approached the doors of the temple and checked to see if they were open. They were, thankfully, so the elf ushered everyone inside for more privacy.

Rhaz growled quitely, he didn't like all this sneaking around and hiding from the enemy, he would much rather take death and shatter every bone in the dremora's bodies instead of just running away, it just wasn't in his nature to run away from a fight, he never ran, not even from dragons and daedric princes, but rhaz trusted his masters desicions, so he eventually nodded and quickly ran inside the shrine with stygian. Edited by ragestar
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After emerging from the water and seeing Zora was gone he looked around to see if there were any bounty hunters. "Good...I lost them" Abraxus said. "Abraxus go meet with the others at my statue" Meridia said through the blade Dawnbreaker. "Alright" Abraxus said as he arrived at the shrine to see the others.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Draco smiled as he twirled wabbajack while sitting in the shrine, waiting for the others. "So, now that most of us have arrived, what's first on the agenda?!" He asked cheerfuly "can we have a party? That would be almost as much fun as trolling dremora!" He said with a large grin, as he watched more champions enter.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Rhaz grunted in impatience as he stood behind stygian in the shrine, waiting for abraxius, zora, draco, and azlack to enter the shrine as well, rhaz then turned to stygian, "so, since most of us are here, what should be our first plan of action? I think we should liberate each of the provinces, one by one, just for starters, then we once were done with that, we can free the other countries of tamriel and end that pathetic excuse for a ruler, draxius!" Said rhaz seriously.

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"Settle down, Champion of Sheogorath. With what our princes are calling us to do, believe me when I say it is best for you to ah... try and keep calm for now. You will need your energy to deal with what awaits us in the future..."

Stygian turned to Rhaz, then to the other champions.

"First off, to think that we have been called to form some sort of military rebellion is stupid. No, I believe we have been called by our masters to do what Rhaz has said. Mora himself has informed me that your Princes have also had this ideaa in mind since Mehrunes Dagon raised up his most powerful champion. We are too travel all across Tamriel to slowly break Draxius' influence. Hermaeus has yet to tell me why he and the other Daedra desire this, but if it's come to an alliance of Champions... then whatever they wish to stop is more serious than we've seen."

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Draco never dropped his cheerful grin as he began to hum the mlp opening song to himself. "Well, at least I've got more vict- I mean... freinds to talk to!" He said happily, as he pulled out more chocolate milk and took a large swig. "Would anyone like to play charades?" He asked with a mischevious grin.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Settle down, Champion of Sheogorath. With what our princes are calling us to do, believe me when I say it is best for you to ah... try and keep calm for now. You will need your energy to deal with what awaits us in the future..."

Stygian turned to Rhaz, then to the other champions.

"First off, to think that we have been called to form some sort of military rebellion is stupid. No, I believe we have been called by our masters to do what Rhaz has said. Mora himself has informed me that your Princes have also had this ideaa in mind since Mehrunes Dagon raised up his most powerful champion. We are too travel all across Tamriel to slowly break Draxius' influence. Hermaeus has yet to tell me why he and the other Daedra desire this, but if it's come to an alliance of Champions... then whatever they wish to stop is more serious than we've seen."

Rhaz nodded in agreement, "stygian is right, its very rare for our masters to agree on anything between two of them, but for them to ALL agree on one thing....that is extremely rare! But so far their plan to bring us into an allience is working quite well, but in order for this to work, we must be quick and desicive, with all our power combined our chances of being a threat to that rat draxius have more than tripled, so if we do plan on freeing a country from his grasp, then we must choose one that will leave a lasting impact on his little empire, and show him just how much of a threat we are to him!" Said rhaz with a serious, leaderlike tone and stature.

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"It must have something to do with Draxius' prince, Mehrunes Dagon. Hermaeus has not told me anything about Lord of Change's plans, but it is obvious that he is planning something far greater than just the enslavement of Tamriel through his champion and legions of dremora..."

Stygian thought for a moment, then grunted in frustration as he thought of a possibility.

"Have any of you seen strange things? And I'm not talking about the dremora walking around freely..."

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Draco smiled crazily at stygian's question "well, strange is a relative term..." he said slowly, twirling his staff as he thought. "I did see a mudcrab slay a dragon the other day, I then witnessed the same mudcrab have a tea party with a unicorn... it was madness!" He said loudly "I mean, they didn't even have any milk!" He said in mock annoyance. "That same mudcrab is now at a meeting with sheo..." he mumbled.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Draco smiled crazily at stygian's question "well, strange is a relative term..." he said slowly, twirling his staff as he thought. "I did see a mudcrab slay a dragon the other day, I then witnessed the same mudcrab have a tea party with a unicorn... it was madness!" He said loudly "I mean, they didn't even have any milk!" He said in mock annoyance. "That same mudcrab is now at a meeting with sheo..." he mumbled.

"Well I'm talking outside the realm of Sheogorath. I'm talking about here in Tamriel. Skyrim, High Rock, anywhere else you've traveled after Draxius came to power. Oh well, I think we'll discover what is really going on once we begin our little misadventures. Most of our princes have little patience for idleness when they instruct us to do something..."

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"Well I'm talking outside the realm of Sheogorath. I'm talking about here in Tamriel. Skyrim, High Rock, anywhere else you've traveled after Draxius came to power. Oh well, I think we'll discover what is really going on once we begin our little misadventures. Most of our princes have little patience for idleness when they instruct us to do something..."

Rhaz simply nodded in agreement at stygians statment, "he's right, we don't have time for the rambling words of a madman, our masters are counting on us to put draxius in his rightful place, as a corpse under the boots of the living! And knowing how impatient the daedric princes can be, I don't think they will be pleased with the late entry of our other allies, so they must hurry if we wisn to start our quest soon..." said rhaz calmly.

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Abraxus mentally face palmed when he heard Draco's story about a mudcrab. "H....never mind" Abraxus said as he knew a lot about some Daedric princes especially the one who gave his champion the wabbajack. "Anyways im getting a bit bored...also if you see and people that look like bounty hunters...kill them they have been chasing me all through Skyrim"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Abraxus mentally face palmed when he heard Draco's story about a mudcrab. "H....never mind" Abraxus said as he knew a lot about some Daedric princes especially the one who gave his champion the wabbajack. "Anyways im getting a bit bored...also if you see and people that look like bounty hunters...kill them they have been chasing me all through Skyrim"

"I assume you are the champion of Meridia? Yes, I suppose I ought to thank you for bringing the 'Hunters' up. The tyrant Draxius has long decreed that anyone showing some sort of special talent to be captured.... and killed. I believe Dagon has already warned him of us, the champions of the other Daedra, but was unable to say exactly who we were and where we go... once this journey starts, Draxius' Hunters will try more than ever to kill us and ensure their masters' continual rule..."

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"Bounty Hunter? Pff, They are not hunters, most bounty hunter are just killers"

"I'll do you a favor Abraxus. I'll hunt you're hunters. Bounty hunters should be more fun then hunting simple thieves and such" Pulling out his bow Zora was ready to move on. "So Should we start moving or are we going to wait for our hunter to find us"

Zora kept his ears trained for the slightest noise. Zora had his bow ready to shoot anything that was trying to sneak up on them.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@, @@Snowy Storm,


"Yes I am the champion of Meridia and did he ever hired Bounty hunters cause with out the help of this guy over here I would be here a lot later...mostly cause I'm tired of these guys trying to kill me...so where do we need to head" Abraxus asked as he pulled out DawnBreaker. "Besides this blade is more for killing the undead..."

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Bounty Hunter? Pff, They are not hunters, most bounty hunter are just killers"

"I'll do you a favor Abraxus. I'll hunt you're hunters. Bounty hunters should be more fun then hunting simple thieves and such" Pulling out his bow Zora was ready to move on. "So Should we start moving or are we going to wait for our hunter to find us"

Zora kept his ears trained for the slightest noise. Zora had his bow ready to shoot anything that was trying to sneak up on them.

(One thing, Hircine is the father of "lycanthropy", which is now usually used to describe the ability to shift into a "were" creature such as the obvious werewolf, and also werebears, were tigers, etc. That being said, feel free to give your character something like that so that Hircine's ring will habe some use!)


"The Champion of Hircine, hm? Yes, it would be good for you to function as a type of lookout for us, that way these Hunters are picked off quickly, and so that we can be warned of more dangers ahead. I assume you know how to track as well..."

@, @@Snowy Storm,


"Yes I am the champion of Meridia and did he ever hired Bounty hunters cause with out the help of this guy over here I would be here a lot later...mostly cause I'm tired of these guys trying to kill me...so where do we need to head" Abraxus asked as he pulled out DawnBreaker. "Besides this blade is more for killing the undead..."

"Shame, it seems you don't even know the Dawnbreaker. No matter, Hermaeus Mora has told much about the hidden potential of the relics of the Daedra. The Dawnbreaker is also useful in fighting against creatures from Oblivion, meaning you will have an edge like the rest of us against the dremora... as for where we go... I am unsure, but I believe our masters shall guide us to where we need to venture, once the other champions arrive. Unless of course..."

Stygian's palm caught fire as he began to light several more torches in the Temple. Meridia being a Daedra of light, the flames burned brighter to dispel the shadows to nothingness.

"The more shadowy champions are simply trying to show off their abilities," Stygian said, referencing Eos' affiliation to Nocturnal.

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"Really now...interesting" Abraxus said as he sheathed the blade. "Anyways the one that are just showing off are not really smart then" Abraxus said. "Also the creatures of Oblivion...I haven seen any of them yet" Abraxus said as he looked at a bird flying in the sky

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Yeah Zora hasn't been hit by any Were creature or drank anything that would give him the trait to change, but he does carry the ring that allows unlimited changes. If you really want him to change then he can be a Were-Tiger)

"Of course I know how to track and such!" he growled at him.

"Fine i'll scout out the area ahead, Just call out to me when you guys decide to move out" Zora doesn't like having people doubt his skills. Zora already disliked him.

Seeing the Bird Zora drew his bow and took less then four seconds to aim. He shot the bird out of the sky. Smiling he walked away from the group and moved ahead on his own.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Many of Dagon's dremora have taken to disguising their forms to avoid frequent detection. They also use it to surprise their enemies when they reveal their true, more hideous form. Not to worry though, we are champions of Daedric Princes, so I trust we will have a given instinct in discerning the things of Oblivion..."


(Yeah Zora hasn't been hit by any Were creature or drank anything that would give him the trait to change, but he does carry the ring that allows unlimited changes. If you really want him to change then he can be a Were-Tiger)

"Of course I know how to track and such!" he growled at him.

"Fine i'll scout out the area ahead, Just call out to me when you guys decide to move out" Zora doesn't like having people doubt his skills. Zora already disliked him.

Seeing the Bird Zora drew his bow and took less then four seconds to aim. He shot the bird out of the sky. Smiling he walked away from the group and moved ahead on his own.

(It is your decision what abilities to give to your character, so I won't push anything.).


"Zora correct? Yes, go ahead and scout the area before us and come back to tell us what you have seen. Keep in mind that some of the creatures of Oblivion are able to conceal their presence, but I hope detecting those won't be difficult for a champion of Hircine, the Lord of the Hunt."

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Abraxus watched the bird fall to the ground. "Nice shot" Abraxus said pulling out the arrow from the bird. "So...we just wait till we get our orders from the princes" Abraxus asked as he burned the bird to ash for no reason at all. "Pa no mind to what I burn also"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Zora wasn't going to take any risks are far as thing were, he had his targets in his mind. Zora was so busy with finding who was hunting them He failed to notice that the forest was silent. He walked through the forest until he finally notice the silence. he move towards the road and saw a group of guards walking the trail. 

-They can't be the cause of the silence- Moving again through the Forest saw what he was looking for a group of Orcs, but he saw that truly cause the forest to be silent. The leader of the group was a Dremora with a Daedroth by it's side both in disguises.

"Well this is bad" Fleeing from the scene he headed back to the group.

@,@, @, @,  

"We better move. It seem that a group of Orcs are hunting us, But they have a Dremora leading them and a Daedroth with them. Not a fight I say we should fight. One last thing there are guards on the road. I don't know if they are on there side. We should make our way to ClearPine Pond and head to the ruins near to it, unless you wish to fight the Dremora"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"I say we get moving...I rather not pick a fight right now and besides do we really want to fight them right now" Abraxus said as ice appeared in his hand. "If we are fighting them then I am just freezing them" Abraxus knowing fighting is a bad idea. "So ClearPine pond and to the ruins you said"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Eos had followed the group quietly, hiding among trees and bushes, the shadows her natural camoflague. As the others bickered about abilities she pulled an apple out of her pocket and neatly sliced it, swinging her legs back and forth atop the rock she was perched on.

Whatever this was, it was risky as hell-and while that was right up her alley, she wanted guidance from her mistress. She longed to hear her comforting voice, but Nocturnal remained her detatched self, and all Eos heard were her own thoughts.


She knew well where Clearpine was and hopped off her rock, still near-invisible in the shadow.

"I suppose we shpuld move, then," she murmured quietly, stepping into the light. Her dark armour seemed to suck in light, and she took her helm out of the bag and put it on.

"I suppose all of you can guess who I am now," she said, twirling. "Isn't it looovely?"


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