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open Happenings in the Everfree RP


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(Sorry for long post.... Early morning catch up!)




"Did you see her face? Oh Celestia, I need to do stuff like this more often!" Cinder chuckled as she wandered back to the centre of the clearing.


Silver Note snickered with her, holding his side and wincing where he still felt a bruise on his ribs. He gazed at her retreating back. He decided he quite liked this new and improved Cinderblock, She had quite a cute laugh when she bothered to do it... and if she would only take off those blasted goggles he was sure she had the most beautiful eyes hiding underneath.... He gazed dreamily at her....  img-1615181-1-DerpyINlove_zpscfc78799.jp "Oh no What am I thinking." He thought. 'She can't catch me looking at her like... THAT!' img-1615181-2-Whoovesblush_zpsc73cf471.j He quickly looked away and formulated a plan. Fireblaze! Yes she was crazy. She'd be the perfect distraction. He trotted towards her. 





'' Yeah, I think they do think this is a game. They get sidetracked pretty easily, since there is a lot of other things happening. It is like a movie with too many sub-plots and no reasons for why they are happening.'' Tapping her hoof on the ground too. '' But don't worry Silver, the mission will be over but before that can happen. We still have to focus at the task at hand.''


Silver Note looked at Fireblaze strangely... img-1615181-3-scuseme_zpsda2d6f45.jpg She's wierd... He thought to himself. 'Oops better not think that.' he thought again. 'I'm still not sure if she can read my thoughts. Stop it Silver... stop thinking...' To distract himself he asked her out loud


"What in Celestia's name is a movie? and sub plot? Sounds like something out of a book. You would think all this was just happening in text and not in the real poniverse!" Silver sidled away from Fireblaze warily.



It was then that he noticed Lyona slumping against the tree appearing dead.


*Gasp!*" Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh,  Where's Rorona?" @@Skye42, Silver ran in circles in a mild panic. "Quick somepony, do snout to snout resuscitation!" Then he realized that Lyona was ok and expressed a huge sigh of relief.




'' Quick hug, anybody up for a hug?'' Waits for a hug, so we can continue the mission.



Silver Note raised an eye brow at Fireblaze. He silently thought to himself... ' She will probably set me on fire or something or give that evil grin... CrEEpy! Oh no... i'm thinking again. Stop it Silver... stop thinking! ' He ran behind Cinder and pushed her forward saying "You first!"




Lyona frowned again. " How did I pass out from oxygen depletion, then? Did this potion suddenly render my lungs useless? That could have very well killed me. I would call it an assassination attempt, but since I trust you, I'll let this pass. You should not give out potions if you're not completely sure how they react to ponies. " The pegasus pony said, holding her disapproving expression the whole time. 


"Assasina ....t..... ion???" he gasped. "Oh I would hardly call it that. more of an accident... and a misunderstanding. A crossfiring of pony potions or something. So, anyway! Back to the mission? We are here for a mission aren't we?" img-1615181-4-Whoovesawkwardlaugh_zpsc36


((OOC stuff. :~


((OMG you kind of got Nocturne's mane right! Or at least her tail. Good job. Oh and your song from earlier was cool.))

Ooooh it's an OOC with in an OOC! With Nocturne, since she's half sea pony i believe, I decided to go with a more exotic, arabian horse style look which was the image that popped into my head. Glad you liked it and the song, which I MAY still record.... if you don't mind my crappy singing. So. also noticed that some of our other players seemed to have dropped our or wandered off. Hope they return, but do you think we might need to recruit more? Having loads of fun with you guys so don't mind. - end of OOC stuff. ))

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"Assassination...? Me...?" Cinder looked amazed at the possibility - certainly she would have looked a comical assassin, what with the goggles and all. "I don't think I'd be a very good assassin.  I revived you, for one thing. And I don't sulk in the dark enough.


She cocked her head to the side.


"You got hiccups, it's a side effect with some of the older mixtures. It just effected you a lot more than it should have."

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'' Someone committing an assassination? Oh well, Lyona is pretty hilarious now since she still has hiccups.'' Fireblaze starts laughing on the ground, looking over at Cinder. '' I hope that the side effect does blow over, but luckily the side effect didn't happen to me. I hope.''

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All these strange happenings were creeping Silver out even more than the animal noises of the night before. Silver could restrain himself no longer... he burst into song yet again


(continuation of Winter Wrap up parody)


Night dart can see in the dark
it's such a handy thing
He led us from the danger
That this unicorn could bring
The forest creatures creep us out
their howling forms a song.
And everypony knows that
Something must be very wrong.
Everfree mission, Everfree Mission
Cinderblock has gone quite queer
Everfree Mission, Everfree Mission
Seeking out revenge, oh dear
Everfree Mission Everfree Mission
Lyona slumped upon her rear
Guess I'll have another beer.
Silver Note grabbed a beer out of his saddle back and guzzled it down!
*Hic-up!* crazy_zps2035c3cb.jpg
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'' You really do like singing a lot, not that I mind or anything. But, I think that your singing might attract weird and mysterious creatures. Also, I think you have had enough beer you silly colt.'' Fireblaze reminisces that she drank a similar beer too.

'' I just hope I don't start hiccuping and singing too.'' Starts to make a hiccup noise. '' Buck it.''

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Guess I'll have another beer. 


Cinder stared at Silver for a moment.


"You brought beer? On an official mission, for the Canterlot guard? Thats so irresponsible, against regulations even..." 


Her face fell. She glanced at Lyona, at Fireblaze, and finally back at Silver.


"... you didn't even offer me one."


(You should record it, It's brilliant derpy_emoticon1.png )

Edited by Cinderscribe

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'' You definitely deserve a beer. I really hate that I had a beer a few days ago but then, *hiccup* that happened.'' Fireblaze tries to look in her pouch for some water. '' Need water! *Hiccup* , But I think these side effects might really effect me the next day or at least later.''

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"..." Cinder simply stared at Fireblaze for a moment. 'Really? The next morning?'


Handing over another vial of water, she turned to Silver. "Don't suppose you could fly up and see if you can see a stream or anything? Running out of water here and we might get thirsty later. For something other than beer."

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'' Yes ma'am. Next morning. ''  Grabbing the vial of water, from Cinder's hoof. '' Thank you.'' Smiling over at Cinder, while Fireblaze starts to guzzle down the water slowly. '' Much better. That definitely cured me of the hiccups.'' Walking behind Cinder, stretching out her hooves and offers her a hug.

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Oh well, Lyona is pretty hilarious now since she still has hiccups.''


Lyona glared at Fireblaze. " So your commanding officer passing out from lack of air is simply hilarious, ​right?" She said, her green eyes looking quite threatening.  




" Yes, assassination. If I had continued to hiccup after I'd fainted, I would have died. We're miles away from medical help. I would have basically suffocated to death. "


She looked at all the ponies drinking beer. Her wings flared and her mane puffed. She looked much bigger now than she normally is.

" What is wrong with you all? We're on a dangerous mission and you're drinking beer? The mission is not done yet. "



The angry pegasus then turned to Silver. " You. Why did you bring beer to a mission in the Everfree? This is not a party. This is serious. Put the beer away before I throw it away."


Lyona then looked at everypony else. " Finish packing up your stuff. We're leaving in five minutes. Anypony who does not follow my orders will face severe ​repercussions."


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((Haha, I might try singing it as a female version... Maybe. XD Also, siren poniess are sort of like a headcanon thing for me... They are related to seaponies, so you got that bit right. They look like normal ponies, but when they got into water, they transform into sea ponies. And if their power is at their peak, they can use their energy to become harponies(harpy ponies- like a griffon but more pony-like, I guess.) Anyhow, Nocturne is ha;f-siren, so she can't transform. She just inherited the alluring song-voice.))


Night Dart stared at Silver Note as he sang his song.

"Yes, I can see in the dark, thanks for announcing that in the song, I guess? He said, unsure of how to react. 

"Why the hell did you bring beer?" Night Dart wanted to chew the Pegasus out, but Lyona beat him to it. He nodded at the commanding officer and slipped his saddlebag on.

"Anyhow, the unicorn mare isn't nearby, so we're good to go for now. I'm ready." He stood to attention.


Meanwhile, in the old temple that used to house the Elements of Harmony, Nocturne was falling asleep. She had found the bird that had flown over the clearing, and used her knowledge of song to find out about it. She smiled her eerie smile as she laid on the ground to sleep until evening..

"Have a good day, little ponies. It may be your last."

Edited by Silent Dawn
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(Good job Night Dart is awake, I think Lyona was starting to feel like the only sane mare XD)


Cinders head whipped around to each of the ponies in turn, not quite certain what to say or do.


"Ready?" She echoed Night Dart's declaration. "What are we doing? Going to try and find creepy music mare or...?"

  • Brohoof 1

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" As I said before, I doubt that she's the only reason the animals are afraid. There must be a greater force. I assume that she's a helper or minion of some sort. We must get to the bottom of this, and find out who's behind it and why." Lyona's tone was sharp, just like a commandor's should be. She was pacing, lost in thought.


" We also need to find out if it is possible to destroy this... thing. We shall summon the Elements of Harmony when we are sure." Lyona thought aloud, furrowing her brows.


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Silver Note restrained another hicup.


"I don't know what everyone is getting so excited about, its just root beer.... Sheesh."


He turned to Lyona then stepped up onto the nearest log as if it was some kind of pedestal. His voice took on a serious tone.


"If you want my advice, which you probably don't,  but I'll give it anyway. I think we do need to confront this unicorn. Even if she is not the only reason behind all the noise chances are she knows a fair bit about it. The problem is, we, and especially I, get charmed by her magical voice. I think we need to recruit the help of an equally powerful unicorn to help us avoid her magics. Perhaps Twilight or even Princess Celestia has a spell to shield us from her voice? We should consider heading back to ponyville with the information we have. After all, our mission was to collect information and deliver it. then we can contact Princess Celestia for further orders and maybe some back up? And quite frankly, I don't fancy the idea of destroying a living thing especially not a fellow pony. Surely there is some other answer more suited equestrians such as ourselves?"


Silver didn't wait for an answer. He then took off, soaring high above the tree's, surveying the land. He swooped down and landed among the group of ponies.


"There is a stream about 50 hoof beats to the south. We can re fill our drink containers there and decide what to do."


Silver's voice returned to it's usual, less serious state as he turned to Fireblaze stating "You needn't be concerned about my music and song attracting trouble, Music is the heartbeat of Equestria. I may not understand the language of the animals but I'm pretty sure they understand the language of music. Besides, this clearing is magically protected. I can feel it. Nothing evil enters here...."

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Lyona looked at Silver Note when he came back.

" Don't fly off after making a statement like that. In reply to your statement, we could use ear plugs, as we did before. I would prefer for the Elements to deal with this, but since this is a threat to the whole of Equestria, the Princess sent us instead. As I said before, we will only call for help from the Elements if the need arises. We have not collected all the needed information. There is a greater force behind all this, and we need to find out what it is before we can go back. My orders from the Princess were to find the main cause behind all the noise, and then report. We have only found a minion. We all are perfectly suited, every guard is trained to deal with dangers. We will handle this." She said firmly. 


She turned to the rest of the group. " We shall go to the place Silver Note mentioned and discuss our plan of action there."


A shadow peered at them just outside the clearing. It went unnoticed by the ponies who were talking. The thing smiled. " All according to plan..." The thing turned and disappeared. 


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Cinder shrugged and turned away, wondering absently about just what it was about Pegasus ponies and giving long winded speeches.


She wasn't overly happy about the concept of hunting down some kind of great evil, but she had resigned herself by now. Anyway, camping in the Everfree wasn't exactly a thrilling option in of itself.


'If Scribe was here we would have left hours ago. Admittedly we would probably be going the wrong way, or be in the wrong woods but still... We should probably get going. Why didn't I eat more oatmeal?" Her incessant babbling mind voice rambled on about various topics as usual.

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'' Okay it is a bit funny, but don't worry I do respect you for being a commanding officer. I just tend to be a unicorn who is a bit crazy but, I have to give you respect since your one of the only leaders that have ever given me respect when I earned it.'' Fireblaze's ears start to flop down. '' So I'm truly sorry Lyona.''

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Impetus arrogantly spirals down from the sky, his golden mane and white coat flashing in the sun (or moonlight. Kind of irrelevant.).


"I've been sent here by Princess Celestia to help you losers in searching this petty forest. What have you good-for-nothing ponies done so far?"


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Looking over at Impetus, giving him a smug look. '' Well if you must know, we are on a mission to investigate the weird events that are happening in the Everfree Forest involving the animals.'' Fireblaze starts to slap her head with her hoof. '' Please tell me that Celestia was really thinking about sending this guy here.''

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'Oh great. It's like Scribe but with wings and an attitude problem.'


Cinder rolled her eyes at the new arrival: despite the brightened mood the morning had taken, last night had worn away at her tolerance. When she had seen reinforcements arriving she had been overjoyed... until he spoke.


"Can we feed him to creepy music mare?" she muttered to Lyona.

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@@Dark Horn

Lyona looked at Impetus.

" I suggest that you lose the attitude, soldier. I am the commanding officer here, and my fellow ponies and I will not be talked to in this way. To answer your question, we've discovered a minion of the main threat. We will explore the Everfree to find out more." Lyona still had her commander mode on.




' Please tell me that Celestia was really thinking about sending this guy here.''

Lyona turned to Blaze, and her hard gaze softened  " Don't be rude, even if he is."


(Editing 'cause Cinderscribe and I posted at the same time.)




" Maybe, maybe." She muttered back.

Edited by Lynette


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'' Okay, I'll try not to be rude at all. Even though, he is pretty cocky. But anyway, we have to focus again on the mission at hand.'' Blaze said to Lyona. Checking off her list for all of the fire potions that she has in her pouches. Getting ready to keep exploring.

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"Yes ma'am..." Impetus scoffs at Lyona, and looks like he's about to say something offensive and rude, but doesn't do anything more for roughly fifteen seconds. After toying with an innocent rock, he looks at Lyona. "Define minion. What are we dealing with here? A rampaging pack of hell hounds, or a giant vampiric bunny?"


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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" I just have to update him on what happened, and we'll be off." Lyona replied.


@@Dark Horn

The pegasus turned to Impetus, ignoring his scoff. " I think we're dealing with a siren of some sort. I'm no expert at strange wildlife, but this seems most likely. She allurs ponies with the sound of her voice, and seemed to be attracting the animals. However, I highly doubt that she's the only reason the habitants of the Everfree are uneasy." She told him. 


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 "Huh. In-ter-est-ing. But do you have any idea on how you're going to go about bringing down this 'siren'? I'm all for rushing in and kicking in the door, but not with magical creatures. What's to stop this siren from 'alluring' you and your soldiers, commander? Did you think of that?"


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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