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open Bloodbath on the red x


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Cosmo laced the air above them with Blood Wind blades and shot them down as Crimson cleared the way. Suddenly, a bathtub slammed down on umbra and repeated the motion a few more times as Cosmo looked up at his time traveling self and smirked out of amusement. His alt smiled back and called out, "I'll heading out now. Have fun me!" Then vanished in a blue flash as Lyth caught up to Cosmo. He chuckled and said, "This is why I was ok with agreeing to your order if that still isn't clear."


"Because you can simultaneously obey and disobey my order? It works fine now, but what if I were a hostage, weighed against the lives of thousands of others? It wouldn't work to well then, I don't think," she mumbles. "But that is off no consequence. For now, we have a certain problem to take care of. Hopefully without further participation on the Part of Ms. Dash. It''s not doing her any good to get a bunch of exercise. Not in her current condition." 

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"Because you can simultaneously obey and disobey my order? It works fine now, but what if I were a hostage, weighed against the lives of thousands of others? It wouldn't work to well then, I don't think," she mumbles. "But that is off no consequence. For now, we have a certain problem to take care of. Hopefully without further participation on the Part of Ms. Dash. It''s not doing her any good to get a bunch of exercise. Not in her current condition."

"You told me to focus on Umbra, I did. The fact that later on I time travel and focus on you has nothing to do with that order. For other situations, true. I bet the universe decides there's a limit to the number of me there can be at once so I have limits... Anyway resuming killing pyscho dark pony!"

  • Brohoof 1
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Swordpoint grunted as Crimson shoved him aside. He was thrown to the ground as the tendril impaled Crimson's shoulder.


Rainbow lowered her hooves, finding Umbra preoccupied with Crimson and Swordpoint. She saw the blood dripping from Crimson's shoulder and snarled. "HEY, YOU!" she shouted. "YEAH, YOU! UGLY!" She was fuming, now. "WHY DON'T YOU GO TO TARTARUS, YOU MOTHERBUCKER?!" She rushed forward, holding out the dagger toward Umbra.


Swordpoint grunted. Damn her... She wishes to fight to protect me. I must keep her safe. She carries my kin, and I cannot allow the two to perish. He leapt up from the ground, flipping forward and thrusting his lance downward. He effectively skewered Umbra, running his lance through the top of Umbra's skull and out his plot. He hastily withdrew the lance and spun it rapidly in a circular pattern. "Stand and face me, Umbra. If you truly wish for a test of skill, you will find no better than I. I defeated your son in combat; what leads you to believe that you can stand against me if even he has defeated you many times before?"

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@@Justin ZW @@TheBreech @


Swordpoint's attack gave Crimson the time he needed to retreat back a few steps, stopping next to Swordpoint and catching his breath, noticing his shoulder had healed, he gave a curt nod of thanks to Lyth. "We can't just challenge him individually, he's too tricky for that...our only chance is for me, you, Lyth, and Cosmo, to all attack this bastard at the same time!" said Crimson, brandishing Helios once more.


Umbra was actually prepared for Dashes attack this time, but before he could do anything, Swordpoint swooped in out of nowhere and skewered him like a kebab. Once Swordpoint, Crimson, and dash, all retreated a few feet away, Umbra glared deeply at them from afar, as he regenerated from his wound as best as he could. "You...arrogant little pricks! Do you have any idea who you are dealing with!? It doesn't matter whether you attack me one at a time, or all at once! The results will always be the same! I will survive, and I will kill you all! Just like my little puppets killed Sole's little marefreind! ahahahahahaha!!" cackled the insane stallion with sick glee.




((hey dude, I had one of the bad guys attack you a few posts back, are you still in the RP?))

Edited by ragestar
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(hey dude, I had one of the bad guys attack you a few posts back, are you still in the RP?))

((Yeah I never got a notification about it so I thought I was forgotten but I am still in))

"Equinox drooped the gun and broke it. "Well there goes my favorite gun" He made a katana appear. "Tell me who is this guy" Deranged called out as another blade appeared. "I guess I get my turn to fight..." A third blade appeared and was held in his mouth. "Equinox hates this style but I kinda like it...after all I am a swords fan and Equinox is more guns" Deranged smirked. "Now...LETS ROCK!" He dashed forward towards Terror Vain

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@@Justin ZW @@TheBreech @


Swordpoint's attack gave Crimson the time he needed to retreat back a few steps, stopping next to Swordpoint and catching his breath, noticing his shoulder had healed, he gave a curt nod of thanks to Lyth. "We can't just challenge him individually, he's too tricky for that...our only chance is for me, you, Lyth, and Cosmo, to all attack this bastard at the same time!" said Crimson, brandishing Helios once more.


Umbra was actually prepared for Dashes attack this time, but before he could do anything, Swordpoint swooped in out of nowhere and skewered him like a kebab. Once Swordpoint, Crimson, and dash, all retreated a few feet away, Umbra glared deeply at them from afar, as he regenerated from his wound as best as he could. "You...arrogant little pricks! Do you have any idea who you are dealing with!? It doesn't matter whether you attack me one at a time, or all at once! The results will always be the same! I will survive, and I will kill you all! Just like my little puppets killed Sole's little marefreind! ahahahahahaha!!" cackled the insane stallion with sick glee.




((hey dude, I had one of the bad guys attack you a few posts back, are you still in the RP?))

Lyth nodded at Crimson, absorbing Umbras words. In her mind's eye, she was scrolling through available runes. She selected a few and brought them to the forefront of her arsenal. She took a brief moment to give everyone minor deflection runes. They wouldn't stop anything direct, but they would still soften the blow.

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"Exactly Umbra! Your minions! YOU haven't done anything but hide behind your servants and make empty threats as you get your ass kicked by the same warriors who cut your upgraded men down with ease. From what I understand, all you've accomplished in your life is surviving the numerous times Crimson has beaten you. You brag that the death has never stuck, but you've never been able to defeat him. You're nothing but a desperate tyrant, and your soil doers are what? Clones? Synthetic warriors? You have power Umbra, but no idea how to use it. Stallions like you amuse me, and I kill you." Through Fade Cosmo asked Lyth if she could make a rune for targeting spirits, planning to restrain Umbra's soul for Crimson to finish what he'd started.

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"Exactly Umbra! Your minions! YOU haven't done anything but hide behind your servants and make empty threats as you get your ass kicked by the same warriors who cut your upgraded men down with ease. From what I understand, all you've accomplished in your life is surviving the numerous times Crimson has beaten you. You brag that the death has never stuck, but you've never been able to defeat him. You're nothing but a desperate tyrant, and your soil doers are what? Clones? Synthetic warriors? You have power Umbra, but no idea how to use it. Stallions like you amuse me, and I kill you." Through Fade Cosmo asked Lyth if she could make a rune for targeting spirits, planning to restrain Umbra 'a soul for Crimson to finish what he'd started.


The inside of Lyth's mind was like a computer selection program, highlighting new runes as needed. She picked out three runes: Bind , Spirit , and Target . She set them in an order that would be ready for his use at a thought from Cosmo. Almost like they had their own little bubble for him to pop.

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Swordpoint leaned close to Crimson and whispered, "You fool. I was attempting to stall him and create an opening. I am aware that we cannot defeat him alone. However, when he is healing himself, he seems to be vulnerable. If we take advantage of this, we can defeat him with ease." He nodded subtly in Umbra's direction. "Follow my lead."


Facing Umbra, Swordpoint stepped forward. "You believe us to be insignificant, Umbra. That is a fatal mistake. You have seen death as I have, only to return from it through black magic." A smirk came to Swordpoint's lips. "I live again thanks to a much more powerful force, one you may have known once. It is love, Umbra, and my body and soul have been strengthened by it." Moving closer, he continued to speak. "We stand before you not as many, but as one." He saw Rainbow in the corner of his eye, readying her dagger. She'd practically read his mind. "And now, Umbra, I offer you one choice. Renounce your evil and leave this foul place, or die." He swung his lance quickly, resting the point against the ground beside him.


Rainbow watched quietly as Swordpoint spoke. When he offered Umbra a choice, she had to hide a gasp. Really? Why's he gotta be so noble all the time? Umbra's not gonna just give up being evil like that! She stood ready in case Umbra attacked suddenly.

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Crimson sighed but nodded, stepping back a few feet and watching his brothers plan unfold. "I hope this works...because we probably don't have much time before Umbra tries something drastic..." thought Crimson as he slowly circled Umbra.


Umbra gave Swordpoint a surprised look, but it didn't last long, as he soon began to laugh like a maniac instead. "Ahahahahahahahahaha!! That's just so fucking pathetic!! You're ACTUAaLLY standing here and giving me the classic "change your ways or die" speech! Well...I'm sorry to inform you, toothpaste mane, but I will NEVER stop...not until everything is in dust and ash..." said Umbra darkly, watching Swordpoint and Crimson carefully.

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Swordpoint stepped forward. "You truly enjoy this life? Death, destruction, alienation... What of your family, Umbra? Can you see what you've done to them?" He caught Crimson's eye and winked, carefully nodding his head ever so slightly toward Umbra. "You truly have released your feelings for your wife? And for your daughter?"

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(This thing has gone on way too long. I say its time to wrap this up)

Cosmo popped the spell bubble Lyth sent him and cast telekinesis spells on Umbra to restrain his body and hold his soul inside, "Crimson, Now!!!!" Cosmo called out, trying to end this before Umbra could pull anymore of his tricks.

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Crimson nods and rushes at Umbra with his sword poised to run him through.


Umbra cursed and attempted to break free, but failed and stared in horror as Crimson went in for the kill.


Crimson then reached Umbra. "This is for Twinkle!!" Said Crimson before stabbing Umbra straight through the heart, with Helios.


Umbra goes wide eyed, feeling as his life slipped away, but despite all the anger and hatred he felt towards Crimson, he couldn't help but smile a little. "Enjoy you're victory while it lasts, fool...because soon enough, your luck will run dry...sooner than you realize...hehehehehe..." whisperes Umbra before closing his eyes and going limp.


Crimson pulled away and sheathed Helios, breathing a sigh of relief. Despite everything Umbra had done, he felt no satisfaction in what he'd done. "You always did have the last laugh..." mumbled Crimson with a neutral look.


((Sorry for the half assed final fight...I'm tired...))

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Lyth looked to the sky, eyes still glowwing. She sighed, It was such a beautiful full moon. A rune circle apeared like a code breaker, twisting and turning until it stopped and flashed blindly. When the flash was gone, the moon was back in its normal place, and Lyth was passed out on the ground.

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Cosmo caught Lyth before she hit the ground. He smiled at the group, "So we did it right? He's dead dead? Not coming back to buck with us right? Because if so... I wanna go home..." Cosmo chuckled at how quickly he decided that. He wanted to see Canterlot again and be on dry land that wasn't trying to kill him. "I for one don't get what you sea in sailing Crimson, though maybe I'm just a whatever that flank at the tavern muttered about non sailors..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Do not assume it is over," Swordpoint said gravely. "Though he is dead, he will return. That is, unless we dispose of that which will revive him." He moved beside Crimson and looked at him specifically. "The island. We must destroy it. But something this size... Perhaps if we combine our powers, we can erase it from the face of the earth."


Rainbow sighed. "It's funny that he talked all that big talk, but then he fell right apart at the end." She scrunched her expression. "I'm surprised, though. How did Crimson kill him right away when Swordpoint ran him through and he still survived?"


Swordpoint waved his hoof absentmindedly. "If you will recall, I stated that he was weak when he was healing himself. The damage from my attack was extensive. It seems that he had not managed to fully recover before Crimson struck him."


(OoC: There, I put some logic to his quick demise. Let's finish this for real. It's not over, yet.)

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@@Justin ZW


Crimson nodded solemnly. "I agree, if we want to finish this, we have to destroy this hellhole, once and for all...but I don't really have any ideas on how we do that...anyway, we should probably free my sister, who's suspended in a giant crystal at the moment..." said Crimson before trotting over to the spot below where Violet was trapped, and shattering the crystal with a spell, catching Violet as she fell. He then smiled at her as she awoke. "Hey sis, miss me?" he asked. Violet responded with a smile and a hug, crying tears of joy. "Brother! You made it!! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I killed your friend...I...I couldn't stop myself...he used some sort of enchanted gem on me, I couldn't control my body..." said Violet, her tears now ones of sadness. Crimson smiled sadly and hushed her. "It's ok, Violet...there was nothing you could've done, and it wasn't your fault, it was Umbra's, but don't worry, he won't be hurting us anymore, he won't be hurting anyone anymore..." said Crimson quietly.


Unknown to the siblings, as they celebrated their reunion, a wisp of shadows had arisen from Umbra's corpse and was now forming into a black spear, aimed directly for Violet, and after a moment, shot right at her. Crimson opened his eyes just in time to see the incoming spear, his eyes widening. "NO!!" He yelled, before shoving Violet out of the way, and causing the shadowy spear to impale him instead. Effectively saving her life, but seemingly sacrificing his own. Violet's eyes widened as she shot back up, seeing Crimson hit the floor. "Brother, NO!!" She cried, running over to his side. However, to both Violet's and his surprise, the blade didn't hurt him, but instead it disintegrated and absorbed itself into Crimson. As this was happening, Crimson looked horrified. "NO...no, no, no, NO!! Dammit!! We have to get this shit out of me, before I-" Crimson was cut off before he could finish his sentence, as a familiar stallion appeared from the shadows, interrupting him. It was Venom Trace. 


Venom approached them with a troubled look. "I am sorry my friend, but that isn't possible...I'm afraid his curse is now yours...the only way you can get rid of the spell now, is if you die, but I highly recommend that you don't do that, as even though your fathers vile magic was used for a great many terrible things, it can also be used for some measure of good. For instance, that of which this power has created, can also destroy it..." he said cryptically, before disappearing just as quickly as he came.


Crimson grew a very annoyed look on his face. "What the hell, Venom!? I don't see you in like two years, and when we finally do meet again, its only for about thirty seconds to give me a fucking fortune cookie lesson!! Gah!" Said Crimson in exasperation, getting to his hooves shakily, holding his head.


((lol, sorry for the bullshit plot twist guys, but I had this idea in my head for awhile now. Don't worry, this won't lead to a whole new problem that drags the RP on, actually, this is what's going to help end it! Just wait and see, it'll wrap up in about, five or six more posts...give or take. I just want to end this whole thing properly, we don't want to make this whole thing seem like it was for nothing, right? BTW, @ sorry for not responding in the fight, I've been a bit distracted lately, so I'm just gonna say that all of Umbra's lackeys died after he did.))

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Venom approached them with a troubled look. "I am sorry my friend, but that isn't possible...I'm afraid his curse is now yours...the only way you can get rid of the spell now, is if you die, but I highly recommend that you don't do that, as even though your fathers vile magic was used for a great many terrible things, it can also be used for some measure of good. For instance, that of which this power has created, can also destroy it..." he said cryptically, before disappearing just as quickly as he came.

(I take it Venom was your trainer?)

Cosmo wasn't exactly sure how to respond. Part of him was concerned for his friend but that was only an instinct . Cosmo sensed the power entering Crimson but other than his hatred for it, it wasn't doing anything to him. It was like when Cosmo inherited his family's techniques and spells; he felt sick for having them, knowing the evil they'd been used for, but he also recognized they were simply new powers for him to use as he saw fit. Umbra's magic was used for evil, but it may not have been evil.

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Lyth had been watching through half-lidded eyes. She mumbled to Cosmo, "And so, power once used for evil yet again has a chance for cleansing rebirth. Such is the cycle and pattern of life. You can put me down now, I can stand on my own again." When Cosmo put her down, she stretched. I've lost a significant amount of weight from that talent show. I'd better eat something... She pulled out some of her herbs and began nibbling on them. 

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"Venom's words are sufficient," Swordpoint said calmly. "The dark magic inside you... It is powerful. Powerful enough to combat forces like it. Venom gave us our final clue." He stared intently at Crimson. "You see, brother, the power to destroy this place lies within you, now. If you channel it... we can eradicate this accursed isle."


Rainbow's jaw dropped. "So you're saying... that power that Umbra gave him... can destroy this island?"


Swordpoint nodded. "Indeed. We only need lend Crimson our strength. This ordeal shall end soon. Are you prepared for this, brother?"

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@@Justin ZW


Crimson nodded solemnly. "As ready as I'll ever be, brother..." he said, before closing his eyes and gathering up the energy of his new power, flinching slightly, as the energy was more ominous and dark than his flame powers, so he wasn't used to them. "This could take some getting used to..." he thought.

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Cosmo placed a hoof on Crimson's shoulder. "Focus on what it can do, not what it did. It's a strange feeling to wield something you know was used for evil, but use it for good and over time, you'll only think of it as one of your skills..." To emphasize his point, Cosmo carved into the floor nearby with Blood Wind, his clan's signature spell.

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(OoC: Dammit, I hate being away for so long.)


Swordpoint extended his wings and stood on his hind hooves. He extended his forehooves into the air and closed his eyes. The air around him began to pulsate with energy. It flowed freely in this place... but it felt foul. "Gah..." he muttered. "Umbra has tainted this place. Even the magic that exists here has been poisoned with darkness. But..." He continued to gather energy even as he spoke, grunting occasionally. "We must complete this task." As he felt the power grow inside him, Swordpoint focused on Crimson, sending all the energy that he could gather to his brother. "I can continue to channel this energy. Focus on building it up."

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@@Justin ZW @@TheBreech @ @ @ @@pinkiepool @ @@synangel


Crimson felt Swordpoint's magical energy flowing into him, adding to his own power, letting the combined energies build up like a bucket being filled with water. "Almost...and...ok! I think this should be enough! Let's finish this place off, once and for all!" said Crimson as he gathered the dark magic into his hooves, shocked by just how violent and erratic the magic was. "Damn! I can barely keep it contained! Come on...stay in control...I have to...FINISH THIS!! GAH!!" he thought, before slamming his hooves into the ground, unleashing the gathered energy through the island. However, instead of destroying it, the energy seemed to purge it, as if Umbra's magic was a key and the red X was a locked door. After a flash of light, followed by a ringing, the island transformed completely. Where it used to be a dark, gloomy, and evil looking place of shadows, was now replaced with a lush, bright, and alive island, full of vitality and teeming with animal life, as if the darkness were never there to begin with. The islands curse was lifted.


Crimson was kneeling on the ground, panting, his energy completely drained, the magic's power was so wild that it nearly caused him to pass out from over exertion. "Damn (pant) that was harder (pant) than I expected...actually...I feel kinda strange..." he said as he stood up, adjusting his hat, not noticing that his fur was now a deep black, and that his left eye was now a dark shade of violet, as was some streaks of his mane and tail.


Violet looked at Crimson with wide eyes, her jaw dropping as she gasped in shock. "Holy shit!!" she exclaimed, rather uncharacteristically.


Crimson gave her an odd look, "What? What's wrong? Is there something in my teeth?" he asked, reaching his hoof up to his mouth to check his mouth, but stopped and went wide eyed as he noticed the color change. "AAHH!!! WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK!!?? I'm...I'm a different color...what the hell!? What's with the sudden change in color shame?! What did this damn magic do to me!?" he asked in an almost panicked tone, as Violet tried her best to calm him down.


((lol, surprise!! I guess it never crossed Crimson's mind to wonder why Umbra's appearance changed...))

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Cosmo stood there for a moment before Fade shouted in his and Lyth's minds, "Hurry! Get him to Ponyville so Rarity can put his coat back in the right colors!!!" He wasn't trying to be funny, but the joke shook Cosmo back to his senses. "Ok... This is certainly new... Well, as long as this is the only side effect then I think we came out on top." Looking around the island, "This place is beautiful now ..."

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