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Frozen Equestria RP


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"good night" he got comfortable in the blankets he didnt take his coat off he faced the fire, he watched it glow with heat, he took his saddle bags off and put them next to him, he leaned the AR against that and made sure his gasmask was in reach, he then went to sleep

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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  "The heck?" Shawn thought as he saw a wolf get shot. "He either wants to help me or kill me."


  The second wolf ran at Shawn's back. Using his Katana, in a swift, single, motion, he spun around and beheaded the wolf, and its blood splattered all over the frozen, soft, snow.


  The remaining wolf barked and howled at Shawn. It made direct eye contact with him.


  "Looks like all that samurai training is gonna pay off," Shawn thought.


  He steadied his Katana, ready to counter attack. After about 5 seconds of direct eye contact, the wolf ran towards him like a hungry vengeful beast. The wolf jumped, aiming for his head. Shawn quickly darted his Katana straight for the wolf's stomach and sliced halfway in.

Edited by Brony Shawn

"In order to realize our true self, we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others."

-Bruce Lee

My role-play character: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shawn-r3691

My favorite pony would be a tie between Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves.

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Chloe, a shy, but artistic pony, opened her eyes. Where am I? Quickly she gathered her supplies into her leather saddle pack and exited her shelter. As she wandered around in the bitter cold, and the wind stinging her eyes she stopped and stood staring at what was left of a welcome sign. welcome to ponyville. She countinued her journy throught the abounded town, finally spotting a suitable rest spot for the night, Chloe entered the home and collapsed onto the floor. This shelter will be suitable for the night, but find supplies first and sleep later. Chloe dragged her pure white body off the ground and levitated her bag off her back. After an unsuccessful hunt for supplies, Chloe was finally able to rest. She awoke early that morning and continued breaking into abandoned shacks for anything she could get a hold of. Famished and barely walking Chloe spotted shelter. Eager to rest she trotted to the seemingly empty cave. As she entered she bumped into a stallion much bigger than she. 

"Uh uh im so sorry, I had no idea anyone lived in here." Blushing she gathered herself off the cold ground and backed up.

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Use the sign up thread first, please.

Also your post seemed kinda like godmodding.

If you want to bring additional characters, then sign them up too.


Space filler space filler space fillers. space filler space filler space fillet space filler


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Redstorm finally got the two saddlebags full of food, ammo and water. He also found some clips for his rifle and some for an unknown weapon.

"Well two saddlebags worth of food plus the food that we have... and we're gonna get more."

He crawled back into the shelter, seeing SkyFall preening herself.

"Uh... if we want to get someplace warmer, we have to get supplies. And if we want supplies then we need everypony to work on that. So why don't you scavenge for a bit, eh?"

He took another saddlebag of his own. It was empty. He went back outside, hoping for more food.

((Sorry, I was asleep when all this was posted, or else I would've replied earlier.))


SkyFall noticed RedStorm crawling inside. "Uh... if we want to get someplace warmer, we have to get supplies. And if we want supplies then we need everypony to work on that. So why don't you scavenge for a bit, eh?" RedStorm said. Before SkyFall could reply, the red pegasi took another saddle bag and left. I thought it would be safer if we whent in groups. Oh well. She took the uneeded items for the scavenge out of her pack and then picked it up. She would collect them when she was finished. She wrapped the crimmson scarf around her neck and  gathered her weapons. She looked up the hole that RedStorm dug out. We must've been buried here from the snow storm. So that's we he was crawling. She began to crawl up the narrow space and upo reaching the out side, she began her search for supplies.


SkyFall flew from house to house, searching for any items left behind. By the time time she looked through each house on five different streets, she only found five cans of beans, a loaf of frosty, stale-ish bread, two rolls of bandages, and a half-epmtied box of oats. For SkyFall, this was an extreamly great find, but for a group, this would not last long. She began her way back when she heard some wolves howl. What in the hay? Are there wolves in town now? She flew towards to sorce of the noise, SMG at the ready, and saw Lyona in the far distance. SkyFall was just about to call for her, but then stopped, incase if the noise attracts them. When she flew to the scene, there were three dead wolves, RedStorm and Lyona, and a new pony. 

(( I hope I managed to catch up =P))

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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I did sign up, also whats godmodding?


 space filler space filler space filler space filler vspace filler space filler space filler space filler space filler space filler space filler space filler v space filler space filler space filler space filler space filler 


Ok... I can see that you're new here.

Go to the first page of the RP. There you should find a link to the OOC page.

Insert a link to your characters, so I can look them over. Then see what else is needed for an application.

Look in the OOC thread, people have links to their characters plus some more information that is needed for this particular RP.



Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo woke up after some time, with the fire burning low. She wanted to sleep some more, but knew this was not the time for laziness. Sighing, she tapped Johnny on the shoulder.  " Wake up. Time to get moving."



Lyona saw SkyFall, relieved. -If this new pony turns out to be an enemy, we'll need as much help as we can get.- She looked at the dead wolves. - They have plenty of fur... We could use that, but I don't think I'll be able to do anything without throwing up.- She scrunched her nose at the thought.






Signature by Azura

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Redstorm was ready to shoot the new pony. In case he charged Lyona.

*Meat... blegh... I guess food is food. Also we should be doing something with the furs.*

He started going towards the pony with a katana. With his rifle out, he looked quite threatening to the stallion.

*Let's just share the food... I helped as well.*

He threw up in his mouth a little bit as he thought about eating WOLF MEAT. (ew)


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo rolled her eyes when Johnny didn't wake up. "Gah. I'll just go look for supplies myself. Lazybutt." She shook her head and gathered her gun. She left a quick note to Johnny.


Going to look for more supplies. 



The earth pony headed to the forest, humming a tune along the way. She needed to find some herbs for her medical kit, as she was running low.


Lyona got her gun ready to shoot at the new pony while she thought what to do with the wolves. -We need to skin them, but I've never done that before... This is gonna be bloody.- She grimaced. 




Signature by Azura

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((we aren't meant to have ooc conversations in an rp thread guys...))


Skyfall, having arrived late, examined the scene. There were the corpses of three wolves, that had been killed in various ways. The white, crisp snow was stained with blood, and there was a blue pegasus on the other side of the mess. She clutched her SMG tighter, as she thought of the new pony to be an enemy. SkyFall saw that RedStorm had his rifle and katana pointed at the stallion as he moved foward towards him. She also thought about the furs on the wolves. They could provide us with more warmth. I hope that somepony here knows how  to skin them though... She could taste bile in her mouth after thinking about it. In the name of Celestia, I hope we don't have to eat them. SkyFall pointed her gun at the stallion, and waited for a responce from him.

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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SkyFall saw that RedStorm had his rifle and katana pointed at the stallion as he moved foward towards him.

((I don't have a katana... I have an axe. I was going towards the pony who had the katana. I guess I could've worded that better, but english isn't my first language so... ))


Redstorm saw Sky point his weapon at the stallion as well.

*Wow... that's like everypony in Ponyville coming here. They should be collecting supplies ...*


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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A earth pony was walking to their direction, humming a tune. She did not see them as she was completely lost in thought and looking at the ground. 



Lyona landed on the ground, looking at the wolves. The smell of wolf blood filled her nose. - We really need the fur... -






Signature by Azura

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  "狼で私を助けていただきありがとうございます。それが評価されています。あなたは攻撃しない場合、私はあなたを攻撃しません。あなたが攻撃することを決定しない場合、私はあなたに警告しなければなりません。私は熟練した武士だと簡単に私の一族の最高の手によって作られて、ちょうど私のカタナ、と私の対戦相手を圧倒することができます," Shawn said in his calm voice to the pony pointing his weapon at him.


  "Dammit, what language does this guy speak?" Shawn thought.


  Shawn lowered his weapon and waited for a reply from the pony pointing their weapon at him.


  Shawn suddenly noticed that the pony pointing his weapon at him was not alone. He saw another. An assistant or student of him, pointing his weapon at Shawn.


  Shawn gave a serious, but respectful, eye contact type of stare to the stranger that killed a wolf, and calmly waited for a reply.


  "If these guys decide to attack, I'll need to go Sukafeisu on them with my Masamune." Shawn thought to himself.

"In order to realize our true self, we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others."

-Bruce Lee

My role-play character: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shawn-r3691

My favorite pony would be a tie between Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves.

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  "狼で私を助けていただきありがとうございます。それが評価されています。あなたは攻撃しない場合、私はあなたを攻撃しません。あなたが攻撃することを決定しない場合、私はあなたに警告しなければなりません。私は熟練した武士だと簡単に私の一族の最高の手によって作られて、ちょうど私のカタナ、と私の対戦相手を圧倒することができます," Shawn said in his calm voice to the pony pointing his weapon at him.


  "Dammit, what language does this guy speak?" Shawn thought.


  Shawn lowered his weapon and waited for a reply from the pony pointing their weapon at him.


  Shawn suddenly noticed that the pony pointing his weapon at him was not alone. He saw another. An assistant or student of him, pointing his weapon at Shawn.


  Shawn gave a serious, but respectful, eye contact type of stare to the stranger that killed a wolf, and calmly waited for a reply.


  "If these guys decide to attack, I'll need to go Sukafeisu on them with my Masamune." Shawn thought to himself.

*Well this seems alright...*

Redstorm lowered his weapon and gave Shawn a questioned look.

"What 'ya doing out in the wild?"

He suddenly had an idea, for the best... or worst.

"You wanna come with us? We're heading someplace warmer! We could use some help gathering supplies."

*Let's see how this turns out...*


((I just copy pasted the chinese thing into Google Translate... it actually means something. I thought you were randomly putting letters in.))

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Lyona raised an eyebrow at Shawn's words, then turned to Redstorm. - I'm hopeless with foreigners, but I think...- She thought, then said, " I don't think this guy knows English. He sounds Neighponese. " 


@@Brony Shawn,





In the distance, Cleo saw the group of ponies and smiled to herself. -They look like they got plenty of supplies...-


Signature by Azura

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Jonny Ray slowly woke up, he looked around, he noticed Celo was gone, he looked around and spotted her note, he stretched then got up,he levitated his saddle bags on, then his gas mask, his AR hovered right beside him, he left the shelter and headed into town 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Cleo snuck closer to the ponies, licking her lips in anticipation. Her eyes widened when she saw the three wolves, and she smiled.

-Awesome! More food and clothes. I'll probably need to snipe at them from somewhere.- She climbed up a tree, and was practically invisible as her white coat blended her in with the snow. She took aim at one of the ponies, a red pegasus.


Signature by Azura

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I dont think I godmodded? Did I?



 Space fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace filler

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I dont think I godmodded? Did I?



 Space fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace fillerSpace filler

(Sorry to sound rude, but can you please go to the OOC page? This is a roleplay page, discuss your problem on that page. Again, sorry for sounding rude.)

idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk


Signature by Azura

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*Well this seems alright...*

Redstorm lowered his weapon and gave Shawn a questioned look.

"What 'ya doing out in the wild?"

He suddenly had an idea, for the best... or worst.

"You wanna come with us? We're heading someplace warmer! We could use some help gathering supplies."

*Let's see how this turns out...*


((I just copy pasted the chinese thing into Google Translate... it actually means something. I thought you were randomly putting letters in.))

  "Searching for other signs of life was what I'm doing out here in the wild," Shawn replied. "Sure, I'll go with you guys. My name is Shawn. Do you need anything?"


  (And by the way, just to make it clear, it was Japanese not Chinese. Samurai aren't part of Chinese culture.)

"In order to realize our true self, we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others."

-Bruce Lee

My role-play character: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shawn-r3691

My favorite pony would be a tie between Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves.

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*Well this seems alright...*

Redstorm lowered his weapon and gave Shawn a questioned look.

"What 'ya doing out in the wild?"

He suddenly had an idea, for the best... or worst.

"You wanna come with us? We're heading someplace warmer! We could use some help gathering supplies."

*Let's see how this turns out...*


((I just copy pasted the chinese thing into Google Translate... it actually means something. I thought you were randomly putting letters in.))



((Damn it, I compleatly forgot that you had an axe. X_X soorryyy! Man I'm such an idiot...))


When the stallion started speaking his forgien laguage, SkyFall was confused. What is he saying? Scince the stallion was talking, he must mean no harm. So she lowered her weapon a little, and watched as RedStorm questioned the pony on why he was out here. And invited him to join us.


((Why Must I always be late to roleplay in this thread? XD)) 

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Jonny Ray got into town and floated up his AR as he walked through the the town, the snow seemed a tad heavier than usual, he used some he trudged through using the buildings as cover from the snow, he kept an eye out for Cleo, he wiped off some snow off his visor and kept walking

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Lyona put her gun back, but she was still wary. 

" The wolves could be useful." Lyona looked at them. The smell of blood was really getting to her head now, she felt a bit sick.


@@Brony Shawn


Cleo stuck her tongue out as she aimed. She shot at the red pegasus, but missed him. It grazed the back of Shawn instead. Cleo cursed, and shifted in her tree. -How did I miss that?!-





Edited by Lynette


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SkyFall bagan to ease up. So he does speak english. She was just about to compleatly lower her gun, when a shot fired nearby. Startled, she yelped and ducked. After a second, she looked around to see who fired the shot, holding the SMG tighter, and slightly opening her wings.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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-Can they see me?- Cleo panicked a little, and moved closer to the tree trunk. Thankfully, her white coat helped her blend in. Biting her tongue, Cleo fired a shot at SkyFall. -It better hit her, or else I'll be neck deep in chocolate.- The earth pony got her morningstar ready, just incase she ran out of ammunition. 


Signature by Azura

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