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private Whisper II: Kingdom of Darkness


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Arianna nodded, quickly following him.  She brought the spell books with her, preferring to look through them, than practice at the moment.  She  set the books on the ground and looked around a bit.  She opened the book back to her page with her horn and sat back down in he corner.

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Arianna nodded, quickly following him.  She brought the spell books with her, preferring to look through them, than practice at the moment.  She  set the books on the ground and looked around a bit.  She opened the book back to her page with her horn and sat back down in he corner.

midnight smiled then started to practice, first trying to figure out where his spells came from, and as it turned out, his hooves seemed to be the source since he obviously had no horn.

next he tried to manipulate things with his magic, just moving a book around and the like, he smiles as he picked up another, and started to juggle, "hey, i think im gett..." all three books fell to the ground, "ing the hang of this....." he sighed the tried again.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Don't get bummed out," Arianna frowned.  It takes practice and you're still new to the whole magic thing.  It's going to take some time."  She used her own magic to pick the books off the floor, carefully setting them back down in a stack.  "Just keep trying," she said.

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"i know i know, " he smiled back "ill continue trying to use spells, and all that." he smiled, "how about a changeling spell?" he turned to his own book, "hmmm," he looked the spell over, "no....no....hmmm, could be useful..." he heard a chirp come from the door as fen came inside and quickly made her way to midnights side as he chuckled.

"heya fen, are you okay?"


she looked up and chirped in rapid succession, something was spooking her, but what?


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna watched him flip through the book.  She shut her own book, starting to get a little bit drowsy.  She realized she hadn't slept in awhile.  She frowned as Fen came in quickly, not wasting anytime in rushing to Midnight's side.  "Is she okay?" Arianna asked, looking at the frightened creature.

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midnight looked down at the chirping filly, "hmm, judging by her reactions, no....i dont know whats spooked her though..." he noticed arianna looked very sleepy, "hey, if you need to sleep, go ahead." he smiled, "promise i wont get too lonely." he winked then chuckled.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna nodded getting up.  "I'm feeling a bit drowsy," she admitted.  "Maybe you should take the time to figure out what freaked Fen out," she suggested, magically gathering her book.  "I think I will get some sleep."  She left the training room and went back to the bedroom.  She curled up on the bed, pulling the think blanket over her.

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Klarix sat in the dim, flickering light of the candle by her side. She was tucked away in the corner of the room shared with the other students, the Diary laying face up by her legs, her Tarot cards splayed out on top. All she could do for the longest of times was stare at the ornate surface, the curling calligraphy spelling out The High Priestess.

But what does it even mean? she fretted silently.

The guide to the Inner Voice? A small part of herself niggled at the back of her mind that maybe she could help the mutants. She wouldn't be able to aid them physically, but she could break into their hive mind and free them from the phantom chains entrapping their psyches. With a quiet sigh, she decided that she would reach out to the nearest mutant with her mind: Fen. The endearing little filly already had a mind of her own, but maybe Klarix could aid with her speech...

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Midnight looked down at fen and smiled, before picking her up and sighing, "fen, whats wrong, what scared you?" she chirped and wrapped her tentacles around his neck and burying her muzzle in it, "was it a dream?"


fen tilted her head and nodded, "a bad dream?" she nodded again, "is it....this presence i keep hearing about?"

fen chirped, more of a squeal and buried her muzzle in his neck.


"hmm......" he shook his head, all he could do was comfort and be there for the filly, be a father too her.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Garrison sat up and thumped the duffel bag serving as a pillow in annoyance. Is it too much to ask of you not to dream about god-damn Innistrad? Well, maybe you don't like vampires, but I thought they were lots of fun! And besides, didn't Irene live on Innistrad? Shut up. I guess if we're not sleeping we may as well do something useful.


In the training room, Garrison tried a number of skills that the two respective halves already knew, and made the happy discovery that the shared body seemed proficient in both fields. Upon a particularly vicious left hook, the punching-bag's chain broke, and the bag itself went flying, knocking over a set of dumbbells.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Nexus awoke in his bed, a headache greeting him with throbbing temples. He started rubbing his hooves into the sides of his head, hoping to remedy the issue, when he found a bit of blood. Looking around, he saw blood and broken glass in his bed.


"Well, Justice is fair at least." He muttered to himself. He got up, replaced the sheets of his bed, and hunted down the nearest shower to clean the blood from his mane. He found it odd that even when wet, his mane retains the Mohawk style. Dried, clean, and his headache only a mild case now, he returned to his room, and saw Klarix in the corner with the log they discovered. It then occurred to him; he never read it. He only knows the major points, but he would like to know more. He trotted over to the mare and coughed politely to get her attention.


"Excuse me ma'am, may I borrow that book?"




I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Pressuring a pair of pillows against her ears, Lume woke up to the everlasting noises that took over the base. This time, specifically, it sounded as if several heavy objects crumbled down on the stone floor at the same time, shaking the ground below. Somehow, Lume always thought about and blamed the exact same pony every time she heard those sudden explosions and breaking noises.


Lifting herself up from the bed, she stretched all four legs. Man... I don't think those ponies ever rest... I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing, though. She yawned. Lume, for one, was in desperate need of a good sleep: to regain energy, sunk in all the information. That nap hadn't been exactly good, but it sure helped already. Looking around the room, she noticed she was all alone. I wonder if I was even allowed to sleep in here... She thought before trotting over to the restroom.


Her mane and teeth brushed, her face washed and her fragrance applied, she stopped for a moment and wondered why she even had that bottle of fragrance in her saddlebag to begin with: she hardly ever used any kind of perfume, or even any kind of make-up for that matter. Ultimately, she decided to disregard that thought. She grabbed her saddlebag - filled only with books, school supplies and a few personal belongings - and left the empty bedroom.


Upon exiting the room, Lume noticed the door next to her room's, open. She scratched her muzzle around the area where the bruise from earlier was - now there was a very small scar instead - and went over to that door. Peeking inside, she was able to spot a few ponies: Nexus was one of them. The mare that had Princess Twilight's diary was also inside, and another pony holding a baby mutant on his hooves. A few other characters were still asleep.


Lume politely knocked on the door twice. "Morning." She said (even though she had no idea if it was in fact morning outside), as she slowly entered the room, with her glance unconsciously focused on the bat pony once again.

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Nexus turned to see Lume in the room, and let a grin form. It seemed like her gaze kept returning to him, despite her best efforts. Not like he was doing any better though.


"Good morning...or evening. Whatever." The internal clock of Nexus was telling him that it was afternoon, but he couldn't be sure. For somepony that usually only sleeps every 48 hours, does it really matter?


"Glad to see the the bruise is better. I was going to see about reading this log here and then we can resume training."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Scorpiok had never walked to the upper part of the building and was still at the lower parts even if he felt somewhat tired he would not sleep unless he needed to, which he didnt believe he needed now since he only sleeps every 36 hours... But thats if he does artifical body parts of ponies, manticores or forest critters, mostly ponies though.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Klarix jolted slightly, lifting her head and blinking away the blurriness from her eyes. It was like she had fallen asleep, yet her mind had been 100% active; maybe even two times as so. She couldn't remember everything, the vision was already fading.

The voice that had roused her belonged to none other than Nexus, who was standing in front of her and greeting Lume. He had also requested to read the Diary. She glanced warily at the leathery, old book with so many terrible secrets inside and frowned. She would give him the same warning as she had with Lume.

"Sometimes knowing the whole story is worse. I wish I could forget what I've read. You should think about it a bit before opening it up..." she murmured before grabbing the tome and handing it to him.

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((Here we go... Ready for that surprise, @?))


Fen chirped a few more times before opening her mouth again... but this time a different sound came out.


In an incredibly small and scratchy voice, she said, half blurred due to her muzzle buried into your mane, and pitching at high pitches suddenly...


"Something... evil..."


((Wonders if good idea.))

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"I'll be careful, Klarix, thank you." Nexus took the book in his wings and trotted back to his bed to read, across from Midnight. He opened up to the first page and started from there. As he continued reading the tome, the things that were recorded here by none other than the Element of Magic herself...Nexus has seen and read about some messed up stuff but this takes the cake. They were experimenting on the bodies of ponies in rather unceremonious ways. Looks like they were trying to bring back the dead. It was when they added alchemy that they created the Presence, the being that essentially wiped Ponyville off the map. Ponyville was the name of this town originally? From what he has read, it seems like this was a peaceful town, until the Elements started playing with things they didn't know, forces they couldn't understand. And now they are gone. Not dead-gone, just...gone. Where did they go? Why did they go? Why would the Elements of Harmony leave the rest of us to the wolves?


I don't believe it. Everything here is their fault. The Mist, the Presence, the squid ponies, they caused it all. What the hell were they thinking?


Nexus was pulled from his thoughts when he could just make out a muffled and very high pitched voice.






He turned to the source to see a frightened Fen burying her muzzle into Midnight's neck, forelegs wrapped around. The sight was heart warming, but now he was curious.


"Midnight, did you say something? Or maybe......maybe Fen did? If that's possible."

  • Brohoof 1


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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"Glad to see the the bruise is better. I was going to see about reading this log here and then we can resume training."


Lume blinked. As she slept, she had completely forgotten about the training - even though the scar was still there to remember her. "Oh... Right... I was actually thinking of going downstairs and eating something before we resume the training. I couldn't even finish my salad yesterday, so..." She smiled sheepishly.


Turning her attention to the log he mentioned, she wondered how would Nexus react when reading the whole story like Lume had done earlier. Klarix gave him the same warning and reluctantly lent him the book. He thanked her, and began to read it. Lume silently watched as his expression slightly changed into something she couldn't decipher as either awe, annoyance or worry. However, the room's attention was suddenly caught by a high pitched, odd voice coming from somewhere near the black pegasus, and the small tentacle mutant in his hooves.


"Midnight, did you say something? Or maybe......maybe Fen did? If that's possible."


Lume just waited patiently for Nexus' question to be answered.

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midnight cocked his ears then looked down, and lifted fen's muzzle, "she did say something..." he looked at nexus then fen and smiled, "could you say that again?"


she swallowed and tried again, a bit louder but still scratchy and hoarse and barely discernable "some..something....evil..."


midnight shook his head, then looked at nexus lume and whoever else was in the room, "something evil..."

she buried her muzzle into midnights neck again.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Nexus had a look of wonderment on his face. He glance over to Lume and then, closing the book, walked over to Midnight. He knelt down to be eye level with Fen.


"Fen, may I please do another quick examination. This one will be much quicker I promise." Nexus wanted to see how this was possible, and to confirm a suspicion.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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fen looked up at midnight with a bit of fear in her eyes but midnight nodded, "youll be alright fen, ill be right here." midnight smiled as fen nodded and unwrapped her tentacles from his neck and moved forward, not moving very far from midnights side she looked up at nexus.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Nexus knelt down, and very softly felt the young filly's neck, right where the vocal chords are. He could now feel something there, instead of it being nothing like before. 


"Interesting, it looks like the slime that inhabits her throat is forming some new vocal chords. If that is the case, I don't recommend straining too much. Let me test something." He looked up to meet Fen's gaze.


"Fen, would you please try and say something. Remember, don't strain your voice.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

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((@@ActFast231@, New story important character! Enjoy. Midnight, you can now not always control Fen, as I have some big plans for her...))


Fen glanced at Midnight again and then said, extremely quietly, "Hello..." Her voice sounded like a mare going through puberty- high pitched and scratchy.

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After replacing the weights, Garrison went to the kitchen, and started preparing two separate meals, each side apparently not aware of the other. Finishing at almost the same time, he sat down at the table and sighed.

Red, I need to ask you something. What is it? Am I unlikeable? Umm. Well, you aren't particularly nice, but I don't see you as someone who couldn't be liked.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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(as long as midnight stayes her "father" x3 ill be fine)


Midnight smiled and looked on as nexus looked her over, then when fen spoke midnight blinked but smiled, was she learning to be a pony again? if so he was happy, if they made it out, and this whole thing ended, midnight decided he would stay here, take care of little fen.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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