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private Whisper II: Kingdom of Darkness


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"Listen, Lume. I...I think we need to have a serious talk about, well, recent developments. It does neither of us good in the field if we remain in this rather awkward state."


"Mh! Mhm!" Lume muttered while chewing a portion of the toasted hay. "Yes!... I agree..." She concluded after swallowing the meal. One thing was absolutely correct: being in that state didn't do any good to her. In fact, it completely shuffled her reasoning, her senses, even her stability and concentration. It looked like it would be quite of a challenge to balance her feelings, like her Tarot power suggested, now that she'd been introduced to this new, strange one.


"But that conversation can be quickly put on hold! Do not worry, you will have plenty of time to discuss in private." He passed them around as White Rose slipped into the room and slowly sat down. "Now that we are all here... We have had several... developments." He gulped. "The Presence is out." He watched as all conversation fell silent. "I am not lying. We have several witnesses." He sighed. "So now we have to put the Presence back in. We need two things to do that. First off, Lume, Nexus, and Klarix will be leaving to Canterlot. There, hidden away somewhere, is the spell that sealed the Presence. We need to find that. You will be going with Inquisitor Solar Flare." Solar Flare looked up and raised a hoof, before setting down and looking away.


Lume tensed up. "The Presence?..." From the story she'd been told, that resurrected being fed on souls, and was a monster unlike those in Delvia: it was a bigger, meaner one. And according to Lord Moon Crypt, Lume, along with Nexus, Klarix and Inquisitor Solar Flare, had been designated to find the sealing spell hidden somewhere in Canterlot. At last, it was time to act.


She then noticed the concerned look in the bat pony's eyes towards the earth mare.


"Lord Moon Crypt, when may I ask are we leaving for Canterlot? I was going to get Lume comfortable with hoof claws, and well, beyond basic CQC, it seems Solar Flare and I are the only ones with advanced combat training."



A silent "don't worry, I'll be fine" left her mouth, but she wasn't entirely sure if that sentence was true or not. She felt secure - at least more than before -, but she still needed a weapon and its basic instructions in order to protect herself. The last thing she wanted was to become a dead weight, being carried by her partners like a filly.

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"When do we leave? Would now work? Nobody here's getting any younger." Garrison stood up, stretched, and yawned. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a shower." And with that, they walked out.


Crystal Empire, eh? Could be some fun. Yes. Wish we were doing it alone though.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Midnight blinked., "a tartarus rift?" he frowned, "how do we find one? is there a giant rift in the ground, or what?" he tilted his head, this isnt what he thought would happen, "are we opening our own? or do we just find the one he came out of and use it? beacuse either way, im in, this could give me a chance to use my abilities in changeling magic."


Moon Crypt smiled. "There might be. It also might be in a wall, on the ceiling, or wherever the heck it might be otherwise. But it will be close to his laboratory, if nothing else. Tartarus portals tend to be orange, although I've seen one that was green before." He shrugged. "And we are finding the one that he opened. A mere pony- even a group of them- can't open a Tartarus rift without help from a demonic entity."







Nexus had a look of shock on his face. So not only was the Presence out, but now they had been tasked with capturing and destroying it. But if he read that log correctly, this thing ate souls. He looked to Lume, concern evident in his eyes.


"Lord Moon Crypt, when may I ask are we leaving for Canterlot? I was going to get Lume comfortable with hoof claws, and well, beyond basic CQC, it seems Solar Flare and I are the only ones with advanced combat training." He was afraid of losing Lume. If the Presence is out, chances are that it would make it's way to the place with the most souls. Meaning the capital. Not only are they in danger, but so is the King, and all the citizens. 


"Perhaps the two of us can give Lume and Klarix respectively a run down combat utilizing weapons. I recommend they also get armor of some description."


He shrugged. "When you leave? At most, three days. Maybe not enough for exact proficiency, but definitely enough for some weapons training. And-"


Solar Flare cleared his throat. "If I may, I will teach the little lady how to fight."


Moon Crypt paused at this, then smiled lightly. "But of course. That is, if you two do not mind?"



Klarix shifted in unease, gaze darting from Nexus, to Solar Flare, Moon Crypt, and back again. She'd gotten the feeling some time ago that she would need at least a little bit of instruction before she could be of any use to the others in a fight. That didn't make her any less nervous.


Arianna frowned.  She carefully sipped her coffee as she listened to everyone else's concerns.  She glanced at Midnight.  At least none of them would be doing this alone.  She couldn't tell if Midnight was excited or scared.  Maybe a little of both?  She kept silent.


"And while Solar Flare is working with Nexus and Lume- though I'm sure Nexus is rather good already- I can work with Arianna and Klarix." Moon Crypt said, trying too hard to be positive.



"Mh! Mhm!" Lume muttered while chewing a portion of the toasted hay. "Yes!... I agree..." She concluded after swallowing the meal. One thing was absolutely correct: being in that state didn't do any good to her. In fact, it completely shuffled her reasoning, her senses, even her stability and concentration. It looked like it would be quite of a challenge to balance her feelings, like her Tarot power suggested, now that she'd been introduced to this new, strange one.



Lume tensed up. "The Presence?..." From the story she'd been told, that resurrected being fed on souls, and was a monster unlike those in Delvia: it was a bigger, meaner one. And according to Lord Moon Crypt, Lume, along with Nexus, Klarix and Inquisitor Solar Flare, had been designated to find the sealing spell hidden somewhere in Canterlot. At last, it was time to act.


She then noticed the concerned look in the bat pony's eyes towards the earth mare.




A silent "don't worry, I'll be fine" left her mouth, but she wasn't entirely sure if that sentence was true or not. She felt secure - at least more than before -, but she still needed a weapon and its basic instructions in order to protect herself. The last thing she wanted was to become a dead weight, being carried by her partners like a filly.


Moon Crypt nodded. "Yes, the Presence. It feeds off of souls- which is the trait of a demon- but it doesn't come from Tartarus, which all demons do." He shrugged. "I'm not even sure it's vulnerable to light magic."

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(Sorry, I crashed for about four hours)


"Thank you Solar Flair. I am wanting to train her in the use of hoof claws, as well as basic survival tactics and first aid." He was going to take full advantage of these three days to make sure Lume was as ready as she could be for what's to come, with Solar Flairs help. Hell, maybe he could learn a thing or two. Nexus is proficient in combat, but he doesn't know everything. Facing Lume again, with the concern look not as strong as before, he wanted to confirm this with her.


"What do you think? Want to take the next three days to train as much as you can? We should also be able to have that talk while we're at it."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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He shrugged. "When you leave? At most, three days. Maybe not enough for exact proficiency, but definitely enough for some weapons training. And-"


Solar Flare cleared his throat. "If I may, I will teach the little lady how to fight."


Moon Crypt paused at this, then smiled lightly. "But of course. That is, if you two do not mind?"


Lume sighed in relief. Three days didn't sound too bad. She would have enough time to train and become self-sufficient - like the fast learner she was - and even speak with Nexus while they were at it and try to calm down regarding the love feeling that had been troubling her. Suddenly she felt energetic, excited; for the next three days, she would be preparing herself for an adventure. An extremely dangerous adventure, but still, an adventure. The earth mare didn't know if that excitement would last much longer, though, since the usual fear had been oddly inhibited once again. She had positive expectations, either way.


"What do you think? Want to take the next three days to train as much as you can? We should also be able to have that talk while we're at it."


Training as much as she could sounded somehow painful in her mind, but nothing that would turn her off at that point. "Yeah! Absolutely! I can't wait to get started!" Lume joyfully exclaimed. She then looked over at Inquisitor Solar Flare, and gave him a smile as well.


"But first, if you don't mind... lemme finish this toasted hay here. It's delicious~" She giggled, and then dragged the toasted hay bowl closer to Nexus, offering him. "Want to try some?" as she continued eating.

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Nexus looked at the bowl of toasted hay, and gave a shrug.


"Why the hell not?" He took a small amount in his wing, and took a bite into it. The groan that followed was confirmation that it tasted good.


"Celestia, this is good. It's been a while since I had anything this tasty." He ate his small amount a little quicker now, visually pleased with the taste. He took a little more into his wing, making sure to leave plenty for Lume.


"Your going to need all your strength for the training that is to come." He said as he continued eating. He didn't mind a lesser amount. He was used to smaller portions of food. Comes with his line of work, naturally. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Nexus looked at the bowl of toasted hay, and gave a shrug.


"Why the hell not?" He took a small amount in his wing, and took a bite into it. The groan that followed was confirmation that it tasted good.


"Celestia, this is good. It's been a while since I had anything this tasty." He ate his small amount a little quicker now, visually pleased with the taste. He took a little more into his wing, making sure to leave plenty for Lume.


"Your going to need all your strength for the training that is to come." He said as he continued eating. He didn't mind a lesser amount. He was used to smaller portions of food. Comes with his line of work, naturally. 



Lume sighed in relief. Three days didn't sound too bad. She would have enough time to train and become self-sufficient - like the fast learner she was - and even speak with Nexus while they were at it and try to calm down regarding the love feeling that had been troubling her. Suddenly she felt energetic, excited; for the next three days, she would be preparing herself for an adventure. An extremely dangerous adventure, but still, an adventure. The earth mare didn't know if that excitement would last much longer, though, since the usual fear had been oddly inhibited once again. She had positive expectations, either way.



Training as much as she could sounded somehow painful in her mind, but nothing that would turn her off at that point. "Yeah! Absolutely! I can't wait to get started!" Lume joyfully exclaimed. She then looked over at Inquisitor Solar Flare, and gave him a smile as well.


"But first, if you don't mind... lemme finish this toasted hay here. It's delicious~" She giggled, and then dragged the toasted hay bowl closer to Nexus, offering him. "Want to try some?" as she continued eating.


Solar Flare nodded. "It is good to know. Personally, my style of weapon tends to be a bit heavier than hoof claws-" He indicated the weapon that appeared to be a cross between an axe and a sword- "but I will be willing to help in weaponless combat as well as survival skills and first aid. Medical skills are always important." He finished his coffee. "I will arrange for food to come to the training hall around lunch, so that we may save time by not having everypony trek upstairs every time we need to eat."


Moon Crypt frowned. "It will take thirty seconds."


"Sometimes, my friend, that is all that you need to learn an extra skill that will save your flank." He glanced at his selection of knives. "Although I understand why an agent of subterfuge as yourself avoids direct combat. Are you seriously only armed with that collection of puny knives? You wouldn't stand a chance."


"I don't do open combat."



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midnight nodded and looked at arianna smiling, he was a little scared, but he couldnt wait to get out there and find this thing, "when do we start?" he was curious, then looked back at fen and wondered if she could help...." i wonder if theres a spell i could use to disguise us all...make sure we could walk in and out of the...." he sighed, he didnt want to call them creatures, they used to be ponies, they had names before, "beings."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"It is good to know. Personally, my style of weapon tends to be a bit heavier than hoof claws-" He indicated the weapon that appeared to be a cross between an axe and a sword- "but I will be willing to help in weaponless combat as well as survival skills and first aid. Medical skills are always important."


Nexus whistled at the sight of the weapon.


"I have seen some exotic weapons in my time, but that one is definitely the most impressive in terms of raw power. I was just thinking-with Lume being an earth pony-that hoof claws would be a good entry level weapon. Not that earth ponies can't wield other weapons, but it is generally harder than it is for unicorns or pegasi."




"Although I understand why an agent of subterfuge as yourself avoids direct combat. Are you seriously only armed with that collection of puny knives? You wouldn't stand a chance."   "I don't do open combat."   "Ah."


"There's nothing wrong with stealth based combat. Sometimes you have a better chance picking enemies of silently than taking them all on at once. I've had my fair share of assassinations. But it is always good to be able to hold your own if stealth fails, as it sometimes does." Nexus finished his share of the toasted hay, and stood up.


"I am going to go check on my gear in the training room. Lume, Solar Flare, feel free to meet me in there when your done." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Lume chuckled as Nexus delighted himself in the portions of toasted hay. "I know, right? It sorta reminds me of the food my foal-sitter used to make..."


She continued taking small bites while listening to Nexus' conversation with Lord Moon Crypt and Solar Flare, discussing about combat strategies and weapon opinions. She wondered if she would ever become as skilled as those ponies; if she had the physical condition to achieve such success. Lume couldn't stop noticing how ordinarily boring she was when compared to those other ponies. Aside from her brain, she had nothing special, and it was evident in her eyes. Now, she was going to be heavily trained, from zero, by two experienced fighters. And she wanted to make the best out of that opportunity. 


"I am going to go check on my gear in the training room. Lume, Solar Flare, feel free to meet me in there when your done." 


"A-alright! I'll be on my way!" She said, as she watched Nexus exit the hall. Her hunger satisfied at last, she was ready to start her training. She cleaned her mouth area with a napkin, lifted up from her seat and started moving towards the training room. But not until eyeing Klarix, the pegasus mare, bearer of the Princess' sinful diary and Lume's future partner for the mission that was to come.




Lume noticed how uneasy she was, and since Moon Crypt said he would also prepare her, the earth mare thought it would be a good thing to interact since they were apparently on the same boat.


"Hey, um... Klarix, yes?" Lume extended a hoof. "Looks like we're going to Canterlot, huh?... But don't worry. With some training, I'm sure we'll be perfectly fine!... Also, I really like your wings~"

Edited by Lume~WMJ
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Nexus made it into the training room, and checked his armor. All pieces reading 100% charge. He checked his claws next. Same as the armor. He donned his fathers Inquisitor armor. The chestplate went on first. It was a deep purple that covered his entire torso and back. His wings slid easily into the slots on the side, and the chest piece itself formed itself to fit better. The center piece bore the Inquisitor logo. He next put on his claws and grieves. 

They were made of a solid metal that made a distinctly heavy sound when he walked. The claws on the front grieves folded up on the side of his legs when not in use. The helmet went on last. It had a crescent moon mounted on the front, as well as other designs. The eye patch that covered his left eye was enchanted to allow him to see through it. With Nexus fully armed again, he began searching for an extra pair of claws or any other weapons that might suit Lume.


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@@ActFast231"Lookin' for something?" Garrison stood at the door, looking at Nexus bemusedly. "Vy are you vearink all zat armour? Just slows you down. Course, to each their own, but you put the stuff on like you figure you're getting hit. I don't think you should have to cross that bridge, so I trained to be fast enough to not have to wear armour."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Nexus couldn't help but smirk at that. It was sound enough logic, and there is lighter sets of armor for more agile combatants, but he had his own reasons for wearing all this armor.


"I wear this armor because of the dark resistance enchantment on it. It also has a great deal of sentimental value to me." He continued looking through the armory wall, trying to locate his weapon of choice.


"If you would like to help out, see if you can find another pair of hoof claws. Or any other weapon that an earth pony can wield without too much trouble." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@@ActFast231"Done." Garrison took a small knife out of a vest pocket (the vest looked homemade) and tossed it to Nexus. "Some tips for ze girl. Aim for tendons, only go for zeir eye if you're dead certain you'll hit it, und try not to let zem know she's got it until it's too late. Got all zat? And always twist before you take it out."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Solar Flare nodded to the two as they made their way out. He then stood up and packed three hay sandwiches for the three of them, before walking downstairs, nodding to the other ponies that he passed. When he entered the training room, he looked at the fused pony and Nexus in full battle array. "Hello." He nodded and put his stuff down, leaving nothing on his but a suit of light armor and his axe sword. He looked at his enchanted armor. "While we are waiting on the lady... how did you come by Axel Tersona's armor, wielder of justice?"

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Nexus was examining the blade he was tossed when Solar Flare walked into the room. He noted the light armor, making a mental note to see about getting Lume some of that. Seems like she is the focus of his thoughts lately.




"While we are waiting on the lady... how did you come by Axel Tersona's armor, wielder of justice?"


"Axel was my father. Doesn't seem to be common knowledge, but he had a wife and a kid. The name is Nexus Tersona, by the way. When my clan was invaded by changeling, I made it out with his chest piece and his claws. The rest I just acquired from the Royal Armory just before I was sent to this bleak place."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@@ActFast231, Solar Flare nodded. "Ah. Alright then." He glanced down at your battle claws. "I haven't seen a warrior with your equipment combo before. You have a heavy suit of armor, you don't use any healing - magical, alchemal, or otherwise- and you have the weapons of a skirmisher." He said this in a matter-of-fact voice. "What is your strategy in a battle? Do you take the enemy on head on, or do you prefer to attack the sides and the back? Or, perhaps, a combination of the tactics of a skirmisher and a standard warrior? Do you have any ranged weapons?"

Edited by Thunder Knight
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midnight looked around, then shook his head pulling out the medallion again, no matter how much he wanted to toss it, he ended up picking it up again he looked down at it, what in the hay does it mean...."for that matter why does everypony ignore me when i ask about it? is it supposed to have that effect?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Depending on the number of enemies, I will either go head on or employ stealth. For assassinations and silent kills, I will use flight to move quietly, and get above my target. When I am in position, I bore down with my claws, using the armor weight to increase impact. A similar tactic is used in straight up fights. I use my wings to increase speed and agility and use it's weight to throw enemies back. It took years to get my wings strong enough to maneuver in heavy armor, but it definitely is worth the effort. As for ranged weapons, no. I have been meaning to learn how to use a crossbow or gun, but have never really gotten around to it. I carry a med pack on me at all times in case me or anypony else needs to be healed, but I can only do so out of combat."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Scorpiok had walked into the hall again and stood by the wall thinking, after a minute or two he looked around and then walked into the dinner room again to sit down on the seat he had before for no reason except thinking and wondering how everything was together.

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@@ActFast231, Solar Flare paused, and then nodded. "Of course. But once you get to Canterlot, you might want to stock up on some healing potions for healing during fights. And, of course, I would recommend proficiency with at least one slightly heavier weapon, so that you aren't dead when you are cornered in some dark alley with a broken wing. And, of course, ranged weapons are optional. I'd recommend a crossbow or a sidearm of some sort."

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Klarix glanced at the earth mare and returned the hoof shake with a small smile. She'd learned to tune out any and all comments about her wings at a young age, mostly due to the fact that she just didn't care. However, it had been some time since someone had complimented them.

"Thank you," she replied softly, some of her original trepidation about the situation crumbling away. She paused for a moment: "...Do you think we'll ever be able to find the sealing formula?"

Edited by BlackShardNixium
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"You do have a point. If a wing goes out of commission I usually fall back to CQC, but I get the feeling that isn't going to cut it now. Any recommendations on a heavy weapon? An axe, a sword, a hammer?" Truth be told, Nexus was not particular. His only preference was hoof claws so anything else that was needed was fine.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"...Do you think we'll ever be able to find the sealing formula?"


Lume thought about the question for a brief moment. Canterlot was far from being a small city, and perhaps the royal castle alone would be enough to trap somepony in its labyrinthine corridors. Besides, what did the sealing spell even look like? And how could they know if it was still hidden somewhere in the capital city? With the Presence unleashed, it and its minions would not make the mission any easier for the group. Lume was a pony unable to fantasize about hopes, and the reality and the facts sometimes worried her.


However, she was still trying her hardest to be positive and cooperative. She should start taking care and encouraging the others, just like Nexus was doing to her. Then, the earth mare opened a bright smile.


"I'm sure we will! Until this all ends, until our mission is completed, we need to stick together. We have each other's back and we pick each other up when we fall. It's how a group works." Lume blinked after that phrase left her mouth. It sounded very familiar, and it even lifted her own mood after hearing it.


"Well!... I guess I'll be going now then. Gotta train! Prepare myself for whatever is to come! You and Lord Moon Crypt should start soon as well." She looked over to the Inquisitor, and then back at Klarix, waving her a hoof. "Good luck!~" and she left.



Lume reached the training room, and soon found Nexus, Solar Flare and the merged ponies once again. Slightly detouring her way downstairs trying to avoid physical contact with the freak, she began speaking: "Sorry if I took so long... I'm ready to start now!"




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Nexus turned to see Lume approaching, a bright smile decorating his lips. Maybe now he could get this talk done so the two of them can get on with the mission without incident.


"Glad you could make it. I was just talking to Solar Flare here about possibly getting trained in heavy weapons. Anyway, these two here suggested I train you in the use of small daggers. Which would you prefer, claws or daggers?" 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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