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private Whisper II: Kingdom of Darkness


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@@ActFast231, Solar Flare spoke, "I recommend for you a shortsword. It's small, it hides easily, and it works in pairs. If you prefer something heavier than that... then it's your choice. Do you want to flatten someone, to chop them in half, or thrust?"


@, He nodded as he saw Lume approaching. "Now... let's get started. What do you wish to use? A light weapon, a mid-sized weapon, or a heavy weapon? The bigger the weapon, the more training you need for it and the harder it is to hide, but the harder it hits with the proper training." He examined the training dummies as he did this. They were little more than scarecrows, but they would serve their purpose well.


@, Solar Flare, after examining the dummies, turns to you. He looks at Garrison with a mixture of pity and interest. "Hello, Sir... Garrison, is it? Would you like to train with us as well? And, if not, might I borrow you to help me teach Nexus and Lume better?" 



@, @, @@Psych Ward


Inquisitor Moon Crypt smiled as he approached the three ponies. "Are you all ready to train? We've got room 2."


((I just quoted everyone except for rolle, whose character seems apathetic. Alright then. And @@rolle, if you wish to join either party, you may.))


((Now I have mentioned everypony. I feel hardcore right now.))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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"Yeah," Arianna nodded.  She finished her coffee quickly, needing the extra boost of energy.  She followed the small group of ponies into the training room, ready to get whatever they could done.  She was sure they would need all the training they could get. 

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@Thunder Knight,


Scorpiok quickly found moon crypt from again going out in the hall for no reason whatsoever except to be alone, as he found him he heard him say something about training ¨may i join you?¨ he said with his voice as it always is even if he was happy or calm he cannot change his voice.


(he cant change his voice, neither can you... Except when you transform but thats just dejá vu)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"Glad you could make it. I was just talking to Solar Flare here about possibly getting trained in heavy weapons. Anyway, these two here suggested I train you in the use of small daggers. Which would you prefer, claws or daggers?" 

"Now... let's get started. What do you wish to use? A light weapon, a mid-sized weapon, or a heavy weapon? The bigger the weapon, the more training you need for it and the harder it is to hide, but the harder it hits with the proper training."


"Ugh... Choices, choices, choices~" Lume muttered. Her combat experience, aside from learning the basics of CQC the previous day, was literally limited to the few adventure stories she had read, about medieval tales and continent-crossing quests. But perhaps she could still be able to think about a weapon that would suit her better.


"Well..." She began. "Hoof claws seemed to me like the most versatile weapon choice, and a pack of knives could also be useful in more desperate situations where I could perhaps throw them at a medium range. However, I've been thinking about it and perhaps I'd rather take a more defensive-slash-support role in the battle front, where I could absorb a few hits. I haven't acknowledged my own strength until yesterday, but now, I can, in fact, picture myself using some kind of large broadsword that I could wield with teeth. Also, considerably heavy and resistant armor pieces should also suit me well, as well as a shield, or even a pair of shields if possible, attached to my forelegs for extra defense. First-aid skills are very-well appreciated too." Lume finished, determined.


However, she stopped for a few seconds afterwards and blinked. "...Or whatever you guys think it's better. I really have no idea." She laughed.

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@"Sure, I'll give you a hand. We throwing them in at the deep end zat sounds fun?" Garrison turned to Nexus and grinned. "Hear that, soldier boy? I'm gonna teach your ass how to fight dirty." Garrison walked to the weapon rack on the wall and selected a pair of knuckledusters, then sat down on a stool.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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 "Hear that, soldier boy? I'm gonna teach your ass how to fight dirty."


"Right, because assassinations and throat shots are completely fair ways of fighting." He said in a sarcastic tone. 


"In any case, I think I would like training in shortswords, quick kills, and direct combat. as I tend to use assassin tactics and quiet kills, picking out individual targets, like commanders and such. Perhaps some alchemy skills would help me stay stocked on health potions." Nexus turned to ask what Lume thought, as well as her choice of training, but was cut off by this.




"Hoof claws seemed to me like the most versatile weapon choice, and a pack of knives could also be useful in more desperate situations where I could perhaps throw them at a medium range. However, I've been thinking about it and perhaps I'd rather take a more defensive-slash-support role in the battle front, where I could absorb a few hits. I haven't acknowledged my own strength until yesterday, but now, I can, in fact, picture myself using some kind of large broadsword that I could wield with teeth. Also, considerably heavy and resistant armor pieces should also suit me well, as well as a shield, or even a pair of shields if possible, attached to my forelegs for extra defense. First-aid skills are very-well appreciated too."


Nexus stood there, mouth agape at the surprisingly detailed explanation of her preferences. And he was extremely impressed with her choice of being the team tank. A heavy hitter. She was even willing to get medical training to support others as well. The hunter didn't even notice his bat wings extended at full length. 


Celestia above I love you so much. He thought to himself. 

Edited by ActFast231


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Lume noticed Nexus staring at her with the most astonished expression she'd ever seen him wearing. She immediately shrank, pink coloring filling her dark-orange cheeks. "Did... did I say something stupid?... 'cause, I mean, that's totally possible! I know nothing about battle equipment!" She said, smiling awkwardly.


She then remembered about the talk she wanted to have with Nexus, like even himself had suggested. They would discuss their feelings for each other and hopefully come to some sort of agreement on it, besides finally using all the necessary words to describe such feeling. However, Lume did not feel any comfortable around those other ponies in the room. Perhaps the talk would have to wait a little bit longer.

Edited by Lume~WMJ
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"O-kay, you two can make lovey-eyes at each other later, it's time to teach Lume how to live. Red?" Garrison beckoned Lume to the ring. "Come on, don't be shy. I know it seems like ve're srowink you in at ze deep end, but zis is goink to have to be a crash course. First sings first: How not to get hit, and how to fall if you do."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Midnight shrugged and stood up ":yeah i guess i am," he frowned, holding the pendant in front of him, shaking his head,  he trotted softly towards the room, he didnt know why it was bugging him, but it was, something about this thing he could tell might help them..


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Lume shuddered a little bit as Garrison called her out to the ring with them. She glanced once more over Nexus and reluctantly stepped on the arena, facing the fused ponies. They looked frightening, indeed. But if they wanted to help with her training, what did she have to complain about? That is, besides not spending as much time with Nexus as originally planned.


"How not to get hit, and how to fall if you do..." Lume quietly repeated, trying to predict what was the exercise going to be like. Either way, with that 10-feet tall beast standing on the other corner, it was going to be anything but smooth.

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"Did... did I say something stupid?... 'cause, I mean, that's totally possible! I know nothing about battle equipment!"


"No...no, that was...that was amazing in fact." Was all he could get out. Nexus would of continued, but...




"Come on, don't be shy. I know it seems like ve're srowink you in at ze deep end, but zis is goink to have to be a crash course. First sings first: How not to get hit, and how to fall if you do."


"Garrison, remember that this is training, and that she seems to want to train as a tank. Feel free to achieve that goal in whatever fashion you want, but don't do anything I'll need to patch up later. This is a training course at the end of the day." Normally, Nexus wouldn't clarify, but this instance was special. The mare of his dreams was about to go through training from a fusion of to mercenaries that were prone to psychotic behavior. That alone worried him.


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Arianna frowned, noticing the disturbed expression on Midnight's face.  She cautiously approached him, trotting by hies side.  "Are you okay?" she asked.  She had somewhat noticed him looking at the pendant.  "You seem unfocused.  It's unlike you."  She spoke with w worried tone.

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midnight looked over and smiled, "yeah...yeah im fine, i just really want to get answers on this pendant, but nopony seems to answer me anytime i ask, and its really bugging me." he shook his head, "mabey im over thinking it, but still, its got my name, on a pendant the old lunar guard wore..it dosent make sense."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna shook her head.  "It really doesn't.  I wish I could help, but I really don't know anything about that stuff.  I'll let you know if I ever find out anything though."  She frowned.  He seemed a bit bothered by this.  "I don't think you're over thinking it.  It's obviously something important."

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@@ActFast231, Solar Flare smiled. "So... while Lume is training with that Mr. Garrison over there, Nexus, if you could come with me...?" He stalked to the other end of the room, where he opened a cabinet, revealing a miniature armory- maybe not the most complete one, but a really good one considering that this was a mere training room. Solar Flare smiled, reached in, and grabbed a sword that, blade and hilt, was as long as his leg. He examined it, and pulled out another one that looked almost exactly like it. "These are shortswords. As you can see, they aren't exactly the biggest things in the world, eh?" He smirked and gave him one. "Hold this. Does it feel balanced?" 



@@Psych Ward, @, @@rolle, To Scorpiok, he said, "Of course! You are welcome to join us in training." He nodded to the others, and they slowly made their way down to the training room. "Alright... now that we are here..." He turned to the weapons cabinet and cast it open, revealing several suits of armor and a large amount of weapons. "...take your pick!"


((There is, in here, two of most commoon weapons, a few uncommon weapons, and two suits of leather, hide, chain, and scale armor. No plate armor. Throwing weapons, there are about ten of each (shruikens, daggers, etc.) Take your pick!))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Arianna decided she would stick with her daggers but armor wouldn't be a bad idea, especially where they were going.  She picked a suit of leather armor, thick enough to repel damage, and thin enough where she could move around with ease.  She stepped back to let the others through.

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@"Okay, Lume. You've got nothing to be worried about, both Red and I have worked as battle trainers before. Okay, Lume, you vant to be ze team tank? Zen ve're alterink ze trainink slightly. How to get hit and not get hurt!" Garrison clapped his hooves. "First, a demonstration. Hit me." His eye narrowed. "I DARE you."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Garrison, remember that this is training, and that she seems to want to train as a tank. Feel free to achieve that goal in whatever fashion you want, but don't do anything I'll need to patch up later. This is a training course at the end of the day."


Lume smiled. "Don't worry, Nexus! I promise I'll be fine!" The way he cared about her made her soul dance in happiness. Even though they were not exactly training together, just being in the same room as him calmed her down already. However, she needed to focus on the training now.


A tank... So that's what those are called. She thought, finally finding the right word to describe the kind of role she wanted to take. ...Makes enough sense. Then, Garrison mentioned they were going to alter the training a little to suit her preference. They proceeded:


"First, a demonstration. Hit me." His eye narrowed. "I DARE you."


The earth mare blinked. Red's side of the beast just told her to hit them; or even, dared her to do it. Lume just stood there for a few seconds, considering the offer with caution. That's exactly what she wanted to do when she first met the brown pony: hit him. That noisy duo had been reaching her nerves throughout their stay in the base to a point where she normally wouldn't think twice before doing something crazy like that. However, she had never fought anypony before in her life. Since her patience wasn't very long-lasting, she could even mentally desire hurting the ponies bothering her, but she would never do it. She wasn't a fighter. But of course, the situation presented now was completely different. It was a training.


"Well... Okay! Here it goes then!..." Lume announced. She started slowly moving towards the merged ponies, and upon getting close enough, she lifted herself up on her hind legs - barely surpassing Garrison's height - and landed a punch, just like the punch Nexus had taught her the day before, aiming for their chest. Not a weak blow in the slightest, but still trying not to use all of her strength at once.

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@, Garrison shrugged. "Didn't even move." His hoof flashed out, and Lume hit the floor. "Sank you for hittink me in ze chest, you allowed me to teach two lessons at vonce. Vone, ALVAYS brace. If you brace, you don't usually fall over. Two, aim for ze legs if you can get avay vis it und your target has zem. I didn't even hit you hard, but down you vent. Try again."

Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Nexus took the sword in his wing, and gave it a few test swings. He then tried the same thing with his mouth. He quickly put it back into his wings grip.


"Any particular way I should be holding this? I can understand if my wing isn't the best spot for these to be." Nexus usually held everything in his wing, as he was not a fan of using his mouth or hooves. Bat wings were more versatile for these king of things. He heard a dry thud, and upon looking over he saw Lume on the ground. Looking over to Garrison, he quickly put two and two together.


"Do you really trust these two to be trainers? Especially considering that they appear to be decking their students." Nexus was fighting every urge he had to do something about this in the most violent way possible. That would would nothing, and likely end in injury.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Midnight frowned and looked through the weapon cabinet, he didnt like many of the weapons here, nothing stuck him in any particular way until he came to the ranged weapons, he smiled and picked up a bow and a quiver of arrows.

standing on his hind legs he nocked an arrow onto the string, and pulled the string back, along with the arrow, pulled it to full draw and let it go, it slammed into the center of the target.


"hmm, i think this works.." he then turned to the armor cabinet, and frowned, he didnt find anything he liked until in the far corner he noticed a dark blue light armor and picked it up, it was a little dusty and looked around before blowing the dust off and putting it on.

The changeling armor fit perfectly, from the hoofguards to the helmet, he smiled "well, i think i have my choices." 

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

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@@ActFast231, Solar Flare shrugged. "I would teach her in the same way. Honestly, your personal stance is your own opinion. Most ponies hold it using their mouth, but there are exceptions." He shrugged and took out his weapon. Nexus realized that it was actually folded in half, and, when he flipped it up. it almost doubled in size and locked. The blade itself was about the size of Garrison. "One weapon vs. one weapon, the shortsword will almost always lose against a more powerful weapon." That is why it is primarily used as either a last resort, or..." He took out a gauntlet. "... with these. These are called hoof weapons. They have spring-loaded blades- any blade, actually, except for axes- and allow you to, with practice, wield two weapons. Shortswords are the most common hoofblades." He looked for the other member of the pair, then presented them to him. "Perhaps these will be more effective. Of course, they do require a bit of training in order to use properly, but I have you for three days. Can you stand up on your hind legs?"

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"Interesting. Oddly enough I don't think I have come across these 'hoofblades' in my travels." Nexus complied and got up onto his hind legs, using his wings to balance himself in this upright position.


"Should I remove the hoofclaws or does it not matter?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"Gah!!--" *oof* She fell rear-first to the floor from the swift counter attack.


"Sank you for hittink me in ze chest, you allowed me to teach two lessons at vonce. Vone, ALVAYS brace. If you brace, you don't usually fall over. Two, aim for ze legs if you can get avay vis it und your target has zem. I didn't even hit you hard, but down you vent. Try again."


"Ugh... Alright then..." Lume got back up on her hooves, shaking her head. Her anger only increased each time she heard that German accent. She studied her movements and the flaws in them, and tried to apply Garrison's instructions for the next attempts. With that, she ran towards the freaky trainer, lifted herself using her own speed and went down with her weight, hitting them in the thighs this time - a little above from where she aimed, thus, missing the strike due to the rush.

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Scorpiok walked and examined the weapons for quite awhile before he choosed to take the shurikens for ranged assault but sticking with a dagger that had a really sharp and thin blade, after that he attached the dagger to his right hoof using a spell that was used in surgery to keep the equipment steady in ones hoof.

  • Brohoof 1

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