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private Whisper II: Kingdom of Darkness


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(u want sum pece bik boi?)


Nexus smiled for reasons only he would ever know.


"I'm sorry, how rude of me. My name is Nexus Tersona. This here is Lord Inquisitor Solar Flare," He gestured to the irritated unicorn.


"Lume, and Klarix." He pointed to them, Lume clearly agitated and Klarix apparently bored.


"You see, me and my companions here were commissioned by a wealthy Canterlot noble for an expedition into some areas beyond the Everfree River. Naturally we jumped at the opportunity to be able to travel across the river and back, and to see places long abandoned. This is our last stop in the expedition, and we are now returning to Canterlot to collect the contract fee. Whatever clearance we need we would be more than happy to acquire."

  • Brohoof 2


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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@"Watch this." Garrison took something out of his bag and threw. It emitted a rapid-fire, high-pitched beeping, and the zombies took notice. Two sprinted directly at it (and the guards), and one just started screaming, shaking its head violently and spasming.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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midnight nodded and chuckled at fen "dispite being a creature intended for evil, you are the cutest thing ive ever seen." he then turned to arianna and smiled, "you ready to go?" 


he knew he needed the help, to make sure he could infact illusion their way to the city hall, and possibly around the city itself, he believed he could do it.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna nodded.  "Yeah," she said, putting her saddle bag on and double checking that it still held all of it's supplies.  A single knife ws missing, but it was in the training room and it wasn't her father's.  Everything was still there including two apples and her spell books.

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@@ActFast231,  @, Solar Flare rolled his eyes. The mutant seemed not to notice. He gave you a look, trying to determine if you were lying, and sighed. "Fine. I might be able to let me go past if you give me proof that that is all you were doing- although, I must say, you remind me of a troublesome pony that we had... problems... with this morning." He gave you a look. "Actually... you look exactly the same. Perhaps the eyes are different and the coat is lighter, but, above all.... just alike. Even the same type of armor." His eyes narrowed. "In fact, I even think that the name sounds about the same..."



@, @@rolle, The two zombies reached the sounds just as it died off, leaving them staring face to face with a extremely disoriented squad. With them stunned, who would pass up such an easy meal? They attacked the guards, killing two before the guards even realized what they were fighting, and the winged one before they actually started fighting. When the winged one died, all the others stumbled for a moment, before simultaneously drawing their weapons and slicing up the zombies, before turning on each other. All that was let was one of the original guards, who was bloodied. Cola quickly procured a revolver and finished it with a neat shot to the head. "Alright... let's get going before something finds this."



@@Psych Ward, @, Moon Crypt smiled. "Well, when you are ready to go, go ahead and go."


White Rose stood up and quietly took her blades and, upon putting them on, stood silently at the door.


Fen smiled. "Thank you..."


((There you go. Enjoy. If you guys post fast, might be able to get at least one more in today.))

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@"Zat vas FUN! I didn't know ve had any of zose left! Hey, Standoff, can I have an organ? No. Please? Just vone? No. How about a spleen? No. Zere's vone right over zere! Pleeeease? No... Ooh, or maybe an appendix? No! I hate you so much. Und I'll remember zis ze next time you vant to buy anozer booster pack of zat verdammt card game you love so much. Sorry. He gets talky when there's violence. Let's move on."

Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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He turned to Lume and muttered, "Why exactly are we trying more diplomacy? They're twisted creatures with barely any mind for themselves."


"I know, right??" Lume said in a somewhat sarcastic tone, turning to the Inquisitor. "But... Whatever, I guess... If befriending those freaks helps us reach our goal, have it your way. It's just that I'm not carrying this big-ass sword around just for show, you know."




"You see, me and my companions here were commissioned by a wealthy Canterlot noble for an expedition into some areas beyond the Everfree River. Naturally we jumped at the opportunity to be able to travel across the river and back, and to see places long abandoned. This is our last stop in the expedition, and we are now returning to Canterlot to collect the contract fee. Whatever clearance we need we would be more than happy to acquire."


She raised an ear upon listening to Nexus' explanation. An expedition, huh?... She thought, soon understanding his idea. A half-smile showed up on her face before she rose up again and stood beside Nexus.


"Before we went out on the expedition, we had been warned about this city's condition and that you gentlecolts were, uh... reforming it. That's why we came prepared with armors and weapons; expecting the worse. We're sorry for causing so much trouble. We will be leaving now." She looked over at nexus, nodding, and then back at the mutants with a fake, though realistic smile.




"Fine. I might be able to let me go past if you give me proof that that is all you were doing- although, I must say, you remind me of a troublesome pony that we had... problems... with this morning." He gave you a look. "Actually... you look exactly the same. Perhaps the eyes are different and the coat is lighter, but, above all.... just alike. Even the same type of armor." His eyes narrowed. "In fact, I even think that the name sounds about the same..."


"Oh, you must be talking about Maxus Tearsoma, the impostor! He stole some of our equipment and went on some kind of rampage pretending to be Nexus. Well, we four took care of him a few hours ago, no need to worry about that anymore." She was trying her hardest to not laugh at that point.

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I must say, you remind me of a troublesome pony that we had... problems... with this morning." He gave you a look. "Actually... you look exactly the same. Perhaps the eyes are different and the coat is lighter, but, above all.... just alike. Even the same type of armor." His eyes narrowed. "In fact, I even think that the name sounds about the same..."




"Oh, you must be talking about Maxus Tearsoma, the impostor! He stole some of our equipment and went on some kind of rampage pretending to be Nexus. Well, we four took care of him a few hours ago, no need to worry about that anymore."


Nexus looked back and gave a very bored look to Lume, before turning back to the Guard.


"Please excuse her, she has always had an...interesting sense of humor. But that's just part of why I love her." He gave a deep sigh, before continuing.


"But she is partially true. There is another bat pony here. A remnant of the Royal Guard, as we have gathered. He came here on his own accord to loot the cities left behind. We have had our own share of issues with him. Anyway, here is the proof you require." Nexus reached under his chest piece, and pulled out the contract from the Headmaster when he was first contracted for this mission, handing it to the Guard.


"It states an expedition to the Crystal Empire as a way of side stepping the red tape and protocol for an expedition across the river." He stated plainly.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Please excuse her, she has always had an...interesting sense of humor. But that's just part of why I love her."


Lume's near-laughter expression turned into a nervous, somewhat annoyed smile. She turned away from the guards and approached Nexus, whispering to him. "Wow, you could let me have at least some fun, for once... You're so boring." She chuckled. "And by the way, I love you too." Nodding to the guards, she trotted back to Solar Flare.


"Honestly... Maxus Tearsoma. How could he possibly have disliked that?" She mumbled on her way back.

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midnight picked up his own saddlebag and set it on his back before turning around, and walking towards the front hatch "alright, back out into the unknown" he laughed and smiled back at arianna holding out his hoof for her.

"alright we got to get to the city hall, and possibly look around the city a bit."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Scorpiok stared at the zombponies as they walked their way to the mutant guards and attacked them 'i guess some are just as evil as their masters' he looked at the ''sky'' to find nothing but mist and nothingness, not that it mattered to him but Scorpiok turned to Cola ¨So are we going, you know the night wont come sooner or later¨.


(See what i did there?)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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((Lume, I looked at that and thought, Texus Nersona. LOL.))


@, @@ActFast231, He thought about it once, then nodded, reading over the piece of paper. "Hmm... all seems in order." He paused, as though debating, and sighed. "Very well. You may pass. Just... hurry up about it, please. Getting gone, that is."


Solar Flare sighed and stood up, fully sheathing his weapon and shaking his head. Klarix looked half scared, half satisfied.



@, @@Psych Ward,  As you step outside, you see the bloody remnants of a decapitated zombie, as well as several, slightly bloody hoofprints that faded out about ten feet away. White Rose followed Midnight (and Fen, who was still wrapped around him.) and Arriana out of the door.



@, @@rolle, Cola smiled. "Of course. Let's go." He starts trotting towards the gate.



((This is question for everyone! Do you guys wish to skip travel time?))

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"Thank you. We will make haste. And good luck with that bat pony." Nexus turned to face the others.


"Come on, everypony. If we hurry, we can be in Canterlot within a day's time." The party walked through the gate, making there way down the path leading to the capital. When they were far enough that nothing would be heard from the Guards, Nexus spoke to the others, Solar Flare and Lume specifically.


"That was very nearly a bloodbath. You two need to learn some patience. Killing any obstacle we come across isn't always the best solution to a problem. Though given the enemy we fight, there will be plenty of that." He gave the two a stern look before facing the road again, never having stopped walking.


(Maybe a few posts then just jump a day.) 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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As soon as the mutants allowed the group's passage, Lume beamed. She picked up her sword, putting it back in the sheath, and followed the others out of the town, shivering slightly upon trotting past the groaning squids.


"That was very nearly a bloodbath. You two need to learn some patience. Killing any obstacle we come across isn't always the best solution to a problem. Though given the enemy we fight, there will be plenty of that." He gave the two a stern look before facing the road again, never having stopped walking.


She nodded as to agree with what Nexus had said. She didn't expect in the slightest their escape to be as simple as it had been: much less had she expected Solar Flare or Nexus to try to come to such agreement with the barbarian enemies. Not that she was eager to watch a massacre of any sort, but she thought it would be inevitable. Luckily, it wasn't.


She had, indeed, slayed one single monster and that awful realization was just then starting to sink in. But her mind was slowly being put back together as the four of them walked towards the capital city. Lume stopped and looked back to find a better view of the town once known as Ponyville. Losing herself in thoughts once again, she shook her head and went back beside her partners.


What waited for them in Canterlot, was a mystery.


(( OOC: As long as everyone is ready do move on, we can skip the travelling~ ))

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Middnight looked around then down at the blood "hmm..." he frowned, "alright, stick together, all of you, this fog is thick and it will swallow us until we get to the town, after that, it should be a straight shot for the city hall." he smiled and waited for arianna and white rose to akowladge before continuing on.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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@@ActFast231@, Solar Flare sighed. "Let us continue, then. We will be to Canterlot by tomorrow evening..."




As you climb up through the city gates, you can see an aura of doom building up within the city. There are barely any ponies out- the ones that are glancing around nervously- and the Mist seems to be darker and more dreary here. Solar Flare looked around and sighed. "Precursors of the Presence's arrival." He trotted through the city until he reached a half destroyed building about a block from the capital. On the balcony, you could see the King, looking worried. Solar Flare laughed quietly to himself. "The Tyrant realizes it's coming for him." He shook his head and entered the building. The room that was entered was a ruined reception room- although it would have looked quite nicer if it wasn't ruined. When inside, he stepped over the remains of the reception counter and pulled open a hidden trapdoor, hustling everyone inside. And then he went in, closing the trapdoor behind him.


You drop down into a- while not crowded- a busy, cream white, illuminated room. Filled with Inquisition cloaks- some pink, some yellow, some a dark blue- and the ponies wearing them. Two of them appeared to be talking to what appeared to be a snake pony, but quickly disappeared from sight. There were multiple rooms branching off from this, as well as elevators heading up and down. He gave them a few seconds to look around, then made a sweeping bow. "Welcome to the home off the Inquisition- past, present, and future."



@@Psych Ward, @,  White Rose nodded once. Fen smiled and licked his ear again.



((Let's pass some time, yes?))


The airship landed a few feet away from the entrance of the Crystal Empire. In the sky, visible even through the Mist, is a swilrling, grey mass of... something. You could see several armored mutants moving quite quickly through the shattered buildings, all still glimmering slightly, despite there being no sun. A few ponies, cloaked in pink that had been smeared with dirt, searched through the wreckage. Cola smiled slightly and approached them. As he did, they took one look at My'Kola and smiled- and one look at Garrison and did a double take. One of them- obviously only in her teens- started edging away. However, one of them, gazed over the three of them and sighed. "I assume Moon Crypt sent you."




He gazed over with an appraising glare. "Hmm... very well. It's good to have some new hands." He stood up and signaled the others to do the same. "Come on." He started stepping carefully through the wreckage, and, checking that the others were following, set off down the street.



((@@rolle,  @, First thing, forgot to mention you two. Second off, please post. Literally, there has been exactly three posts in a twenty-four hour period. It's better than none, and I think that this post will fix the problem, but please continue to post. And third, we're entering a period of story related stuff- finally. Please stick with the RP.))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Midnights ear twitched as fen licked it, and midnight looked around "alright, into the city we go." he smiled and pushed into the black soup of fog, and before he knew it, he was standing on the edge of the city. turning around he looked back making sure arianna and white rose made it through.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Nexus has never seen Canterlot so abandoned. Everypony was cowering in their homes, and those outside looked scared. All he could do was give them sympathetic looks as he walked by. When he saw the King standing on a balcony, that sealed the mood. He secretly wanted to help him, but he knew that their plan would not be quick enough.


Down the elevator, something that no longer surprised him, he saw a hub of activity for the Inquisitors. Looking around, he saw ponies of all kind. The hunter swore he could of seen an odd cross between pony and snake. He noticed that they were the most heavily armed ponies present, as most had cloaks.


"Wait a second..." Nexus was forming an idea.


"How many mages are here? Do you think they could generate a large amount of light magic?"


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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(@, I was never gone, I just figured you would be the one to advance the story)

(Also I am about to powergame the likes of which I have never done before and apologize in advance)

After setting up camp following about half a day's worth of walking, Garrison sat at the campfire and thought.

Should we do it?

It would be cool.

Cool's not the point. What if-

Roll with the punches, wimpy.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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As the group made their way inside the capital city, Lume looked around, needless to say, horrified. The few citizens that were outside their houses had hopeless looks on their faces and the dull atmosphere of the once-so-bright Canterlot disturbed the young earth mare. "I can't believe this..." She said, indignant. "Is this all the Presence's work?..." She didn't know that the conditions of other towns were as bad as Ponyville. Deep in her heart, she wished her parents in Fillydelphia were still okay. She looked up at the King in the balcony and gave him a concerned look, before entering the building and descending into the trapdoor alongside the others.


The room they went into wasn't exactly more pleasant than the outside ruins due to the amount of eerie-looking ponies that could be seen. It was rather uncomfortable as well. Lume shrank, leaning sideways towards Nexus, causing a small clank sound to be heard when their armors made physical contact.


She just stood there, uneasy, looking around and waiting for further instructions.

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If you blow up the game I will wring your neck. You have been warned.




@@ActFast231, @,


To Lume, Solar Flare said, "Neigh, it is an aura of doom that has spread. Most of the common folk here don't know what it is. But the King certainly does, and he knows it is coming directly for him- the last surviving member of the group that was destroyed."


To Nexus, Solar Flare nodded. "Yes, we have a fair amount of magic users here, and about half of them are proficient in light magic. But, for right now, I need you to come with me."


He entered an elevator and looked at the buttons. There were about fifty button, all with their respective number on them. Several of them had red pieces of tape on them, several had yellow pieces. He pushed the button on the bottom and the elevator started to move down. It took about ten minutes for then to reach the bottom. When he did, he saw two Inquisitors in full battle gear glaring at them. Solar Flare took out a piece of paper and his inquisition badge, passing it to them. They looked at it and stepped back, as a pair of doors opened near silently...


It appeared to be a giant audience hall- which, in effect, it was. A large cloaked pony sat in the top seat, observing the characters. A single spark jumped from his head, which was in shadow. Beside his was a pony in a white cloak, drinking out of a canteen. As you moved among to the center of the room, the doors closed behind you. Solar Flare bowed to the Pony in white, but then looked confused at the brown-cloaked pony. "Hello, sir. If I may ask, who are you, and why are you on Justice's Throne?"


From under the cloak, a deep voice boomed out. "Hello, Inquisitor and cherished guests. Welcome to the Halls of the Inquisition... or what's left of it, anyways." He made a long flourishing bow and sat up a little too violently, causing his hood to fall back off of his head. It was a dark blue unicorn, with the right half of his head sheathed in cybernetics. He had a worn look about him, although he was smiling.


Solar Flare's eyes, slowly got bigger. "What...? But... but..."


He grinned and rubbed the pony side of his head. "Yes, I know. I should be dead and all of that. Every single Inquisitor that I have met in the past twenty-four hours since I have arrived has told me that. I guess that's why I kept my hood up." He shrugged. "Oh, well. My name is Karmatic Justice- though most ponies call me Karma- and I can see that Solar Flare is with us. But might I inquire the names of you two?"



@, @@Psych Ward


White Rose stumbled out of the fog, and, after regaining her sense of direction, shook her head. "It certainly will... discombobulate any who try to come into it." She turned to the fog, waiting for Arriana to come out.



((Hello everypony! I'm going to be putting your responses in spoilers to save room so you don;t have to sort through hulking wall of text for the stuff that matter to you. Enjoy.))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Arianna stumbled through.  She shook her head and looked around.  That hadn't been a pleasant experience.  She looked around again, relieved to see Midnight, Fen, and White Rose were still there.  This was the last place she wanted to be alone in.


(Won't be very active for a few more days.) 

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Nexus said nothing as they entered the elevator. He did however during the ten minute wait remove his helmet. His Mohawk mane was now a deep silver, rather than a black and blue combo. His features looked softer and less worn. His eyes, having been green, were now a pale blue, almost grey. His coat, once midnight blue, was now a regular blue, close to sky blue. He had but a few scars left, but that couldn't be seen under armor. He took out the PDA that he received and started flipping through the Codex for any useful or interesting knowledge. The elevator doors opened as he finished reading about the theory of anthropomorphic transformations using the genetic codes of some strange race called the 'humans.' He put the PDA away and placed the helmet under his wing before entering a large audience hall.


When the cloaked figure revealed his face, Nexus nearly dropped his helmet. He placed it gently on the ground. He was fascinated. He had cybernetics covering half of his face. Then he spoke.




My name is Karmatic Justice- though most ponies call me Karma- and I can see that Solar Flare is with us. But might I inquire the names of you two?"


Nexus knelt down.


"My name is Nexus Tersona. Professional changeling hunter, long time scavenger, tomb raider, and explorer. Wielder of the Tarot Card Justice, and first born son of the deceased Inquisitor Axel Tersona, sir."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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They entered the elevator and started going down even further. Lume got herself some spare time to breathe. She took off her helmet and placed it down on the floor beside her, attempting to straighten up her mane before deciding to finish messing it up completely. With a quiet sigh, she glanced over the elevator's panel and its countless buttons, and then over her partners.


Taking a better look, she noticed Nexus' appearance had completely changed by then. His coat, mane and eyes were way brighter than what she remembered. The mare couldn't help staring at him while he didn't notice: he was looking really good - better by the minute, in fact. Her attention was dragged, however, by the peculiar electronic device the bat pony took out and started reading something on it. "...What is that?" She asked somewhat involuntarily.


When the elevator's door opened, Lume picked up her helmet with her mouth and followed the group into a hall full of more cloaked ponies. When Inquisitor Solar Flare approached a brown-cloaked one, he who later identified himself as Karmatic Justice revealed his half-robotic face and left Solar Flare in a state of awe. Apparently that pony was supposed to be dead or something. He then proceeded to ask for their names:


"Oh, well. My name is Karmatic Justice- though most ponies call me Karma- and I can see that Solar Flare is with us. But might I inquire the names of you two?"

"My name is Nexus Tersona. Professional changeling hunter, long time scavenger, tomb raider, and explorer. Wielder of the Tarot Card Justice, and first born son of the deceased Inquisitor Axel Tersona, sir."


Lume took a while to process Nexus' introduction. She looked back at Karmatic Justice afterwards and didn't know exactly what to say.


"I'm, uh... My name is Lume Greenpark... Student... The Chariot is my Tarot." She smiled nervously.

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midnight smiled and got in beside arianna giving her neck a light nuzzle before smiling at white rose, "alright," he pulled out his notepad and flipped to the sketch he made of the town map, "knew this would come in handy...if only we knew where we were." he lowered his eyelids then looked at the others, before noticing a broken statue about 10 feet away, it was very feint with the mist, but still close enough.


"alright..." he pointed to the leftmost side of the map, a sketch of a pony statue sat there, "were here..." he then pointed to the center of the map, " we need to get here......"


frowning he looked up, "alright.....lets go," he smiled and started down one of the streets, "kinda odd we havent seen any beings yet..."

he looked up at fen, "your connected to them right? do you feel any nearby?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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