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private Whisper II: Kingdom of Darkness


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(A giant green emerald with seven pedestals surrounding it. I can't possibly imagine what that could be  ;))


Nexus chuckled to himself as Lume returned to the fight.


Kissing somepony sticky with blood. Now that's dedication. Nexus looked back and saw more demons pouring through the rift. With a grin, Nexus charged into a group of 3 of them, short swords out and pulsing with electricity. He managed to catch one demons throat, not quite cutting its head off, but definitely killing it. The second one looked almost afraid at this blood soaked opponent, before steeling itself and leaping at him. It landed on his back, but do to the armor, there wasn't a tremendous amount it could do. Plus the enchantment on the armor was burning it like an ant under a magnifying glass. 


It did manage to cut his throat, just on the surface. Any deeper and he would of been dead in seconds. He fell backwards on his back, crushing the demon under him. He got up, and finished that one off. The third one was quick, and managed to lift Nexus into the air, but instead of last time, it threw him into a nearby wall. Hard. It dazed him for a bit, but he got up in time to see it approaching in an aggressive stance. Nexus lunged with his right foreleg, only for the demon to dodge and grab it. It hopped up, and used its on leg to snap his leg at the joint. Bent the wrong way, and several more fracture in the bones themselves, Nexus cried out in pain, before getting knocked on his back. The demon got on top of him, a wicked smile on his face. As a last ditch effort, Nexus lifted his left foreleg up, to which the demon ignored. It pulled a knife out, and was positioned to stab his throat. When his left foreleg was near its head, Nexus opened his gauntlet, stabbing the creature in the side of the head.


Pushing the creature off of him, he managed crawl over to a wall, and to sit up against it. He looked at his broken limb, facing the wrong way, hanging limp. He felt his fractures, and cuts healing. Within thirty seconds, he was almost completely healed. Now he just needed to force the joint back into place. Which will hurt. Like hell. And he won't be able to do it himself.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@"Little empty in here, eh? I've got an idea. Let's get an AT mine." Making a quick jump, they retrieved the mine and came back. "So, you sink ve can blow zis up?" "Yep. Seven from one, right?" Garrison walked up to the emerald and stuck the mine under it. "I wish Short Fuse was here." Picking up a piece of building, Garrison tossed it at the mine.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@@ActFast231, @, @


It seemed like, for every demon slayed, another two spawned out of the portal. The Inquisitor squad was doing a good job on blocking the creatures, though they were slowly getting outnumbered. Lume decided to stay close to Karma and make sure that he practiced his sealing spell without any further rude interruptions. As she leaped in front of the bionic Inquisitor, she drew her blade and carefully watched the endless combat going on in the room, slicing through any enemy that swayed nearby.


Two clawed demons that had recently arrived through the rift aimed the guardian mare. One attacked first, running towards her and dodging under the sword's horizontal swing. During its turn, Lume managed to barely get out of the way of its claw as well, receiving only a not-dangerously-deep cut on her cheek. However, the armor she was wearing didn't allow her to go very far. The demon immediately leaped onto her and started cutting through the armor. She shook it off with a fierce kick before it could do any serious damage. While it was still downed, she stepped on his arms and legs and impaled the blade through its neck, killing it.


She could feel that her equipment was already damaged again. With a deep sigh, she glanced over at the second demon, which had a serious, fearful look on his face. Still holding onto her weapon, she just taunted the creature, calling it with her hoof. It angrily puffed and began running towards the mare. When it was close enough, she lifted herself on her hind legs and opened her arms, letting the demon rip the rest of the armor apart with a solid slash. The impact pushed her back a little and cut her chest considerably, though she didn't acknowledge the cut right away due to the adrenaline.


"Finally! Thank you!" She exclaimed, spinning in place and slicing the demon in half before it had time to react. Her cheek and chest bleeding, but most of all relieved for being free from that cage of an armor, she looked back at Karma to check if he was alright, then searched around for Nexus. She spotted him by a wall, seemingly in pain.


Lume trotted over to the bat colt. "Boy, I'm impressed! You get hurt during every single fi--" Her joke was cut short when she noticed his leg twisted backwards. Her expression showed fear as she went closer.


"Oh no... Oh no! Bucking hell, Nexus, hang on! I can... Hang on!!" She mumbled, not knowing what to do. Further and less hurried up lessons about first-aid would have been very much needed in that situation. Lume, already desperate, looked back and forth at her coltfriend and his broken limb. "Do I... Do I stretch it or... Oh! Ice? Do you need ice??"


(( OOC: Whew... Those were 2000+ characters right there... Sorry. :P ))

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"OK, first step: Relax." Nexus said in an attempt to calm down his marefriend.


"I'll tell you, I haven't fought this intensely in years. I think...4, 5 years to be exact? My specialty is quick, quiet kills, so I'm a bit rusty. Course, I'm allowed to get hurt in every fight because I just heal automatically...unless you dislocate my leg or claw my eye, that is." He said in a joking manner, before wincing from pain.


"OK, now, I need you to lift up my leg, giving it enough support and I need you to force the joint back into place. Now, it will require considerable strength to get my leg facing the right way, and I may pass out, but you need to keep at it. Once that is done, splints and wraps can be applied. Or not. It may heal once it is in the right spot like my other injuries." Looking up from his leg and straight at Lume, he let a warm smile take his face.


"You know, I'm very impressed. I saw that fight there. Using an attack to remove cumbersome armor was risky, but clever. I'm proud of you." He leaned forward and gave her a peck, before returning to his original position, face warped in pain.


"I'm beginning to wonder who needs to protect who..." He mumbled.


(The real reason Nexus is hurt all the time is to prevent him from being a Gary Stu. If he is patient, kind, and moral outside of combat, he can't be this unstoppable killing machine in combat. One of the two has to be downplayed. I picked combat.)

  • Brohoof 1


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"Okay!...Okay..." Lume began inhaling and exhaling a few times in order to calm down, and then sat down beside him - the compliment and the kiss made everything way better. Just like most of the events from the last few days, she was never exposed to a situation like that before. The worst she'd ever seen was a broken ear or muzzle, but a disjointed limb facing the opposite direction was a first. Nonetheless, she needed, by all means, to aid Nexus. He'd already gotten a blinded eye, so at least keeping all of his four legs would be simply fair.


However, she didn't want to take too long as well: they were in the midst of a war after all. She placed her saddlebag containing all of the first-aid tools beside her and then hastily, though reluctantly, lifted the bat colt's leg so she could have some kind of support. She inspected the fracture and soon identified the way it bent. Lume looked over at him with, obviously worried. "I'm sorry..." She said before tightly pulling the broken leg with one hoof and twisting the displaced joint with the other.


Those seconds were filled with terror: the sound of the bones shifting and the cries of agony from Nexus, all taking place in that blood-bathed hell gate battlefront. The mare only didn't faint because she was luckily tough enough to endure such scenery. Besides, she knew that she had to keep herself together: a crippled tarot holder and another coward, fainted one would undoubtedly let down Karmatic Justice and mess up the whole plan.


A considerably louder and exceptionally awful sound indicated that the joint was back in place. Lume quickly grabbed a roll of gauze from the saddlebag and wrapped it around Nexus' leg, putting the leg to rest on the same bag once she was done patching up. Panting and sweating, she looked over at him with a trembling smile. "The good news is, you live... The bad news is, I think I might pass out now."

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Nexus steeled himself, and braced for the impact. And then it happened. His leg was being forced back into place. It made the most sickening sounds, but Nexus couldn't hear them over his own howling. He tried to think of a time where he experienced pain this intense. He couldn't. He shouted, but not in English.




Finally, it ended, and gauze was wrapping his leg, before finally coming to rest on a bag.




Panting and sweating, she looked over at him with a trembling smile. "The good news is, you live... The bad news is, I think I might pass out now."


Nexus, like he did before, leaned forward to kiss Lume. When he pulled back, he spoke again.


"You did good. Go back and defend Karma. When my Tarot power heals my leg completely, I will join in the fight." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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Arianna smiled at the wonderful gesture that the hug was.  She stepped up to the machine with Midnight, frowning at the liquid that came out.  "Ew," she said.  "What worries me is that you expected soda in a place like this," she said, laughing softly.  "I think soda would surprise me more."

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midnight chuckled, "dear, i dont know why i expected soda either....guess i was hoping something was still normal here.." he smiled at her, then looked t the test tubes, each one had a label in a diffrent language.

"damn...." he shook his head then examined the lock on the door "you wouldnt know a unlock spell would you?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The explosion shook the temple down to its foundations. The emerald itself blew apart quite spectacularly, flinging pieces all over the room. "Not bad, not bad at all. How many are we supposed to get again? Seven. Seven it is." Gathering up some nicely-sized chunks, Garrison went for the exit. "Barely even difficult. I'm honestly kinda surprised."

(, this is as close to an actual cue that you're going to get from me.)

Edited by Monsieur Buttmad



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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The yet another kiss from her coltfriend made Lume dizzier than she already was. 


"You did good. Go back and defend Karma. When my Tarot power heals my leg completely, I will join in the fight." 


She nodded her head several times while still breathing heavily, trying to overcome the barbaric surgery she had just applied on Nexus. But now that he was fine, with his leg back to its place, she could relax knowing that she did a good job.


"I... am never... doing this again." She said between chuckles and tired puffs as she got back up on her hooves, ceasing the shaking. She looked down at her chest to notice the bleeding cut in it. With the realization, came the pain. But she tried to disguise it by hopping back into the battle, leaving Nexus to rest.


Fighting off those demons without an armor would be rather dangerous to say the least, but at the same time, she couldn't complain much about it. It had been her own choice after all.

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"Barely even difficult indeed. Theives."


You hear something land behind you. As you turn around to face it... WHAM. A giant white glove with about the weight of a brick and about the force of a piston slams into the side of face. To make it worse, the hand was spiked, so it drew blood on your face. You move with the punch, so it deals less damage that what it would've done, but it still hurts. A lot.


As you recoil from the punch, you see a two legged, red being with fists the approximate size of toaster ovens. Rage is obviously building in his face. "Seriously? Seriously?!?! I come back from saving the world- again- from that dunderhead of a scientist, and this is what I get? More thieves that blow apart the only thing that is keeping this island afloat?" He jabbed at you several times, circling you, keeping you from running towards the entrance. "You will not leave here alive with those shards if I have anything to say about it."

((There is one thing in particular that you may be able to pull off. But it will be too easy if you do it, but I'm not going to tell you. ActFast might know, though.))




@@ActFast231, @,




Karma then smiled as his entire body started flashing blue. And then he dodged around Lume- and let it rip.


Coming from the center of his forehead was a large beam of blue light that was shot towards the rift. It surrounded the rift and slowly began to push it together, closing it. The demons howled, and suddenly, the Inquisitors suddenly began to start killing off the remaining demons as the portal continued to shrink. Karma drew a thin blade and began to join in the fight to destroy the ten or eleven remaining demons.



Edited by Thunder Knight
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@, "I knew it seemed too simple. Nice punch. If the enemy gives you a throwaway punch, you should ALWAYS take it. I'm Standoff, he's Red Alert, hello and folks have taken to calling us Garrison." Garrison dodged the light punches, then saw an opening and yanked the outstretched arm, turning as he did so to use the red... thing's own momentum to send it at a pillar. "Wow, you're light."

Edited by Monsieur Buttmad



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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(Ummm.....I feel like I should know this, but I really don't.)


Nexus watched from his position on the wall as the rift was forced close by the Inquisitor Karma. Soon, only a few demons remain-just under a dozen. He could also feel his leg heal up completely. He got up, putting weight on it to test. Sure enough, it was good to go. He grinned as he watched the others fight, most notably Lume, who was fighting without armor. He was very impressed with her bravery in the situation. He hovered above the room, before diving down, killing two demons with a claw to the head each. Nexus saw a demon charge, and used its momentum to grab it, keeping it in a hold. He looked around, and saw an Inquisitor with a spear.


"Hey, buddy!" The Inquisitor-a olive colored earth pony-looked over to Nexus, who had a stupid grin.


"Go long!" She got the idea, and held put her spear, her own face growing a grin. Nexus spun once, and tossed the demon, who was impaled on the spear, right through the gut. This caused Nexus to laugh heartily.


"Bulls eye." He continued to fight in what the strangest mood swing the bat pony has ever experienced.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@, @@ActFast231,  


After Karma went in front of Lume and fired his spell, the portal was shut. She celebrated the mission's success with a small hurrah and proceeded to hunt down the last few unfortunate demons that were left.


The mare took a quick glance over at Nexus and saw the bat colt having the time of his life. She grew a large smile herself and turned around not a moment too soon of noticing and ducking under a spitter's acid shot. After the scare, she smiled again. "I've already had my share of problems with your kind, ya walking sack of garbage!" The creature began charging another shot, and Lume galloped full speed towards it.


The second spit was fired before she could reach it, so she was forced to evade by jumping out of its trajectory while continuing to run. The demon then leaned back and strongly swung his whole body forward, launching several drops of acid to rain from above. She abruptly braked and rolled away from the attack. "Okay, that's new." She mumbled as she got back up on her hooves."Alright, I'm done playing with you." The mare resumed her gallop, dodging yet another charged acid shot and finally shutting down the creature with a vertical sword slash.


Suddenly, she felt weak. Breathing heavily and vision getting blurry, she dropped her weapon to the ground due to not having the strength to hold it anymore and looked down at her chest. All of the strong movement she had been doing opened up wider the already awful cut. She had lost way too much blood, way too fast, and she didn't even notice it until then. Lume fell to her knees, pale.

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Nexus was finishing off a group of spitters, cutting the last one in half, when he looked over to see Lume on her knees, pale, and quite obviously bleeding out from a wound on her chest. Nexus froze like a deer caught in headlights. A flash across his vision, from the deep recesses of his mind, and he could see it. For a brief second, he saw his father slumping over from a fatal wound, only for him to return to the real world, seeing it as Lume.


"No...no..." He started out trotting, before breaking out into a full gallop.


"NONONONONO!!" He dropped to his knees as his marefriend fell, grabbing her in his forelegs. She was alive, but very low on blood. He threw his grieves off, and started putting pressure on the wound. He shook his head once, and the helmet fell next to him. He looked panicked, and in his eyes was terror in its purest form.


"Lume! LUME! Listen, your going to be OK." Nexus now looked as pale as she did. He racked his brain for someway to help her. He wasn't sure if getting her hooked to a blood pack would be quick enough. Then he remembered his power.


"KARMA! Come over here, I need you!" He yelled, desperation in his voice. 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@, @@ActFast231



As the Inquisitors finished up the last few demons, Karma took one look at Lume dashed over, almost knocking Nexus out of the way. He looked at the wound and reached for a medkit in his bag. "Don't panic, Nexus. It will only cause Lume to panic, and make things worse." He stuck his hoof on the wound rather forcefully, slowing the bleeding down- yet not stopping it- and, his bionics glowing blue, levitated the kit towards him. "If you have any magic of any sort, either use it or back off." He said, somewhat hurriedly. He took out a sterilized needle and thread, and a small shot of morphine, as well as a roll of gauze.







The red thing rolled up into a ball and almost bounced off of the wall, almost directly at you. It missed you by about six inches- enough for you to know that you don't want to be hit by those sharp points- and he uncurled, skidding to a stop, before turning to you again, still in an offense position, only this time more on guard, and his punchs carried a bit less weight with them. "What the hell do you want with the Master Emerald, anyways?"




@@Prince Midnight, @@Psych Ward,



You hear a commotion outside the door. Of course, you can't hear anything more than that, but there is definitely something going on on the other side.



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Nexus didn't particularly like being shoved away from Lume, but saw him getting to work, so he calmed down the best he could. He then remembered what he was going to say.


"Karma. I have an idea. A few years back, I met a dark mage that found a rather controversial method of healing. He could manipulate ones blood, and directly transfer it from a cuts on the bodies of two or more ponies. The spell is simple, but requires a mage to do it. It uses Telekinesis and some trace amounts of dark magic." Nexus let a short sword spring from his gauntlet, and made a cut in his foreleg, letting it bleed freely.


"I want you to do the spell. I can simply regenerate my blood, so take all you need. It is the quickest and most efficient way to do this. She loses anymore blood, and she dies. So we must act quickly."

Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@, "All manner of crazy stuff. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, and even if you would I'm still not authorized to tell you. Now stop trying to hit me, or I'm going to have to start fighting back. That wouldn't end well, and we're on a tight schedule anyway, so I think you should let us go. Just my opinion." Garrison threw one hard punch.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@, @@ActFast231,  


Lume had the feeling that the world around her was spinning. Her body got considerably colder and her sight and hearing senses had also suffered a few downgrades. When she finally fell to the ground, she could barely hear Nexus' voice of desperation. She could also feel pressure being applied against her bleeding chest. Forcing her eye's muscles to stay open, she was able to see the bat colt's blurry figure, as well as Karma's intervention. "Guys... I'm f-fine... It's just... just a s-scratch..." She tried to calm them down, unsuccessfully however.


As the Inquisitor brought up a couple of medical instruments, the mare was able to hear her coltfriend in the background. She caught something about a spell, blood transfer and - something that instantly perked up her ears - dark magic. Rising up her trembling head, she met Nexus creating a small cut in his foreleg.


"I want you to do the spell. I can simply regenerate my blood, so take all you need. It is the quickest and most efficient way to do this. She loses anymore blood, and she dies. So we must act quickly."


With the small amount of strength that she could find, she grabbed his leg and pulled him nearer. She then whispered in a faint voice:


"Please... Nexus... Don't do anything stupid..."

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Karma gave Nexus a look that exclaimed in a loud voice, madman. He sighed. "As long as you understand that this will replenish her blood and her blood only..."


He shouted to another Inquisitor- a unicorn- and, in a shorthanded language you could barely understand, told him how to cast the spell. He nodded and closed his eyes, his horn glowing red- and occasionally flickering black- a small stream of blood went from Nexus to Lume, almost completely stopping the bleeding and restoring Lume to a partial consciousness. He then threaded the needle and injected a small shot of morphine into Lume's chest. He waited thirty seconds before getting to work, stitching up the cut, the pain from it stopped up by the morphine. About halfway through, the INquisitor dropped the spell, leaving Nexus somewhat pale until he regenerated. He finished it up and looked at it. "Well... that's that. For both cases. And you got a decent scar off of it, Miss Greenpark."







He blocked the punch, twisting your hoof around. "Considering you just blew up my Emerald?" he said in an undertone. "I don't think so." He attempted to punch you in your exposed chest.



Edited by Thunder Knight
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@, "...Ouch. Okay, I was hoping it wasn't going to come to this, but I seriously have places to be. I'll bring them back later." Garrison headbutted Knuckles, then backed off and took out the PDA. A door started forming on the wall, and Garrison drew a knife. "Hi. I'm ze second opinion. I vish ve had longer, but ve've got to go soon."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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(Sorry if my writing is weaker than usual. Dealing with family crap)


Nexus felt himself grow more and more tired as the procedure went on. Though he saw Lume gaining color, and pretty soon, she was good as new. Nexus was pale, however, and fell to his haunches. 




"Well... that's that. For both cases. And you got a decent scar off of it, Miss Greenpark."


When Nexus spoke, it was softer than usual.


"Nice. I always respected ponies with scars. And you kicked ass today." He sighed, shaking his head lightly.


"Just...give me a minute to regenerate my blood. I'll be fine soon." 


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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@, @@ActFast231,


(( OOC: Sorry to hear that. :c ))


When Karma called the unicorn Inquisitor and began performing the spell, Lume could see his horn glowing a very unusual magic aura color, as well as a stream of blood being levitated and carefully dragged from Nexus' wound to hers. However, she was soon forced her eyes closed by the weirdest sensation she had ever felt. Wincing, she couldn't exactly tell if it was pain, relief or something else. But nonetheless, she was already feeling considerably better. The same couldn't be said about her coltfriend, though.


While the transfer was in progress, a shot of morphine stung the mare's chest before her body went completely numb. A few seconds later, Karma began stitching up the cut. Lume opened her eyes when the medical procedure was over. Her strength, regained.


"Well... that's that. For both cases. And you got a decent scar off of it, Miss Greenpark."


She nodded and opened up a smile. However, it didn't last for too long. She turned to the, now weary and pale Nexus.


"Nice. I always respected ponies with scars. And you kicked ass today." He sighed, shaking his head lightly. "Just...give me a minute to regenerate my blood. I'll be fine soon." 


She lifted herself up on her hooves with a revitalize hop and swayed over to him, sitting by his side and suddenly finding their positions swapped - with Nexus dying on the floor this time. Staring at the silver-maned stallion with a unpleasant look on her face, she softly poked his forehead once.


"I told you to not try anything stupid! You can't be toying around with dark magic! It's dangerous!" She let out a loud sigh. "I mean, thank you for saving my life, and I love you forever, but Celestia damn it, you gotta stop taking so many risks. What if your Tarot's healing ability suddenly wears out or something?"

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Nexus laughed lightly at his marefriends concern.


"Sorry about that, but the chances of your survival without it were slim. Try to understand, until a few days ago, I had nothing to live for. I think what I have been doing for years is just fighting until I die. And secretly hoping I do. What can I say, old habits die hard." As he spoke, he slowly regained his strength, color slowly returning to his body.


"But you have a point. I got your happiness and well being to consider now. So...I'll try to be more careful from now on." He was near full strength, but his ears were down.


"I guess I just lived like this for so long I don't know how else to conduct myself. Sorry...for scaring you." 


(short distraction @, Will only be another post or two)

Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

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"It's okay." Lume smiled warmly. She was glad knowing that she meant so much to Nexus, and that she was seemingly able to change his life for the better by pulling him out of his dreadful thoughts. She chuckled and then delivered a kiss on his lips.


"And stop taking all the credit, too! You know that I care about you just as much - maybe even more!" She shook her head, still giggling. "But let's not get into this silly argument right now, alright? Thank you, again, for saving me. I owe you one. And I'll make sure to stay out of trouble from now on. I'm scared you might make a pact with the Devil next time something like this happens." Lume laughed again, taking a thoughtful look at the stitches that hid the deadly wound.

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