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private Land of Shadows

Umbral Noir

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Neon sighed as Red left. She got up and walked out of the hotel, wondering what she should do, she could go to the chapel maybe. She trotted to the cafe that was by the chapel and had some food. When she was done she went to the chapel, there was lots of ponies there getting ready for the wedding. She saw DJ and Vinyl and walked up to them "Hey guys!" 


DJ and Vinyl were busy setting up the electronics when they heard a familiar voice. "Oh, hey Neon!" DJ replied as Neon approached them. "How's it going?"


Vinyl asked. "It certainly looks like this is going to be an awesome wedding reception! I can't wait for it to start!"

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"Um, what?" he asked, looking at the other pony. "Do I look like I am crimson?"


@@Budding Night

"Ah, ja, what I was going to ask ye... Sterling asked me to walk around in the kirke and spread flowers... And he asked me to see you for more help on learning what I am supposed to do." he said to her, seeming a bit confused at it himself.

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"Hey!" Neon smiled "Its going...Alright!" She said, 'Other then just going through a break up and being pretty tired...I'm fine!' Neon thought. She looked at Vinyl "Yes! It looks awesome with all these decorations. I can't wait for the wedding!" Neon said wile looking around the chapel 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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@@Zhooves, @@Budding Night,  



Embarrassed did not even come close to describe what Kismet felt. Her cheeks flushed red and her ears lay flat against her head. Suddenly she couldn't look Evening or (what was his name?)... North in the eye. She looked down at her hooves sheepishly.


"I.. I'm so sorry.. I was just so excited I wasn't thinking. It- It's nice to meet you..." she murmured, barely audible for even her to hear. 


"That's it." Kismet thought, "I'm not making a fool of myself anymore. I'll just be quite around Evening's other friends. They probably wouldn't even like me anyway..."


"I..uhh.... I... I'll be in the wedding gown section. Please continue... without me." Kismet rushed past her friend and the small blue pony and into the back of the shop behind the huge, exquisite dresses. She fell deep into thought, thoroughly displeased with herself.


"Why do I have to be such a klutz? Think before you speak, Kismet, THINK!" she told herself as she sauntered through the isles. The dresses were gorgeous, White Dove's special talent had sure outdone itself. 


"Her talent." Kismet thought sadly, "Must be nice to have something useful to offer Equestria..." Kismet looked down at her own flank; why were these two simple dice so complicated?

  • Brohoof 2

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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@Sterling Crimson


"I'll get going in a bit, seeya tomorrow," Red Talon replied to Sterling. Just then, his parents arrived, and Red figured he'd introduce himself to them.

"Hello," he said, "My name is Red Talon, and I assume you're Sterling Crimson's parents?"


(OOC: Are we allowed to use telephones in the roleplay? If so, Red might call Applejack later on)

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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There was a certain satisfaction in playing a piece through flawlessly multiple times. Over the years her teachers had given her different numbers of perfect run throughs to aspire to in her practice sessions. Blue Note had played the Toccata from "Le Tombeau de Hooferin" ten times in row in such a fashion. Her morning and most of her afternoon had been spent at her piano, relearning the piece. She had slowly worked through it, making sure every last phrase was up to her personal standards. 


Blue Note hadn't found playing the piece well to be the true challenge. That would be getting up and performing for Sterling at his wedding. However, she was a performer, and as a performer she prided herself on being able to get through anything. It just took practice. Obviously she couldn't ask Sterling if he would listen to a run through, so she had to think of something else. 


After many failed attempts and many painful memories, Blue Note had played the Toccata from "Le Tombeau de Hooferin" ten times in row flawlessly staring straight at the picture of her and Sterling at graduation, her own painful reminder of what should have been. 


If that couldn't prepare her for tomorrow, she didn't know what would. Blue Note felt emotionally drained and mentally exhausted, but at least she was prepared. "Now all I have to do was decide which of my pieces I want to play, and find a wedding gift," Blue Note said to herself. "It'll all be over soon. I just need to get through it."


Blue Note couldn't help wondering if that was really true. 




@Sterling Crimson


Sterling appeared lost in his own thoughts, leaving a bit of silence between the two ponies. Blue Note wondered what he was thinking about. She had been having a nice time hanging out with him. It occurred to her to check the time, so she glanced up at the clock. "Oh my goodness, I didn't realize it was getting to be so late," she said. "Symphonic Band rehearsal starts in an hour, and I have to pick up a new box of reeds before the music store closes." She looked apologetically at him. "I'm sorry I have to dash off so quickly. I had a good time talking with you. We should do it again sometime," she said as she got up. 




  • Brohoof 2


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@@Love*Potion, @@Zhooves, (@@Sterling Crimson?)


Evening took cautious as her friend moved away, being beyond embrassed from what she had said. Evening herself was grateful for her friends excited remarks on meeting her fiancé, even if she didn't think before she spoke. It certainly wasn't a bad trait, though; Kismets movements and ways on that could be remarkable, later on perhaps.


She turned back to the young colt in front of her and paid attention to his words. When he had finished, she was utterly confused, through petals around? Did Sterling suggest for him to be the flower girl? Or rather, flower colt? Evening sighed and tried her hardest not to face-hoof, but she did anyways. As she put her hoof down again, she looked to the side, let out a small sigh, and turned back to North with the tiniest giggle


"North.. As much as us girls would love to dress you up in a little white dress.." she said, smiling, then losing it

"I don't think you'd do very well as a flower girl. I don't think Sterling thought that one through, or perhaps he did but he just.." she giggled, silly Sterling. She knew he didn't really know too much about weddings, it was tolerable enough. What he had said to North came off as plain cute to her.

"I think you'd better better as a Ring Bearer. Do you know what you do when you are a Ring Bearer, North?"

  • Brohoof 3

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Sterling's parents remembered Red from the Odyssey. He was the race Sterling told them about with the amazing Sineightra like voice. "Oh hello Red. Yes we are Sterling's parents. How are you?" spoke Bubble Gum with a soothing and calm voice. 


Sterling was just beginning to daydream about Blue when he suddenly heard a voice. "Oh my goodness..." Sterling jumped back to reality once he heard Blue say that. He was reeling and was wondering what exactly happened. As soon as he composed himself, he heard that Blue was going to leave him for wind orchestra rehearsal. He then asked Blue with a slight blush on his face, "Oh it's felt so short though... Shall we see each other again some time? Maybe during our lunch breaks? I kinda wanted to see your piano abilities..." 

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Sterling's parents remembered Red from the Odyssey. He was the race Sterling told them about with the amazing Sineightra like voice. "Oh hello Red. Yes we are Sterling's parents. How are you?" spoke Bubble Gum with a soothing and calm voice.


Sterling was just beginning to daydream about Blue when he suddenly heard a voice. "Oh my goodness..." Sterling jumped back to reality once he heard Blue say that. He was reeling and was wondering what exactly happened. As soon as he composed himself, he heard that Blue was going to leave him for wind orchestra rehearsal. He then asked Blue with a slight blush on his face, "Oh it's felt so short though... Shall we see each other again some time? Maybe during our lunch breaks? I kinda wanted to see your piano abilities..."

"I'm doing quite well, actually," Red said to Sterling's mother, Bubble Gum, in spite of the fact that Red wasn't doing exactly that well at the current moment. "I'm going to look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow! I've got to go in a bit!"

With that, Red headed back to the hotel, worn out from the wedding preparations. He sat on the bed and dialed the number for Sweet Apple Acres.

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@@Steel Accord,


Clover read Steel's note while she ate her breakfast, touched that he'd thought of her. She hoped that their relationship would finally get off the ground, but felt a little nervous. How should she act? She wished there was somepony she could ask. Her friends Stargazer and Morning Glory would simply tell her to be herself, but that was what she'd done before. Rarity would simply tell her to be romantic, but she wasn't sure that she could pull that off convincingly. As for Twilight, well, she was in the same position as Clover, really. They were really very similar; as Twilight said herself, they ought to be friends. Both were bookworms, both had been very antisocial before getting a group of friends due to an adventure.


And of course, there was that other thing. Clover took some time to think over what Twilight had said to her before.


"After what you did to keep Sterling alive," Twilight had said, "I spoke to Celestia about it. She agrees with my opinion, that you are very nearly ready to become a Princess of Magic."


"But... but I'm not ready!" Clover had stammered out. How could somepony like herself be something as special as a Princess?


Twilight had smiled at her. "Neither was I, when Celestia made me a Princess," she said. "But being a Princess is something that only happens to certain ponies, who have worked hard at their chosen field to become special, who are given the honour cuz they deserve it. And you do deserve it, Clover. Not only your heroic deed, but who else among ponies works as hard as magic as you do? Who else creates spells for other unicorns to use? Not since the days of Starswirl the Bearded has any unicorn ever contributed as much to magic as you have."


Clover had blushed and paled all in turns. She eventually asked Twilight when it would happen. Twilight had replied that Celestia would grant the honour, but when it would happen, she didn't know. Clover had to be content with that, and she thought on that conversation long and hard as she sat in her suite waiting for Steel to return. Maybe she could discuss it with him but would it be too intense?

Steel returned to Clover's hotel with excitement in his heart. At long last his dream seemed achievable in more than just his head!


"Clover my lady!" He called as he entered. "I hope you are well. I have grand news!" Steel made his way into the apartment bed and she wasn't there. "Clover?" He called quietly. The Swordpony saw that steam was pouring in from the shower room.


He gently knocked on the doorframe. "Clover my lady? I assume that's you in there."

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At this point, Autumn was just trotting out of the elevator. She would've been on the way to Evening and Kismet if the turquoise receptionist hadn't had an argument with her about the two ponies wanting privacy. When the mare had asked what Room number 'Wispent' and 'Midnight Shield' were in, the receptionist simply refused to give her the room number, she didn't seem to believe Autumn when she said was family and she had to get them down to the chapel to help with her sisters wedding.


It took awhile until she just got the floor out of her, the number three was muttered very quietly under her breath, but didn't respond when she asked which room. Autumn was about to go up and knock on every door until a light-green stallion came around and asked the receptionist what was wrong, she snorted and simply said 

"This fool wants to know what Room Wispent and Midnight Shield are in when they asked not to be disturbed! She even said that she was their daughter and had to get them to the chapel to organize her sisters wedding. What an obvious lier" The stallion had looked at the turquoise mare then at Autumn "Room 30" he said, expressionless, the mare stared at him

"What?" he questioned

"Old friend from Canterlot, she's tellin' the truth" Autumn smiled and blew him a kiss, he put his hoof to where his heart was and gave a look that said 'Me?' Autumn had grinned and walked towards elevator


Now as she was skipping out, she walked up slowly to Room 30. The thought never occured to her that her parents were staying in the same hotel as her, but now she was standing at their door. She knocked on the door, waiting patiently for somepony to open the door. She soon heard a creak and saw the door open. Standing there was a dark blue unicorn stallion with ruffly, messy, slightly curly blond hair

"Hel-" he had said while opening the door, when he saw who it was, he stopped mid-sentence



((Will have to post the rest later, have a guest!))

Edited by Budding Night
  • Brohoof 1

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@@Budding Night

"Dress me up? White dress?" he whispered to himself as he listened to Evening speak.

"Ring Bearer? ...Cary a ring, maybe? At least that is what it sounds like... And that should be easy enough..." he said, seeming to think of anything he might have missed. "...One more question... Do I need to get dressed or something for this?"

  • Brohoof 3

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note couldn't help smiling. "Yeah, we should go to lunch sometime, and there's always sitting next to each other in music theory. I don't have anything scheduled then tomorrow. Maybe I could even show off my incredible piano skills." She said the last part exaggeratedly. Her piano playing was decent, but probably nowhere near as good as his. "You'll have to let me play clarinet for you as well." 

  • Brohoof 2


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Sterling chuckled at Blue Note's confidence in her piano and clarinet skills. He was happy to see her show both really. He replied with a giggle, "Of course Blue. I'd definitely be up for seeing you play tomorrow. I've got a few classes here and there tomorrow, but it won't stop me from having a nice lunch with you. It's nice especially with all those ponies poking fun at me all the time..." As Sterling reached the end of his sentence, he stuttered off and gave a small frown. The taunts and jeers still hurt deeply. All his life he was poked fun at for even the smallest of details...

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@Sterling Crimson


Blue Note frowned at being called Blue. Perhaps it was trivial, but she could never get used to being called "Blue". It reminded her too much of her father. No matter what she did, he would never acknowledge the "Note" in her name. But Sterling was nice, and certainly not somepony she wanted to snap at. "I prefer Blue Note," she said, as politely as she could. "Anyway, you want to meet in the main dining hall? Get some great cafeteria food?" she said sarcastically. Buying a meal plan was her biggest mistake. "And as far as those ponies go, just remember that you're better than they are." 

  • Brohoof 1


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"Yes, you will, in a tuxedo" Evening said "When you are the ringer bearer, you stand beside the groom and best man. You give the rings to the bride and groom when the priest asks you to. Its considered very lucky to be the ring bearer, especially if you are younger. They say it brings good luck between the ring bearer and the couple"



Autumn grinned, she hadn't seen her dad in forever

"Hi dad!" she beamed, giving him a hug "How've ya been?" Her father grinned, he hugged her back tightly

"I've been well, dear" he replied, letting her go "Come in, come in!" he leaned back and held out his hoof politely as a gesture to come inside. As she walked inside the door, she noticed the surroundings, her parents had gotten one of the expensive rooms. The room was huge inside, it had multiple walls and doors connecting to other parts of the room, as well as a big full size mirror on the inside of an open cupboard.


Autumn oohed at the room and her father called out for her wife, telling her that Autumn was there. The mare saw her mother rush around the corner, her long, wavy white hair was swinging behind her, her dark grey body fumbling around and her dull, dark green eyes wide. As she saw her, she gasped and flung at her, her arms wide, giving her daughter a big hug 

"Hi Mom.." Autumn whispered, her mother sniffed at her shoulder "Hi.." she returned


Letting her go, her mother leaned back "Look at you.." She said quietly "I haven't seen you in a long time." She leaned her body normally again and smiled, Autumn smiled back, looking into her eyes, they looked exactly like Evening..

"Hey" she said "I need to do something for me, for Evening"


"She needs your guys help, setting up the chapel. Or Sterling does at least" Her mother, Wispent, gasped. She grinned

"Oh, brilliant!" she said, she looked at her husband who was behind her, he had a big, relaxed smile on her face

"Well, she should get going then!"

"Do you know the way to the chapel, mom?"

"Yes, I do. Don't worry" she gave her daughter another quick hug

"We'll be in there in no time."


Autumn smiled at her mother, after not seeing for nearly a year, it seemed they were only together for three seconds. It saddened her that they were to part again so quick, but things had to be done. They walked out the door together and into the elevator, as the doors closed, her father stroked up a conversation about how she'd been during her work.

  • Brohoof 2

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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"Hey!" Neon smiled "Its going...Alright!" She said, 'Other then just going through a break up and being pretty tired...I'm fine!' Neon thought. She looked at Vinyl "Yes! It looks awesome with all these decorations. I can't wait for the wedding!" Neon said wile looking around the chapel 


DJ was surprised to see Neon looking a little upset, in spite of her cheeriness. "Um... is everything alright, Neon?" he asked. "If something's wrong, I'd be happy to try and help you out!" It always saddened DJ to see his friends unhappy, so he wanted to help them in anytime in any way he could.

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@@Steel Accord,


Clover read Steel's note while she ate her breakfast, touched that he'd thought of her. She hoped that their relationship would finally get off the ground, but felt a little nervous. How should she act? She wished there was somepony she could ask. Her friends Stargazer and Morning Glory would simply tell her to be herself, but that was what she'd done before. Rarity would simply tell her to be romantic, but she wasn't sure that she could pull that off convincingly. As for Twilight, well, she was in the same position as Clover, really. They were really very similar; as Twilight said herself, they ought to be friends. Both were bookworms, both had been very antisocial before getting a group of friends due to an adventure.


And of course, there was that other thing. Clover took some time to think over what Twilight had said to her before.


"After what you did to keep Sterling alive," Twilight had said, "I spoke to Celestia about it. She agrees with my opinion, that you are very nearly ready to become a Princess of Magic."


"But... but I'm not ready!" Clover had stammered out. How could somepony like herself be something as special as a Princess?


Twilight had smiled at her. "Neither was I, when Celestia made me a Princess," she said. "But being a Princess is something that only happens to certain ponies, who have worked hard at their chosen field to become special, who are given the honour cuz they deserve it. And you do deserve it, Clover. Not only your heroic deed, but who else among ponies works as hard as magic as you do? Who else creates spells for other unicorns to use? Not since the days of Starswirl the Bearded has any unicorn ever contributed as much to magic as you have."


Clover had blushed and paled all in turns. She eventually asked Twilight when it would happen. Twilight had replied that Celestia would grant the honour, but when it would happen, she didn't know. Clover had to be content with that, and she thought on that conversation long and hard as she sat in her suite waiting for Steel to return. Maybe she could discuss it with him but would it be too intense?

Steel flew back to the suite with joy in his heart. His dream was no longer something immaterial but an attainable goal!


"Clover my lady!" Steel called as he entered the suite through the window. "I have grand news!

. . . Clover?" Steel poked his head into the bedroom and saw that she wasn't there.


The Swordpony saw steam rolling out of the shower room and inched closer to it. "My lady?" He said with a knock on the doorframe.

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@@Budding Night,

"That sounds simple enough... And if it is as you say, then I will gladly do it." he said, smiling slightly.

"En dress- a tuxedo? I had something slightly different in mind, but I guess there will be other times... A tuxedo would do well, I guess."


(('Dress' means 'tuxedo' in Norwegian~)) 

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Steel returned to Clover's hotel with excitement in his heart. At long last his dream seemed achievable in more than just his head!


"Clover my lady!" He called as he entered. "I hope you are well. I have grand news!" Steel made his way into the apartment bed and she wasn't there. "Clover?" He called quietly. The Swordpony saw that steam was pouring in from the shower room.


He gently knocked on the doorframe. "Clover my lady? I assume that's you in there."


"Yes, I'll be out in a minute," Clover called. A few moments later, and she came out the bathroom, her mane and tail still damp, but roughly dried with a towel. She decided she'd listen to Steel's news first, before imparting her own.


"Tell me your grand news, I'd love to hear it," she said to Steel with a smile.


  • Brohoof 2



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Sterling was not a pony who understood sarcasm, and that was why he was often the target of much ridicule and shame. 'Why would anypony suggest eating at the cafeteria's food? It's terrible there!' thought a confused Sterling as he replied cautiously, "Oh... sorry. Blue Note. I thought your name sounded cuter as Blue. Maybe Note's cuter." As soon as he said that, he blushed more deeply; he couldn't contain his blush. He was just terrible when it came to feelings towards mares. Whenever a mare approached him, he'd start to get all fluttery in the hopes that they would someday be his wife. After all, he was a hopeless romantic. 


He composed himself quickly and then continued sheepishly, "Sure! We can meet there tomorrow! Although I'm not sure why you'd want to eat cafeteria food! And thanks for the tip." After saying that, he gave Blue Note a smile before beginning to walk away with a slight wobble in his body...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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As Kismet tried to distract herself from her embarrassment, she noticed that her hoofsteps were beginning to become uneven and wobbly. Slowly but surely the bright white dresses were blurring together and before Kismet knew it, she found herself surrounded by gorgeous white gowns of all shapes and sizes. Kismet began to feel afraid...


"Please don't let this happen to me..." she pleaded, "Not around Evening... anywhere but here, anytime but now!" Her head pounded and her hearing was replaced by a shrill high pitch tone that blocked out any other sound. Kismet fell to the ground and covered her ears with her hooves.


"Please stop!she cried, "It hurts!"


The dresses suddenly became animate and danced around the room, as if ponies were inhabiting them. On their own they sashayed around the room stepping over and around Kismet as they continued their methodical dance. All Kismet could do was look in fright and wait till the dizzy spell subsided. It would play with her mind, toy with her senses, and whisper about something that was about to happen. It refuses clarity. Only confusion. Kismet could not harness her own talent, in consumed her. She was victim to the vision.


The dresses continued to dance and the shrill sound became louder and louder until Kismet could bear it no longer. 

"PLEASE." she whimpered.


The noise stopped. The dresses stopped. It seemed as though even time stopped. Everything turned toward Kismet and a deep growl emanated from within her own mind. The white fabric on the dresses started to melt. Melt slowly, dripping and dropping to reveal a disgusting layer of rotted, black material. The bright, optimistic white of the dresses was gone while the darkness took over everything. Kismet just stared and shook with fright.


"Its not real, it's not real. Just a picture in my mind. It will be over soon. It's not real..."


The darkness and shadows creeped and slithered towards the her. They consumed her and crawled across her skin until everything was swallowed in blackness. A silent cry escaped from her mouth as a voice whispered in her ear:


"Land of Shadows"



((OOC: Heh I know this is a bit dark but I wanted to have Kismet's talent warn her about the wedding. Seeing that I don't know exactly what is going to happen, I just used the title of the RP as a base. It's supposed to be vague anyway so I think it works out. Hope you enjoyed it, I know it's long  :P ))

  • Brohoof 5

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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Red dialed the number, and heard a deep voice answer on the other end.

"Hello," the voice said.

"Big Mac?" Red responded.


"Can ya get AJ for me, please?"


With that, Bic Mac called AJ over, and she answered the phone.

"Hello, Red," she said to him.

"Applejack... how are things going on your end?"

"Good, sugarcube. Ah'm guessin' that the wedding preparations are coming along for Sterling and Evening?"

"Yep! And if it weren't for me, they wouldn't have gotten too far. Speaking of weddings, things... fell apart with me and Neon."

  • Brohoof 3

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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"Yes, I'll be out in a minute," Clover called. A few moments later, and she came out the bathroom, her mane and tail still damp, but roughly dried with a towel. She decided she'd listen to Steel's news first, before imparting her own.


"Tell me your grand news, I'd love to hear it," she said to Steel with a smile.


Steel wasn't quite sure whether to point out to Clover that she had just gotten out of the shower in front of him or just take it in stride. As she seemed oblivious to the intimacy of the situation. So he went with the middle road of politely averting his gaze as he spoke.


"Well, do you remember that somewhat lofty dream I shared with you and the others aboard our ship?" Steel pulled out his letter from Princess Celestia. "It's not so lofty anymore."

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After all those preparations... the ponies were finally done. The sky was already beginning to turn to dusk as the ponies had worked all day to make the chapel look as glamorous and as fertile as possible for all the dignitaries tomorrow. Sterling and his parents looked around at the completed work with amazement and awe. "Wow Sterling... Red and your friends really did help out here didn't they? It looks amazing... worthy of many news headlines to come." When Front Page mentioned news headlines Sterling looked at him with a raised eye, "News... headlines?" Spoke a stuttering Sterling. "Of course Sterling. All Equestria's dignitaries will be coming to tomorrow's wedding! The mayor of Pelopponysia, Ponyville, Baltimare, Manehattan... and who could forget? The princesses from Canterlot!" 


Sterling looked at Front with an opened jaw. "The princesses are coming?! WHAT?!" Front then replied with a chuckle, "Definitely them! We agreed to tell you the surprise today so you wouldn't faint in the middle of the wedding! Princess Luna has agreed to become the priestess for this wedding!" After that fact was mentioned, Sterling... simply fainted.

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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