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As Sterling had walked out the door, she had a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see a dark blue earth filly with a curly/wavy light brown mane and soft but strong green eyes. She had glasses on with the frame just darker than her hair colour which suited her very nicely, but she didn't seem to have her cutie mark yet. Evening had gasped "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed "You made it! You're here!"

"Of course I'm here" the dark blue filly said with a giggle "I wouldn't miss this for the world"

The dark blue filly, wouldn't exactly be classified as a filly, she was only some years younger than Evening Glory but she was bit too old to be called a filly but too young to be called a mare just yet.


Next to her was a pegasus colt who looked only just older than the filly, again looked a bit too old to be called a colt but too young to be called a stallion. He had Peanut Shell coloured coat with a sort of dark saddle brown colour shaggy-ish mane, his eyes were brown too, but so dark you could hardly see the pupil at all, you'd have to concentrate really hard to even make them out. He too didn't seem to have his cutie mark either. The dark blue pony noticed Evening looked at him and smiled

"This is my friend, Tamarau. The one I've told you aboutshe said, looking at him herself

"Hi" he said, sort of grinning. Evening smiled back and returned her greetings


"Just stopping by back her to say my many congratulations on your marriage" the filly started "The choice of the cruise truly was a good one. I'm so happy you found your love on your trip, you two are perfect together and will never break apart enough for it to forever make rip" she grinned "Just thought I'd let you know"

"Thanks so much" Evening returned, the two ponies gave a quick hug that left heavy pins and needles on Evenings skin, they said their momentarily farewells and thanks, and just like that, it was over.




Now, at this point in time, Evening Glory was fussing around with her sister just before the music started playing. Evening was quickly re-doing Autumn Glow's hair for her and Autumn gave her a bouquet of white peonies and re-adjusted her rose clip so it didn't fall onto the ground while she was walking up the aisle. With her was her father and  as Sterlings best man, they were getting ready also in terms of cleaning up their suits and such.


The flower girl that had been picked was one of the fillies Evening used to baby-sit, it was her favourite filly to baby-sit, they had actually become quite good friends over the time that Evening had been in Canterlot with her depression. This little fillies preferred name was Izzy. She had a light rosey pink coat with a light yellow wavy mane that was put into a small ponytail at the back of her head, she had light purple eyes and a little silvery dress with light purple shoes that matched her eyes. She was carrying a teakwood colour woven basket in her mouth which was filled with red, pink and white rose petals that she was to throw around the floor as the bride walked behind her.


Everyone was excited and fussing around, as soon as the music started, most of them gasped and got themselves ready. Izzy at the front with her flower basket, behind her Evening and her father who was to walk her down the aisle and behind them the bridesmaid and the best man who was to lead Autumn down the aisle behind the bride and father. After a few seconds of the music being played, Izzy took her cue and with all her might, pushed open the two doors which lead to most of the ponies into the chapel to turn and stare.


Izzy began to walk down the aisle as the music played, throwing the multi-coloured petals all over the aisle, making it took absolutely beautiful. Evening Glory had a delicate smile on her face as she walked, looking directly at @Sterling Crimson. Behind them, Autumn Glow felt a little awkward as she was being lead down an aisle by a stranger that she hardly knew at all, but she could least be happy that she was honored enough to be Evening Glory's bridesmaid.


Evening Glory heard her father sighed quietly beside her, she turned to her father slightly and gave him a sympathetic look

"You know" he starts, whispering ever so quietly so only his daughter can hear him "The day every father looks forward to is giving the permission to a stallion to marry his daughter." he gave a half-smile "But if he makes you happy enough to forget about your trouble, I suppose I can wait for Autumn" Evening Glory smiled

"Thank you father. I love you"

"I love you too, my little Glory"


They were now at the podium, Izzy and Midnight Shield had broke off to sit down at the front with the others, now only the Bride, her bridesmaid and the best man remained. Evening Glory took place in front of Sterling Crimson, giving him a sweet smile. Her thoughts and heart was going fast, she was finally standing at that podium, in her gown, awaiting to kiss forever a chance. Autumn now placed behind Evening and DJ behind Sterling, the warmth and love coming from the two ponies in front of them was amazingly real, they really were the perfect match, a love made in heaven.

Edited by Budding Night
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Budding Night


The music had just finished. Dr. Thorringtom smiled pleasingly at the orchestra after their beautiful rendition of one of Bah's most famous pieces. Now... the two ponies were at the podium of holiness... the podium of love... the podium of sanctity... The Princess was now ready with her wedding speech:


"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of Celestia, and in the face of this company, to join together this Stallion and this Mare in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of Celestia, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Celestia and Equestria.

I REQUIRE and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that if any persons are joined together other than as Equestria's word doth allow, their marriage is not lawful." 

Princess Luna now address Sterling Crimson and spoke with her near royal voice,

"Sterling Crimson. Wilt thou have this Mare to thy wedded wife, to live together after Equestria's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?"

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Sterling Crimson looked from Princess Luna, as she finished, to Evening Glory. All the things they had went through, the love and compassion, the sacrifices, the tears and the pain, and now they were finally at the podium in time to say their vows


"I do"


As he spoke, it rung through the chapel, loud and proud. Evening let out the breath she had been holding, she smally grinned at him, nothing could compare to this moment, this moment full of her love and happiness. Evening Glory breathed slowly as she waited for the next words to be spoken, she calmly breathed in all the nature, the plant life around her. The bouquet and the rose petals let out a lovely aurora that floated around the room, it made the brides nervousness and stress from her shyness die down, it reminded her of the thing she'd been searching for her whole life, the thing she longed the most, even if there were the boundaries of her depths.


(Part three!)

Edited by Budding Night
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Princess Luna nodded at Sterling Crimson's declaration of "yes" to the world with a smile. She then addressed Evening Glory and spoke with her near royal voice once more,

"Evening Glory. Wilt thou have this stallion to thy wedded husband, to live together after Equestria's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?"

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This was it. It was happening, and Kismet was missing it. The beautiful music had stopped, and only Princess Luna's Equestrian Voice could be heard echoing from the chapel. It could only mean one thing: the couple are taking their vows.


Galloping as fast as she could without ruining her gown, Kismet raced to the entrance and set her wrapped gift down with the others in the reception hall. She quickly asked a puzzled concierge where her seat was and thanked him after she had gotten the information. Then, with a deep sigh and a gulp, Kismet creaked open the door. 


It was the back door.


Frozen with embarrassment and frustration, Kismet was behind the podium where Sterling and Evening were taking their vows. Luckily she wasn't in the sight of the audience, but she had a clear view of the ceremony. Everypony looked beautiful, especially the bride. Kismet looked over to the groom.


"So that's what the famous 'Sterling Crimson' looks like" Kismet thought with a smile, "Not bad, Evening, not bad."


Then she heard Princess Luna ask Evening whether she would take this stallion as her husband. Before she answered Kismet did a small wave and tried to catch her attention. 


"I'm here for you, Evening. I'm so happy for you." she smiled.

  • Brohoof 4

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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As the proceedings continued, DJ couldn't help but smile. He had secretly always loved weddings a lot more than he let on. As the couple recited their vows, he marvelled at the thought that they had met under such strange circumstances. Suddenly, he noticed the door to the chapel open, as a pegasus entered. As she gave a small wave to Evening, DJ guessed she must be a friend of hers. He then turned his focus back to where Princess Luna and the couple were, waiting excitedly for the familiar words...

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As North now stood a bit closer to Luna, and finally got a decent view of how many ponies that were there, he looked a little shaky. And on top of that, he almost cowered slightly as Luna begun to speak a bit louder again, though he managed to focus and keep his composure. At the same time, it did not look like North understood much of what was going on, staying put until he could do what he was tasked to do.

  • Brohoof 4

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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As North now stood a bit closer to Luna, and finally got a decent view of how many ponies that were there, he looked a little shaky. And on top of that, he almost cowered slightly as Luna begun to speak a bit louder again, though he managed to focus and keep his composure. At the same time, it did not look like North understood much of what was going on, staying put until he could do what he was tasked to do.

Steel could see that North was getting a little shaky. Perhaps some stage fright creeping in. Steel extended a wing to path in on the shoulder.


"Don't worry. I've never done this before either." Steel whispered with a wink. "Just enjoy the ceremony while it lasts."


Evening looked like she was about to break out into tears she was so happy.

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Applejack sat down in one of the chairs in the lobby of Rarity's Carousel Boutique.

"So, Rarity," Applejack asked, "Ah really hope you can keep this all confidential. In other words, ah don't want all of Ponyville to know this, but ah fell in love with Red Talon, the NASCOLT racer. Ah know you know ah've known him since ah was a foal, but ah never knew the little crush would become anything like this. He just broke up with his last marefriend, and he's been feeling awful ever since. Ah love him, but ah don't know if he loves me, too. Plus, he still thinks he can get back with Neon, his ex marefriend. Ah just don't know what to do, Rarity."

Rarity was overjoyed. Rather a strange thing to be, but seeing as in her mind Applejack was the original tomcolt who never seemed to show any interest in stallions at all, this was truly music to her ears.


"Don't worry," she said, giving her friend an impulsive hug, "You can totally count on me to keep the secret. But I do think that you ought to talk with Red Talon. I'm sure that he'd understand... there's no point in keeping this kind of thing all bottled up, trust me on this. You don't have to come out with it, just subtly ask him if he'd like to come to dinner one night, and if he acts shocked, pretend you meant as friends."


Rarity frowned. "Maybe I ought to give you a makeover before you do," she said. "Don't take this the wrong way, Applejack, but Red's never seen you prettied up so perhaps he's never thought you could be anything but a friend. Maybe all he needs is a little nudge in the right direction..."


@@Steel Accord,


Clover stood close to Steel as she watched the ceremony unfold. She couldn't help but let out a few tears, this was just so romantic and moving!

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Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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The silence was deathly, the longer Evening took to answer, the more anxious everypony got. All she needed was a moment for a breather while letting herself melt into the stallions blue eyes, just a quick five seconds she needed to reflect on all things that had happened..


From waking up in a hammock on a tropical island to him being revived in the hospital, every moment she had with him had been truly one of the best things in her life. Before they were in Ravens factory, before they were engaged, every moment was magically amazing, every moment after was magically amazing too. After being together for merely months, they had fallen in love and were to be married. She knew Sterling loved her, he showed it with all his heart, every single day.

Her father always said that the love for her would be the one stallion that could make the bad melt away.

Was Sterling Crimson the one?


Yes, definitely.


"I do"



As her words echoed around the chapel, she saw everyone smiling and some even tearing up. She let herself glance where her father and mother were to sit, her mother was staring up at her and crying, and her father... Was looking up at her with the most happy smile she had ever seen on him, he gave her a nod, Evening gave him a nod in return and turned back to Sterling and gave him a happy grin, he gave her one back, obviously happy that she'd said yes. Once again their love radiated brightly as the couple waited for Princess Luna to sow them finally together as one.

Edited by Budding Night
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Rarity was overjoyed. Rather a strange thing to be, but seeing as in her mind Applejack was the original tomcolt who never seemed to show any interest in stallions at all, this was truly music to her ears.


"Don't worry," she said, giving her friend an impulsive hug, "You can totally count on me to keep the secret. But I do think that you ought to talk with Red Talon. I'm sure that he'd understand... there's no point in keeping this kind of thing all bottled up, trust me on this. You don't have to come out with it, just subtly ask him if he'd like to come to dinner one night, and if he acts shocked, pretend you meant as friends."


Rarity frowned. "Maybe I ought to give you a makeover before you do," she said. "Don't take this the wrong way, Applejack, but Red's never seen you prettied up so perhaps he's never thought you could be anything but a friend. Maybe all he needs is a little nudge in the right direction..."


@@Steel Accord,


Clover stood close to Steel as she watched the ceremony unfold. She couldn't help but let out a few tears, this was just so romantic and moving!

"Well, ah asked him to come to dinner when he returns to Ponyville," Applejack said to Rarity, "He said he'd love to come. Hopefully he'll be able to make it. Ah'm gonna need all the help ah can get, Rarity." However, Applejack winced at the mention of a "makeover."

"A... makeover?" Applejack asked, "Well, ah have been prettied up in front of him before, at senior prom, but that was a few years ago. Ah just don't want anything prissy or girly; he probably won't like that kind of outfit."




Red stood up and cheered for Evening Glory and Sterling Crimson. He was very happy to see the two officially married. Such excitement briefly took Red's pains off his mind, but as soon as the ceremonies ended, the pains sadly returned.

Edited by Joey Slowgano
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Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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@Budding Night


Princess Luna nodded solemnly and happily at Evening's "yes". She then nodded Evening and Sterling to take their right hooves and hold them steadfast together. She then spoke with her most royal voice she could give:


"Now it is time to exchange rings! I now entrust you to say your wedding vows as ye hold your hooves in holy matrimony!"



Edited by Sterling Crimson
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(Hands? What are these HANDS you speak of?)
@@Sterling Crimson
Evening and Sterling were still smiling at eachother, they both looked at Luna as she said to hold their hooves together in 'matrimony'. They happily brought their front hooves up and held them together, it left tingles on Evenings skin as they held, it wasn't the sort of tingle like she felt from her before, that was science; the magnetic fields of the impluses defying phychics interacting with Evening skins left heavy tingles, but this, what she was feeling right now was out of pure love and happiness.
Evening world was starting to close in on Sterling forever, and she was happy it was to become that, she loved him after all, how could she not want to be with him after all those things that they went through to get where they were now?
Sterling had turned his head towards Red Talon and gave him a smile of gratitude, Evening did the same as Red cheered for them, it was ever so kind for him to do so, despite his current, uh, state with Neon Strobe.
The two awaited Luna's next words..


(Part Five :P)

Edited by Budding Night
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@Budding Night


Princess Luna was now ready to give her final words declaring official holy matrimony. It was a momentous occasion emotionally for her. Not only would it be the first wedding she ever holds as a princess, but it was also the marriage of Sterling Crimson, divinely inspired by the gods as spoken to the princesses. Princess Luna spoke without hesitation and delay, 


"Mares and gentlecolts! It has been a day of great joy and happiness in the face of Equestria. It will be a day of momentous celebration before the celestial beings that dominate the world forever! Those whom they hath joined together let no pony put asunder! For as much Sterling Crimson and Evening Glory have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before Equestria, and thereto have given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a Ring, and by joining hooves; I pronounce that they are Stallion and wife, in the name of Equestria and the celestial beings! 


Thou may kiss the bride, Sterling Crimson."

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Blue Note just stared down at the bottom of the pew in front of her. She was well aware that her feelings were entirely selfish, but anypony in her shoes would feel the same. Not that she hadn't already lost him, but it hurt that their friendship of four years had also had just gone away, like it never happened. At least he would have told her about getting married when they were still friends. That still might have hurt, but at least she would still have her best friend. Now she was just alone.


Blue Note knew she could still talk to Sterling after her performance, but she was dreading it to be honest. It seemed as though he didn't want much to do with her anymore, but perhaps she could at least try to clear the air. After all, what kind of pony would be upset at a wedding?

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(Haven't been posting much...Sorry D: )


Neon was getting bored until the wedding started. She saw the princesses were here and was pretty surprised at that, she wondered if somepony had told her and she just didn't listen. Neon smiled as the wedding went on. This was so romantic and sweet Neon thought, normally she wasn't in to the whole romantic-sweet-girly things but she enjoyed the wedding more so then she thought she would. Neon looked around at everypony there, so many ponies were there. She saw Red cheering and sighed, she wasn't sure how she felt about him. She looked back at Sterling and Evening taking Red off her mind

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Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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((OOC: DJ's quite emotional inside! :P))


As Luna announced that the couple kiss, and Red cheered, DJ sniffed. Behind his dark red glasses, tears were starting to roll down his cheeks. "Uh oh, I don't want anypony to see me crying at a wedding!" he thought. "I've got something in my eye... yes..." he rubbed at his eyes in an irritated fashion for effect.

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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Rarity looked a little disappointed at not being able to do a full makeover, but then, Applejack wasn't really the girly type. "What about just a nice dress, then?" she said. "I could make you one very quickly, just as you want it. Well, within reason," she amended, remembering the last time she'd made dresses for her friends.

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Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Rarity looked a little disappointed at not being able to do a full makeover, but then, Applejack wasn't really the girly type. "What about just a nice dress, then?" she said. "I could make you one very quickly, just as you want it. Well, within reason," she amended, remembering the last time she'd made dresses for her friends.

"Well, ah'm happy you're willing to make that dress for me, Rarity," she said to her. "Just make it look modest, down tah earth, and most of all, beautiful, but not girly. Ah'm sure he doesn't like the girly type of pony."




(For the wedding, is there anything else that still needs to be done? They just got the rings and kissed, so I was just wondering)

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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"I'll begin right away," Rarity replied. "I don't have any urgent orders to be filled, but even if I did, they'd just have to wait cuz after all, my friends come first. I should have it finished by this evening." Rarity smiled at Applejack. "I'm sure this'll help as far as your crush goes."

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Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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"I'll begin right away," Rarity replied. "I don't have any urgent orders to be filled, but even if I did, they'd just have to wait cuz after all, my friends come first. I should have it finished by this evening." Rarity smiled at Applejack. "I'm sure this'll help as far as your crush goes."

"Okay," Applejack responded, "Let's make it quick, though. Ah want to have him over for dinner tomorrow, since that's the day he returns from Manehattan for the wedding. And maybe if ah'm lucky enough, we'll be able to reuse the dress for our wedding. So let's get started now, shall we?"

Applejack normally wasn't as hasty as this, but love basically put her on autopilot here.

"At the very least," she then said to Rarity, "Ah want to have input on what ah'm gonna wear, from head to toe. Besides, won't the rest of the family haveta dress fancy?"

Edited by Joey Slowgano
  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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(Sorry! School and Babies being born and mothers work and sports for school... Sorry :S)



Sterling and Evening both grinned as she finished her words, Sterling and Evening moved closer together until their lips finally touched together, and when they did, their lips melted together in a passionate kiss. The crowd stood up and cheered for them while the media cameras flashed and rolled their tapes, even a few whistles came from near the back and front of the seats. 


As the two pulled apart, Evening was breathing hard as her heart was beating fast, she.. was now a married mare. She was now married to her love, to the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.. and now she could. The emotions were swelling up inside of the mare and the kiss stabbed at them, tears started to form and whistle down her cheeks, Sterling and Evening pulled away and smiled at each other. Evening tried to choke down her tears and not let them go for too long, but tears of happiness was something she'd never had, it felt good to do that, especially since she was crying from joyness of love.

  • Brohoof 3

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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@@Budding Night

As the happy couple kissed, North, with a stiff expression on his face very slowly moved a wing in front of his face. After thinking for a few seconds, he realised he could miss something standing there like that, so he removed it. He then cast a glance upon everypony there, noticing how some of them was getting a little emotional - Luna even looked happy.

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Kismet smiled from her back-seat view and watched her best friend transform from a bright young filly to a happily married mare. It was an emotional and happy time for everypony, even Kismet felt a little damp on her cheeks. She sighed a satisfied sigh and watched as the two locked together forever with their holy kiss. It was beautiful, and Kismet's chest swelled with joy at the sight of the newly wedded couple. She wished all the best for them and that they stay just as happy forever and ever. 


Kismet reached up and wiped her eye, trying to prep herself for when the bride and groom trot down the aisle for the first time together as husband and wife. She wanted to be there for her friend, to support her and love her every step of the way.



((OOC: Sorry it's been a bit of a delay but I spent the weekend with my family up in the mountains. I'm back though! :3)

  • Brohoof 3

Meet my OC's : Honeycomb and Kismet


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Princess Luna's smile said all. A new day had begun for the couple. All the Equestrian hosts began to cry tears of happiness, from the mares from University of Manehattan to even Brick Hayfield and some of the news broadcasters from EBC. Princess Luna then spoke triumphantly to the crowd,


"This is a day of celebration! A new beginning hath sprung forth for the newly weds! Let us celebrate this glorious day by singing the well known hymn, "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling."


It was now time for the Manehattan University Philharmonic. Dr. Thorrington was still in tears as the crowd stood in preparation to sing. He held his baton up in joy and motioned for the orchestra to play the famous hymn with passion and joy...




(OOC: Just replace the Jesu part with Luna or anything else you wish.)



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