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open The Secluded Village {RP}

Pripyat Pony

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The Secluded Village is a nightmare place. No, not just a name; it is literally the place where your nightmares come to life. Situated in the centre of the Everfree Forest, the village was once a normal, thriving community with a school, shops, a hospital and various other places for the villagers. The ponies who lived there had no idea that a world existed outside the forest, and didn't care enough to go looking. Life carried on for many decades, as the ponies of the village carried on their peaceful existance. Then They came.


A group of unicorns formed a cult. They wished for power, and also for dominion over their fellow ponies. They practiced dark magic, which tainted the village forever. One particular ritual stood out in its brutality. An innocent foal was selected every week to be sacrified to the powers of darkness. With every successful sacrifice, the powers of the cult grew stronger. But then, a sacrifice failed. The foal who was taken managed to struggle free and escaped, tho mortally wounded.


Tho she did not survive, cuz the foal had not died within the circle, everything went wrong. The cult lost control of the dark powers they worshipped, and the darkness consumed them. The village was forever trapped in a time loop, where the failed ritual was repeated every week, and the powers of darkness roamed during night time. Any pony who entered would find that they could not leave, and their worst nightmares would attack them. Not many escaped the horror... only very few could escape... the Secluded Village.




Princess Celestia was worried. She paced about the throne room, looking over occasionally at her sister, Luna, who wore a similar expression. Luna sighed.


"Sister," she said. "There's no point in getting upset about this. We can't plan to do anything until we know more. Once the spy we sent out arrives, we will be able to do something."


Celestia replied, "I know. I suppose that this kind of thing always makes me a bit stressed. To think that such a place exists in Equestria!"


At that moment, a half zebra with a purple and white mane and tail galloped in.


"Princesses!" the half zebra replied. "I have the information you asked for."


The half zebra's name was Sanura, and she was an experienced spy, the one that the Princesses always used whenever they required information on anything important. This mysterious village certainly qualified as that. She took out a scroll from her saddlebags in a hoof and read out what she had discovered.


"The village is in the centre of the Everfree Forest. I did not enter, cuz of information I gathered from various sources. In short, anypony who goes inside this village, does not come out!"


Luna gasped. Sanura continued. "I managed to find a pony who had been inside the village. He was a colt when he entered, and a colt when he came out, but all his friends were old. He told me that the village used to have a cult inside it which sacrificed young foals to the powers of darkness. One day, the ritual went wrong, and the village became as it is now. Dark magic keeps it going, and the botched ritual plays out every day."


Sanura rolled up the scroll and waited. Celestia thought for a long time about what she had been told. Eventually, she spoke.


"It seems that we must do something about this straight away," she said. "I will send out messages to the most powerful warriors, pathfinders and mages of Equestria to come to the palace at once. Sanura, you will be one of the company. As soon as they are all here, you must lead them to the village and try and find out a way to fix things."


Sanura nodded. "Yes, Princess."


Luna spoke. "I will use my powers to reach you inside the village," she said. "You can give me messages to relate back to my sister. But remember that once inside, you are all on your own. We can't risk the future of Equestria by sending any more out there."


Sanura nodded again, and Celestia proceeded to send out the messages. They would reach everypony on the list in moments.





Delusion and Illusion

Lost Knowledge


Quick Shot


Speed Blast

Wind Symphony


Please come to Canterlot Castle at once on a mission of utter importance. I will explain everything to you once you are here.




Princess Celestia

Princess Luna



  • Brohoof 2



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Minty recieved the message from Celestia. Please come to Canterlot Castle at once on a mission of utter importance. She read over the words. "If it's so important, I might as well bring a saddle bag." Minty brought a saddle bag full of water, food, and herbs for accidental injuries. She threw on her usual hood so nopony notices her, and trotted to the train station. She caught the train right in time. "I hope Discord didn't come back.. what if Chrysalis was back? King Sombre? Why did Celestia want me and this group of ponies?" Minty thought to herself, her train of thought increasing and passing the time to go to Canterlot. She stepped off the train and headed to the castle at once. Her hood made her look mysterious. She didn't care; she was on a mission for Celestia. "It's at utmost importance that I won't let my princess down!" Minty thought outside the palace doors. She trotted through the palace doors and saw that she was the only pony there. She gulped as she approached Celestia's throne, "You wanted to see us, Princess?" she asked, bowing deeply.


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Ooc: Won't post Celestia talking to everypony til everypony who's posting has posted! (phew!)




Clover was at her home in Trottingham with a friend, North Light. She was happily chatting with him about the adventures they'd both shared, when the message arrived. Clover picked it up and read it thru, then showed it to North.


"Look at this," she said. "Sounds interesting; wonder what it's all about? You should come with me; you might be able to help."

  • Brohoof 2



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony


When she showed him the message, he spent a few seconds to understand everything. Speaking was no problem of his, but reading the local language still proved a tiny bit unnatural to him, though it had improved significantly in the recent years.


"It does indeed seem interesting... I will tag along if you so wish."

Edited by Zhooves
  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Quick Shot found himself face down in the dirt. Cursing to himself, he turned around to see a cloudball rolling on the ground, and a pegasus hovering above him, grinning and holding a bat. "Nice catch, knucklehead!" His smile disappeared. "Oh. Sorry, Quick Shot. For a moment there, I thought you were sis." He shrugged.


"No. If I was Spitfire, you would be pinned to the ground as I tried to break your spine." Quick Shot said, scowling.


He laughed nervously. "That actually isn't far from what my hothead of a sister would do." He shrugged and sat onto a cloud, drinking a bottle of milk. "Some mail came in for ya. All official and such."


Quick Shot sighed as he pulled out the scroll that was tossed to him. He scanned it quickly. Only a letter from the- wait. Where did it come from? He turned it over to see an official Canterlot seal. Asking for him and-


"Hey, Speed Burst. Come here."

He sighed and flew down. "Yeah, what?" He glanced over the letter. "Ah. I see." He started to fly back when he stopped and flew back. "Is that... from the Princess?"




"And she... asked for me specifically."




There was a pause.


"Woohoohoo! Finally! The princess knows my name... wow! This means that I'm on the path to popularity, Quick Shot! Finally, I can-"


"Yeah. You've told me."


Speed Blast gave Quick Shot a look. "Come on, sourpuss. We have a princess to see."



A few days later, at Canterlot, Speed Shot burst in, leaning on a bat and with a short sword. "Woo hoo! Here I am!" Quick Shot gave him a look, and silently tipped his hat to the princess. He was holding a large crossbow, pointed at the ground.


((Uber post to begin))

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((Just a heads up, Lost uses a lot of internal monologue.))


"A mission of utter importance"... me? What could I have to offer? Certainly there are more powerful mages and warriors in Equestria than I, and I'm hardly the most famous scholar in my field. But it's not like I can turn them down. I just hope I don't disappoint.


He quickly packed up his things, reminding his student and adopted son Ghaoth to take care of things while he was away, and to tell the university that he would be gone indefinitely. He was then off to the castle.


Upon reaching the throne room, he saw that he was not the first one to arrive. He simply bowed and introduced himself. "Professor Lost Knowledge at your service, your majesties."

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"See? I TOLD you we'd be late but 'Oh no, No Rush at all!'. Come on, get inside and just HOPE that we aren't the last ones here!"

Symphony stormed through the doors with a rather sheepish looking Unicorn trailing behind her.


"It was hardly my fault! What was I supposed to do, go without it?" Scribe Shield argued, pulling at a strap of his armor. "Every time I get called into Canterlot for ANY reason, things end up going badly, I'm telling you!"


"Will you shut UP?"


The Crystal Pegasus and the White Unicorn Stepped into the throne room, still bickering.


"You'll be the one who's thankful, It's always 'adventures' or 'quests' or something... Every. Single. Time."


Symphony simply dug a hoof painfully into his side as they approached company.

Never quite forgotten.

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Clover made sure she had packed everything that was needed, then she stood next to North and teleported them both to Canterlot Castle throne room.


Celestia was standing there, with Luna beside her. Standing in front of the princesses, was Sanura, who most wouldn't know. Celestia quickly introduced Sanura to the others, then asked everypony to introduce themselves before she got down to the nitty gritty.


Clover stepped forward. "I'm Clover, I'm a mage and I write spells," she said.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Scribe Stepped forward.


"Scribe Shield. Adventurer." He said with a proud nod.


"Idiot more like." Muttered Symphony under her breath as she pushed past him, rolling her eyes. "Wind Symphony, of the Crystal Kingdom. A pleasure to meet you all."


"Thief, of the Crystal Kingdom..." Scribe started to mutter before realizing what a bad idea revealing Symphony's history might have been and cutting himself off.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Speed Blast grinned. "Speed Blast. And might I say you look lovely to-"


Quick Shot scowled and smacked Speed Blast on the back of the head. "Stop flirting with the princesses. They are WAY out of your league." He nodded to the Princesses. "Quick Shot. Mercenary. I work with the Royal Guard. Sniper. And he is Speed Blast." Grinning deceptively, Speed Blast gave a deep bow to the princesses, for which Quick Shot smacked him again. "Enough of your antics."

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Speed Blast grinned. "Speed Blast. And might I say you look lovely to-"


Quick Shot scowled and smacked Speed Blast on the back of the head. "Stop flirting with the princesses. They are WAY out of your league." He nodded to the Princesses. "Quick Shot. Mercenary. I work with the Royal Guard. Sniper. And he is Speed Blast." Grinning deceptively, Speed Blast gave a deep bow to the princesses, for which Quick Shot smacked him again. "Enough of your antics."



Scribe Stepped forward.


"Scribe Shield. Adventurer." He said with a proud nod.


"Idiot more like." Muttered Symphony under her breath as she pushed past him, rolling her eyes. "Wind Symphony, of the Crystal Kingdom. A pleasure to meet you all."


"Thief, of the Crystal Kingdom..." Scribe started to mutter before realizing what a bad idea revealing Symphony's history might have been and cutting himself off.





Clover made sure she had packed everything that was needed, then she stood next to North and teleported them both to Canterlot Castle throne room.


Celestia was standing there, with Luna beside her. Standing in front of the princesses, was Sanura, who most wouldn't know. Celestia quickly introduced Sanura to the others, then asked everypony to introduce themselves before she got down to the nitty gritty.


Clover stepped forward. "I'm Clover, I'm a mage and I write spells," she said.



"I'm Minty.. I venture through Equestria." Minty said to the ponies shyly. She put her hood farther down her face and looked at the ponies before her. She doesn't recognize any of the ponies. In fact, she's never seen any of them in Equestria. She backed herself into a corner. A stallion caught her eye though; Speed Blast, was it? She decided not to show her blushing cheeks and just faced the corner. No time for anything lovey dovey now, Minty.

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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Lost Knowledge listened as the others introduced themselves. Eventually he stepped forward, nodding his head to them in greeting. "My name is Lost Knowledge. Professor Lost Knowledge if you wish to be formal. You can all just call me Lost, though. I'm a professor in mythology, archaeology, and most anything pertaining to artifacts of a magical nature."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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"I'm Minty.. I venture through Equestria." Minty said to the ponies shyly. She put her hood farther down her face and looked at the ponies before her. She doesn't recognize any of the ponies. In fact, she's never seen any of them in Equestria. She backed herself into a corner. A stallion caught her eye though; Speed Blast, was it? She decided not to show her blushing cheeks and just faced the corner. No time for anything lovey dovey now, Minty.

Speed Blast, seeing that Minty was blushing, winked in her direction. Earning himself another whack on the head by Quick Shot. "Hey! Enough of that."


"At least act like a gentleman in front of the princesses, please. You do understand that they are right there?"


"Oh, yeah." He gave a deep, provocative bow- and got whacked in the back of the head again by Quick Shot. "Stop doing that!"


"When you stop flirting," Quick Shot growled, scowling.


((Or, Mr. DM! Please control my characters during this week I am away.))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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Speed Blast, seeing that Minty was blushing, winked in her direction. Earning himself another whack on the head by Quick Shot. "Hey! Enough of that."


"At least act like a gentleman in front of the princesses, please. You do understand that they are right there?"


"Oh, yeah." He gave a deep, provocative bow- and got whacked in the back of the head again by Quick Shot. "Stop doing that!"


"When you stop flirting," Quick Shot growled, scowling.


((Or, Mr. DM! Please control my characters during this week I am away.))

Minty smiled at Speed Blast, and quickly looked away as she saw Quick Shot and Speed Blast arguing. She looked up at Celestia to see that she had a stern look on her face, and quickly got up and trotted back to the group. Her cheeks were still flaring as she stood behind the group sheepishly.

  • Brohoof 1


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"Hey Sym!" Scribe jabbed her in the side. "Look, that guy over theres nearly as uptight as y... Hey!"


Taking note of the two bickering ponies nearby, Symphony took a lesson from one of them and promptly whacked Scribe around the back of the head.


"Don t..."


As he opened his mouth to object, she delivered a second blow, smiling a little.


"Huh, It works. Makes me feel better too."

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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As he suddenly were among many ponies he had never seen before, he stepped behind clover a little, bending his head down slightly. Though after taking a deep breath the big colt spoke.


"North Light... Of Trotheim... I um... Do creative works... And travel and explore a little, I guess." he said, lowering his head a bit more.

Edited by Zhooves
  • Brohoof 1

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"Delusion and Illusion of Canterlot. Ready to serve, your majesties." They said in unison as they entered the throne room then bowed. "What do you think this is about?" Illusion asked her brother. "I guess we'll find out. Strange company, I might say." They stopped talking to each other shortly after, not wanting to keep the princesses waiting.

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"Thank you," Celestia said, gravely. "And now, to business. I called you all here today for a very important mission which I would like you all to undertake. Sanura brought me some intell on a strange village which, until now, escaped our notice. It is situated in the centre of the Everfree Forest, and hardly anypony who goes inside there, ever returns. This is cuz of a curse on the village which happened after a cult formed within, who sacrificed young foals to the powers of darkness."


Clover gasped in horror. This sounded awful! Sanura just stood still, looking over the group of ponies before her. She thought that they all looked as tho they could handle the mission; she was looking forward to working with them. Celestia continued with the story.


"One evening, the ritual went wrong. As a result, the village was blanketed in fog and was forever trapped in time. The powers of darkness consumed the unicorns of the cult, and now the resulting dark magic controls the village. My sister and I cannot go ourselves to try and fix what's wrong in this place; this is why we have called you here today. The village must be mended; for if the powers of darkness manage to escape the village, then all of Equestria is doomed."


Celestia paused, then went on. "You now have the choice; will you accept this mission? I must warn you that it will be dangerous, and frightening, too. Your worst nightmares will come to life, and there's always the chance that you will never be able to return."


Clover bit her lip as she thought over what the Princess had said. Never return? That would be bad, but... that was only if they failed! Clover was determined that they would not fail. She spoke up without hesitation. "I accept."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Told you!" Scribe said triumphantly before turning to the princess "We'll get this dealt with for you Princess."


Symphony facehooved.


"Just once Scribe, just once can you actually consult me before making my decision for me?" She shook her head "I guess I've got to look after my idiot friend here, I'll do it your highness."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"But of course, we accept, your majesty." They replied, again in perfect unison. Sure, Delusion had some doubts, but what could go wrong. He was with a group of ponies specially chosen for the occasion by the princess. She wouldn't choose them if she wasn't sure they could succeed... right?

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Quick Shot looked at the Princess and nodded once, before inserting a yellow crystal into the end of his crossbow. "Alright. Hope that they like getting shot to bloody pieces."


Speed Blast grinned. "If I can hit it with a bat or a sword, I'm in." He turned to Minty. "I have to help protect the lady, after all."

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Lost nodded. "For your majesties, I would do anything, even if it costs me my very life. It's but a small price to pay for the safety of Equestria. There is no doubt in my mind. I accept your mission, and I'm honored to have been chosen for it."


This should be interesting. Dangerous of course, but interesting. And if I make it back, I can publish whatever we find out and make a name for myself.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Quick Shot looked at the Princess and nodded once, before inserting a yellow crystal into the end of his crossbow. "Alright. Hope that they like getting shot to bloody pieces."


Speed Blast grinned. "If I can hit it with a bat or a sword, I'm in." He turned to Minty. "I have to help protect the lady, after all."

"Thank you," Celestia said, gravely. "And now, to business. I called you all here today for a very important mission which I would like you all to undertake. Sanura brought me some intell on a strange village which, until now, escaped our notice. It is situated in the centre of the Everfree Forest, and hardly anypony who goes inside there, ever returns. This is cuz of a curse on the village which happened after a cult formed within, who sacrificed young foals to the powers of darkness."


Clover gasped in horror. This sounded awful! Sanura just stood still, looking over the group of ponies before her. She thought that they all looked as tho they could handle the mission; she was looking forward to working with them. Celestia continued with the story.


"One evening, the ritual went wrong. As a result, the village was blanketed in fog and was forever trapped in time. The powers of darkness consumed the unicorns of the cult, and now the resulting dark magic controls the village. My sister and I cannot go ourselves to try and fix what's wrong in this place; this is why we have called you here today. The village must be mended; for if the powers of darkness manage to escape the village, then all of Equestria is doomed."


Celestia paused, then went on. "You now have the choice; will you accept this mission? I must warn you that it will be dangerous, and frightening, too. Your worst nightmares will come to life, and there's always the chance that you will never be able to return."


Clover bit her lip as she thought over what the Princess had said. Never return? That would be bad, but... that was only if they failed! Clover was determined that they would not fail. She spoke up without hesitation. "I accept."

"Yes, Princess! It'd be an honor!" Minty said, curtsying. (( Don't ask how. )) Minty blushed even harder as she heard Speed Blast's remark. She knew it was only a flirt, though. She was sure he wasnt actually interested in her.. "When will we start, um, your majesty?" Minty asked Celestia. Edited by Minty Wintergreen
  • Brohoof 1


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"You will start as soon as you are able," Celestia replied. "You can take whatever supplies you need from the castle, and feel free to take any weapons you want from the armoury. Good luck."


Sanura walked over to the others. "I would like to start at once," she said. "But I suppose we'd better pack up some supplies. Don't forget that we have to travel thru the Everfree Forest, and that'll be dangerous."


Clover spoke up. "I can put protective wards up to warn us of danger."


Sanura replied, "Thanks; that would help, especially when we have to camp. We won't get to the village in one day. It took me around two days by myself, and a group would naturally be slower."

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Quick Shot looked at the Princess and nodded once, before inserting a yellow crystal into the end of his crossbow. "Alright. Hope that they like getting shot to bloody pieces."


Speed Blast grinned. "If I can hit it with a bat or a sword, I'm in." He turned to Minty. "I have to help protect the lady, after all."


"You will start as soon as you are able," Celestia replied. "You can take whatever supplies you need from the castle, and feel free to take any weapons you want from the armoury. Good luck."


Sanura walked over to the others. "I would like to start at once," she said. "But I suppose we'd better pack up some supplies. Don't forget that we have to travel thru the Everfree Forest, and that'll be dangerous."


Clover spoke up. "I can put protective wards up to warn us of danger."


Sanura replied, "Thanks; that would help, especially when we have to camp. We won't get to the village in one day. It took me around two days by myself, and a group would naturally be slower."

Minty nodded. "We won't let you down, Princess! She trotted out of the Throne Room to the armoury. She marveled at the weapons before her. Jeweled blades, steel bows, and golden shields. She took a throwing knife. She was always good at throwing knives, so she tucked it into her belt. "I'll set off right now," Minty said to nopony in particular. She was too busy picking weapons to notice the rest of the group of ponies trot in, especially Speed Blast.


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