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ooc A Pokémon Journey


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This Here is Them Times
((Best title ever))

Unfortunately, I really have nothing to say in term of an introduction since the title really speaks it all. I’m simply looking for a Role Play partner who is willing to put up with me in my desire to proceed with a Pokémon themed game I’ve had in mind for a while now. I’ll begin by making a few lists below that are easy to follow! That should do it. Yes… lists…

With another day passed and the setting sun casting a golden aura on all that bathed in its dying light, people and Pokémon alike began to unwind and settle down for a good night’s rest in Nuvema Town. Ever since Team Plasma were disbanded ten years ago, the town flourished seeing more trees being cut down to make room for a couple more houses and a Pokécentre. Though the town will never be anything like Nimbasa or Castelia city but it is more than just a quaint town at the side of the ocean with nothing out of the ordinary.

Until now.

Come morning, there is a strange feeling in the air; eerie. All is silent. The Pokémon that have rested in their poké balls stay faithfully where their masters have put them until it is their empty stomachs that cause them to break open and come out… only to find their masters have gone. The people of Nuvema town have vanished!
It is up for the Pokémon of this poor town to figure out what has happened to their beloved people and find out if any other town is affected. Until they are found, all Pokémon in the PC boxes cannot be taken out and must remain there until the problem is solved.

Rules in Q&A format:



How many Pokémon are you allowed to play at a time?

Simple. You may play as many pokemon as you want! Whether they are background characters or a main character in the plot.

What region is this?

Unova. We will be using the Unova map which I will provide for those who are unfamiliar with it.

What generation are we using?

Use ALL of the generations! Just please, make sure your Pokémon has a legitimate reason for being in Unova if it is one that cannot be found in the game.

Are we playing as humans?

Potentially… I mean, in memories, yes, but I’m not sure if the humans will ever return! We’ll have to see.

Post length?

I would much prefer if you would be able to write at LEAST a paragraph. Please do not spare on the description and do not ever feel like you are typing “too much”. I will trust you to write what you feel if necessary BUT NO ONE-LINE POSTS.


No one can play legendaries. The legendary Pokémon are NPC’s and will only come into play when they are needed. I will control them as a neutral party.

What about zorua/zoroark?

I don’t really think they count as legendaries? If anything, I see them more like pseudo-legends like growlithe/arcanine.


Just… don’t kill off another character unless you have the author’s permission. That’s it.

I’m going to update these as I see fit. Please remember to stay true to the site’s terms of service and keep the NSFW content off of this site!!

Character Reference Sheet:





Brief Bio:




Alrighty! So... that is it for now. I guess I'll start off with my character's reference sheet and if we get enough players we can start.

Name: Ginger

Gender: Female

Ability: Synchronize (Passes a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe.)

Nature: Impish

Brief Bio: Ginger and her owner Edmund moved to Nuvema town after the fall of Team Plasma. They moved from the Johto region and together live a very calm and happy life. Ginger was never a battling pokémon, she was always more of a house pet and the only pokémon to have Edmund as her master. They in a small little cottage right on the edge of the forest where they enjoy quiet evenings together listening to Edmund play his guitar.

Level: 29

• Confuse Ray
• Pursuit
• Sand-Attack
• Quick Attack

Posted Image Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Incorrect prefix
  • Brohoof 1


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Shouldn't we really make the characters on the sheet? ._.


Name: Charmander



Gender: Male



Ability: Blaze (Powers up Fire-type moves in a pinch)



Nature: Mild



Brief Bio: Seeing a ship in the distance of his native home Kanto, Charmander knew it was the perfect chance for him to find food. Sneaking aboard, Charmander found all the food he could ever wish for in the cargo hold. Alas, his fortune turned sour as the boat tooted it's massive horn, and the ship began to sail, trapping Charmander on board. Slightly scared of what the future will bring, Charmander readies for the new world he will be stepping in.



Level: 5



Attacks: Scratch, Growl



Appearance: Posted Image

  • Brohoof 2


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Darn charmander is taken. I'll be tododile/totodile or treecko then. Or I'll be charizard. On second thought I'll be elektross

Edited by toothlessbrony


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Do you consider Celebi to be a legendary ?

Since it has 100 stats across the board and is technically weaker then Zoroak etc ~


Well, wouldn't celebi still be considered legendary?


That's what I was always led to believe.


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Well, wouldn't celebi still be considered legendary?


That's what I was always led to believe.


Well then doesn't that make Zoroak etc a ledgendary as well,

Celebi isn't a power house and isn't even in the uber tier ~

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Do you consider Celebi to be a legendary ?

Since it has 100 stats across the board and is technically weaker then Zoroak etc ~


Well, wouldn't celebi still be considered legendary?


That's what I was always led to believe.


Celebi IS a pokémon of legend, sadly! It is considered more-so than zoroark as there is only one (technically) and it is ungendered and cannot breed unlike pseudo-legendary pokémon like arcanine and zoroark that have genders and breedability


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Well then doesn't that make Zoroak etc a ledgendary as well,

Celebi isn't a power house and isn't even in the uber tier ~


Well isn't what makes a legendary just that...


It's legendary.


I'm not really sure though, because I remember in emerald the pokemon you needed to find to get to a legendary cave is extremely rare...


Correct me if I am wrong.


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Name: Elektrik



Gender: Male



Ability: Levitate (Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.)



Nature: Brave



Brief Bio: (will be added soon)



Level: 39



Attacks: Crunch, Discharge, acid, headbutt




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  • Brohoof 1


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Snow Cloak (Raises the Pokémon’s evasion during a hailstorm by one level.)






Sitrus berry


Brief Bio:

Nub is a wild pokemon that lives in the giant chasm within the Unova region.

Posted Image






- Ice shard

- Icicle crash (egg move)

- Earthquake

- Take down



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Edited by Shankveld

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Hooray! No one actually took Arcanine! C:


Character Reference Sheet:


Name: Dichromate



Gender: Male



Ability: Flash Fire



Nature: Brave



Brief Bio: Dichromate hardly remembers the time that he used to be a Growlithe. Back then, he had a loving trainer. When the trainer disappeared along with everyone else in the region, the first thing Dichromate did was go to his house. Cornered and ambushed by a gang of Mightyenas, he escaped upstairs, followed by the pack. Finding a Fire stone under the trainer's bed, he touched it, turning into an Arcanine and escaping with Extremespeed.



Level: 42



Attacks: Extremespeed, Overheat, Flamethrower, Reversal




Appearance:Posted Image


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Um.. Can we be Phione? It's a Legendary's offspring but can't be that legendary ever, and can reproduce?

Edited by Skystar

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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Um.. Can we be Phione? It's a Legendary's offspring but can't be that legendary ever, and can reproduce?


I'm going to say yes simply because it's not an official legendary; it's basically a pseudo-legendary C:


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