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*Is this colt out of his mind!?* Agent got annoyed at the colt's defiant responses. He got up and charged at Electrobolt and picking him up in his back before trailing over towards a house with a balcony to protect them both. He bit on his tongue as he dropped Electro on the ground and collapsed. The stinging pain in his back was growing and it was hurting him more.


"Don't be stupid..." Agent muttered. "If you're on your own... get a partner! At least that way... you could work together..."


(Electro, I've stated that I've got up like 3 times already! :P)


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Rose attempted to breathe to calm her mindless giggling, but was only returned with a greater amount of laughing. Rose finished her rub down of Clouds wings and took her hooves off of it, backing away from Cloud slowly. A smile broke out across her face as she said,


"There... do you feel better now?" Rose was at least pleased that she was no longer blushing, but the constant giggling was a major annoyance to her pride.


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(Well, sorry... I took some medicine for a cold and allergies, and I'm kinda feeling out of it...)


The colt had surprised EB when he got picked up by White, then when he tumbled to the ground, he looked over to the colt before hearing the words he said. "What about yourself, though?" he responded. "Right now, aren't you alone?"

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Rose shook her head quicker than she wanted and said,


"No, no need at all. I am the one who took you into my home, so the least I could of done was to help your wings!" Rose turned around after she said this with the ointment in her hoof, slowly putting it back into her bathroom. Rose closed her eyes for a second while she stood in her bathroom, thinking of what lies ahead in her future. How can she even expect to survive with chaos running through the streets? She is lucky her house isn't on fire yet, and she is taking care of another soul in her own home. She was no responsible for this ponies life... and it made a smile go across her face. What was happening to her?


Stepping outside her bathroom, she faced Cloud once again and said,


"Shall we go downstairs and talk?"


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"Hah... well, now you're here aren't you?" Agent said, breathing deeply before looking up at Electro and smiling. "...but you make a valid point. I just... wanna make sure that... no one gets hurt... that's all..."


He looked around, watching the carnage unfold around his eyes. "...got any ideas... to go? I doubt... balconies... can hold up for long..."


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Rose lowered her eyes but laughed again. She jokingly called out,


"Such chivalry in times of chaos? I must've chose the right pony to save." Laughing once again she took his offer and opened the door, slowly walking down the stairs. Each step made her heart beat even faster for an unknown reason. She started to worry if her mane and coat looked alright, but she quickly put those thoughts out of her mind. Such chaos outside, and she was worried about trifle things like her mane!


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Cloud followed her down the stairs, "Well if we dont act civilized in times like this, who will?" he said only half jokingly. He looked out the window at the raining inferno, I hope nopony else is out there, he thought to himself before turning to face Rose.


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Rose led Cloud to her living room which looked almost exactly the same as her own room, but with two couches lined up on opposite sides of the walls. Rose walked over to one of her couches and laid sprawled out on top of it, raising her hoof towards the other couch.


"Sit, I can't have my guest being uncomfortable!" Rose screamed in her mind that she was being stupid once again, but she silenced the voice. She was actually enjoying herself for once, and wanted this moment to last.


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Cloud left the window and sat on the other couch, liking how comfortable it was. Sighing he said, "thanks for the hospitality, this is really nice of you", he glanced back at the window, Let's just hope this apocolypse doesnt change that...


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Rose noticed that he looked outside the window and closed her eyes, inhaling softly. She slowly said,


"There is no need to thank me. Anypony with a heart would of done the same." Lifting her head up once again, she looked at Cloud intently. Without taking her eyes off of him, she said,


"So how did you end up outside of my home anyway?"


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Agent stared at Electro before turning to the house he was looking at - the same shop that he was checking out before charging at Electro. He turned back to the colt. "...that house... got your interest as well...?"


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Cloud looked at Rose, then looking to the ground he answered, "I was in Cloudsdale when the rain hit... everything was destroyed almost instantly, being as everything was cloud material. I got out just in time and was trying to find help in Ponyville, but the rain worsened, I was desparate to find shelter, but every building I saw was consumed with flame, as were the other ponies below me" he shuddered at the memory, "A ball of fire then hit my wing, I crashed in front of your home... and here we are now"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Rose felt tears try to escape the contents of her eyes, but she blinked them away. A few tears managed to escape her eyes as she said,


"Well... I am so sorry for your home. If it means anything, you are welcome to stay here as long as you want... I would actually want you to stay..." Her sentence broke away as she reached her embarrassment of what she almost said. Did she really feel this comfortable around a pony she had just met a few minutes ago?


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Shards of glass were stuck in Lunar's face and blood was pouring down it. He screamed into the sky and dashed off towards the train station, hoping there was a way of escape there. Falling debris crashed around Lunar and he was knocked to the ground. Everything started to fade away from him, and he blacked out.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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"Only one way to find out..." Agent muttered as he slowly got up. "Let's go find out..." He started making his way towards the flower shop, trying to ignore the pain that came with each step that he took.


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Cloud looked at the tears that left Rose's eyes and gently wiped them away with a hoof, "My burden is nothing you need to worry yourself about... and if you truly feel fine with me staying, then I will... you are the first pony to show any kind of kindness to this degree, so I feel it is necessary that I repay the deed" he smiled again. He then looked toward the window, something caught his eye, two more ponies heading toward them, one seemed injured, "Hey... I think I see others out there"


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Rose seemed to have lost her head in the heat of the moment as he wiped the tear away from her cheek, and she violently shook her head when he was not looking. She screamed in her mind,


"Why are you doing this Rose!?" but before she could find an answer for herself, she jumped off of the couch to see what he saw.


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"Heh... don't worry bout me.. dude!" Agent chirped, flashing a smile and hiding a flurry of negative emotions. "Let's first... just figure out if we can get in." He made his way to the door and noticed some ponies looking out the window. He raised an eyebrow as he knocked on the door.


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Rose backed away from Cloud as she walked towards her door, the common sense in her mind screaming at her to stop. Deciding to listen to her heart rather than her head, she slowly reached her hoof out to open the door slowly, slightly cracking the door. She called out to them,


"Who goes there?" She did not mean to sound so old fashion, but did not know what else to say.


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