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How old is Princess Cadance?


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In the back to back two parters for the end of season two and the start of season three, Cadence and Shining Armor are the main focus. So if we start with A Canterlot Wedding, we see from Twilights flashback during the Sunshine Sunshine bit that Cadence is around the size of a full grown mare when Twilight is a filly. And, lets say, 5-10 years later, when Twilights full grown, Cadence is still just a little bit bigger than her, as fitting for an alicorn as Celestia and Luna are larger than everyone else. This makes it seem like Cadence is only a few years older than Twilight or the rest of the mane 6.


Where things get a little confusing comes in with the next 2-parter, The Crystal Empire. Cadences Cutie Mark is a crystal heart, the same as the magical artifact that is powered by emotions. And, when they finally get the crystal heart and she lands on the ground with it, she is called the 'Crystal Princess.' Given that the Crystal Empire has been gone for a thousand years, these two things make it seem like she is actually over a thousand years old, and that she was just lucky enough to be out of the city when Sombra made it vanish. Though giver her carefree looking personality from Twilights flashback, she certainly doesn't look like she was too concerned over losing both her kingdom and all her subjects if that was the case.


Soooo, what's the deal? Is she old, is she young? Was she only called the crystal princess because her cutie mark just HAPPENED to match this 1000 year magical artifact? 

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I just want to point out that in the latest comic (which you should all totally go buy!) Cadence and Shining Armor are in high school together. So based on that, either Alicorns age very differently than the rest, or Cadence is around the same age as Shining Armor and there's some other explanation needed for continuity.

Another question: Was Cadence born an Alicorn or did she become one like Twilight did? And when did that happen? And am I thinking about this way too hard? KUbAnTY.png  .... naaaah! derpy_emoticon1.png

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The spirits of the elements of harmony resided in the mane6. The spirit of the crystal princess probably resided in Cadance. Some sort of latent destiny that manifests in every generation perhaps? it would make sense in that it allows for new element bearers to be chosen after the mane6 and a new crystal princess after Cadence.


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

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if luna was banished to the moon for 1000 and more the season and the chilhood luna will have like 5000 or 6000 O_O remember alicorns are inmortal and cadence will have like 5000 or 4000

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MLP:FiM wiki  might have the answers if not loook it up on google, you might find the answer... some where








My opinion: If she was about a teenager while foalsitting Twilight Sparkle she might be between adult and elderly...

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