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open Casual Baltimare RP


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It was an easy decision to agree with: what with how everypony had acted last time, she wasn't keen on a repeat of that.


"I just got a bit lost last night. It happens a lot." Bubble explained. "Oh, and the music and lights sounded fun too!" She added, looking at the ground with a sheepish grin.


Motioning down in what might vaguely be the direction they had come from, she started a slow walk.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Pondah followed alongside Bubble and kept up with her slow walk. "Any idea where we're going?" ​Pondah asked. "Or are we wondering around with no idea like usual?"


'One moment... the music and lights sounded fun. How can light sound fun? You can't hear light. I imagine if you had the right stuff you could but I doubt she was walking around carrying the equipment for that. Then again... this is Bubble. You don't know what will happen.'


​Pondah shrugged slightly and continued staying alongside Bubble.

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"Of course I... don't!" She grinned. "If I knew where I was going I wouldn't get lost so easily! Anyway, I don't know where other interesting ponies might be... They could be anywhere!"


Truth be told, most of the ponies were probably either heading home or going out: they had picked a bad time to try and meet new faces.


"It's later than I thought too, we should probably at least try to find somewhere familiar for when It gets late. I don't really want to be lost at night again..."

Never quite forgotten.

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As Bubble finished speaking, Pondah became mildly concerned. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened last night?" Pondah asked.


'Why am I feeling so protective of Bubble? Is this what happens during friendship?'


Whilst waiting for a reply Pondah began to think of places they both knew that the could go to when it was late.


 'Places we've definitely both been to... Music Mare, the hotel and the café. We certainly won't be going to that wretched club again. I guess it's a choice between hotel and café.' 



Whenever I type 'Bubble', auto-type suggests 'problems' as the next word. Judgemental auto-type is judgemental.


Edited by Sir. Loin
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"Why would I mind...? That's a silly thing to say!" Bubble said with just a trace of mirth in her voice. As she slowed down to think while she recounted the events if the night before.


"Well... I was really lost: I'd just got to town that day and still couldn't find the hotel. Then I saw the place with the music and stuff and thought that maybe somepony there could help! It was great in there but some of the other ponies were... They all wanted to talk to me at once! You saw!"


She wasn't particularly certain why Pondah wanted to know about this: he he mad been there for most of the evening, in one place or another.


"Then, uh... Oh! When Lightning turned up I asked him where the hotel was! He showed me and then went all weird... very forward did you call it? Kept saying things like he wanted to share a room and stuff..."


She shrugged, that sounded about right.


"Anyway, then the ponies in the lobby threw him out and I bought a room. Then you were under my bed and..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Rut-Light was still hard at work and hell bent (though not reckless) on restoring the rusted train, strangely enough he found himself silently talking to it every now and again "When i'm done with you tomorrow i'm going to drive you down to the steam-works and you'll get oiled and a fresh coat of paint, after all this rust is gone of course."  


He was just re-attaching the whistle on top of the engine when Steam Iron approached the train, looking up at Rut-Light and asked, "How are the repairs coming along Mr.Light!"  Steam wasn't angry he just raised his voice because of how high up Rut was.  "You know you're allowed to take brakes right?  I don't want you overworked."


Rut-Light finished re-uniting the whistle to the train, then took the ladder down onto the ground to speak to his boss.  "Know that I do, repairs are going faster than I originally thought, all that needs to be done now is re-attaching the guard rail and the regulator then tomorrow I can drive it down to the steam-works and have the rust removed, have it painted and oiled then it'll look brand new and be raring to go."   Then a question popped into his mind, one that might get him a history lesson from his boss, "How did the train end up here in Baltimare anyway?"


Steam Iron was surprised to hear the question be asked, but his worker asked him and by Celestia he'll give him an answer.  "Come into my office...for I shall grant the knowledge you desire."  With that said both Steam Iron and Rut-Light started trotting towards the office.

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Pondah scratched the back of his head with embarrassment. "Oh... yeah." ​Pondah said. "Sorry about the bed fiasco yesterday. Sounds like we managed to make your life a misery yesterday. I apologise on behalf of all of us. Except any of  the drunk ones. They deserve the bad stuff they get when drunk."


A sharp gust of wind blew across the pair, its breeze biting into Pondah, causing him to shiver.





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Shrugging, Bubble started bouncing slightly as she walked to try and warm up a little: how had it managed to turn cold? Today started out as a glorious day!

"It's okay, you didn't know!" She said happily "I'm just glad it wasn't anypony else under there..."

Looking up at the darkening sky and feeling the wind through her coat and abundance of energy, she also added:

"Is it just me or did it just get really cold? We should get inside someplace."

Never quite forgotten.

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Pondah's eyes scanned the buildings around for a suitable place to stay and wait for the cold to pass. Various shady looking shops (and the occasional gentlecolts club) went through his gaze.


"Hey, look over there," ​Pondah said whilst pointing with a hoof. "It's the café from earlier where we are those sandwiches. Would you like to wait in there?"

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"It is!" She said happily "Okay, that sounds good to me, I could use a warm drink!"

Bouncing up towards the café, she opened the door and held it, waiting for Pondah to catch up and earning her a mixture of amused and annoyed looks from the various customers inside.

Never quite forgotten.

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Pondah quickened his pace as Bubble held the door open. Upon reaching the door, he took it from Bubble and closed it behind him. Several other ponies were already in the café, shivering with cups of various hot drinks in there hands. It was clear that cold weather was good for buisness in this particular establishment.


"So... what do we do now?" ​Pondah asked.



Hey, Becker, check out how un-romantic I made this post. Just thinking of you.


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Managing to catch herself before she flicked an ear, Bubble motioned towards a table, shaking herself to get some of the cold air out of her coat and mane now that they were inside.


"Same as before! Go sit down somewhere over there and I'll get us some drinks. Do you like Coffee? Tea? Chocolate?"


She remembered him saying earlier that he wasn't fussy but even so...


"Or one of those drinks with fancy names? I don't really know whats in most of those though, so they might not be such a good idea."

Never quite forgotten.

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Starshine shivered. The cold weather had arrived unexpectedly. Night was creeping along the land steadily. He would have to find a shelter, fast. Hurriedly he galloped around the city blocks, looking for a suitable place. He soon found himself staring at a stage which boasted a planned performance by a DJ named Bass Clef. The name sounded familiar. Without any heed for danger Starshine teleported himself into the stage's foundation. He huddled to a small bundle next to a steel pole under the stage. He decided to wait there until the show is over or for morning to arrive, whichever came first.

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"Umm... I've never had any of them before." Pondah replied. "I'll let you pick what I have, seeing as I have no clue what to get and you have the money." ​Pondah took a seat at the table Bubble pointed out earlier. The amount of ponies in the café caused Pondah to become slightly uncomfortable when left alone and he shrank down slightly in his seat, trying to avoid sight of the public.

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(Cutting this fine with an awkward improv, as don't know if my next post will be tomorrow or next week! :P)




Carrying over a tray bearing two steaming drinks, Bubble set them down on the table and slid one over towards Pondah.


"Careful, it's hot!" She beamed, ignoring her own advice and sipping at her own drink immediately, burning her tongue a little, causing a gasp of shock followed by a small laugh at herself.


Once the drink was gone, she glanced outside again.


"Huh, time passes quicker than it feels sometimes doesn't it? I should be getting back." She said, rising from her seat. "Uhm... This was fun, we should do it again sometime!" She added hastily before hugging him briefly and heading back to her room: she was supposed to send a letter to her sister tomorrow and she still hadn't even started to write it!

Never quite forgotten.

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As soon as Pondah took a tentative sip, Bubble had left him alone. His once happy face had in an instant become a more sullen one. He slowly worked his way through the hot drink, stopping only when the heat became unbearable. Once he had finished, he got up, exited the café and began to wonder down the streets.


'I'm all alone again. Just like old times...'


Pondah continued moping down the streets of Baltimare and, like usual, had no clue where he was going.


'I wonder where I'll end up this time...'

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Kaz had been out cold for seemed like eons now, he slowly turned on his side and stared at the red LCD clock on the end table. "Oh my Luna, my head is pounding." Kaz said out loud as he raised a hoof to rub his forehead.

"I can't believe it's 7:30, Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Time to get up, I guess." Kaz forced himself onto the floor and stood up slowly, his legs began to shake violently.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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The lights dimmed and turned to Bass, as the young Disk Jockey took the mic from his preceding act. A nod to the crowd, and an aura surrounding his horn, he started a quiet beat on his mixer as he grinned and yelled into the mic, "Alright Everypony. A special thanks to DJ Break-B3AT for starting us off tonight, but how about we get this club really really jumpin'?!" As soon as he finished the question, just like he planned, the Beat kicked, and the wubs started flying. He levitated the headset up to his ears, and began running through his routine. "Everything is going great. Keep it up."


He made it through the first few tracks without incident. The crowd was roaring, the crew's setup was holding up to the blasting force of the music, and the police haven't burst in yet to break up a drunk fight. Yes, everything was going well indeed. He just needed to keep it up for a few more hours, and about 30 more tracks, then he can worry. Then he can deal with the problem he left in bed at the apartment he was staying at. Just a few more hours....

Edited by BassClef
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Skycoaster returned to sitting at the bar, eagerly awaiting the DJ to start the show. It had been quite some time since he was able to enjoy a show and was looking forward to it. "Another cider please" he said to the barkeeper. As the house lights dimmed, and show began, he could not help himself from dancing to the beat. "Best DJ Ever!" He yelled between songs.

  • Brohoof 2

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Kaz crashed to the floor and rolled on to his back and screamed, "BUCK SAKE, COME ON. DO THIS." He dragged himself up like a ragdoll and threw himself into the bathroom. "Splish, splash, time to get some ass," Kaz said laughing to himself as he drenched his face and neck in water.


He picked up the pace and did a slight dance out of the door as he shut the door using the only basic magic he could possibly conjure in his state. "Let's go see some of Bass' show, no drinking this time." He said to himself out loud.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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With the ear-shatteringly loud bass from atop of the stage shaking the ground and the everything around it, Starshine couldn't stay asleep anymore. He had tried blocking the music with a solid enchantment, but it did nothing to stop the ground below him from vibrating. He yelped when the DJ above performed a particularly nasty bass drop which was followed by so many noises Starshine couldn't do anything but to scamper away from the scene. Out of breath, the colt crawled out of the stage's foundation and leaned on a nearby table. Her ears wouldn't stop ringing, somehow the stage became an amplifier for the bass. "By Celestia that music is sick..." He muttered under his breath.

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Sunny's blush grew deeper at Candy's words, but her smile returned. She didn't really think so, but it was nice to hear, and even better considering it was coming from her marrefriend. Her cheeks went even redder as the thought crossed her mind

"You are too," she said, still blushing. "I don't see why you don't see that."

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"You are too," she said, still blushing. "I don't see why you don't see that."


Candy blushed at the comment, "Well...maybe I've never met the right pony to tell me. Not until now." She winked. She wasn't gonna hold back on the romance, not now. Not even the fact that they were in a diner bothered her. She was keeping it down anyway, so it's not like everypony could hear. Candy soon finished her meal, "So, where do we go when you're done?"

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Sunny beamed. She was glad Candy wasn't acting any different, now that they were in public. She herself had decided that she didn't care what others thought when she realized she was bi, so she was glad to see Candy was the same way.

She quickly finished her supper, and grinned at Candy.

"Well, I'm done, so how about we go watch a movie?"

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"Well, I'm done, so how about we go watch a movie?"


"My pleasure, sweetie." She winked.


The two left the diner after leaving a tip and paying for the meal. They entered the theater, and picked a corny romance movie to watch. It seemed fitting, given what was going on between them currently. The movie began, and Candy leaned against Sunny in her seat.

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