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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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The elder Rambler known as Pops walked into the room. "Is that you, Minath? It's been a long time, hasn't it? But I'm afraid we still haven't heard any news about Rambler. What is it you wanted to talk about anyway? I always have time for someone so close to my son."

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath smiled.


"It's always good to see you Pops. How's Flint? And Emerald? I know seeing me brings back memories of Rambler that might upset them." Minath said, and looked to Rambler.


When they come out, come talk to them. They love you and miss you. After all, they love you almost as much as I do.

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Pops sighed. "They're doing well enough, I guess. As well as can be expected having lost a brother. They're out at the pub, but they should be back any minute now"


As if on cue, the door opened and Rambler's two brothers came in. Emerald was the first to speak, which was probably best knowing Flint. "We're back, Pops. Is everything okay?" He noticed Minath through the scrying mirror. "Oh, I... I didn't expect to hear from you again."

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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Tempest sighed as he watched the others. He then simply stood and walked out onto a balcony. "I can't believe this is almost over." He said to himself.


Xena sighed as he watched the pony that he had been sealed away in. "Are you sure it's a good idea to bring all of the elements of harmony to fight Caras?" He asked.


The cyan pegesus simply shrugged. "I honestly don't know, Xena." He said.


The twelve tailed aura beast simply nodded. He honestly didn't know if he should tell the full story of who he really was.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath sighed.


Come out here Rambler. They miss you. Can't you hear it in Emerald's tone?


"I just like to see you guys. You all are spitting images of Ra... him." Minath said, knowing that Emerald and Flint would be more volatile at hearing their lost brother's name.  

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((Does sole still have to patrol? It's getting kinda hard to post without communicating with anyone else... And boring.))


Sole finished sharpening his blade, and tested it out by swinging it at a giant boulder that was nearby. The blade never made contact, but the air pressure from the blade alone split the rock in half. With a grin, he sheathed the blade "time to kick some ass..." He mumbled, before flying back toward canterlot. He had a feeling the enemy was closer then they thought.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Child Of Darkness,

Stardust followed Caras inside his home, but she was not happy about seeing him again.

After that certain time spell he did she was still furious.

There were rules with time, and time magic. And as The mare of Time she had to look after Time, to make sure that others would follow the rules. And to make sure Time wasn't disturbed by others. Stardust could do whatever she wanted, she controlled time. But even she stayed by those rules. She was bound to do whatever she wished in order to keep Time magic in Control.  

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Emerald chuckled nervously. "I guess we are, huh?" He sighed. "I'm sorry, it's just so hard to talk to you, to deal with all those memories and everything." He sat down. "Well... I don't really know what to say, honestly. But... I know he meant a lot to you, and you meant a lot to him. If you ever need someone to talk to-"

Rambler finally spoke up, still out of view. "Don't go acting like I'm dead just yet. You're not getting rid of me that easily." He stepped in front of the mirror, grinning. "It's been too long, Emerald."

All three of the stallions on the other side of the mirror stared in disbelief. He was looking quite a bit worse for wear, but there was no doubt that it was really Rambler. As is often the case in moments like these, Flint was the first one to say something, pretty much ruining the mood when he did. "Where've you been you damned idiot? We all thought you were dead." That line earned him glares from both of the others.

Rambler simply laughed. "I've been away. Far away, and I wasn't sure I'd ever make it back. But it's good to see you haven't changed a bit, Flint."

The joyous reunion went on for some time, before Rambler finally decided it was time to say goodbye. After it was over, he sent another message to Minath. Thank you. I needed that.

Edited by Alex Kennedy

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath didn't want to ruin the family moment, so she stayed silent.


I know you did.


Minath shielded her thoughts for a moments and wondered what it would be like to have a family that would miss her if she got lost. She was positive Note and Lightning would miss her like a family might, and Rambler would miss her like the special somepony he is, but she didn't have blood ties to any of these ponies. While these thoughts were raging inside her she maintained a relatively stoic expression. She mastered hiding her emotions in the time that Rambler was away, not letting her demeanor slip. To that would cost her the distractions she had fixed for herself, normally working 18 hour shifts and playing her violin, because she couldn't sleep without Rambler there. Note had even written multiple ballads to ease her pain.


Minath looked upon the scene in front of her with a feint smile on her face. She was glad that Rambler had that.

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Rambler couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw a hint of sadness somewhere behind that smile. Whether it was his imagination or not, he figured there was always one thing that he couldn't go wrong with. He pulled her towards him and kissed her, stroking her mane with his hoof.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath leaned into Rambler, glad to have him back after all that time.


Anytime you need to scry, I will help. All I need is a reflective surface.


Minath felt bad for the wool she was trying to pull over Rambler's eyes, but it was for the best. If he had known how she yearned and hurt while he was away he would never forgive himself.

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Thanks. It's good to know I can always check on my family if I need to.


Rambler held the kiss for as long as he could, never wanting to let her go after the seven years he had spent alone. Even after a month, it still almost felt like it was all a dream, being with her again. But it was real, and he couldn't put into words the joy he felt at that.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


She kept her thoughts silent.


Minath's skill in reading ponies had improved. She knew what they were thinking through body motions and such, and Rambler was a open book to her. She only wondered how long it will take him to realize the habit she had once again picked up in the void of unfeeling that had become her mind while he was away. The scars were mostly hidden behind her hoofguards, but some of them peaked through.


((Wink wink hint hint))

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Out of the corner of his eye, Rambler thought he saw something on Minath's wrists. And that got him thinking. "You know Minath, I just realized something. All this month, I've never seen you without your hoofguards on. Not even once. I hate not being able to trust you completely, but is there something you're trying to hide from me?"

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath knew that she was already pulling the wool over his eyes for most things, and if he found out by himself he would be more upset with her than if she just up and told him. Instead of words, she just took off her hoofguards and held the back of her wrists. She closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to see the looks that were certainly flowing over Rambler's face.

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Rambler just stared at her wrists for a while. He had feared as much, but he didn't want to believe it. Tears began to well up in his eyes. "Oh, Minath..." He shook his head sadly. "Why do you do these things to yourself? You're so amazing, you don't deserve to treat yourself this way." He smiled, choking back tears. "You can be so damn stupid sometimes, you know that?" He pulled her in and held her close, wanting to protect her from the world, and perhaps from herself most of all.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath hugged Rambler back, and sent out her memories of the emptiness, and how she had cut to feel again. She was silent, afraid that if she was to talk her dam would break and everything would pour out. Rambler knowing the emptiness she had felt must be some kind of explanation, right?


((The last, like, page and a half has been us talking with intermissions by other people... blush.png ))

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Rambler just held her tighter as the memories washed over him. He sent a message back. I promise, as long as I'm still alive, I'll never let you feel that emptiness again. These scars are going to be the last ones you ever have to give yourself.


((That tends to happen)) 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


 Minath's wings wrapped around Rambler tighter, her hooves getting intertwined in his mane. She pulled back and kissed him very roughly, emotions washing over her. Thinking back to the dark times had finally broke her dam.


((I kinda feel bad about it, though. Everyone's just reading us.)) 

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((I know. But I'm going to bed soon anyway, so that should put a stop to it for the time being.))


Rambler could feel all the emotions inside of her and tried to comfort her by sending all the feelings of love he could muster. He kissed her back with all the passion and love he had in him, holding her tight and stroking her mane, hoping it would be enough to make her feel even a little better.

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Chivalry was getting so tired, he could barley stand anymore. Chivalry blasted the last bit of the bubble targets he created, then collapsed on the ground out of exhaustion. "-Huff- -Puff-, Damn, I can barely stand, whats with me? Am I really that weak?" Chivalry scolded himself silently and attempted to get back up, but his efforts were fruitless.



"What?!? No not now, don't give in now body, i'm almost finished. Just a little more!" Chivalry still couldn't stand, he had wasted too much energy. "Urgh, If only there was a way i could regain all my energy again, then I could-" At that moment, Chivalry thought of something. "Hey, what about that light pony. Darn it's been a whole month since I called her name. Now what was it... Daeva? I think that's it! Daeva, I call for you, Please heal me and allow me to regain my energy!"

Edited by ChivalryKnight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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@@Child Of Darkness,

Stardust followed Caras inside his home, but she was not happy about seeing him again.

After that certain time spell he did she was still furious.

There were rules with time, and time magic. And as The mare of Time she had to look after Time, to make sure that others would follow the rules. And to make sure Time wasn't disturbed by others. Stardust could do whatever she wanted, she controlled time. But even she stayed by those rules. She was bound to do whatever she wished in order to keep Time magic in Control.

(Sorry about being idle these past few hours, I was asleep.)


"Well Stardust, from what I can tell it seems that you are, displeased at me. Care to tell me why this is? Or not."


Caras had a faint idea about why Stardust might be displeased with him. The time spell on top of the foal mountains one month ago. It was a violation of the rules of time magic, and it was her job to look after time.

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Tempest simply leaned against the railing of the balcony as he watched the day pass by.


Xena sighed and decided to simply talk to Tempest. "Hey, do you mind if I tell you something?" He asked.


The cyan pegesus simply laughed slightly and nodded. "You've usually just spoken your mind about most topics." He said. "I don't mind."


The twelve tailed aura beast nodded. "I assume that you already know that I was sealed into the body of your ancestors, and passed down through each generation to the foal/filly who I deemed to be worthy. Well, I think it's time for me to add little bit to that tale. I am literally the voice of every living thing that has an aura. I chose to be sealed away, so that I could better protect the world.In some religions, I am viewed as a malevolent beast who's only purpose was to destroy everything, and a savior of the world in others. There's a bit of controversy on that topic, as you probably already know. I assure you, though. I am your ally."


Tempest was slightly surprised at this. "To be honest, I didn't know most of that." He said. The cyan pegesus then smiled. "I'm glad to have you as an ally, Xena."

Edited by Kyurem
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Sole arrived back at the mansion, seeing others talking and preparing for the coming battle. He could use the last bit of time he had left to train, but he preferred to talk with his fathers statue. He had to tell him of recent events, he knew his father could hear him. He flew in front of the statue and sat down "hey old man.... I've got a lot to tell you, so shut up and listen." He said jokingly, before telling him all of the events that led up to now. When he finished, he let a few tears fall for his fallen friends. He knew discord would take celestia's death harshly, but he'd probably never admit it. His father never was the emotional type... "Now we're gonna go avenge her, and our other friends, by beating those bastards... See you after we win... And we will win, I swear it." He said quietly, as he turned to leave.


((Can I control discord?))


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Alex Kennedy


Minath felt Rambler's love and it soothed her. For seven years she had lived without love.... Sure Celestia loved her in the distant, maternal way and her friends loved her in the way friends do, but she had relied so much on Rambler that she felt like there was a whole missing in her heart. She fitted herself closer to Rambler, until she could feel his heartbeat through her own chest.

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