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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Stardust had flown into the forest, intending on finding Caras. She landed where she had a sensation of his energy. Though he was not there. Stardust could feel something else, another power that was unique.

Of course, Caras must've found the same signature and followed it... Males.

Stardust concentrated on the mixed energy of the unique signature and Caras and teleported herself to where ever they were hiding.


Stardust was a little bit away from where the two were, so she walked towards them.

"Knock Knock. I hope I'm not interrupting something."

"There you are Stardust, I was wondering when you would find me, this is Dark Heart, a summoner pony, she has quite the reputation within the dark relms for her skills in summoning the Darklings. She wanted to see me for and now it looks like we have all been introduced to each other. I shall let you to get to know each other. Don't kill each other."

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Tempest nodded and smiled. "Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me." He said. The cyan pegesus then sighed. "If we end up fighting Caras, and I completely lose control of myself, I want you to use that spell on me. If I'm in that state, I doubt that I'll stop at just Caras and whatever following he may have."

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Sole grinned and shrugged "well I didn't know. I kinda missed the memo while I was healing that wound that prick caras gave me. Hell, I even managed to squeez in some training." He said, as the strange pony named daeva dissapeared. *I don't know why... but I don't trust her." He thought.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Oh, I see. Alright then, so you were with tempest ya? Hmm, he didn't mention anything about you being with him while he was kidnapped." Chivalry thought for a second. "Anyway, we should probably head back, I need to tell Minath about something." Chivalry has an embarrassed look on his face.


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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((I'm so sorry about my late reply. I thought I posted a few days ago, but I guess it never went through.))


Sole was quiet for a moment before grinning "alright, then let's get going. I'm starving anyways!" He said, as he turned to leave "oh, and by the way... if you plan on fighting that bastard again... let me come. I've got a score to settle with that prick." He said.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@, @,


DH smiled Coldly.


"If anything happens, I won't be the one killing. Guayota will be handling that for me." DH said, and scratched in between Guayota's ears, earning a growl of enjoyment.


"But I'll try to restrain him. After all, every good dog listens to his master."






Minath nodded.


"I understand. You can trust me. I can't be corrupted by Caras, my mind is too strong. I will do whatever it takes to keep you under control. And for that, I am sorry."

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"Yes, every good pet does. But while we are just talking small, why are you suddenly involved with this? Just want to know, you know." 

Stardust kept her smile on her face, trying to be funny but coming out more sarcastic or sadistic. She really couldn't tell anymore between the two.

"Well it looks like no one has killed each other, yet. So since we are all getting along just fine I will tell you two the plan. Ok we know that Luna can track magical signatures even after they have gone. So we will go to foal mountains during a snow storm and we will cast a strong magic spell so Luna could find it with ease, she is naive and in-decisive, she will ask them all to go to the signature, and Minath will surly listen to her and the others are sure to follow her, we will ambush them in the mist of the storm and kill and capture as many as possible. If we do capture anyone we will need a place to hold him or her. So is there any complaints or do we have a plan?"

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Tempest smiled and sighed. "Xena, you had better behave." He thought, before starting to meditate. His aura then surrounded him.


The voice inside Tempest's head laughed. "You still have trouble controlling me. When we fight Caras, though, I'll help." It said.

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DH nodded.


"We have a plan. I'm thinking.... Chrmosh for this one. Deava has to lay low until she can snare the one called Chivalry.... And Guayota will be at my side, of course."




"And I became involved because the news of Caras' return reached my ears. So I sent Deava to retrieve him."

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Tempest smiled and sighed. "Thank you. I know we don't always see eye to eye, but I know we can become friends." He said. The cyan pegesus then stopped meditating and stood up.


Dark sighed as she flew over Equestria. She had noticed Sole and Chivalry's disappearance and was slightly curious. The dragon then noticed the two in the forest and landed behind Sole. "I was wondering where you two were." She said.

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"I agree to this, though I know where we may be able to hold prisoner for our captured. I have many a room that we could use within my home. Unless you want to use your place in the forest, which I don't mind but since we'll be in the mountains my lair would be much easier to get too."

Stardust offered her place, she really did have several rooms for this kind of thing and it had been a while since she'd had the smell of blood milling in her nostrils.  

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"I agree to this, though I know where we may be able to hold prisoner for our captured. I have many a room that we could use within my home. Unless you want to use your place in the forest, which I don't mind but since we'll be in the mountains my lair would be much easier to get too."

Stardust offered her place, she really did have several rooms for this kind of thing and it had been a while since she'd had the smell of blood milling in her nostrils.

"They know where my place is in the everfree, so if you do not mind we should use your place to hold them. So then, we can finaly put the plan into action. When ever you are ready, we can leave for the foal mountains". Caras awaited for the two of them to prepare for the trip to the mountains.

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Chivalry heard the beat of wings. Whatever it was landed behind them, Chivalry was about to unsheathe his sword until he noticed that it was just Dark.





"uuh, hey there. I'm actually not sure if we've properly met. I'm Chivalry, whats your name?" It seemed like Chivalry was trying to avoid any conversation that had to do with what had just occurred. He wanted to speak with Minath about it before anybody else knew.


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Dark shrugged and smiled. "You can just call me Dark." She said. The black dragon then smiled.


Tempest sighed as he trotted through the palace. "So Xena, do you know anything about Caras?"


The voice sighed. "Honestly, I know about as much as you do." He said.


The cyan pegesus laughed slightly and noticed Minath. "So, what do you think they're planning?"

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Time to put the plan into action.


"Ok all three of us are going to the foal mountains and I will create a magic disturbance, just strong enough for Luna to detect, but not anypony else. Once that is done, she will send them and there is where we will kill. Ok, I will meet you two there. Lets hope this works."


Caras flew of to the foal mountains to get a familiarity with his surroundings. He was going to have to use them to his advantage if he wanted to be successful at this ambush. He silently awaited the arrival of Stardust and Dark Heart.

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Stardust nodded to the newcomer and didn't bother to follow Caras the way he had taken to the mountains. She headed to the closest rock face that was from where they had met and drew back her door to existence, walking through and removing the door. She kept walking through all of the tunnels that were entwined through the mountains and ended up at another empty wall face, though inside the mountain. she opened the door again and walked out to the snow storm outside.

Stardust loved snow, she could do anything in the snow and she was at her best with the flakes all around her. She went looking for Caras and found him looking and getting familiar with his surroundings, he was easy to spot though due to his coat. Stardust called out to him through the snow.

"Hey Caras, you better hope that the snow comes to your advantage. I know it will for me."

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@, @,


DH adjusted her mechanical wings and flew to where Caras and Stardust where.


When she landed next to Caras and Stardust, Gauyota appeared next to her from underground, appearing inside an red and black circle, rising up next to DH's side.


DH turned to Stardust.


"For the prisoners I think I'll let you borrow Ifirit. She will keep them from escaping. Like they did last time, or so I hear."


DH then turned to Caras.


"Tell me when to summon Chrmosh."

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Tempest smiled slightly and looked out a nearby window. He then shrugged and glanced at Minath. "I need to go take care of a few things." He said. "If Caras attacks, I'll know." The cyan pegesus then flew into the sky and towards the everfree forest. "I hope this contingency plan works." He thought. 

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"Tell me when to summon Chrmosh."
"Ok, you can summon him soon, but for now you two need just relax and wait for them to arrive". Caras done a magic spell that could be detected by Luna an only Luna.


((Transition, finally))


Luna was in canterlot castle in her bedroom, still upset with his sisters death when she felt the magic spell from the foal mountains, she new it was Caras from the magic signature, and in her weak mental state she did not think before her next action. She sent a telepathic message to all the heros out looking for Caras.


Luna: All of you need to return to canterlot castle at once, I believe I have found where Caras is hiding, I need you all to come to Canterlot at once.


((This can be heard by every hero in the field and you all need to come to canterlot in your next post or the plan is ruined, and we have been building up to this for few pages))

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Tempest mentally cursed and turned around. "Well, that goes that plan out the metaphorical window." He thought. The cyan pegesus soon landed in Canterlot and waited.


Dark heard Luna and flew back to Canterlot. "I hope we can finally end this." She thought.

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Minath snapped out of her haze and flew to the castle. If Caras was coming out of hiding, she would have to be there to battle him personally. He killed her surrogate mother, and he was not going to get away with it. She landed in the tower where most meetings were held, waiting for the other ponies to arrive.




DH nodded and began to summon Chrmosh, waiting for the signal from Caras for the follow through. 

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((Sorry everyone, I've been extremly busy recently. I just started school so I'll be on a little less.))

Sole suddenly heard the message and quickly took off toward the castle at supersonic speeds. "Hold on, I'll be there soon!" He said loudly. He soon flew into the throne room "alright... I'm here. Now let's find this prick and kick his ass!" He said cockily.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson had been roaming around the streets of canterlot for hours in an attempt to protect it in case of a surpise attack from caras and his lackies. so far, crimson hadn't run into any problems, but before he could take the chnce to relax, he felt a dark and molevolant aura coming from somwhere in canterlot, crimson cursed, "sompony is using dark magic...but not for long..." thought crimson before rushing in the direction of the dark aura.


((Sorry about not posting, I've been busy with school and my girlfreind))

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Tempest noticed Crimson and smirked. "I was wondering when you would show up." He said. The cyan pegesus then shrugged and trotted into the palace. He noticed Luna and nodded. "So, where's Caras?"


Dark Opal followed Tempest and waited for Luna to reveal the plan.

Xena watched from Tempest's point of view and sighed. "So, Celestia is dead and that other alicorn has taken her place. This could prove very interesting in the battle to come." He thought. The aura beast then shrugged and went back to sleep, waiting for the right moment to be unleashed.

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