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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath wanted to tell Rambler everything, everything that's happened while he was away. She hugged him, her hooves and wings wrapping around his frame. He was smaller, her wings overlapped. They used to not be able to do that... Now she realized that the barrel chest that she adored was also gone. The years had been rough on him.


"Rambler" She cooed, not choking up on the name like she had been doing, and silent tears streamed down her face.

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Rambler was more conscious now than ever before of what the years of hardship had done to his body. He suddenly felt ashamed, like he wasn't worthy of her anymore. He tried to laugh it off a little, but failed pretty miserably. "I know I'm not quite the same stallion I used to be. Things have been... difficult, to say the least. And now... you're as beautiful as ever, and I'm barely more than a walking skeleton."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath shook her head.


"It doesn't matter what you look like. I fell in love with what's in here." Minath said, then pointed her hoof to vaguely where Rambler's heart was.


Minath could tell Rambler was feeling self conscious of his appearance, and was glad that her hoof guards covered her wrists. At the beginning she thought that he just didn't want to see her, and that brought on a bought of depression. She had started cutting again, something she promised him she would never do again.

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Xena nodded and followed Dark Heart. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" He thought. The aura beast then shrugged and glanced in the direction of Canterlot.


Tempest sighed. "You're thinking about them, aren't you?" He asked.


Xena nodded and continued to follow Kind Heart. "Can you blame me. I mean, we both took an oath that we would protect Luna, but we failed when Caras killed Celestia, not that I really care or anything." He said.


(We might as well start the time skip here, and just say that Tempest was corrupted during that time.)

Edited by Kyurem
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Rambler smiled. "It's good to hear that. It still doesn't completely make me feel better, but it's good to hear, nonetheless. I just... I'm not sure I'll ever be back to the way I was. These past few years... they've really done a number on me. But worse than anything I had to deal with was the pain of being separated from you. I was so sick with worry and fear that I'd never be able to see you again that even when I managed to find enough food, I couldn't bring myself to eat it. I'd have probably starved a long time ago, but the thought of seeing you again kept me going on sheer willpower."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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(Sorry if you had things to take care of. If you need to talk over things, you can do it in the OOC).


(Time gap: 1 month later)


Things had been quiet in Equestria for the last month, in fact things had been looking up for some. Minath was reunited with the one she loved, and in general things just felt calmer in Equestria than they did 1 month ago. But the wait was over, for one month Caras had been working on a plan and was about to put it into action. After Celestia died, Caras invaded the mind of Luna and has been taking over her mind since. She was now under Caras' compleat and utter control and it was time to put his plan into action.


Dear Stardust.


I hope this letter reaches you, for you must hear what I have to tell you. This past month I have spent in the past. 10000 years ago to exact, and I discovered somthing that could re-tip the balance in favour. Meet me in my home in the everfree tonight and I will tell you what it is I have discovered.




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Dark sighed as she flew above the everfree forest. She hadn't seen Tempest for a month, and she worried about what might've happened to her father. After a few minutes, she sighed and flew towards Canterlot.


Tempest smiled as he trotted through the everfree forest. He had grown in strength and intelligence over the past month thanks to his own special kind of training. "I hope I get to kill them shortly." He thought.


(Tempest is now on Caras's side of the coming battles. This is going to be fun.)

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After finding out that reviving Aura was impossible, Chivalry went alone to go train with the ancient blade. During the 1 month time period, he honed his skills with the blade and even figured out how to use it more efficiently, energy wise. Though we was not finished with his training yet, a couple more weeks and he'd probably have the potential to beat Stardust, or maybe even Caras alone.

Chivalry is in some sort of desert at the time training with his energy bubbles and his blade. He would shoot out a ton of energy bubbles and see how fast he could pop 'em all. Words came out from the breath of his mouth each time he sliced his blade through, or used the blade magic to pop a group of bubbles. "I - Will - Beat - You - Caras! - You - Can't - Hide - From - Me!" Each time Chivalry popped a bubble, his rage against Caras grew and grew. Chivalry barley ever rested, he is tired and weary, his diet wasn't all to good either. He wouldn't eat, and he wouldn't rest until Caras was dead.

(So basically if you need him then you'll have to contact him telepathically)


Edited by ChivalryKnight


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After a few minutes of trotting, Tempest came across Caras's home. "This could be interesting." He thought. The cyan pegesus then knocked on the door, before waiting for a response.


Xena sighed as he laid in the domain of Tempest's mind. He actually enjoyed his new found freedom, which had come after Tempest had been corrupted by Dark Heart.

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Caras could feel the presence of another out side of his home, it was not the pony he had been waiting for. It was tempest. 'What in the world is he doing here. Well he does know where I live.' But then Caras noticed that somthing was different about tempest and want to know what. He opened the door to his home and stared at the pony, "What is it that you want?"

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((Discord could be a big help... Just saying.))


Sole sighed as he sat down in front of the statue of his father. A month had already come and gone, and he'd done nothing but train. "Well pops... It's almost time for the big finale. I thought I'd be ready but... After what happened to stone I-I can't let my friends face the same fate... I'll protect them... And this time I'll keep that promise." He said to the statue, knowing his father could probably hear him.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest shrugged. "Honestly, nothing. Anyway, I'm assuming that Dark Heart told you that she was able to... persuade me into joining your side? If not,well, now you know." He said. The cyan oegesus then smirked.


Dark sighed as she landed back in Canterlot. She still couldn't help but feel that Tempest was still out there. The only problem was that she couldn't get his scent.

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"How do I know you are being truthful, and this is not just some scam, give me one good reason for me to believe that you are on my side before I feed you to the demons of Tartarus. Quickly". Caras had a feeling that Tempest was being truthful but he wanted to here it from the pegesi mouth.

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Dear Stardust. I hope this letter reaches you, for you must hear what I have to tell you. This past month I have spent in the past. 10000 years ago to exact, and I discovered somthing that could re-tip the balance in favour. Meet me in my home in the everfree tonight and I will tell you what it is I have discovered. Sincerely Caras

Stardust rolled up the letter in which the message had come in, rolling her eyes as well. The last time she had spoken with the stallion he had huffed her, quite rudely. Especially with the situation in which she had come to him in the first place, she was going to have to confront him on it anyways. So going to it would give her a reason, for she would have declined the offer was truly out of her interests. 

Stardust left her home to get to Caras's and not soon after the shadow of her flying was seen from the place.

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After one month of restless nights and bad plans, Luna was down to only one option, she had to use the forrbiden spell to alter the elements of harmony so anypony can use them. 'I have to do this, there is no other way, sister forgive me'. Luna entered the locked room where the elements of harmony where stored and cast the forbiden spell on them. She took the box to the throne room and contacted all the ponies via telepathy,

Luna: My dear ponies I need you to come back to canterlot at once it is of the up-most importance that you head this message and make hast to canterlot, the fate of Equestria depends on it".

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Tempest glanced at Caras and shrugged. "I guess you might as well ask Dark Heart about that." He said. "Of course, you probably know that I'm telling the truth."


Dark heard Luna's voice, and walked into the palace. She then glanced at said alicorn of the night. "I don't know if Tempest will be here or not. I haven't seen him at all over the past month."

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@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath was chatting with Lumi, asking about Tempest. Working under him Minath had assumed Lumi might've known where he was, but with no such luck. Both Minath and Lumi heard Luna's beckoning and flew to meet her.




DH found Tempest at Caras' house.


"Tempest! What in the world do you think you're doing here?" DH said, then turned to Caras. "I'm sorry he's bothering you Caras." 

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Tempest shrugged. "I just needed somepony to talk to." He said. The cyan pegesus then smiled darkly. "So, what's the plan to take over Equestria this time?"


Xena groaned as he woke up and watched the conversation from Tempest's point of view.


Dark noticed Minath and Lumi. "Have you two had any luck finding him?" She asked.

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Tempest shrugged. "I just needed somepony to talk to." He said. The cyan pegesus then smiled darkly. "So, what's the plan to take over Equestria this time?"


Xena groaned as he woke up and watched the conversation from Tempest's point of view.


Dark noticed Minath and Lumi. "Have you two had any luck finding him?" She asked.

"Well tempest since you are so eger to know, why don't you come inside and pull up a seat, hopefuly stardust will arrive shortly and then we can begin. You to are welcome to stay if you wish to Dark Heart. Where are my manners? It is good to see you again, I hope you have been well".

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Chivalry was in the middle of training when he heard Luna's voice in his head. "Damn it, not now, i'm almost done my training!" Chivalry seemed frustrated at the fact that he wouldn't be able to finish his training with the Ancient Blade. "... I'm sorry Luna, but I cannot come yet, Not yet while I am so close to finishing. All I need is a few more days." Chivalry realized that he couldn't talk back to Luna telepathically, so he just hoped that Luna wouldn't be too angry at him for not showing up. But this would mean that Chivalry had to work twice as hard, no more breaks!


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Minath shook her head, and Lumi looked down. No luck.


"I'm sorry." Minath said, breaking the silence.




@@Child Of Darkness,


DH was surprised to hear Caras being courteous, but went inside and sat down none the less. She absentmindedly scratched Guayota between his ears, waiting or something to happen.

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Tempest shrugged and smiled slightly. He then walked inside and sat in the chair next to Dark Heart, before meditating. "This had better be worth my time." He thought.


Dark sighed and nodded. "I thought so." She said. The dragoness then thought of something. "You don't suppose he might've joined Caras, do you?" The black dragon knew it was a possibility, however unlikely it might be.

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Lumi looked uncomfortable, and Minath placed a hoof on Dark's shoulder, then spoke.


"There's a chance for all of us to go bad. But if Tempest did join Caras, it would not be of his own doing. I can assure you of that." 


Tempest has a good heart, he would never go to Caras on his own free will...right?

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Rambler had heard Luna's message, but it had taken a while for him to make it to the palace from the inn he was currently living at. After wandering around for a little bit, he finally managed to find Minath and the princess, as well as one of the others who he didn't really know.




"I guess I'm a bit late, aren't I? Everything alright?"

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath looked to Rambler.


"May we speak in private, Rambler?" She said, and nodded to Lumi and Opal, leading Rambler away.


"You do know what's happening? I'm beginning to trust Luna less and less, and I fear she is slipping. I have to fight Caras, to end him. If I die, then Equestria will have its first prince. I sent a letter to Lightning Storm in Cloudsdale. If I don't come back, he'll be the prince. There is a very large chance that I won't live. I have a feeling we'll be leaving again, and I don't want you to come. I've lost you for seven years, and I don't want to lose you forever. Now that I'm a princess... it's confirmed. I'm never going to die. I want as much time with you as possible, and I don't want you put at risk. I'm facing forces beyond my comprehension, and I don't want you to get hurt. I now see how fragile life is, and the part of me that is now Celestia has made me see how short everypony's life is. I will go on, forever or until I am killed. That is the only way for one of my kind to die. I don't you want to be caught up in that."


((Most heartfelt wall of text ever.))

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