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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Rambler shook his head.


"I'm sorry, but it's not up to you. I'm coming whether you like it or not. Regardless of what happens to the rest of Equestria, I'm going to do everything I can to protect you. The fact that you'll live forever now just gives me more of a reason to protect you. If I die, well... it was going to happen eventually anyway. But not you. You have the power to live forever, and you should make the most of it. If you're going anywhere, I'll be right with you the whole time."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Dark sighed and shrugged. She then glanced at Luna. "Should we wait until Tempest gets here, or simply process with whatever you have to tell us?" She said.


As Tempest meditated, he floated through his subconscious. "This isn't me." He thought. "This can't be."


Xena noticed Tempest and nodded. "You're right Tempest. This isn't you. The pegesus I knew would never, unless it was a extreme emergency, release me." He said. "For right now, though, you need to simply play along."


The cyan pegesus felt his anger grow and nodded. "I agree. " He said, before regaining consciousness. He glanced around the room, and simply shrugged.

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(Sorry if I have not been here much, between school work and other RP's I have been busy. Also incoming wall, a big wall of text.)


Luna looked out at the ponies that have arrived, disapointed at the turn out.


Luna: is this all that have returned after the month. I am disapointed. Any way here is what I have called you here for, we know now that we cannot kill Caras or the ones who fight with him by conventional meens. So we have to resort to other means of attack. There have been many plans but only one looked like it may have a faint glimmering chance of working. I cast a spell on the Elements of harmony, the three of you must wield two each and only then may we stand a chance of defeating Caras and his followers. Any questions?


(Chatacter transition)


Caras looked around but Stardust was no where to be seen. He talked in Wolf so no one could understand him. ""Damm it, I guess I could make this work."" He looked out to the two ponies in front of him. He snapped his hoof at Tempest. "Wake up, you are needed to hear this if you are going to help us. But I still don't trust you. You tried to kill me on more than one ocasion so I will be watching you, and reading you like a book. Any way I'm glad most of us could make it. Ok, I did not call you here but you might as well know the plan. I went back to the past recently, and discovered somthing and an old Tome called 'Ancient magic and weapons of old' In this book I found out that the most powerful source of magic, the elements of harmony, can be corrupted if there protection spell is broken. Which it has been. We are the only three ponies Alive that have this information. If you tell anypony, I will kill you, I hope it does not come to that. Also one other thing, Princess Luna, she is on our side now. He mind is corrupted to our ways, she will never be able to return to the way she was, even if I die. So then, who wants to blow somthing up for the sheer fun of it? Any takers?"

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Dark shook her head. Her only doubt was what she would do if Tempest turned.


Tempest nodded and simply smirked. "Understandable." He said. "Anyway, I might as well see what destruction I can cause. Xena could also use the exercise." The cyan pegesus then laughed darkly.

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((I've been busy too. Sorry.))


Sole arrived in the room to see luna talking about the elements, and her plan. He stood there quietly and listened, but he felt uneasy for some reason, and he couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. "Damn... What the hell is going on?" He mumbled


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Minath gave Rambler a look, saying 'We're not done here'


@@Child Of Darkness,


Minath nodded.


"I will take on Loyalty and Honesty. I was loyal to Rambler for those seven years, and I have to be honest to have gotten as high in the military as I am."


Lumi spoke next.


"I will take on Kindness and Laughter. When I was traveling I often gave my own food to passing travelers, and go hungry myself. I offered them a joke or a story on the side, because everyone needs to smile."




DH waved her hoof.


"Chrmosh is hungry. May we feed him? Guayota could use a snack also." 

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"Dark Heart, you don't even have to ask. Equestria is your feeding ground now, what ever it is that your darklings want,they can go an get it. The age of the sun has set on Equestria and the Age of Darkness is now."


As Caras wrapped up his speech, he use his Alicorn magic, and with some help from Luna, rose the moon in the middle of the day, causing a solar eclipse to occur.

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As the others talked, Tempest slipped through the shadows, and eventually found himself in the everfree forest. "I believe it's time to make my prescience know." He thought. The cyan pegesus then sat down and began to meditate. Three red glowing rings surrounded him, and four flames sprouted on each. The flames then drifted and were a absorbed into his body. "It's time to be unleashed once against into this world, Xena." Tempest thought, as eleven tails grew from him, and his body began to change. When the transformation was complete, Xena took STempest's place.


The twelve tailed aura beast noticed the solar eclipse and glowed at the moon. He then ran through the everfree forest, and towards Ponyville.

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Caras was smileing, pleased with the progression of his plans. Everything last piece of the puzzle was falling into place, and with the extra help from Tempest/ Xena it would run a lot smoother, for now.


Caras trotted outside to admire the rare solar eclips in the sky.


"A thing of beauty, is it not?"


(Caras has a new look, here is the link if you wish to see what he looks like. [url="http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/caras-r4008)%5B/url]

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Dark nodded. "I might as well be magic and generosity." She said, seeing as how those were the only two elements left. The dragoness then heard a familiar howl. "I think we might have a problem."


Xena exited the everfree forest and saw Ponyville in the distance. "It's almost time." He thought. 

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Minath looked to the sky and saw a solar eclipse. She looked to Luna and saw that something was wrong.Using a brain scan spell that Celestia knew, she found Luna's mind completely blank. Nightmare Moon could be upon them soon, if Minath didn't do anything. She used her magic to try to call Luna back to her, all while trying to move the moon back down. Minath was succeeding, but with slow progress. She started hollering out orders to the ponies around her.




"Lumi and Dark! You go to Xena!"




"Sole! You scout the Everfree! ABSOLUTELY alert us of anything. ANYTHING. As your Princess I command you to not engage by yourself!"


@@Alex Kennedy,


"Rambler, you stay here with me. I need to fix this." 

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Dark nodded and flew out of the castle and towards the edge of the everfree forest. "Something tells me that this'll most likely end in a fight. though I hope it doesn't." She thought.


Xena coughed a familiar scent on the breeze and smirked. "Foolish ponies. The first rule of the hunt, is to never let your prey catch your scent." He thought, laughing slightly. The twelve tailed aura beast the sat down and simply waited.

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Lumi nodded and followed Dark out, flying behind her fellow dragoness companion.


"I may work for Tempest, but I know next to nothing about the aura beast. You know him best, and Xena too, where would they be and what would they be doing?" Lumi asked, flapping her wings next to Dark.

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Chivalry was in the middle of training with the Ancient Blade when suddenly, the sky started to become darker. He looks up and realizes that the moon was overtaking the sun. "What the hell is Luna doing? It's not supposed to get dark out yet... Something is definitely wrong, I need to get this done quicker." After saying that to himself, Chivalry created more bubbles to train upon. All of this training also has increased the amount and speed of bubbles that came out of his horn per second, and lowered the amount of energy needed to make them. His training with the blade made him stronger as well as giving him knowledge of how to use it more skillfully. 'Soon, I will be able to join the fight. I just have to keep working harder.' Chivalry thought to himself.

Edited by ChivalryKnight


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Dark glanced at Lumi and nodded. "I think I might know where. He likes dark, foreboding places, so the best place to look would be the everfree forest." She said. After a few minutes of flight, the black dragoness landed at the mouth of the everfree forest. "I can smell Tempest's scent from here. He has to be in there."


Xena smirked as he stood up and glaced at Dark. "You are a fool to have come here, Dark Opal." He said.

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Lumi nodded, following behind.


"Minath sent Sole to scan the Everfree too. If we need help, we can always call for him. I am familiar with his scent, but it must be stronger to you. I feel like something, or someone is watching us. He must be near." Lumi said, scanning the forest below.

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Dark nodded. "Hopefully we don't actually have to fight Xena. I saw his full power when he was fighting some demon, and it could very well tip the scales, should Caras be able to corrupt him." She said.


Xena stalked the two dragons as they flew above the forest. "I think it's time to make my presence known to those little reptiles." He thought. The aura beast then ran into an open clearing and fired a aura sphere at them.


Dark noticed the projectile, and pushed Lumi away, while dodging the attack herself. She then noticed Xena in a clearing and landed in front of him. "I'm assuming that you knew that we were coming, and simply wanted to get our attention?" She asked in a annoyed tone.

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Lumi followed Dark for the landing, standing behind and being silent. She could still kinda tell it was Tempest but this thing that everyone called the Aura Beast now dominated most of his features. To be safe Lumi started filling her flame sac so she was ready to breathe fire at a moment's notice. She just hoped it wouldn't escalate to a fight.

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Xena smirked and nodded. "I guess you could say that." He said. "I've learned a great deal of information over the past month, but I find that most of it would be wasted on the likes of you." The aura beast then began to laugh.


Dark growled and prepared for a fight. "What happened to you? Not even Xena was this deranged." She said.



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Lumi broke mentally, and the words started pouring out of her.


"Why?! What plan is worth us, your friends, your family?! Let us in! We can help you! Minath can help you! We can pull you back!"


((By the way... Dark is the element of magic. The element of magic can kinda cure him, right?))

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Xena sighed and stared at the ground. "You still have no idea what happened a month ago after I left Canterlot, do you?" He asked. The aura beast then sighed, before turning his gaze back to the two dragons in front of him. "I was capture by Dark Heart and corrupted to the point where I joined Caras. There is no turning back. I'm sorry."


Dark sighed. "The Tempest I knew wouldn't let anypony control him. You have to fight it." She said.


(That is possible, but all of the other elements have to be there.)

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((By the way... Dark is the element of magic. The element of magic can kinda cure him, right?))
 (I don;t see why not, but one thing to consider, the element should only work against other magic, and if I am not mistaken, Tempests mind has been twisted not by magic but by words.)


Caras sat in the overgrowth near the location of Xena, Dark and a new dragon he had not seen before.


'A new one, this is better than fight night back in the prison. Better just stay our of this one for now.'


Caras trotted back to his home a bit deeper into the forest, when he saw stardust flying over head@ (That your cue to enter. If you want.)

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Rambler nodded, a look of concern on his face. Concern that was, admittedly, more for Minath than for whatever was happening to cause this eclipse. Still, he knew that whatever was going on had to be stopped."Of course. If there's anything I can do to help you, I'll do my best."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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((This rp is starting to get ahead of me. But I'll try to keep up.))


Sole flew over the everfree, looking around quietly for any possible enemies. "Dammit... Something doesn't feel right. It's like there's something wrong in the air." He mumbled. He knew he was supposed to call for help if he found an enemy, and it was direct orders. But he never followed orders anyways.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Luna felt that Minath was inside her head and quickly pushed her out.


Luna: Minath, what are you doing inside of my head. Stay out of my head, just because you are a princess does not mean you cannot be exectuted for treason, and the invasion of a princesses mind is high treason. Never do that again.


Luna stared at her with a serious look in her eyes, why symotaniously fighting Minaths magic to keep the moon infront of the sun.

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