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open Canterlot's Insane Asylum {Reboot RP}

Pripyat Pony

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"That's terrible," Poppy said, sympathetically.


@@Mint Drop,


"There is," replied Moonshine. "A very good one as well. I spend a lot of time in there, cuz it's quiet and I don't have to talk to other ponies if I don't want to. Do you want me to show you where it is?"


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Screwball was curious about the newcomers.She often wandered about the asylum anyway, looking in the other dorms. She wasn't really supposed to go to the stallion dorms, but nopony had the heart to stop her. A nurse told her about Keaton and that he had a similar affliction to hers, so she decided to go and look for him. Screwball found the room where Keaton was. She always carried a notepad and pencil with her as she couldn't speak, and seeing he was asleep, scribbled a note.


Hi, welcome to the asylum! I'm Screwball, and maybe we could meet up sometime. I can't speak either, but I have a notepad and pencil and I'll get you one too! I'll be in the common room!


She left it by his pillow and went to the common room.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"That's terrible," Poppy said, sympathetically.


@@Mint Drop,


"There is," replied Moonshine. "A very good one as well. I spend a lot of time in there, cuz it's quiet and I don't have to talk to other ponies if I don't want to. Do you want me to show you where it is?"


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Screwball was curious about the newcomers.She often wandered about the asylum anyway, looking in the other dorms. She wasn't really supposed to go to the stallion dorms, but nopony had the heart to stop her. A nurse told her about Keaton and that he had a similar affliction to hers, so she decided to go and look for him. Screwball found the room where Keaton was. She always carried a notepad and pencil with her as she couldn't speak, and seeing he was asleep, scribbled a note.


Hi, welcome to the asylum! I'm Screwball, and maybe we could meet up sometime. I can't speak either, but I have a notepad and pencil and I'll get you one too! I'll be in the common room!


She left it by his pillow and went to the common room.


Even when I got back home...things were horrible. I decided to stay in the army, I wanted to distance myself from my sweet Molly as much as possible. I was posted in a fort near the border...I didn't last long there. I couldn't sleep, I kept having panic attacks, one day I tried to kill one of my own men...I was discharged, and then I was sent here." 

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@@Pripyat Pony, @@Mint Drop,


Vinyl sat down next to them and folded her hooves in her lap. "So what brings you two here. Everyone has a story. If you don't mind telling it. I- I mean some people don't like to tell it, b-but I'm just curious, you know?" She screamed in her head. Why!? Why are you so terrible at this?!

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@Pripyat Pony

((That's Screw Loose. Screwball is the pink pony with swirly eyes and purple and white mane that flies by in a shot of Ponyville in the second episode in the second season.))


Sunset nodded, saying, "Y-yes, please..." and stood up. Her legs were stiff from being folded under her, and she stretched them one at a time as she waited for Moonshine to show her the way.



Sweet Symphony gave the pony a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay. you'd probably figure it out sooner or later," she paused and glanced at Rowan.

She might not want others to know, so I'll just say that i hear them. If she wants she'll tell her side of things.

"I, well, I see things I call the shadows. They sometimes lurk or make flashes in the corners of my vision or scratch their claws on something, but most often they talk to me and sometimes scream at me. My family says i'm just still broken up over something that happened that caused me to start seeing them, my psychiatrists have all said i'm just schizophrenic. There was an, um, issue with my last psychiatrist, and she had my family send me here."

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"Maybe when you get over things, you can leave," Poppy said. "Ponies don't always stay here forever."



@@Mint Drop,


Ooc: Eh, doesn't matter now, too late to change it. XD Besides, perhaps Screwball is related to Screw Loose and they have the same affliction.


Moonshine took Sunset straight to the library. It was small, but had a lot of books, mainly fiction. The library was a place where silence was asked of ponies, so none of the more noisy inmates ever went there.


Rowan was used to that question, and in any case, she wanted to support her new friend.


"I hear the shadows, too," she said, quietly. "I hear their claws scratching over wood when I sleep, and their hoofsteps behind me. I came here cuz my psychiatrist didn't understand and thought I was crazy, and my parents agreed."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony


Sweet Symphony gave the pony a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay. you'd probably figure it out sooner or later," she paused and glanced at Rowan.

She might not want others to know, so I'll just say that I hear them. If she wants she'll tell her side of things.

"I, well, I see things I call the shadows. They sometimes lurk or make flashes in the corners of my vision or scratch their claws on something, but most often they talk to me and sometimes scream at me. My family says i'm just still broken up over something that happened that caused me to start seeing them, my psychiatrists have all said i'm just schizophrenic. There was an, um, issue with my last psychiatrist, and she had my family send me here."

"Aah, I think I know how you feel. I see things sometimes too. Except, instead of shadows, they're ponies who, at least I think, are chasing after me. They come in my dreams, I see them outside; I think they're just about anywhere. You see, I have PTSD, so I'm haunted by the memories of my parents' death. I don't know if it'll ever be cured entirely, but I'm hopefully being released pretty soon, because it's more manageable now." Then I'll become an artist and live happily ever after with Glory...

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@Pripyat Pony,@,  

Symphony nodded and smiled empathetically at Rowan, having been through the same things, before turning to the newcomer again, still smiling.

"I'm sorry to hear about your PTSD. I hope you're able to leave sometime soon. Say, the other pony in the carriage, Sunset Sky, I think, I heard that she has PTSD as well, but that could have just been the shadows gossiping. They were pretty loud on the way over. But, if it wasn't the shadows, perhaps you would be able to relate to her on some level."

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Keaton slowly woke from his nap, stretching his legs, and rolled over onto the floor, hooves first. He began to walk around the room a bit, in order to limber up his legs. He soon came across the desk in the room, and saw there was a small side satchel on top of it. 'Oh, how conveinient!' Keaton swung the satchel onto his side, walking up to the mirror to see how it looked. 'Not bad!' As he looked in the mirror, he noticed a peice of paper resting next to the pillow on his bed. 'Well what do we have here?'


He walked over to the paper, and began to read:




Hi, welcome to the asylum! I'm Screwball, and maybe we could meet up sometime. I can't speak either, but I have a notepad and pencil and I'll get you one too! I'll be in the common room!


'Huh, I guess I'm not the only one that can't talk.' Keaton folded and placed the note inside the side satchel, and walked out the door, looking down the hallway in both directions. 'Now then, where's the common room?'


After a small second of decision, Keaton decided to head back down the way the guards had brought him. He constantly looked left and right, reading the name plaques on the doors. After a small time of walking, he heard a voice behind him: "Hello deary! Are you looking for something?"


Keaton turned to find the nurse from the main entrance standing behind him, a helpful smile on her face. He began to speak his problem, but cut himself off before he did, instead reaching into his satchel, pulling out the note, and gave it to the nurse to read.


After a small amount of time, she gave a nod of compliance, handing the note back to Keaton. "If you'll follow me, deary, I'll take you straight there!"


Relieved, Keaton placed the note back into his satchel, and nodded at the nurse, who turned and walked towards a side hallway. Keaton happily followed. 'Honestly, this place isn't nearly as horrible as my parents told me. I was expecting a building much more sinister, instead, they treat me like a normal pony!'


After following the nurse for a few twists and turns, she stopped before a double door that said: "Common Room" on the plaque. Keaton gave the nurse a nod of thanks, and walked inside. It had quite a few ponies inside already. 'I don't even know what this mystery pony looks like,' He realized, 'And there's too many ponies in here to accurately look for the one with a notepad. Though it couldn't hurt to try.'


Keaton began to wander around the room, looking for the pony with a notepad.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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"Maybe when you get over things, you can leave," Poppy said. "Ponies don't always stay here forever."



"But..where will I go? Army life is all I've known...it's all I can do. And that's assuming I can get over things. Seems unlikely, I haven't had a full nights rest in months, the slightest things can send me into an episode as well. I've yet to hear of a pony getting over this type of stuff..."

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@@Mint Drop, @,


Moonshine whispered to Sunset, "What kind of books do you like?"


Rowan said, "One day, I hope to be cured and be able to leave this place. That will happen if the shadows ever leave me alone."


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Screwball had been waiting in the common room for Keaton to appear. Once he did, she walked over to him and held out a notebook which was identical to hers, even to the pencil attached by a string.




Poppy looked at Goldie sympathetically. "It has been known, tho it does take several years for a pony to recover from the horrors of war," she said. "Most survive on a pension paid to them by the Princesses as they are no longer fit for work."

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Mint Drop, @,


Moonshine whispered to Sunset, "What kind of books do you like?"


Rowan said, "One day, I hope to be cured and be able to leave this place. That will happen if the shadows ever leave me alone."


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Screwball had been waiting in the common room for Keaton to appear. Once he did, she walked over to him and held out a notebook which was identical to hers, even to the pencil attached by a string.



Poppy looked at Goldie sympathetically. "It has been known, tho it does take several years for a pony to recover from the horrors of war," she said. "Most survive on a pension paid to them by the Princesses as they are no longer fit for work."


Ne'er have I seen a pension work. I'll tell you what I think of pensions, lassie. There was a young lad in my ranks a few years back, forgot the boys name, wonderful lad to be around, believe me. He got his leg blown off by round shot at the Alma. They'd told him he'd get a pension and be sent home, but technically, they just gave him a wooden peg and told him to figure it out."


"And that bloody Celestia...she'd ne'er do it, not for me..."

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@@Pripyat Pony@,

Sunset looked around at the library. It wasn't all that big, but still larger than the one at the orphanage. She turned to Moonshine. 

"F-fantasy," she murmured. "I-I like to pretend I'm living the s-story i'm reading, g-gives me a break from r-reality sometimes..."


Symphony nodded sombrely. 

"Me too. Though, I don't know how they expect us to just stop seeing the shadows. I wonder if it's just something we have to figure out ourselves," she said, more to Rowan than anypony else. She put a hoof to her muzzle in thought.

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Pripyat Pony


Keaton smiled slightly as he saw a pony walk up to him, extending a notebook. A smile spread across his face as he took the notebook via magic, immediately opening it and writing a short message. After he finished, he turned it around so Screwball could see the message:


'Thanks for the notebook! It'll be nice to not confuse people everytime I try to tell them something! My name's Keaton.'

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Poppy said, "My mother gets paid a pension. Maybe it's only if a soldier dies, then their widow gets the money. I don't really know."


@@Mint Drop, @,


Moonshine replied, "Me too. I love reading about fantasy cuz it's like being able to escape from life. Reading gets me as close to happiness as I can manage."


Rowan said, thoughtfully, "Perhaps. Or maybe until we can learn to live with them."


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Screwball smiled and wrote down on her own notepad, "Nice to meet you! My name's Screwball. I have a sister named Screw Loose who has the same problem I have, but she's in the regular hospital cuz my parents favour her. I've gotten over that now, cuz this place is better by far."


She turned the notepad round so that Keaton could read it.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Sunset nodded. 

"E-exactly...  I-it can be a g-good stress reliever..." she agreed, before artfully walking over to a shelf labeled "FANTASY" and gingerly took a boot off of it, reading the back.


Symphony thought for a moment.

"Hmm, I guess so, but still, that would still probably just be up to us. If the doctors can't see them, they won't be able to help uss in the slightest... at least i think so..."

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@@Pripyat Pony


Keaton read Screwball's note, using his magic to create a reply:


'Sorry to hear that. I'm an only foal myself. I always wanted a sibling, but I never thought that parents would take favor of one foal over another.  But this place is nice, isn't it? The way my parents talked about it, I would've thought it'd be something along the lines of a jailhouse, with some torture rooms in the back or something like that.'


He laughed a tiny bit inside of his head. 'There's a lot of things my parents exaggerated. They really wanted to keep me in fear of what would happen if my... condition.. became public.'


He turned from his thoughts, and added a last sentence to his note.


'Sorry to hear that. I'm an only foal myself. I always wanted a sibling, but I never thought that parents would take favor of one foal over another.  But this place is nice, isn't it? The way my parents talked about it, I would've thought it'd be something along the lines of a jailhouse, with some torture rooms in the back or something like that. Shall we sit down? It might be a sight more comfortable than just standing in the middle of the room.'


He faced the notepad towards Screwball, so she could read his writing.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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@@Mint Drop,


"I like the ones that deal with romantic fantasy," Moonshine said, taking one of her favourite books off the shelf. "It's somehow less painful to read about romance when it's fantasy."


"Yeah," Rowan replied. "If only there was a way to get them to see the shadows, so at least they'd know we're not just making things up."


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Screwball read, then scribbled her own note.


"Follow me, we can sit down here," she wrote, showing it to Keaton before leading him to a corner of the room where there was a battered but comfortable sofa.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony


Keaton followed Screwball until they reached a couch in the corner of the room. At they sat down, he had already begun his next message:


'Your first message said you couldn't speak, same as I. I doubt we have the same exact condition, though. Would you mind telling me what prevents you from speaking proper? It's fine if you don't want to, I'll understand.'


He faced the note to Screwball, waiting for either her reaction or her reply.

Edited by Pinkie Paranoia

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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@@Pripyat Pony

"I-I guess so..." Sunset put the book back and took another one, and her face lit up slightly when she saw the cover and title; it was one of her favorite books. She had had to leave all her books at the orphanage, so she was surprised to find a book she liked here.



"Hmmm... that could work..." Symphony mused. "They would understand then, but how would we even be able to make them see...?"

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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


"I don't know," Screwball wrote. "All I know is whenever I try to speak, I bark and growl like a dog instead." She turned the notepad around so that Keaton could read.


@@Mint Drop,


Moonshine picked up a couple of fantasy books. "There's lots of books here. It makes it more bearable, somehow," she said.


"I don't know," Rowan replied. "But we have to try."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Sunset nodded.

"R-reading and drawing were the o-only way to cope at the l-last place i was at..." she mumbled, and held the book to her chest as she flew up to get a look at the top row. 


Symphony nodded.

"You're right," she smiled. "Things aren't going to change if we just sit around wishing the shadows away. We have to try tofigure something out."

One of the shadows crept up behind her and screamed in her ear. She flinched and covered her ears.

Ouch. That was a loud one... Must not like me.

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The orange unicorn doctor, who's name was Alec, rolled his eyes. "Look, kid," Alec said, shaking his head, "I'm telling you this for your own good, so you'd better listen up. You seem to think that you can drive a bargain with me, and that you're in charge here. I hate to break it to you, but neither are true. As for me, I have no loved ones. I took this job cuz it was the only one I could get, and Dume was the only employer who'd take me on with a known drinking problem. I make the best of a bad job by trying to make the stay of patients here as pleasant as possible. But that only works if they co-operate. If you don't co-operate, you're going to bring yourself to the attention of Dume, and believe me when I say that won't be good."


Alec sighed heavily, then looked Eddie straight in the eye. "Do you know what a lobotomy is? Probably not, so I'll tell you. It involves putting an ice pick thru one of your eyes straight into your brain and making a few cuts. Once it's done, it's permanent. You won't be the pony you are now, you'll just be dumb, obedient and with a tendency to drool at times. That is what will happen to you if you persist in your plan. I don't like it when Dume orders it, cuz I think that lobotomies are inequine, but Dume won't listen to me. As far as he's concerned, since it cuts down on the violence, it's a good thing. So to make sure that as few are performed as possible, I give violent patients one last chance. Like I'm giving you right now."


@@Mint Drop,


"I'd like to see some of your drawings," said Moonshine. "If that's OK with you, of course," she added, timidly.


Rowan jumped, too. "What a noise!" she exclaimed. Talking to the shadow, she said, "Do you really have to do that when my friend and I are talking?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Pripyat Pony

Eddie turned around to alec and said "have ya been listening to me at all?! well figures its your job to not give a damn...what fairy told you that im 'in charge here' " Eddie mocked alec "i dont even wanna be here" Eddie kept silent after what he said, he spoke up after alec monetion about a lobotamy "correction Mr drunk behind the liquor store, the ice stick dosent go into my eye...its goes into your brai..." Eddie stopped and tried to hold his anger ".......it goes into your eyelid, into your brain, a few tackles...i meAN! a few pulls aaaand...thats it, yeah that sounds threatening and ill tell you why, because i read that they have banned that thing where you put a small metal stick into your brain...eeeh how did ya call it? labratory?"

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Poppy said, "My mother gets paid a pension. Maybe it's only if a soldier dies, then their widow gets the money. I don't really know."


@@Mint Drop, @,


Moonshine replied, "Me too. I love reading about fantasy cuz it's like being able to escape from life. Reading gets me as close to happiness as I can manage."


Rowan said, thoughtfully, "Perhaps. Or maybe until we can learn to live with them."


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Screwball smiled and wrote down on her own notepad, "Nice to meet you! My name's Screwball. I have a sister named Screw Loose who has the same problem I have, but she's in the regular hospital cuz my parents favour her. I've gotten over that now, cuz this place is better by far."


She turned the notepad round so that Keaton could read it.

"Is there...any patients with PTSD? Somepony else who knows what I'm going through? That might help me a bit, somepony I can relate to." He looked up at Poppy with sorrowful and desperate eyes, hoping that there was somepony in this mental ward who could relate with him.

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@@Pripyat Pony

Sunset looked at Moonshine, and alighted near a table, setting the books she'd picked out down.

"U-um... well, I-i couldn't bring anything with me, s-so I have no drawings here..." she mumbled, ears flattening. She looked back up at the mare. "B-but if I got a pencil and p-paper here, I-I could draw and show you..."

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