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unicorn Zacharius Storkanus

Zacharius The Prosecutor

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Name: Zacharius Storkanus


Age: Bodily around 16 or 17, but mentally 26 (his body ages slowly due to reasons explained below)


Gender: Male


Species: Unicorn


Apearance: Grey, with brown spiky hair that curves back, and at the edge is bright yellow. (Here is a drawing done by my friend of him: http://mlpforums.com/gallery/image/1429-johns-drawing-of-my-oc/)


Cutie mark: A wrench that turns into a blade, inbetween a squiggly line created by two little green circles. (See picture)


Pesonality: Bubbly, hyper, likes to talk alot (okay, maybe a bit too much), loves to taunt others, loves to par-tay, but constantly has mood swings into either a psycotic, constantly angry, short tempered pony who has no problem killing (infact, enjoys ripping other ponies apart with his bare hooves), or a dark, quiet, solemn, power hungry pony with a long temper, but is moody and sarcastic, plus likes to plot over equestrian domination. Doesnt trust most people, and is very suspicious. Has very bad coincidence timing, and (At times) Very smart.


Back story: Son of Aynz Storkanus, A powerful creature spoke in ancient ruin legends to be all powerful and undefeatable creature, but Zach has no memory of his father, except that he was murdered while Zach was still a little filly. He cant remember much of his past, until he was 26 mentally. All he remembers from then is fighting all his life.

He came to ponyville to try and defeat a net of underground criminals who he had picked up on. He went round and killed each one of these "Evil Lords" a civilian would walk in at the wrong time to see him kill the pony, and get the wrong idea. This continues until Celstia arrived at ponyville one day to give a speech on how she would crush this uprising assassin, and zacharius spoke out against her, and tried to tell the citizens his side of the story; Only for celestia to pin him with her magic, and stomp on his horn, snapping it in two. After escaping from The canterlot Dungeons, he filed down his horn and made the magic flow instead of out of him, for the magic to flow inside of him, so he could cast spells on himself, allowing healing, temporary enhanced strength, speed agility and resistance, plus allowing him to uncover an ability his father was an expert in, Shadow magic. The ability to control deadly shadows and move them to ones will. The magic flowing into him also had a side affect, it as it filled his body, it kept him young for longer, reducing his ageing speed dramatically. He then decided with a deep hatred for Celestia, tried to take over equestria and overthrow celestia a few times, before finally going into hiding, settling down and deciding to start using his engineering skills to create new technology, but since his hate for celestia still remained, refuses to share his advanced technology from the rest of the world. One thing that can be noted, is he has a huge crush on pinkie pie and acts around her like spike to rarity, with a slight spanish flair; and for some reason dislikes rarity. Highly experienced in hoof to hoof combat, and blade battling. Always wears some kind of clothing. Has metal implants in his hoofs which he attaches devices to (eg. Mechanical three fingered hand). Has detailed knowledge of many abnormal creatures, and creatures that live in the everfree forest. Wherever Zacharius is seen, trouble soon follows. Works part time as a prosecution laywer. When in battle finds it difficult to Knock the foe out without killing it.


(Wow, thats a long background. Dont worry; its only an overview of the 3 or 4 years it took me to develop this characxter into what he is today xD)


Other: Involved in: "The great and powerful theory", "Ouker's Trial", "Turnabout Terrorist", "Turnabout Party", and a few others.

Edited by Zacharius The Prosecutor
  • Brohoof 1


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