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Count to a million


CTAM after 1 million  

181 users have voted

  1. 1. What should happen after 1 million is reached?

    • Start over at 1
    • Keep counting to infinity (count to the next million(s))
    • Count back down to 1 (then back up)
    • Other (pm or mention if you'd like)

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*switches to Snewp mode*

Indubitably! :umad:  :P


Oh for the love of.... 


The Snewp is an intricate human being! Not just some machine who says Indubitably all the time. :okiedokielokie:

  • Brohoof 2
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hark anon, and hark close thither was a time when snap utter'd the words "indubitably" 'twas a time i did not wot the meaning of such a word, and tempt'd me to lay-to the almighty tool thou may wot as google. upon the discovery of this word i realis'd that the ordinary had been depriv'd of it and its usage, and that snap was simply trying to enlighten us all. 

  • Brohoof 3
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When I first started saying Indubitably I hadn't even read/seen any Shakespeare  :P




If you don't know what "indubitably" means, search in on Google now, before the Snewp ninjas you... :ph34r:



And at that moment filly unbeknownst then proceed'd to succumb to the warnings that she hath so willing and gracefully shar'd upon us all. 


Too many clouds here to see the eclipse. :( Maybe someone can describe it to me? :squee: (Using the power of the written word)

  • Brohoof 1
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