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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Count to a million


CTAM after 1 million  

179 users have voted

  1. 1. What should happen after 1 million is reached?

    • Start over at 1
    • Keep counting to infinity (count to the next million(s))
    • Count back down to 1 (then back up)
    • Other (pm or mention if you'd like)

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Fair enough, thought most countries were 25th :P


The more you know..

Edited by Rarit-Ice
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So it's a 3 day period of celebration? Cool. We only get 2 days, Christmas and Boxing day  :(

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Honestly? When I was younger I actually thought it meant everyone had to learn Boxing xD xD


No idea why it's called that, it's just the post-Christmas day celebrations :P

Edited by Rarit-Ice
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Night ^^


Oh, sorry I haven't gotten your emote yet OD, my shop was flooded with requests pretty quickly :blink:

and yet just three people

Edited by Namsdrows Kalb
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