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Down With Down With Molestia

The Soldier

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You read it wrong. This isn't the Down with Molestia. This is the Down with Down with Molestia

The bait and switch argument. How mature and constructive.


I'll be MORE than happy to start a Down With Molestia thread, but chances are I'll have a LOT of backlash.

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It's really disappointing that many of you support a fan-made character that makes rape and sexual assault into a joke and something that's funny and attractive.


Usually I am a very open-minded and accepting person, but this is wrong. So very wrong. Makes me incredibly sad.

It's so wrong for people to make something that we disagree with. True that. I believe that the government should monitor everything we do so that nothing like this can ever happen again. Why don't we abandon drawing completely so that we don't have to worry about this and can spend more time doing worthwhile things like making pens that only work for a fifteen minutes and being oppressed?


It's not like people should have basic freedoms or liberties to say or do whatever they want without harming others. I mean, I know that nobody is forcing anybody to read/look at Molestia but should we really tolerate people that disagree with us? No!


Long live censorship.

The bait and switch argument. How mature and constructive.


I'll be MORE than happy to start a Down With Molestia thread, but chances are I'll have a LOT of backlash.

There already is one.


Why are you arguing with me over whether or not rape or sexual assault ever happened? Aren't you all supposed to think rape and sexual assault jokes are bad?

I think they're hilarious. I don't see the big deal. If nobody's hurt physically you shouldn't care. Case closed.





To be serious, Down With Molestia is incredibly stupid. I guesstimate that half of it's members are attention seekers and half of them are just naive. Instead of stopping jokes about rape why not go out there and stop rape? It's not rocket science, people, it's common sense, which honestly doesn't seem that common anymore.


You don't want to see this kind of thing? Go live in China, you'll love it.


The worst thing about DWM is it takes time away from people who actually have problems and aren't just complaining for the sake of complaining.



Tl;dr To supporters of Down With Molestia, grow up and get over it.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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Where is the thread for Down With Molestia? I haven't seen one yet. Could someone link that to me, please?


But really, wow. I can't believe many of you would stoop that low and say that it's okay to support it when people aren't being physically hurt. I'm guessing physical harm is the only kind of harm there is in your opinion? What about emotional and mental harm? Is that not important?

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Where is the thread for Down With Molestia? I haven't seen one yet. Could someone link that to me, please?


But really, wow. I can't believe many of you would stoop that low and say that it's okay to support it when people aren't being physically hurt. I'm guessing physical harm is the only kind of harm there is in your opinion? What about emotional and mental harm? Is that not important?

Let me reiterate, unless somebody is holding a goddamned gun to your head and making you look at the blog, nobody should care at all. Oversensitive people deserve to be offended because it's their fault for being so sensitive, not the author of the content they're viewing. Don't think this is me saying the fact they're sensitive is their fault, I'm saying the fact they're viewing content that offends them is their fault.


AKA You don't have to look at things you don't like, but that doesn't give them less of a right to exist. You literally addressed zero of the points I made in my post, because there is no logical argument against it, you're not being forced to do anything, so you shouldn't try to force somebody who does like it not to view it.


No normal person would be emotionally or mentally harmed by a blog. 


Again, you're supporting censorship, censorship is bad, thus your point is bad, anybody who agrees with your point's point is bad, and so on and so forth.

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Let me reiterate, unless somebody is holding a goddamned gun to your head and making you look at the blog, nobody should care at all. Oversensitive people deserve to be offended because it's their fault for being so sensitive, not the author of the content they're viewing. Don't think this is me saying the fact they're sensitive is their fault, I'm saying the fact they're viewing content that offends them is their fault.


AKA You don't have to look at things you don't like, but that doesn't give them less of a right to exist. You literally addressed zero of the points I made in my post, because there is no logical argument against it, you're not being forced to do anything, so you shouldn't try to force somebody who does like it not to view it.

You're right, we aren't being forced to see it. HOWEVER, I know that there are CHILDREN that aren't even in the brony fandom that know about princess molestia and they think she's a joke or funny. Children are finding her through a simple google search. THAT is what is disturbing to me, along with people feeling victimized.


You think people are being oversensitive about molestation jokes? Many of them were victims of molestation and those comics trigger them. I know they do their best to avoid it, but sometimes someone on their dashboard on Tumblr will reblog it and not properly tag it, thus triggering them. 


All of us have the right to like what we like, but we also have the right to call out problematic things when we see them. And it's unfortunate that you and many others would rather enjoy a tumblr that victimizes the ponies and hurts the feelings of survivors than do the right thing and call the blog out and tell them to stop doing the molestation jokes. 

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You're right, we aren't being forced to see it. HOWEVER, I know that there are CHILDREN that aren't even in the brony fandom that know about princess molestia and they think she's a joke or funny. Children are finding her through a simple google search. THAT is what is disturbing to me, along with people feeling victimized.


You think people are being oversensitive about molestation jokes? Many of them were victims of molestation and those comics trigger them. I know they do their best to avoid it, but sometimes someone on their dashboard on Tumblr will reblog it and not properly tag it, thus triggering them. 


All of us have the right to like what we like, but we also have the right to call out problematic things when we see them. And it's unfortunate that you and many others would rather enjoy a tumblr that victimizes the ponies and hurts the feelings of survivors than do the right thing and call the blog out and tell them to stop doing the molestation jokes. 

It's the responsibility of the parents to monitor what their children see. It's ridiculous that in today's society people expect that others should be the ones watching out for their kids. You don't look to the internet to do that, parents should more often look in the mirror to find who should be taking care of what their kids view.


In addition, kids make dirty jokes on their own, even without this blog, kids are immature, it's part of being a kid. If the parent cares so much they shouldn't let their kids use the internet without supervision. Simple as that. 



As for molestation victims, that's as valid as saying that you shouldn't make jokes about death because people actually die. It's wishful thinking at best and incredibly ridiculous at worst. While the fact that people get molested in real life is unfortunately the truth, the same could be said about a lot of things people regularly joke about. It's how society works, lighten up, laugh at things, people shouldn't be so uptight all the time.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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It's the responsibility of the parents to monitor what their children see. It's ridiculous that in today's society people expect that others should be the ones watching out for their kids. You don't look to the internet to do that, parents should more often look in the mirror to find who should be taking care of what their kids view.


In addition, kids make dirty jokes on their own, even without this blog, kids are immature, it's part of being a kid. If the parent cares so much they shouldn't let their kids use the internet without supervision. Simple as that. 



As for molestation victims, that's as valid as saying that you shouldn't make jokes about death because people actually die. It's wishful thinking at best and incredibly ridiculous at worst. While the fact that people get molested in real life is unfortunately the truth, the same could be said about a lot of things people regularly joke about. It's how society works, lighten up, laugh at things, people shouldn't be so uptight all the time.

Why is everything the parent's responsibility? Why can't people liking the jokes, you know, do the responsible thing and keep that kind of stuff as far away from children as possible? There are ways to do that. It takes a village to raise a child, not just the parents. Everybody in the community has a responsibility to be good citizens and behave properly. Besides, it's disturbing that there's easily accessible Rule 34 and other inappropriate content about a show for little girls that's easily found with google search. 


Also, making a joke about a traumatic experience is NOT the same as making a joke about dying. Everybody dies eventually, but not everyone experiences sexual violence and molestation. But hey, in that case, if you're making a death joke to someone who's fighting cancer and knows they could die from it, how do you think they would feel? I doubt they would feel good about it. They might laugh it off, but they will feel terrible on the inside.


Jokes like that do more harm than good and just ignoring it and moving on is not the way to go. 

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Why is everything the parent's responsibility? Why can't people liking the jokes, you know, do the responsible thing and keep that kind of stuff as far away from children as possible? There are ways to do that. It takes a village to raise a child, not just the parents. Everybody in the community has a responsibility to be good citizens and behave properly. Besides, it's disturbing that there's easily accessible Rule 34 and other inappropriate content about a show for little girls that's easily found with google search. 


Also, making a joke about a traumatic experience is NOT the same as making a joke about dying. Everybody dies eventually, but not everyone experiences sexual violence and molestation. But hey, in that case, if you're making a death joke to someone who's fighting cancer and knows they could die from it, how do you think they would feel? I doubt they would feel good about it. They might laugh it off, but they will feel terrible on the inside.


Jokes like that do more harm than good and just ignoring it and moving on is not the way to go. 

It's the parents' responsibility because they gave birth to the children, the internet did not birth the children. The internet is already supposed to be hard to access for minors so the village is doing it's part. Internet filters exist, you know. It's just that parents are lazy. So ultimately it is their fault. 



Death is a traumatic experience for the family members of the one who died. Basically the internet is meant for sharing knowledge, and knowledge will be shared. Whether or not you like that knowledge doesn't really matter.


Ultimately what other people say and do on the internet isn't your business to decide it's wrong anyway. The same way I can't petition to make you stop disagreeing with me, I wouldn't even if I could because that would be stupid (Like DWM).

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Also, making a joke about a traumatic experience is NOT the same as making a joke about dying. Everybody dies eventually, but not everyone experiences sexual violence and molestation. But hey, in that case, if you're making a death joke to someone who's fighting cancer and knows they could die from it, how do you think they would feel? I doubt they would feel good about it. They might laugh it off, but they will feel terrible on the inside.


Jokes like that do more harm than good and just ignoring it and moving on is not the way to go.


I agree very much with this post.
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It's the parents' responsibility because they gave birth to the children, the internet did not birth the children. The internet is already supposed to be hard to access for minors so the village is doing it's part. Internet filters exist, you know. It's just that parents are lazy.

I agree with you, parents ARE lazy. I know far too many parents who treat their kids like special snowflakes and put the blame on other things instead of their own children. But the thing is, I can do a Google Search with safe mode off and literally on the first couple of pages I can find Rule 34 or very suggestive pictures. I don't care if people like Rule 34, it's not my thing, but to each their own, but that is upsetting. 

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I agree with you, parents ARE lazy. I know far too many parents who treat their kids like special snowflakes and put the blame on other things instead of their own children. But the thing is, I can do a Google Search with safe mode off and literally on the first couple of pages I can find Rule 34 or very suggestive pictures. I don't care if people like Rule 34, it's not my thing, but to each their own, but that is upsetting. 

Then turn the safe filter on.  :comeatus:


Preventing you from seeing that kind of thing is it's job. It is one of those filters I was talking about solving your problem without whining on and on about it.


What I really wanted to say is that I don't care if it offends anybody, ultimately it's the person who is offended's fault for being so sensitive in the first place. What I'm trying to say is ultimately that it's not my fault if people who don't have the guts for it view it, it's not the fault of the author, it's not the fault of the IPS, it's not the fault of the nation in which it was viewed.


The blame ultimately falls on the viewer and the viewer alone.

Princess Molestia

Because molestation jokes are the height of humor

The height of humor is how seriously DWM is taking this.

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Guys, stop all of this pointless aruging that'll get you nowhere! I have a better idea on what to argue / discuss about.


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Rape is a serious issue that I believe shouldn't be joked about1. However, shutting down the blog2 isn't the answer. Even if it's true that rape jokes increase the incidence of rape3, censoring such jokes isn't going to stop people who think rape isn't something serious. They'll keep telling rape jokes somewhere. If someone really wants to stop rape in terms of rape jokes, there should be a campaign to raise more awareness about the seriousness of rape4, maybe using some choice statistics.


About the whole issue with children. Yes, the brony fandom produces quite a bit of content that is not appropriate for children, but it is partly5 a parent's responsibility to make sure children do not view such material. Shutting down the blog2 is an extreme measure to take to this end. There are filters, and there are ways for sites to mark themselves as inappropriate for children6.


Footnotes7 FTW


1At least lightly, anyway

2Is getting the blog shut down the ultimate goal of Down with8 Molestia?

3I don't know how much evidence there is for this, but it seems reasonable.

4Is there such a campaign associated with Down with Molestia?

5Some would say mostly.

6Tumblr specifically allows a blog to be marked as "NSFW" or "adult."

7Or endnotes. Footnotes are at the bottom of the page; endnotes are at the end of an entire work. But since this post is only one "page," they're the same.

8Learn to capitalize!


EDIT: This is how I'm going to feel about posting here.


Edited by Jack Fox Grayson
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I don't Think Molestia is funny at all if anyone wanna see People do "That" they should not destroy the spirit in MLP cause Many MLP bronies/Pegasisters do not want THAT


Many don't want to see Rule 34, but in the spirit of Love and Tolerance we shouldn't be trying to destroy it. But you're right, it shouldn't be thrown in people's faces. (Frankly I think Molestia isn't, actually.)

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I adore the Molestia blog.  I love the art style and the jokes are funny to me. But they in no way make me start thinking it's OK to start molesting and raping people. What DWM doesn't get is that people can think for themselves. We're not a bunch of heathens waiting to act on the first posthypnotic suggestion we get from our Tumblr blogs.


And even though her name is Molestia, the comic is more about kinky sex humor if anything.


Perhaps this video can explain things better.


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  • 2 months later...

It's really disappointing that many of you support a fan-made character that makes rape and sexual assault into a joke and something that's funny and attractive.


Usually I am a very open-minded and accepting person, but this is wrong. So very wrong. Makes me incredibly sad.

I like to look at things from the whole "Either everything is okay to make fun of, or nothing is"


Tolerance to jokes as those are found plenty, and it shouldn't really be surprising, sure they're not the most ethical or moral of jokes, but no one can rid the world of them for the sake of a couple of people, it's not the brightest thought, and there are plenty of reasons for them to be offensive, but if it exists for a reason, in which case it's that people find them humorous, the best others can do is avoid them.

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