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open Angel X Devil

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Frost patted the girl on the shoulder. She seemed alone and afraid, like a new born baby except with morals and judgement and he wasn't sure if Sole would be the right "upbringing" for her. "If you would like you can come stay with me and Angelica here." he said as he gave Angelica a big hug and smilied widely. "I'm sure I have more than enough meat for your hunger." he said. "I am a richy McRichpants after all." he added in thought.

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Frost patted the girl on the shoulder. She seemed alone and afraid, like a new born baby except with morals and judgement and he wasn't sure if Sole would be the right "upbringing" for her. "If you would like you can come stay with me and Angelica here." he said as he gave Angelica a big hug and smilied widely. "I'm sure I have more than enough meat for your hunger." he said. "I am a richy McRichpants after all." he added in thought.

Synangel took a moment to decide.... "Really.....I....I would love that..." She said slowly. She then felt happy to have opened up frost. And now she was excited to be now living with angels. And she was a demon. New mix. Hopefully she doesn't fight though. 'But what about sole.....he'll understand' she thought to herself.


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Frost looked over at what Angelica was drawing. He giggled and turned back to Synangel. "A demon with feathery wings huh? That's a new one." he said as he pulled our his a ketch pad and drew his two pistols and labeled them Luna and Celestia. (Lol right off the top of my head.) "So what? Are you half and half or just special." he said not looking up from his sketch.


(This plot is becoming interesting, with Tempest slowly turning into a demon and Angelica soon to turn that means that Ivy and I will be the only angels left.....interesting.)

(Yeah, and Frost will probably have to save her.)

At the sound of Frost calling another girl special, Angelica looked at Synagel and growled angrily. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM! Please..." Angelica restrained from using magic, but it was very hard to do. "I hate you."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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(Yeah, and Frost will probably have to save her.)

At the sound of Frost calling another girl special, Angelica looked at Synagel and growled angrily. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM! Please..." Angelica restrained from using magic, but it was very hard to do. "I hate you."


Synangel's face turned different. A frown took upon her face. But It wasn't only that, it was fear, and tears began to swell up, "w-what....what did I do.....I-I..." She felt so sad. But something else built up. She felt it in her chest. And it burned. She was growing anger. But it wasn't shown.


(How do I turn ya lol)


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((I'm sick of waiting, so I'm gonna say the bell rang for lunch.))

Sole was about to fall asleep when he suddenly heard the bell ring, signaling the end of class. "Finally! I thought I'd never get out of there!" He said in exasperation, as he left for the lunchroom to find syn. "Hope those angels haven't hurt her..." He thought in worry.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Frost looked at the rest of the class and laughed "Drama club....right? You guys should check it out." he said awkwardly. He hugged her tighter. "Hey, hey baby. It's all right..shh calm down. I was talking about her ancestry." he said kissing her on the cheek and leaned into her ear. "She still has some good in her. Come on, for me?" he said looking her in eye.

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---Previous evening---


Once the angels left, Imojen headed for home, deep in thought.  After some time of everything looking and seeming normal, she might have dismissed her odd feeling.  But someone else had felt it too, so it wasn't just some odd bit of neural fizz in her own skull.  Back at her flat, she ran up the stairs two at a time to get to her room.  She changed into her Robes, black over white, then took up her smoky quartz wand and performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram to cleanse her Circle.  She tried her detection spells and some divination, still nothing.  Seating herself in a lotus position, she went into meditation.  She found her center, but it seemed...off center, somehow.  The "off" feeling was elusive, seeming to vanish whenever she tried to examine it.  *sigh*  Maybe it is nothing, she thought.  Finally, she got up, closed her Circle, and changed into her nightgown.


--Current Day--


Fresh from the shower, Imojen went into her room wrapped in a bath robe, and started to get dressed.  She opened her closet and saw a set of identical blue-and-white "sailor suit" outfits with miniskirts.  Again, the odd anti-deja vu feeling.  Next to them was a black leather minidress studded with silver alchemical sigils.  She put it on, then stepped in front of a mirror to cast Glamour and make sure it would hide her wings and fangs from the humans, her adoptive parents especially.  She trotted down the stairs and fixed herself breakfast.  She was just finishing up when her mother came out, primly dressed for work.


"You're not going to school like that are you?" she said.


"Huh?  Why n--  Oh." Imojen said.  Suddenly she remembered why she had the "sailor suits," to the point that she couldn't imagine how she could have forgotten.  Then she felt herself forgetting that she'd forgotten, felt the memory of her earlier confusion about the uniforms slipping away.  With a chill of fear, she realized that if she hadn't made such a habit of mindfulness practice, to continually focus awareness on her internal states and the world around her, she might not even have noticed the change...which was becoming more difficult to continue noticing with each second.


"Uh..." she said, her mind drawing a blank.  "I don't know why I..." she looked at her watch.  "Oh...sorry, I can't miss the train, gotta go!" she said, hurriedly rinsing out her dishes and leaving them in the sink so she could rush upstairs for her book bag, then back down and out the door.




Disembarking from the train, Imojen ran for the school so she'd have time to duck into an alley on the way and extend her Glamour to project a school uniform.  Angels and demons would see through it of course, but teachers and other humans wouldn't, which would spare her a lot of hassle.  Walking across the parking lot, she saw the angels she'd ran into last night, and wanted to ask them if they'd had any more weird experiences.  Before she could summon up the will to approach, they got into a scuffle with a demon and his girlfriend--probably the ones they'd rumbled with the night before, given the apparent familiarity.  One of the angels even had guns, as if he thought he was some kind of American cowboy.  The big demon looked to be a Warrior also, and appeared fully confident of his ability to handle the situation.  Steering clear of them, Imojen went to her locker, unloaded her books and got out her geometry book.


The class was incredibly boring--not because she didn't like math, but because she did: she already knew how to construct the Platonic polyhedra from the vesica piscis; she even knew the esoteric meanings of the steps and the shapes themselves, which the teacher wasn't sharing and probably didn't know.  Finally, the bell rang.  She was the first to step out the door when somebody plowed into her--the big demon from before [sole].  He had a worried look on his face.


"Are you OK?" Imogen asked.

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Sole was deep in thought as he bumped into imogen, when he looked up to see her he was suprised. "Hey, wa- wait... Your that demon from last night." He said in recognition, before sighing "yeah... I'm fine. Just thinking about a few things. Nothing you need to know." He said, walking by her and looking around for syn.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest smirked as he heard the bell and stood up. He walked to the cafeteria and began to eat the lunch he packed. A group of what he assumed to be athletes walked up to him. "This is our table." One said.


The angel smirked and glanced at one. "Really, I didn't see your name on it." He said.


Ivy entered the cafeteria and noticed Tempest. "This can't be good." She thought, as she sat at a nearby table.

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Frost looked at the angel and the demon and sighed. "Look you guys need to settle this on your own, and me being here is just going to worsen it." he said as he kissed Angelica on the cheek, waved at Synangel, and began to leve when he turned around. "I'll be back to pick you up at three. Ok?" he said as he left the school and got in his car, aware that he was skipping class. "Time to coool off." he said as he punched the excelerator and sped away.

Edited by Frosty V
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Synangel got scared and she soon started show it in her voice. "I-I-I-I I'm sorry....for anything i did" she said shivering. "I don't want to....h-hurt anyone.....p-please I'm so sorry..." She whimpered worriedly. She her self was never a fighter.she hated violence or anything like it. And now Angelica scared her.


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When one of them threw a punch, Tempest blocked it and twisted it at an awkward angle. He then lifted the athlete into the air and slammed him into the table. When the others attacked, he did a combination of break their bones and knock them unconscious. "We'll, this was fun, but there are other things I must attend to." He said, before disappearing. He left behind what looked like a grey feather.


Ivy picked up the feather and felt a sense of dread spread throughout her body. "This is bad." She thought. The angel then began to look for Frost.

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Frost pulled out his phone and called Ivy. When she picked up he smilied. "Hey Ivy, You've got a free last period right? I can come pick you up and go have a bite to eat, hell bring Tempest if you want. I would bring Angelica, but she seems a little up tight and she REALLY needs to settle things with Synangel." he said as he applied the emergency brake and drifted into a u turn, shifted down a gear, and sped back towards the school.

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Synangel got scared and she soon started show it in her voice. "I-I-I-I I'm sorry....for anything i did" she said shivering. "I don't want to....h-hurt anyone.....p-please I'm so sorry..." She whimpered worriedly. She her self was never a fighter.she hated violence or anything like it. And now Angelica scared her.

"Whatever, I can see you trying to get close to Frost, well I know you demons can be mean-but this is just evil! I love Frost, and if you don't get away from him or  i'll..." Angelica paused, she realized that being an angel, you can't seriously hurt an demon like a demon would to a angel.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Ivy sighed and headed out of the school. She touched a finger to the grey feather in her poket, and sighed. "Tempest, what's happening to you?" She thought.


Tempest appeared a few miles into a nearby forest, and began to walk. He had his wings exposed, which were turning black. He didn't want to talk to anyone, angel or otherwise.

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Ivy sighed and headed out of the school. She touched a finger to the grey feather in her poket, and sighed. "Tempest, what's happening to you?" She thought.


Tempest appeared a few miles into a nearby forest, and began to walk. He had his wings exposed, which were turning black. He didn't want to talk to anyone, angel or otherwise.

Frost sped down the street and brought his car to a screeching gaily in front of Ivy. "You look stressed out. Hop in and you can tell me everything over lunch." he said opening the passenger side door to the Ashton Martin. He then looked passed Ivy into the school. "Don't do something you'll regret Angelica." he thought in a worried mood.

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Synangel backed up "I don't mean it like that....I just want a place to live...he offered it...." She said shyly. Something burned and it hurt her insides. She soon gritted her teeth. And she felt afraid and tears now started to fall from her cheeks. "I'm....not mean....I.....I....I..."


(How do I turn you into a demon)


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Ivy sighed as she sat down. She then pulled the grey feather out of her pocket and set it on the dashboard. "Tempest got into a fight today." She said. "He took down a few athletes, and disappeared." The angel then glanced Frost. "He left the feather behind, and he may be on the verge of turning into a demon."

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Frost looked at the feather and sighed. "For some reason I had a feeling in my gut this was gonna happen. He never really seemed like the kind of person to be an angel.....no offince." he said as he started the car and drive away. When he got on to the straight away he looked back at Ivy. "I thought turning into a demon was a kind of "consint" process? Is he fine with this?" he asked

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Ivy sighed and shrugged. "I don't know." She said. "He seemed fine up until lunch, but it might have all been a act. We have to find him, and fast. If he turns, it could mean doomsday for the world."


Tempest smiled darkly as his teeth sharpened into points. His eyes kept their shade of red, but his pupils looked more like a snake's own.

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Frost nodded and laughed slightly. "And I was looking forward to lunch." he said sarcastically as he shifted gears and sped the car up expontialy weaving in and out of traffic. "Alright Ivy, we're would Tempest go?" he asked the angel trying to get as much information as he could.

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Ivy sighed and shrugged. "He might've gone somewhere secluded like a forest." She said. "Aside from that, I don't really know."


Tempest's wings turned fully black, and he ran a younger over his sharpened teeth. "Honestly, it's not that different from being a angel." He said, laughing slightly. The angel turned demon then flew into the air.

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Frost nodded. "Seems like him, welp there is only one sucluded place I know of and that's the abandoned camp sites on top of Mt. Pischa." he said as he drifted across the mid section of traffic and on to a dirt road leading up the mountain. He wasn't sure if his coupe could handle the off road, but he didn't care.

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Tempest heard a car approaching and decided to stay hidden. He could sense the two angels in the car and smiled. "This could be interesting." He thought to himself, as he landed not to far ahead of the car, and stood in the middle of the street."


Ivy sighed and nodded. "So, how are we going to turn him back to normal?" She asked.

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Frost stopped the car in a clearing and got out. He looked Ivy and shrugged. "Like I said, it's a consint thing as well as something that's built up over time. Think of the game Fable, it will take a number of good deeds to get his morality back to an angels, as well as his "consint" to do so." he said putting on his scarf and drawing his pistols, getting ready for anything.

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